Lulu201's Back In Action Journal

Good Morning Erin! After the low you had last night it was great to see being bright and :sunny: this morning! You did the right thing coming to your journal to sort out your thoughts and you avoided the food! Don't you feel like it will be easier next time? I'll need to remember your post the next time I feel like life is getting the best of me! :)

Have a great day and enjoy your walk! I wish I had time to take one at lunch today since the weather is beautiful here as well - but I've got to finish running errands for the party. So bring me along in your walk today okay?

:hug: Erin,

I am so proud of you. You were feeling the need to emotional eat, and you resisted. You came back, and had a good dday on Friday. I know you were starved tonight, but I bet you stayed within your points. You have been doing a great job this week.
:Pinkbounc What a nice surprise--a nighttime visit from Beth! Thanks for stopping by!:Pinkbounc

Well, I've made it to Saturday::Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Five healthy living days for August!

Yesterday I accomplished all four goals:
1. :D
2. :D
3. :D 30 minutes tennis, 20 minutes walking (1.25)/17.5 miles for the week
4. :D Stayed on plan, took 10 from the bank, 2.5 left

Today it's looking like this:
1. Gotta take vitamins
2. Gotta drink water
3. Gotta exercise 3-5 miles
4. Gotta eat on plan/22 TP, 2-4 AP, 2.5 FP available

DD has a swim party today that she's been looking forward to--sshhhh, please don't anyone tell her that it's only 58 degrees out there right now!

I'm feeling good about staying on plan! With God's help, I'll make it another healthy living day!

Here I go--

Edit: took the vitamins, have been drinking water (but not enough), walked 5 miles in 73 minutes :cool: , played some tennis, and have had 10.5 points so far. Have plenty for dinner. Looking and feeling good!:smooth:
Erin, I was just catching up on your journal and I have to say you are really an inspiration! I can see so many of my own feelings displayed in your posts and the way that you have dealt with them is just amazing. Thank you for being so open and real with all of us. It really is appreciated. You're an amazing person! :)
Michelle, you're sweet.:D Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by. I've found that using the journal in an honest, open way is the only way to go. It's been so helpful for me to use this thread (and my old Lulu201's Healthy Living Log) to examine my feelings and further explore my thoughts.

Let's hear it for 6 healthy living days in August:

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Recap from yesterday:

1. :D
2. :D
3. :D--73 minutes walking, 30 playing tennis
4. :D--earned 6 AP with 22 TP/ate 23 points total/2.5 still left in the bank

Plans for today, 8/8

The challenge for today will be a picnic with my in-laws. I'm going to try and concentrate on having fun with my DD, niece, and nephew and avoid stress-eating to dull the tension I feel around my DMIL, FIL, and SIL. I'm going to have some quiet time before I go just so that I can search deep inside myself, find my "happy place," and be as centered as I can be. :goodvibes

1. I will take my vitamins.
2. I will drink a lot of water--64 oz. minimum
3. I will rest my body from this week's walking; I may swim instead. I walked a total of 22.25 miles this week!:cool1:
4. I will eat lightly today. I have a 22TP and 2.5 FP available to use. I spent 6 points on breakfast--kashi, 2%milk (out of skim), 1/2 cup blueberries, and coffee. Will have more coffee at church.
Lunch will be at our picnic. Maybe just a sandwich and a piece of fruit eaten VERY slowly.

Quick edit #1: took the vitamins, had about 20 oz. of water. Had a point's worth of creamer at church, up to 7. Came home with my stomach growling in a MAJOR way--know I can't put lunch off 'til the picnic because then I won't have any control at all. Had a lovely chewy tasty sandwich at 5.5 points. Total so far=12.5. Have 9.5 plus 2.5 in the bank left to use. Guess that means no chips or chocolate cake. I'll have to get chopping those veggies to take with me!

Edit #2: It's been a day, let me tell you. Don't get me wrong, we had a nice time at the picnic, all things considered, but man, I think I've got a lot of work to do on this whole emotional eating thing. I stayed strong while we were out, but when we came home, I knew I was at a risk for a binge. The pattern has always been the same: I'm OK at the family event, but then I come home and eat through the kitchen--either from tension or frustration or just from elevated cortisol levels after the fact. Today I broke that pattern. I didn't stay on my WW program--I went over my points for the day; I just couldn't get myself to weigh out my dinner (and I had a piece of chocolate cake for dessert), but I did NOT binge. I'd like to binge--even now at almost 10:30--but I didn't. I thought of my list of alternatives and I chose to cross stitch and watch a movie. I stayed out of the kitchen.

I don't know whether I should count today as a healthy living day or not. I didn't stay on the WW program and yet I feel like today I sustained a major victory. I guess that is enough; I'll give myself a pat on the back for that, and change my siggie if I stay on the program tomorrow.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13

I'm onward and downward!
Good morning!

I pray that you have a wonderful day today. ::yes:: We are spending part of the day with my in-laws too. I thank God because in the last few years our relationship with them has improved greatly.

Erin, you are doing a fabulous job with your exercising and your menus! Keep up the good work!:jumping1:

Have a wonderful day!:sunny:

You are doing so well, congrats! thanks for sharing what to do to combat emotional eating, it is very helpful:)

Congrats on that 7 miler - is that your longest? great job:Pinkbounc

I hope all goes well at the picnic, keep focused and have fun in the sun:sunny:

what beach are you heading too? just returned from de and it is enough to put my weight loss plan into high gear;)
Hello Erin,

You are doing such a great job this month! Enjoy your day despite the inlaws. Your plan looks great. BTW, have you tried the new Starbucks light fraps? You can look at the nutritional info at their website, but they are less than 200 calories and 2 gm fat. Just thought I would share the info with my fellow coffeeaholic. They don't work for me, but might for you. My girlfriend REALLY likes them.
Hey, today I'm celebrating 6 days OP this month! YAY!

:( I have to admit, though, I'm feeling a bit apprehensive about today. MeMe, 7 miles was my longest walk this summer, but today--according to my training schedule--I'm supposed to walk (big gulp here) 8.75. I'm scared about that. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm going to get out there and try.::yes::

Beth, I LOVE those frappucino lights! They're low in points and a great alternative to those high calorie versions. My favorite is the caramel.:teeth:

So here's the plan:

1. Vitamins
2. Water
3. Exercise--8.75 miles
4. Food--stay on WW plan. 22T, bunch of AP, and 35 FP. So far today, breakfast was 3 for kashi, .5 for blueberries, 1 for coffee and 1.5 for milk=6

I'm heading out to face my walk. WISH me luck, everyone.
You scored a MAJOR victory after your picnic by seeing the binge pattern, looking it in the eye and sticking your tongue out at it! :tongue: Good for you! I'd definitely count it as a healthy living day!

I hope that walk went well!! I'm sure that a jock athlete princess: like you can tackle it!! ::yes::

Here are some flowers for finishing your exercise early!
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
There's a rose for each mile (I threw in the .25 miles for ya!!).

I hope you have a wonderful Monday! :sunny:
Hey Erin,
I'll tell you what. I'll join you in your 8+ mile walk. We're going out to dinner tonight, and I'll have Won drop me off at the Y. It is 9 miles home. I'll be thinking og you while I drag my butt the last few miles.
Way to go on avoiding the binge! That is awesome! And really breaking the binge cycle is more important then staying within your points.

8.75 miles - I know you can do it!

:rolleyes: Well, if my WISH buddies are twisting my arm, I guess I'll have to count yesterday as another healthy living day! YAHOO! That makes seven for August!

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc !

Here's how things are looking so far today:

1. vitamins--:D
2. water--at least 30 oz. so far
3. exercise--8.75 miles in 145 minutes. I realize that's off race pace (which would be 140), but I'm happy with that. Well, let's just say I'll accept that (I may not be overly thrilled:rolleyes: ). I went out today just hoping to endure the walk, so I purposely paced myself at a comfortable speed for the long haul. I have NEVER IN MY LIFE walked straight for two hours and twenty-five minutes, but I did today. I feel stronger than I ever thought possible. Beth, are you serious about walking that much after dinner? At night? Please tell me you won't be walking in the dark, OK?
4. food--that walk earned me 8 AP, 6 have been spent in gatorade and a restorative peanut butter sandwich on lite bread; total eaten so far today is 12. I have plans for a nice chicken tender salad this afternoon before I head in to work. Tonight I'll just have some yogurt or something when I get home.

Thank you, Doreen, for my flowers. :flower3: They really made me feel like a jock athlete princess: .:p

'Til later,
Erin!! GREAT WALK! What an accomplishment! Be proud, girlfriend!

I, too, am nervous about miles and pace. I read what you wrote before you went out and felt for you. I feel the same sort of overwhelming dread when I look at the training schedule and wonder if I am ever going to be able to hit these markers. So I was anxious to hear how you did.

And very relieved to hear that you did it! You are my inspiration, both in your heartfelt words in your journal and your actions out on the street (literally, hmmmm?).

Peanut butter sandwiches all around for the jock princess: 's.

And, remember to stretch!

Love ya!
You are on a roll this month!! You've been doing a great job with your healthy living!! Now, about that walk to Dunkin' Donuts with your DD today???? I'm sure you're just going for COFFEE, right??? :crazy: :teeth: :hyper:

I wish you a wonderful Tuesday!! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Yeah, coffee, Doreen. Sure.:rolleyes: :p No, the real plan is to pick up a bagel (no cream cheese or anything, just the bagel) and bring it home to have for lunch later on. She'll have a donut and juice--kind of counterproductive, I know that, but at least it gets her out there and walking.

Oh, Mare, it was so good to hear from you. I was thinking about you yesterday when I was walking. When are we going to meet and walk together? What about a Monday in early Sept.? We could get the kids off to school and then drive to a half way point and walk--uhh, not around the Cracker Barrel gift shop, OK?:p

I'm looking at :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: healthy living days in August!

But now, here's what's heavy on my mind:

I'm not losing weight.

What's up with that????? I'm walking and exercising like a maniac in my book, and the pounds are not dropping off like I thought they would! It's this type of thing that makes me want to stay off the scale and just stay with the program, but every time I've done that I've fallen OFF the program, so I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, other than that stinking number that is not budging--it's even fluctuating up and down (from 166-168), I'm feeling successful. Why isn't that enough??!! Why must I have it ALL??? I feel thinner, I feel more fit--why must it be verified by that stinking number???? Ugghhh. Excuse me while I go kick the scale a few times. . . .

OK, I'm back with today's plan.

1. Vitamins--:D already done.
2. Water--one glass down the hatch.
3. Exercise--3 easy miles with DD at the pace DD sets
4. Points--going to try to keep this one really low today to see if that'll jump start that nasty scale. 22 TP, maybe 2 AP, that's it. No flex. Currently in the old flex bank: 34

I'm off and into the day, trying not to think of all the housework I should be doing.:rolleyes: I'd rather walk instead!:p


Edit #1: Just when you thought I couldn't be wordier. . .:p

I wanted to reflect a moment :p on the peace of the program. Seriously now. I've commented on this before, but it's something I feel I have to drill into my head: the boundaries of a healthy living program are not restrictions in my life. They're guidelines that allow me to proceed freely through the day without the guilt and worry that comes from compulsive overeating. Following the guildelines frees me up!

I had an interesting talk about this with a mom at the studio who's recently lost about 50 lbs. I've noticed her weight loss, but yesterday was the first time we had a chance to sit and really talk about it and it was such a good conversation. . .I felt like I was talking to someone who was speaking my language. She talked about getting to the root of WHY she was overeating and using food as a comfort, a coping mechanism. She talked about her journey as one of tears as well as strength, a journey of faith and discovery and reconciliation. She recommended several books; I'm headed to the library one day soon.

OK, now I'm really done and into my day. ::yes::

Edit #2: breakfast: 1/4 cup oatmeal (1), 1/2 cup 2% milk (1.5), 1 tbsp. almonds (1), 2 oz. banana (1)=4.5/lunch: bagel (6.5) and lite cream cheese (1.5)=8 Total so far today 12.5

Exercise--walked 50 minutes
Erin you have a great plan for today and I love your thoughts on your plan. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that there are good reasons we are changing our eating habits and that it is not about punishing ourselves but helping ourselves.

168 today. Don't ask me why. I'm following the darn plan. I'm exercising a ton (for me, anyway:p). Oh well, whatever will be will be.

My plan to not eat any flex fell through. What can I say? I was hungry? Stomach growing hungry! So, I ate 4.5 flex. Supposedly that's what they're there for, so no guilt, still cheat free, but no loss this morning.

Could not losing have something to do with all the fiber I'm eating? Whatever the case, I'm not going to worry about it. DH says to forget the scale completely. . .I know I can't do that. Maybe I shouldn't weigh in every day, though. . .thoughts anyone?

Today's plan:

1. Vitamins
2. Water
3. Exercise--4.6 in park or on treadie
4. Points--22 TP +?
Had kashi (3), plus milk (2), plus fruit (1)=6 so far

I've been thinking about Marcia today. She used to exercise a lot and not see huge results. . .I remember her eating all her activity points. . .maybe that's where I should cut back? Today, no AP added in, just flex if I want them. Maybe that'll jump start the scale.

Have lots to do to get ready for our Girls Road Trip this weekend. DD and I are going to see my sister and mom (who's visiting DS), and then will take DM home to upstate PA. We'll be gone Fri-Mon.

Onward and downward into this day--

Edit: 1. :D
2. some
3. :D did my 4.6 in 70 minutes.


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