Loved your V&A news segment!


DIS Veteran
Sep 9, 2002
I know it is old news now, but I just wanted to tell you guys that your views on the "Disney Hates Kids" was funny and right on. Now, most of you on the roundtable don't strike me as the Fox News type, so you may not have seen it:happytv: , but the email "question of the day" on Fox and Friends Monday morning was all about V&A not allowing kids. Nearly all of the responses were in favor of it.....just thought it was interesting it made the email question of the day on a national cable news show, considering all the primary news that is going on:upsidedow

Okay, I am listening to the Rix Lounge review as I type, and the "Mo-gee-toes" just made me laugh outloud!!!:rotfl2: Okay, all of his pronunciations are making me laugh (as well as the Rix bottle prices:rolleyes: !)
I just finished listening to the podcast also and I was laughing so hard. I think my coworkers are about to kick me out.
I just finished listening to the podcast also and I was laughing so hard. I think my coworkers are about to kick me out.

I am home with a sick DS today, but I can't listen at work....I laugh too hard, too and really can't seem to multi-task well when I listen to the Roundtable. I can listen to other disney podcasts as background noise at work, but the Dis kinda makes me not work well!
As one of the "child haters" from that thread, I LOVED that segment!!!
I totally agree that there are just some places where young children should be actively discouraged. V&A & Palo are good starts! Since when are young children entitled to such things?? I remember when I was young, it was like a right of passage to be able to go to a fine dining restaurant and you had to wait til you were able to handle it. It's not all about the kids all the time. Whatever happened to the "benefits" of being an adult?

On the flipside, I cannot think of one child under the age of 10 who would even be remotely interested in sitting through a multi-course meal with menus that certainly won't cater or appeal to them.

Disney didn't "ban" all children, just the younger ones who don't want to be there anyway.

The kool aid drinkers can scream all they want, Disney made a fine decision here!
I thought it was great too.

I wonder how many of the people up in arms over the change have actually been to V&A, or even would ever actually go there anyway with or without kids.

Disney is a little too leniant about the adults only things they do have. I was in the Adventurer's Club at about 10:30pm and a grandma brought in her little granddaughter. :eek: There were really racy jokes going on at the time and I tried to think back on the times my Grandma took me to an adult club....NOPE! It just seems like WDW doesn't want to tick anyone off so they let people who are too cheap to get sitters:duck: or too self-centered to stay at the resort when they don't have someone else to watch the kids drag them along at night to places IMO they shouldn't be. It's about time they started setting down some guidelines on adult things.
As originally suggested during the discussion of the V&As "ban", DH and I found the perfect spot to keep little ones while dining in this fine establishment!! :lmao:


I'm not sure who said it, but he was right.... "That's why they have airholes"!!! :rotfl:



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