Lots of Completed Trip Reports....Nov 2009 - April 2014

I knew what you meant Deej! :goodvibes DH and I laughed when my sister said 'Why would you buy into a Disney Vacation Club when your sons are 15??' We both said, 'when they are older we will only have to pay to take ourselves to Disney so we can go more often'.

I totally get it! I'm happy for you that the love of DL has started to sink in with your sons. A commando attack of all the fun rides helps promote Disney-itis. Not a lot of stopping to take artsy pics. When your boys are older you'll be able to let them just go ahead without you while you feed your inner shutterbug.

It will be fun following along on what is shaping up to be an action packed TR!


I can imagine the comments (or thoughts, if people didn't want to say it out loud!) about buying into DVC when your kids are 2 15 year old boys! I loved the commando attack of fun rides promoting Disney-itis comment! So true for my boys and their cousins this time around. Stopping to take artsy pics is definitely not going to do it.

What fun! A beach day and some DL time with your sister :goodvibes I'm looking forward to the rest of your trip.

Happy Halloween! I just loved your character shot a night above the DL turn styles. pixiedust:

Happy Halloween TK! Thanks for being here. :goodvibes

Deej -

To answer your question - the one and only time I left something behind at a Disney hotel and they had to mail it back to me, they paid for the postage. That was a long, long time ago though, so I'm sure by now they have implemented some fees for returning lost merchandise. In a place like DLR, with so many people from all corners of the world staying onsite, I'm sure there are people who leave things or lose things in their hotel rooms all the time - probably on a daily basis. And at the rate people are staying off-property these days, it's probably happening regularly in those hotels too.

I love your beach/sunset pictures! Sunsets are truly one of nature's best gifts. (Did you ever look at my very short, 4-page Catalina day trip photo report? Ummm...No! Anyway, I took some sunset photos while I was there and they did not come out anywhere near as nice as yours did. The lighting was odd and I couldn't get to a good spot to really get the best photos. Go look - you'll see what I mean! You got the exact right location, the right vantage point and the exact right time of day to catch the sunset!)

Newport is one of the prettiest places in SoCal. If I'm not mistaken, Newport also now offers a "haunted cruise" during Halloween season, with all of the same monsters, killers, maniacs, etc. that you'd find in a really scary haunted house or along a haunted hayride path...except you're trapped with them on a boat in the middle of the ocean. (I think it's Newport. I don't think it's another marina/harbor.) They even chase people into the bathrooms and scare them!

Yes, I'm sure people leave things daily. I was frustrated with myself because I don't normally do things like that. I can imagine postage fees add up quite quickly. It's nice of them to take the time alone to mail things off.

Thanks for the compliments on the beach pictures! I actually went running down the beach, trying to find a place I wanted to be to take pictures. It's always amazing how quickly the sun seems to slip away once it hits the ocean horizon. It just disappears.

Guilty as charged. :blush: I know I saw some of your Catalina pictures in the beginning, but I didn't see them all. I know I didn't see the sunset pictures. I will definitely check them out.

A Haunted Cruise sounds scary. Add in some creepy fog and it would be downright Scooby Doo-ish. I would not want to be trapped on a boat with no escape. I went to a Haunted House type thing at a state mental hospital in college with friends. For some odd reason we didn't realize that the patients were the ones doing the scaring. I would guess the patients that participated would need to get some sort of clearance to do so, but I remember one of them leaving his post, stalking my friend. He kept stroking her hair and saying, "Karrrrren! Karrrrrrren!" It was scary. :scared1: It seems like they would have been told to not actually touch the guests.
So good to see you Michele! :goodvibes I noticed your ticker is gone. :( Does that mean the trip is off?

I wonder if this new layout in the Lego Store is supposed to help with those crowds. It's definitely more open.

Yes, I was panicky about that wallet. Makes me nervous having them send cash through the mail like that, though.

Hi! Happy Halloween!

Yeah, our trip ended up having to be shelved. Our front door split down the side. Even when it was locked it could be pushed open. Because our house has nothing that is standard size we had to have the specially made. My husband is handy when it comes to many things but replacing the door and door frame are a bit above his skills so we had to pay to get it installed. The professional installer took nearly fives hours installing it if that tells you anything. That ate a big piece of our trip fund so we aren't going this year.:sad1:

I hope it does.

I love your sunset photos. Even being just 45 miles from the coast I don't get tired of the sun setting on the ocean. Although I am fund of watching the sunset over the coastal hills.

Disneyland hours were 10am - 8pm today. The plan was to meet everyone up on the platform at the Main Street Station by 10am. My plan was to leave HoJo by 9:15am. Actually, I told my family 9:05 to ensure a 9:15 leave time. We got a bit of a late start. I remember we were standing at the Manchester/Harbor light at 9:25.

I noticed a couple of new signs. New to me, anyway.


Good to know...


When we reached the Esplanade I quickly realized that the crowds were higher than the exact same week 2 years ago. It was to be expected, I guess, but still a bit disheartening. We got in line about where the Monorail track is. As our line continued to move forward, my husband asked if I had his AP. "No, I gave it to you when you were sitting on the bed Saturday night." He looked through his wallet several times before deciding it wasn't there. :headache: I moved on forward with the kids and he made the trek back to HoJo in search of his missing AP. I knew this would put him in not-the-best-of-spirits, understandably. I gave him "permission" to stay back at the hotel and rest for a while before coming back. (He's big on resting...not very big on walking around. Especially not big on extra walking in the form of returning to HoJo and back.)

We reached the turnstiles. My kids all had e-tickets that I had purchased before the last price hike. The CM in our line was having each person sign their ticket. (Unlike the CM my brother's family got. The CM wrote my SIL's name on her ticket as well as all 4 kids' tickets. A much faster process than my CM.) So our line was slower-moving with 6 year olds signing their own tickets.

Our first order of business was to put jackets in a locker, maybe snap a few quick pics, and meet everyone up on the Main Street Station platform.

On the way to the lockers...


As promised...


Whew! I at least got a pic of the Sewing Machine Display. I honestly can't remember if I took any other window display pics. We shall see as the TR progresses.

I noticed the flowers in the planters by the lockers/Main Street Cone Shop were different from the ones 2 years ago. I quickly snapped a few pictures.




We dropped our stuff off at a locker and made our way back to the platform. We were coming up on the left side and I noticed our family waiting for us. What a fun sight to see! It was my mom, older sister, brother, SIL, and 2 nephews and 2 nieces. My husband and other sister weren't there yet. I began to wave and call out excitedly. They immediately saw us and I had my kids run up next to them so I could take a picture. It turned out great, with the station clock showing a time of 9:58. :goodvibes Apparently my brother had just randomly yelled out my name, calling for me wherever I might be in Disneyland, and then they spotted me waving. :) I didn't hear him call my name -- they told me after the fact.

And the tradition continues...we board the train for a round trip ride around Disneyland. Cousins were excited to be in Disneyland together. I was excited to see all the kids be excited. I was also excited to find out my brother's impressions (he had spent the day before in DL) after his 16 year drought. "It's a lot smaller than I remember." He is coming up on 37 years old, so he was 20 the last time he was there. My sister (38) -- as opposed to my sister (50) -- told me that just like I had said after returning, it was nice to see that so much was still the same, and felt the same.

Christmas is on the horizon!


We seemed to have to wait at the Toon Town station for about 10 minutes, which wasn't the funnest thing ever. We were anxious to continue on.

After pointing out the dinosaur and saying, "He sure has been chewing on that for a loooooooooong time!" as per tradition, and pointing out to my mom how much I like the "baked earth" look in the dinosaur scene, we were back at Main Street.

Here's where I get a little fuzzy. I just checked my texts but for some reason it isn't showing any from Oct. 22 and Oct. 23. Weird, because I know there was an awful lot of texting going on trying to plan meeting times and places, etc.

After I got off the train, I know my job was to get Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy Fast Passes for the group and then meet at the Autopia entrance. The plan was to do the Disneyland stuff my brother's family hadn't gotten to the day before.

A few pics on my way...



I LOVE the look of the newly remodeled Carnation Cafe sign! They got this change right. The new sign looks VERY nice.


Off to ride Autopia. Sister (38) has joined us by now, but still no sign of my husband, as expected.

I love riding Autopia with my 6 year old. He makes it so fun!



Love the Mouse Crossing and that little cartoon-like mouse hole.


Oops. Apparently I'm out of pics loaded on photobucket. Guess that's it for now!
It sounds like you had a good sized group. I love the park with younger kids because they are so excited and I think they are more free with their excitement.
deej -

I only have a quick minute to sign in, so I have not had a time to look over that last post you just put up.

I just wanted to share this -


Do you and your siblings have any pre-1985 photos of yourselves with a stuffed Snoopy or any other kind of "Peanuts" toy? The Charles Schulz Museum wants people to send in their photos for an exhibit they are putting on in December. The e-mail address for submitting the photos is included in the description in the link above.
Now you claimed you didn't get many pictures. :goodvibes These are great! I'm glad you got the picture of the sewing display. The flower shot is classic Deej.

The Carnation Cafe does look wonderful. Any LBP soup on this trip?

Did DH ever find his AP and return to the collective?

I've never ridden Autotopia. Perhaps next time.

Thanks for sharing!

Hi! Happy Halloween!

Yeah, our trip ended up having to be shelved. Our front door split down the side. Even when it was locked it could be pushed open. Because our house has nothing that is standard size we had to have the specially made. My husband is handy when it comes to many things but replacing the door and door frame are a bit above his skills so we had to pay to get it installed. The professional installer took nearly fives hours installing it if that tells you anything. That ate a big piece of our trip fund so we aren't going this year.:sad1:

I hope it does.

I love your sunset photos. Even being just 45 miles from the coast I don't get tired of the sun setting on the ocean. Although I am fund of watching the sunset over the coastal hills.

Wow, 5 hours for the professional! Getting anything specially made sounds really expensive. I'm sorry the trip had to be cancelled.

Thank you for the compliments on the sunset photos. Coastal hills sunsets sound very nice as well. I just love how something as routine as the sun setting can look so different each time. I never tire of watching it either.

deej -

I only have a quick minute to sign in, so I have not had a time to look over that last post you just put up.

I just wanted to share this -


Do you and your siblings have any pre-1985 photos of yourselves with a stuffed Snoopy or any other kind of "Peanuts" toy? The Charles Schulz Museum wants people to send in their photos for an exhibit they are putting on in December. The e-mail address for submitting the photos is included in the description in the link above.

Hmmm...I can't think of any. My 6 year old had a cute Charlie Brown shirt a couple of years ago that said "The Boy Next Door" on it. It was very retro-looking, but it was a post-2005 photo. :) Thanks for the heads up. That exhibit sounds really neat.

Now you claimed you didn't get many pictures. :goodvibes These are great! I'm glad you got the picture of the sewing display. The flower shot is classic Deej.

The Carnation Cafe does look wonderful. Any LBP soup on this trip?

Did DH ever find his AP and return to the collective?

I've never ridden Autotopia. Perhaps next time.

Thanks for sharing!


Thanks TK. I'm actually surprised as I load the pictures. I definitely have more than I thought I had. I'm very happy about that.

My LBP soup at C.C. will be debuting on Thursday of the trip. ;)

I am almost to the part about the missing AP results...

I imagine Autopia wouldn't be too thrilling for you right now. It sure is a hoot to ride it with a child who is doing the driving. We just laugh the whole time.

OK everyone...look for another update later this morning. popcorn::
After taking a leisurely drive on Autopia, we got in line for Nemo. The wait was posted as 30 minutes at 11:30am. I figured it would be a good thing to do while we were still missing my husband. I had received a text saying he was on his way. I texted him to let him know Star Tours would be next and asked for an update on the missing AP. It turns out the AP was in the pocket of the shirt he was wearing when I handed him the AP a couple of days earlier. Whew. At least he found it.


He texted "Here." while we were in line for Nemo. I told him he could grab a table at Tomorrowland Terrace and wait for us, but he had other plans. He texted back, "Vanna White and Kicked are filming a commercial at the Castle." So he stood around and watched that for a while. I showed the text to several family members. The first thing out of everyone's mouth was, "Who's Kicked?" None of us knew, but several of us thought it might be a rap group or something. :rotfl:



The wait for the subs went by pretty quickly. One of my favorite parts of the ride. The bubbles. (You know how I love things that remain unchanged from my childhood.)


People seemed to enjoy the ride in general.

So...off to Star Tours to meet my husband. Everyone did this one except me, Sis38, and my mom -- who is 73. The plan was for me to go grab HMH FPs while the others rode Star Tours. Sis38 was going to sit with Mom while I grabbed the FPs, then I would come back and sit with her while my sister did Captain EO. (A must for her each trip.) The Star Tours wait was 25 min.

So I headed out all by my lonesome. I noticed the Castle still had "stuff" around it so I went over to see if Vanna and Kicked were still filming. (By the way, when I greeted my husband at Star Tours I asked, "So who's Kicked?" Any guesses? ;) It was really "Mickey" but his phone put in "Kicked." :rotfl:)

The filming appeared to be done, as Vanna and Mickey were nowhere to be found.


Notice the snow isn't on the Castle our first day...



Another sign found along the way to get FPs...


I grabbed our HMH FPs and headed back. A few pics from the FP distribution exit:


I really like this one.


A couple of lights! It's been a while...



And a couple of the Mark Twain, which I was looking forward to taking my 2 younger boys on. They've never ridden. It was being used for Tiana's Showboat Jubilee (or whatever) when we took the kids on their first trip 3 years earlier, so they couldn't ride it then. My oldest had a chance to ride it since he and I were in the show. :goodvibes





What is up with these flower beds?!? Whatever it was...I wasn't a fan.



Maybe you just have to let rose bushes sit like that after a period of blooming? I have no idea. I do not have anything close to a green thumb. It just looked awful to me. I'd be curious to know what the deal was.
Snapping more pictures along the way back to Star Tours...


You know, at first I thought the crowds seemed like they were going to be horrendous. But then I'd come across photo-worthy moments like this that would remind me otherwise.

12:30pm. Lunchtime. No takers.



Is this sign new? I don't remember seeing it before. There was also a "Rootbeer Floats" sign, I think.



I'm continuing to have flower issues...


I really didn't care for these hanging baskets by the hub. They seemed more suitable for Haunted Mansion or something, being dark and all. If they decided to put hanging baskets at the Haunted Mansion, that is. These could use a few cobwebs if they decided to do that. But I want color! I want Fall colors!!


I finally made it back to Tomorrowland.


Apparently I was gone to get the HMH FPs longer than I thought. My sister was starting to get worried. I misunderstood the waiting/meeting at the bench thing as well. I thought she was going to sit with mom for a few minutes, move on to Captain EO, then meet everyone after EO/Star Tours. I would go get FPs -- with plans to take a few pics during that solo time -- then go back to Mom's bench. I didn't realize she was waiting for me to come back to the bench before she left for Captain EO.

After we all got back together, most of us rode Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy while my Sis38 watched Captain EO. Unfortunately she can't do Space Mountain anymore due to motion sickness. :( This was DS9's first ride on Space. He wasn't up to trying it when he was 6. I wasn't sure he'd want to do it this time, but with all the cousins and brothers going, he decided to ride. As long as he could sit with me, which is what I wanted. :) I wanted to be with him for his first ever Space Mountain ride. I was about his age when I stood in line for the first time, and then got out of line because someone said it had a loop and I hadn't ventured into upside down territory at that point. (My first loop was on The Revolution at Magic Mountain at a later date. I wonder if that's still there...) Well, DS9 kept his eyes closed the whole time. He totally looks like he's sleeping in the picture, with his head leaning to the side on me. :) I was sure he'd go again later and be able to work himself up to keeping his eyes open. We'll see...
Those are horrible hanging basket arrangements at the Hub! Ick! I mean, let me put it this way - if they were set up in the proper context (which is clearly near Haunted Mansion, as you said), then they wouldn't be horrible. They would be perfect. In no way, shape or form do they belong at the Hub with all of the orange character pumpkins surrounding it - and there are usually much more colorful hanging flower baskets at the Hub for Halloween Time.

But...you know how, every once in a while, we spot a random flower bed that doesn't seem to 'fit' with the season? I think this may be a case of the same situation happening again. I have seen a couple of out of place flowers during the holidays. But Disney is so meticulous with their themes and making sure the flowers fit the lands and themes. So whenever I see something that doesn't seem right, it makes me wonder if something went wrong with the original idea. Like, perhaps, maybe they were trying to get some actual Autumn-hued baskets at the Hub and something went awry...so they settled for the ones you saw. Very odd.

I was wondering who "Kicked" was. I thought, "I must be ooollllldd. I haven't heard of this Kicked." Good to know it was actually Mickey (who, shockingly, I have heard of!;) ) The auto-text/auto-correct in text messages can be hilarious - Ellen DeGeneres occasionally does whole segments on her show that feature hilarious auto-texts.

The flower photos from the previous post are lovely. I also love (and have never seen) the mouse hole on Autopia! The last time I rode Autopia it was dark and the cars were stalling. I remember the Mouse Crossing sign but not the little hole/tunnel. Too cute! Gotta love those details!

It's good to see our old friend, the sewing machine display, has not changed (really, at all) from last year's version of it. It's nice to have a consistent, reliable sewing machine display that we can turn to for familiarity and comfort!
Thanks Sherry. :) I'm glad it's not just me who isn't feeling the hanging flower baskets at the Hub. Very odd indeed.

The Ellen DeGeneres segment sounds funny. I love stuff like that. Occasionally my husband will email me "translation transcriptions" of his Google voice stuff that gets it soooo wrong. It's really funny.

I can't remember if I've noticed the mouse hole before or not. I know I've taken pics of the Mouse Crossing sign, but for some reason the hole didn't really ring a bell.

Yes, it's nice that we have the sewing machine display to turn to for familiarity and comfort! :rotfl: I wonder what it looks like in it's normal state. I should know from my Jan. 2011 trip. I wonder if I took a picture...
HERE WE GO...3RD UPDATE TODAY! :woohoo: I'm finding out that I have a LOT more pictures to share than I had originally thought. :cool1:

OK, where were we... Lunch time. My sister and I wanted to make sure we got back to Village Haus for the Flatbread Pizza, and now was as good a time as any. I texted her and told her to meet us over there when she got out of Captain EO. I went ahead of the group to get Splash Mountain FPs for the group, then met everyone back at Village Haus. My sister and husband had to hold off on ordering food since I had their APs.

We ate inside. It wasn't overly busy or difficult to find a table.

Our current Fast Pass stash. We had already used our Space Mountain FPs -- less than 5 minute wait with the FPs.


Village Haus scenery.


My sister's cupcake. It looked SO good. I always meant to go over and get one later but of course I never did. Maybe it's a good thing. I haven't had a DL cupcake that I wasn't disappointed in. They always look better than they taste!


And my pizza arrives... It is really good, but just like last time, I found it to be too bacon-y. I can't think of any other time when I thought something was too bacon-y. Usually things aren't bacon-y enough!


When we were done eating, we headed over to the Mad Hatter so my nieces and nephews could get hats. We hadn't planned on buying hats for our kids, but they expressed interest. I was hoping they'd choose hats that they would feel comfortable wearing beyond Disneyland -- they did. My husband didn't, however.

First...here's a light in Mad Hatter that I've never paid attention to before.


My 6 year old settled on this hat, after also considering some pirate Mickey ears. He looked so cute in it and I know he'll get lots of use out of it this winter.


The 4 nieces and nephews, our 3 boys, and my husband all got hats. We had them line up by the railing outside the store for a "hat picture." Pics of a few of the hats coming soon...

Time to ride something that wouldn't be too rough on a full stomach. Haunted Mansion Holiday it is!


My oldest and youngest sons have seen the regular HM, but DS9 still hasn't. His other visit was in November. Someday I hope he'll get to see the real deal. :) But this will do for now.


Our waits have been great so far. We really tried to stay on top of the FP collections.

My black sleigh stopped in front of the ballroom scene. I was hoping I'd be able to get a decent picture since we came to a complete halt, but no such luck. Better than my usual picture-taken-while-moving, but not as good as I had hoped.


I always look for the Hidden Mickey found in the placement of the plates on the table. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it isn't. Today it was!


When we came out of the mansion, my Sis50 wanted to get a picture of me and my Sis38 in our Mickey shirts for that day. My Sis38 picked up her cute spiderweb t-shirt last year when she took her first (and so far only) solo trip last Fall. I got mine for Christmas last year from my husband who picked it up on our trip Thanksgiving week 2011.


It was time to use our Splash Mountain FPs that I picked up before lunch. Once again, a very short wait compared to Standby.

It was fun to fill 2 logs with our family. My 8 year old niece wanted to ride with me in the very back of one log, but the CM wouldn't let us for some reason. We tried and she kind of barked at us and actually told each of us which number to stand by. I figured since we were filling an entire log ourselves we could just sit where we wanted. She put my 6 year old son and my 7 year old niece in the very back. We tried to talk to her but she wouldn't have it. She just repeated herself in a louder and more stern and impatient voice than the first time.

Splash Mountain Scenery!



Looks like I managed to get some pics of pumpkins after all! :goodvibes




Someone's about to get soaked!


At the Splash exit near Pooh Corner we took some "who got the most soaked" pictures. My husband and I (he sat in front and I was right behind him), my SIL, my 8 year old niece and my 9 year old son were the subjects of the photo this time.
I think it was somewhere around 4:30pm by this time. A ride on POTC was in order! I had already been in the park for 6 1/2 hours and hadn't ridden yet. It was down during my trip with my husband in Nov. 2011, so I was feeling overdue to ride my fave.


I took a few pictures while in line. Here's a better one of my 6 year old's Jack hat.


My husband's Grumpy hat. There was a long white beard attached. The bill is extra large and the hat seemed extra tall in the back. The beard is removable but he almost always wore the beard. He said it was good protection from the heat, but I think he just enjoyed wearing it. :) He liked acting Grumpy-ish when people would stare at him or comment.


My 8-year-old niece's Minnie ears.


The first time I saw pictures of this style of ears..I thought they were fancy bras! :rotfl:

Everyone enjoyed Pirates. The kids all enjoyed looking for Jack Sparrow.

Next up...my SIL really wanted to try a Dole Whip Float. Everyone headed over to the Dole line inside the Tiki Room courtyard. Everyone except me, my husband, and DS6. We went to Candy Palace to get my little guy a treat. Oops...I forgot to take a picture of the remodeled candy counter inside. I'm not sure which one I liked best.

On to the treats...

This is what DS6 picked out. I remember these ghost marshmallow sticks from 2 years ago, but the addition of Mickey ears is new since then. So much cuter! The ear broke off so I had him hold it up.



I got a piece of Chocolate Peanut Butter fudge, which was pretty good.


The plan was to wait on a bench near the tunnel to the right of the Main Street Train Station. We were going to hop over to DCA for the last 3 hours of the night.

I grabbed the stuff from our locker and then took a few pictures while waiting for the rest of our group to meet up with us.

One of my favorite things...when the lights come on at dusk.



After everyone arrived at the bench, we headed out of DL. The plan was to get our family picture taken by the Mickey Floral on our way to DCA. There was either no wait, or a wait for just one family to be done. Can't remember. We gave the PP Photographer just one camera. He took a couple of different shots. Unfortunately he didn't have us shift to the right a couple of feet. Several people in the group had washed out faces from the setting sun. The lighting on everyone else was great.

I wonder how they decide to do Masked Mickey or Normal Mickey. When I went 2 years ago it was Normal Mickey. I know last year was Masked Mickey. This year was Normal Mickey once again.



Off to DCA we go. This was my brother's/his family's first time to go to DCA. After we got through the turnstiles, most of the group used the restroom while I went ahead and picked up FPs for Soarin'. The plan was to then meet up at The Little Mermaid. This would be my first time to ride.

I took a few pictures in the area while I waited for the group to meet up with me.


I loved this Mickey-esque grouping of flowers!






Everyone made it over to The Little Mermaid and we walked right on. Sis38 told me that they'd already changed something from the original ride. I was on the lookout for the change. Even though I'd never ridden it, I had seen lots of pictures. I recognized Ariel's fly away underwater hair immediately as the change. Anyone know why they changed it? I really liked the ride. I thought it was really cute. I didn't really have any expectations one way or another, and I really enjoyed it.

From here we kind of made our way around. First we hit Golden Zephyr. That's not one that I do, so I stayed off with Sis38 and DS9. I could tell he kind of wanted to do it, but in the end just couldn't.

While they were riding Golden Zephyr I walked around with DS9 to see if he might like to ride Jumpin' Jellyfish with the group because that ride was up next. I thought it would help for him to see a round or two of it first. He said he didn't want to ride. I was surprised. He had ridden something very similar at Legoland 3 years ago. His head was down and his eyes were closed the whole time, but he did ride it. I thought that knowing he could do it when he was 6 might give him the courage to do something similar at 9. It was a no-go. He said the one at Legoland wasn't nearly as tall. I don't really remember.

So then we walked by Goofy's Sky School. I was surprised he wanted to try it. I told my sister to send the group over to Jumpin' Jellyfish without us when they got off Golden Zephyr. So DS9 and I rode Goofy's with a 5-10 minute wait. He closed his eyes the whole time, but he decided to ride again. We could see the others waiting in line for JJ, so we hopped back in line for GSS. They were waiting for us when we got off. This time DS9 kept his eyes open and really enjoyed it. He was somewhat proud that he was the first of our entire group (except Sis38) to ride GSS. (My first time was also his first time.) I liked the hills best. It really felt like we were going to tip right over the edge when we'd make the turns up top!

Silly Symphony Swings were next. I already knew he wouldn't ride that, so everyone else rode. I think I might have tried to get Screamin' FPs -- but it was closed for WOC. I think.

DS9 and I sat on a bench and watched Mickey's Fun Wheel.


When everyone was back together, half the group went to TSMM and half the group went to Screamin'.

Some members of our group were very anxious to try Screamin' for the first time. One of them was DS6. He REALLY wanted to ride during our April 2011 trip (just me, him, Sis38) but he wasn't tall enough. We measured him regularly and he was very excited when he hit that magic number of 48 inches! I figured my husband would ride with him, and I would stay with DS9 to ride TSMM -- Screamin' was definitely not in the cards for DS9 at this time, that's for sure!


I can't remember the wait time for TSMM. I want to say 30 minutes. Whatever it was, our Screamin' group got off the coaster before we got on TSMM. They saw us and came up and talked to us right before we boarded TSMM. I think we talked about meeting up at Soarin' to finish out the night. I suggested that they ride King Triton's Carousel while we were on TSMM.

So then this weird thing happened. Apparently a CM had seen them talking to us and thought they were trying to get in line with us, and then offered for them to get in line with us. We were just about to board TSMM and didn't see this interaction. I'm pretty sure my husband declined the offer, as they were just talking to us, not trying to get in line with us. But I guess DS6 and my 8 year old niece heard the CM's offer and then took off, trying to get in line with us. We didn't see any of this happen. I'm unclear on the details, but somehow the other 7 people ended up on TSMM shortly after we did! I'll have to ask my husband about it again, because I'm still not sure how it all went down. I told him he can't do that, and that we could probably read about that little incident on the DIS the next day! Anyway, I'll have to get more details. So we didn't know they were on TSMM. I was expecting them to ride the Carousel and then be waiting at the exit so we could all go over to Soarin' to close out the night. They were nowhere in sight and it was about 6 minutes to closing so we just took off toward Soarin'.


I texted my husband and told him where we were and to meet us afterward. I didn't get a reply and then I lost cell service inside Soarin' so I was sure they weren't going to make it. We made the last flight on our side. I love that ride. Still my favorite at DCA. After we got off my mom said it was her favorite ride in ALL of DLR. What?!? Traitor. ;)

Then a text comes in from my husband saying they just got off Toy Story. That just didn't make sense, since we had barely gotten off of it ourselves and I knew they didn't have time to stand in the line and be done already. Then another text came in saying they were in line for Soarin'. Then the third one came in saying they were out of Soarin'. It was just all confusing to me. I told them to meet us at a bench on Buena Vista Street.

We met up and kind of got the scoop on what had happened. But apparently I'm still confused.

About Screamin' ... all the newbies loved it! My 6 year old sat next to his 8 year old cousin. I was shocked. I figured he'd need dad to be by him for his first ride. Nope! The picture was so funny. As if he'd been riding forever and it was old hat to him, in a fun way. You could tell he really enjoyed it.

I think this is my ONLY picture taken on Buena Vista Street this trip! My 12 year old son is giving his 12 year old cousin a piggy back ride. You can barely see some street lights in there. :rolleyes:



DCA closing time. We made our way out of the park and discussed the next day's plans. It was our MHP day. We decided before the trip that we'd spend that morning at Newport Beach. We made plans to meet at Mimi's parking lot at 9am and head off to the beach together. We would stay for a few hours, return to our hotels and shower and nap before the party. We'll see how that all panned out next time!
Here we go with Update #5 for today...

Tuesday Oct. 23rd came early. We didn't really need to do anything to get ready. The kids just rolled out of bed, put their swimsuits on, ate some cereal, and we were on our way.

I just remembered...I forgot to take a picture of our frozen milk! Our milk froze in this same fridge 3 years ago, so we wondered if it would happen again. It did. We finally figured out the perfect setting to keep it from freezing. I wish they had little lines on the dial or something.

My husband somehow located the exact same Newport Beach spot that I had been wanting to get back to. We met the others in Mimi's parking lot, he gave them the address of the beach, and we were off. (All of us except for Sis50 who decided to sit this excursion out.)

We drove right there with no problems and made good time. (Near W. Balboa St. and 15th St.) My bro got a little lost and they got there about 20 minutes after us. I took the kids down to the beach while my husband rented a couple of chairs, an umbrella, and a boogey board from the surf shop right there. The Stuft Surfer Cafe was right next door so he picked up some breakfast for himself while he was at it.

My brother's family, mom, and Sis38 arrived and the fun began. The kids had a great time. My bro's kids have never seen the ocean. They especially enjoyed finding seashells (this area is GREAT for finding unbroken shells), "bodysurfing" and building Matterhorn and Splash Mountain in the sand. :)







At one point I went up to put some more quarters in the meter. I was 4 minutes late. I got up there and the meter guy was there observing the meter and checking out the car. I held my quarters up and said I was there. He nodded and let me go. Whew!

Once again, I loved having the beach mostly to ourselves. The bathrooms are great for public beach bathrooms, but I especially like the outdoor showers and faucets to get the kids cleaned up.

Everyone but us headed out around noon, I think. My husband decided he wanted to eat lunch at the Stuft Surfer.


I ordered Chicken Nachos, thinking they couldn't go wrong with that. I was wrong. I was expecting nacho cheese sauce on chips with some chicken and maybe tomatoes and sour cream. It was chips with dried and shriveled up chicken, with canned chili with beef poured over the top, and a few tomatoes. And a tiny bit of shredded cheese. I thought the chicken with canned chili with hamburger in it was such an odd combination. It wasn't good. My husband had a good philly cheese steak sandwich and my kids had a club sandwich, hot dog, and chicken fries. Everyone else seemed to enjoy their meal. There are picnic tables right on the beach, right next to the cafe. It really is a great location.


The birds were going crazy, flying in these perfectly synchronized formations first one direction and then the other and back. It was kind of creepy. It made me wonder if they were sensing an earthquake or something. :eek:

(I thought the black and white gave the picture a more ominous feel!)


No earthquakes, but a man came to feed the birds. One bird landed on the man's hat. He seemed to act like that was nothing out of the ordinary.




We finally left the beach and headed back to HoJo. There would be time to shower, and rest a little, but probably not fit in a full-fledged nap.

Up next...Mickey's Halloween Party!
Hi Deej,
I'll have to start my comments backwards - YEAH that there are still wonderful people with integrity. The wallet arrived WITH all the money. :thumbsup2

You sure had an action packed day! Glad you took a spin on TSMM. How is there possibly another place we've never seen/eaten at?? The Village Haus place. Where is it? The pizza looked good but I have to admit that my stomach started to rumble when I got a look at that decadent piece of fudge! I :rotfl2: when I saw the pic where your DS held the chocolate Kicked ear (I mean Mickey!) onto his ghost treat for the pic! Too funny. Loved the B&W sans ear.

Very impressive FP stash! So proud of you and yours! ;)

I can go to bed happy after sharing your day, seeing Mickey-esque flowers, and being treated to a few light fixture pics. Ah, life is good!
Wow you are the update queen today!!

Those hanging flower pots would look great all around the HM all year, but they are not suitable on Main Street! Ever!

I have the same set of ears as your DD. I love all of the new ears.

I wish I had taken notes darn it. Your DS9 reminds me of my oldest daughter, we have sat and watched many rides together.
We rested up a bit and then headed out for the party. My mom, sisters and I just wore the same hats we bought for the party 2 years ago. Mine is a Goofy pirate hat. My husband wore his Grumpy hat, and all the kids wore their new hats. No other dressing up involved. At one point I thought it would be fun to go as Lindana from Phineas and Ferb...you know me and my 80s music...but it didn't go any further than a thought. :)

We were going to meet the rest of our group up on the Main Street Train Station platform between 5 and 5:30. We just weren't sure how long it would take to stand in line and get in with a sold out party. We ended up running into our group on the walkway between Harbor and the security tables. We didn't need to stand in line for more than a few minutes, if that. They immediately put wristbands on us. We brought in our own treat bags. I also brought in glow in the dark necklaces from the Dollar Store to help us keep track of each other if needed. Plus the necklaces were just festive.

We stood off to the side before heading through the tunnel to figure out some kind of plan. I just wanted to know what everyone's priorities were.

Sis50 in her Candy Corn ear headband.


SIL wearing one of her girls' Minnie headbands. (Does anyone else think it looks like a fancy bra? :rotfl:)


Characters and the cavalcade weren't priorities for anyone, really. I just thought this was funny since these 2 reasons along with the fireworks would be main reasons for some to pay extra for the party. I wouldn't sit around and wait for the cavalcade, but if anyone had been interested I would have done what we did last time. Just walk up to Small World right before it entered that area.

It was about 5:30. We decided to go ride the Matterhorn. Our wristbands were checked on our way over, even though it wasn't 6:00 yet. The wait was surprisingly not long. This was DS9's first time to ride and he was a little nervous. We ended up on the Fantasyland side. It honestly pains me to say this...but it just wasn't that fun. The new bobsleds are a big fail to me. I can't understand spending so much money to replace something and have it fail in such a miserable way. The people making the decisions are smart people. How could they get these sleds so wrong? My 5' 7" Sis38 who is very slender had a hard time fitting in the sleds. And my 6' 3" husband? I'm not sure he'll ever ride again. Surely they tested them out? The ride itself was slower than ever and jerkier than ever. It made me so sad as this ride has always been a favorite of mine. It was very disappointing. OK. Enough complaining. The good news is that DS9 liked it because it was slower. :)

The clock officially struck 6:00pm when we got off the Matterhorn. We then headed over to ride Thunder Mountain. A favorite of all the kids. It is also my favorite of all the "mountain" rides. I was glad that they were continuing to check for wristbands.

Scene on the way...


We decided to save trick-or-treating for the last hour or so. Notice the wristbands on DS6 and my 7 year old niece.


I don't remember the wristbands being this cute 2 years ago. :) They were shiny and had #8 on them.


6:20pm. It's starting to get dark now.


A ride on Haunted Mansion was a priority of mine, so we did that next.


Most of the group then wanted to ride Splash Mountain. :scared1: I was not numbered in that group. I had no desire to walk around wet all night long. My sisters, SIL, mom, 12 year old nephew and I rode Pooh while the others went on Splash Mountain.

I took a couple treat pictures when we were done. I couldn't believe the price of this apple. Yes, I know prices are high at Disneyland, but I think they really outdid themselves this time!


Cute cupcakes:


My nephew found some slugs while we waited for the others.


The line for Splash must have been a little longer than I had imagined. It seemed like we were waiting for a while. Everyone came off excited and wanted to go again. Off they went. They either rode 2 times the first time around, and went back for a 3rd time after checking in with us...or they rode once and checked in with us, then rode 2 more times. So a total of 3 rides on Splash Mountain for them. Nobody seemed to mind the dampness.


They all wanted to do Star Tours next. Sis38 and I don't do that ride, and we didn't really feel like sitting around just waiting this time, so we rode Buzz and then trick-or-treated on the Innoventions treat trail. I remember one of the kids seemed a bit miffed that we trick-or-treated without them, but sitting around waiting wasn't going to fly this time.


The line was a little daunting but we seemed to get through quickly.


We thought it was odd that this CM was dancing around with Perry when there was a long line of people waiting to get a picture. Now that I look at her, she looks really young. Maybe she was dressed as a CM for her costume?


One more picture before meeting the others after their ride on Star Tours. I was hoping to ride during the party but there was no way I was going to wait for over an hour!

Another bonanza o' photos and updates!

I love the dramatic black and white picture from Newport.

That light fixture in the Mad Hatter is great (and I've never seen it before, in any photos or anything)! See, that kind of light fixture is exactly why I wanted to start the "Let There Be Light" thread - as we know, there are all kinds of lights around DLR that have very specific, very appropriate themes to them or some sort of unusual design, and I'd bet that most of them go overlooked or unnoticed. That Mad Hatter light fixture would be a good example, as would the planet-themed lights in the Buzz Lightyear ride, the "bug butt" lights (as PHXscuba calls them) in A Bug's Land, etc. Those are all very theme-appropriate and theme-specific!

As to why the Halloween floral Masked Mickey (or Bandit Mickey!) comes and goes, I don't know. I literally squealed with glee when I saw it in DL right in front of me last year (hence, my "Return of the Masked Mouse...." TR title from last year). I couldn't believe it was back - I hadn't seen it since 2007 and I didn't think it would ever come back. So DL brought Masked Mickey back for one season...and then cruelly ripped him from our clutches yet again this year.

When I first found out that Masked Bandit Mickey was not there this year at the beginning of the Halloween season, I knew that it meant the Halloween decor was being scaled back again. The reason why Masked Mickey was not there could only come down to a few choices:

1) Budget - maybe DLR just decided to put the lion's share of the holiday decorating funds into this year's Christmas season and that meant an even more stripped-down Halloween;

2) Error - maybe, for some reason or another, they attempted to put Masked Mickey there but it didn't come out right, or some mistake was made and there was no time to correct it; or....

3) Who knows?? Maybe they didn't put him there because of the weather - maybe, because it had been so hot for quite a while in September this year, the DLR landscapers, gardeners and horticultural experts decided that the little mini-pumpkins and flowers they use in that display would rot in the heat if they left Masked Mickey there for 1-1/2 months.

Yes, those apples are mighty expensive. I find all of the goodies at DLR to be overly expensive (I mean, let's face it - those sundaes I bought at Ghirardelli in June were expensive even with an AP discount), and often times their taste does not quite live up to the price from what people say. I don't think I have ever heard anyone rave about a DLR cupcake. The cupcakes look really cute but most folks are not satisfied with the taste.

I think that the gingerbread cookies with mouse ears are expensive-ish ($4.00 or more, at last count), and depending on where you buy them they could either be very worth the price or not worth the price.

Did you find the Halloween Party to be very crowded? All of the party nights sold out except for the next-to-last one. So even if the lines for rides were good, there should have been mobs of people everywhere else.

Don't tell me that you didn't even go into Pixie Hollow to hit the treat trail! That's one of the places to go at night because it's beautiful and the Pixies are not there! Plus, there is an entrance and exit to the treat trail right by the Matterhorn!
Hi Deej,
I'll have to start my comments backwards - YEAH that there are still wonderful people with integrity. The wallet arrived WITH all the money. :thumbsup2

You sure had an action packed day! Glad you took a spin on TSMM. How is there possibly another place we've never seen/eaten at?? The Village Haus place. Where is it? The pizza looked good but I have to admit that my stomach started to rumble when I got a look at that decadent piece of fudge! I :rotfl2: when I saw the pic where your DS held the chocolate Kicked ear (I mean Mickey!) onto his ghost treat for the pic! Too funny. Loved the B&W sans ear.

Very impressive FP stash! So proud of you and yours! ;)

I can go to bed happy after sharing your day, seeing Mickey-esque flowers, and being treated to a few light fixture pics. Ah, life is good!

Yes, it was great that the money was all there. :goodvibes

Village Haus is in Fantasyland. I'm surprised you didn't see it with your boys' continual insistence to ride Dumbo, Casey Jr. Train, and the Storybook Land Canal Boats. ;)

Wow you are the update queen today!!

Those hanging flower pots would look great all around the HM all year, but they are not suitable on Main Street! Ever!

I have the same set of ears as your DD. I love all of the new ears.

I wish I had taken notes darn it. Your DS9 reminds me of my oldest daughter, we have sat and watched many rides together.

I know. I was really shocked when I saw those hanging flower baskets. I was thinking, "I know it's Halloween and all, but really??" They just didn't fit in to me.

I think my days of sitting with DS9 watching some of the rides will be fewer and far between next time. He really branched out!

Another bonanza o' photos and updates!

I love the dramatic black and white picture from Newport.

That light fixture in the Mad Hatter is great (and I've never seen it before, in any photos or anything)! See, that kind of light fixture is exactly why I wanted to start the "Let There Be Light" thread - as we know, there are all kinds of lights around DLR that have very specific, very appropriate themes to them or some sort of unusual design, and I'd bet that most of them go overlooked or unnoticed. That Mad Hatter light fixture would be a good example, as would the planet-themed lights in the Buzz Lightyear ride, the "bug butt" lights (as PHXscuba calls them) in A Bug's Land, etc. Those are all very theme-appropriate and theme-specific!

As to why the Halloween floral Masked Mickey (or Bandit Mickey!) comes and goes, I don't know. I literally squealed with glee when I saw it in DL right in front of me last year (hence, my "Return of the Masked Mouse...." TR title from last year). I couldn't believe it was back - I hadn't seen it since 2007 and I didn't think it would ever come back. So DL brought Masked Mickey back for one season...and then cruelly ripped him from our clutches yet again this year.

When I first found out that Masked Bandit Mickey was not there this year at the beginning of the Halloween season, I knew that it meant the Halloween decor was being scaled back again. The reason why Masked Mickey was not there could only come down to a few choices:

1) Budget - maybe DLR just decided to put the lion's share of the holiday decorating funds into this year's Christmas season and that meant an even more stripped-down Halloween;

2) Error - maybe, for some reason or another, they attempted to put Masked Mickey there but it didn't come out right, or some mistake was made and there was no time to correct it; or....

3) Who knows?? Maybe they didn't put him there because of the weather - maybe, because it had been so hot for quite a while in September this year, the DLR landscapers, gardeners and horticultural experts decided that the little mini-pumpkins and flowers they use in that display would rot in the heat if they left Masked Mickey there for 1-1/2 months.

Yes, those apples are mighty expensive. I find all of the goodies at DLR to be overly expensive (I mean, let's face it - those sundaes I bought at Ghirardelli in June were expensive even with an AP discount), and often times their taste does not quite live up to the price from what people say. I don't think I have ever heard anyone rave about a DLR cupcake. The cupcakes look really cute but most folks are not satisfied with the taste.

I think that the gingerbread cookies with mouse ears are expensive-ish ($4.00 or more, at last count), and depending on where you buy them they could either be very worth the price or not worth the price.

Did you find the Halloween Party to be very crowded? All of the party nights sold out except for the next-to-last one. So even if the lines for rides were good, there should have been mobs of people everywhere else.

Don't tell me that you didn't even go into Pixie Hollow to hit the treat trail! That's one of the places to go at night because it's beautiful and the Pixies are not there! Plus, there is an entrance and exit to the treat trail right by the Matterhorn!

I figured the Missing Masked Mickey was due to just not taking the time to do it. To me, it should be something done every year. It adds so much to the Halloween feel when you enter the park, and doesn't seem like it would take all that much work compared to some of the other things they do. But who knows. That's easy for me to say when I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes, etc.

YES. I found the Halloween Party to be very crowded. I decided you can't go into it thinking there will be lower crowds just because it's an extra ticket event. You just need to think of it as a regular day that anyone and everyone will be attending. I have to say I enjoyed the party 2 years ago more. More on that later. I had seen on the Disneyland website that the party on the 29th was sold out as well.

I didn't even see the Pixie Hollow Treat Trail! So nope...I didn't make it back there. My favorite treat trail by far was the one that went through the Golden Horseshoe. Definitely more Halloweeny than others.


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