Many disappointments at Disneyland this past weekend

gelatoni fan

DIS Veteran
Mar 18, 2018
I normally don't do trip reports but I wanted to share a lot of disappointments that I experienced this past weekend. I'm one of those people who try to go for one or two trips to Disneyland per event and have a Magic Key but need to book a hotel. So my main priorities this visit was to do the holiday stuff that was supposed to go until January 9th. I experienced all of the typical stuff that I've come to expect from Disneyland: CMs giving out bad information, a condescending/mean CM, show cancellations, getting kicked out of a space that was supposed to be a viewing area for a show (it was viewing area on previous days but then a CM did not allow people to stand there on Sunday), no mobile orders, food items that I wanted being sold out, etc. But there were also other things that led to a new level of disappointment.

I planned this trip with the understanding that holiday stuff last until January 9th. I was surprised to learn that the Christmas Hawkeye show was no longer happening. Technically, it was not officially advertised as going till the end of January so this could be a bad assumption on my part. There were also no meetings with Santa even the promotional materials for the event made it seem like those would last until the end of the event. Santa wasn't really a priority for me so it was actually not a big deal.

My biggest disappointments for the holiday stuff were that Mater's Junkyard Jamboree was not playing holiday music and Luigi's Joy to the Whirl was constantly down. Apparently there were maintenance issues with the holiday music for Mater's and Luigi's couldn't work due to the cold weather leading to some wet spots. If I remember correctly, Luigi's was down for pretty much all of Friday, the first half of Sunday and part of Saturday. Mater's was still showing as Jingle Jamboree in the app even though it didn't play any holiday music all weekend which I think is false advertising. I originally planned to go on the two rides repeatedly at rope drop on Sunday morning, but couldn't due to neither being available. So instead of getting to go on each a half dozen times, I only managed Joy to the Whirl one time later on Sunday when it had a half hour wait. Most people probably don't prioritize these two rides but these were the rides I was most looking forward to this trip. The feeling would be like if Rise of the Resistance was shut down and Web Slingers was only open for a few hours for other people.

This was not the end of the ride maintenance issues. Web Slingers was down at rope drop on Sunday. In one particular hour on Saturday, I tried to ride Alice which was down, Gadget Go Coaster which was down, and Storybook Land which had a boat break down and need to get towed while I was in line, leading to a longer than expected wait time. I also had to skip other rides due to the app showing them as "Temporarily Closed" when I was hoping to ride them. Maintenance issues completely destroyed my morning plans on both Saturday and Sunday and the Holiday Toy Drummers being cancelled not help. No park hopping before 1PM felt far more restricting than usual and left me feeling like I wasted half of my mornings.

Since Web Slingers opened, I was planning to get a bit of practice before buying Web Tech to see how much my score would improve. I was surprised to see them costing $34.99 with no Magic Key discounts allowed. I could have sworn they were supposed to be $29.99 and the lack of discount made me feel like I was getting Cheapeked. After leaving the store to think about it for a few hours, I decided that I'd get a Web Tech Power Band anyway because it was something I was planning to get a lot of use out of. Well, the first time I took it onto the ride, my arms seemed jittery on the initial setup screen and it wasn't tracking smoothly. It turns out that using Web Tech constantly led to unresponsiveness so I got the lowest score that I ever got on the ride. Fearing the worst, I rode again and the same thing happened. I was getting 1/2 the score I would have normally gotten and the ride was a lot less fun because sometimes I'd try to shoot a web and nothing would show on screen. On one of my rides, someone was using a triple shooter and he got the second lowest score of our group (I got the lowest even though I typically get the highest without Web Tech). I asked him if he was experiencing lag and he said "yes" and he got a higher score the day before when he didn't have his Web Tech yet. So I think this may be a systematic issue and all those bloggers who claim that you get a higher score with Web Tech probably didn't even try the ride with and without the product to test this claim. You can't return Web Tech and I completely regret buying a Web Tech Power Band. It's a terrible product that can't even deliver what it promised.

I also had issues with Play Disney. I was supposed to get another achievement for Fortune Red this trip but after walking over there, the app kept saying that I wasn't in New Orleans Square. I tried turning on/off bluetooth, restarting my phone, walking around, etc. I ended up wasting a lot of time because of this and it bothers me that I couldn't get my Fortune Red achievement and it's now one day behind my Esmerelda.

I also noticed far more issues with shows than usual although I don't really mind. I saw wardrobe malfunctions leading to characters being led offstage a few times. On one viewing of Viva Navidad, Minnie's head accessory fell off which was an amusing to see. I think the 4PM Christmas Fantasy parade on Friday got stuck for a bit also. Even these didn't really bother me, they point to some type of problem with making sure shows are able to function properly. Combined with the maintenance issues, I feel like Disneyland may be cutting corners on making sure things are fully functional. I don't remember ever seeing this many issues in a single weekend.

All in all, Disney's failure to deliver led to me feeling like I wasted a lot of time and money this past weekend. If I could have park hopped on Sunday morning when rides I wanted to go on in California Adventure were down and the Holiday Toy Drummers were cancelled, I would have felt a little bit better. Tokyo Disney announces at the gates when rides are down in the morning before park open to prevent mobs of rope droppers going the wrong way. If Disneyland in California did this, it would have saved me a lot of time and energy since I went to quite a few closed rides in the morning, not knowing they were closed. These things make me feel like Disneyland isn't very guest friendly.

To prevent this from just seeming like a long rant, I will add a few things that did go well during my trip. I managed to get over 1 million on Astro Blasters which is an accomplishment for me but I just missed the high score table at rank 11. I enjoyed the rubber ducky race at Redwood Creek Trail and Viva Navidad. There were also some short wait times including almost walk ons to Big Thunder Mountain and Space Mountain at night. So even though my weekend was full of disappointment, it wasn't all bad.
Expecting a trip to go perfectly is asking for disappointment. Things are going to happen. So the best way to prepare is to just be upfront that there may be things that break down or experiences that don't happen and decide you're going to make the best of it. But that does not guarantee a "great experience" as there is too much out of your hands once you're there.

quoting this, as what I want to post will probably not be as polite
OP, I am not going to get all up on you saying you aren't entitled to be disappointed. You are!

Of course you knew things wouldn't be perfect. But as I read it, you weren't expecting perfection. You just wanted a day where you didn't feel something was wrong at every corner you turned.

There are the die hards that will always go with Disney and blast anyone who has anything negative to say. :rolleyes2 (I guess on some level I am jealous of that adoration blindness, lol. Not really.) I understand why you feel the way you do. No doubt Covid affected a lot of changes, but when you see other theme parks getting things in full swing you wonder what is taking Disney so long.

And the ride breakdowns are off the charts. I get that things happen. Yeah, we missed IASW due to the flood. Bummer, but I am just happy it got fixed! However, having half of a park go down repeatedly is something that needs to be addressed. It is becoming more and more prevalent. I'd like to think they are doing something to rectify it, but when you're there and it happens to you you certainly don't feel like they give a hoot.

I am sorry your trip wasn't as great as you wanted it to be. You are not alone in your sentiments. It doesn't mean you are raising your fist to the heavens cursing Disney. You just know they aren't on top of their game at the moment and want them to return to their high standards they are known for.
A LOT of these issues are side effects of the current Covid surge and massive staff shortages resort wide. We had a reservation this weekend that we cancelled and I will likely cancel the upcoming 3 I have for this weekend (kids have a 5 day weekend). Things are just not going well at the parks right now. Its temporary, but undoubtedly disappointing for visitors who cant just wait out this rough patch.

For reference, our last visit was 1/2 and everything was running smoothly. Had a great day. From very recent reports, though, things have take a swift nosedive.
OP, I am not going to get all up on you saying you aren't entitled to be disappointed. You are!

Of course you knew things wouldn't be perfect. But as I read it, you weren't expecting perfection. You just wanted a day where you didn't feel something was wrong at every corner you turned.

There are the die hards that will always go with Disney and blast anyone who has anything negative to say. :rolleyes2 (I guess on some level I am jealous of that adoration blindness, lol. Not really.) I understand why you feel the way you do. No doubt Covid affected a lot of changes, but when you see other theme parks getting things in full swing you wonder what is taking Disney so long.

And the ride breakdowns are off the charts. I get that things happen. Yeah, we missed IASW due to the flood. Bummer, but I am just happy it got fixed! However, having half of a park go down repeatedly is something that needs to be addressed. It is becoming more and more prevalent. I'd like to think they are doing something to rectify it, but when you're there and it happens to you you certainly don't feel like they give a hoot.

I am sorry your trip wasn't as great as you wanted it to be. You are not alone in your sentiments. It doesn't mean you are raising your fist to the heavens cursing Disney. You just know they aren't on top of their game at the moment and want them to return to their high standards they are known for.

I think you've interpreted my post the way I was hoping it to get across. As I mentioned, some of the issues were minor and I do expect some amount of issues to arise that I can adjust to. The amount of issues was far more than normal which is why I decided to make such a post with the fear of potentially coming off as overly entitled. I added the last paragraph at the end because I did enjoy parts of the day like the short wait times after fireworks. I appreciate that I can visit the parks more often than most people and am thankful for that.

But I also hope that by sharing, others can see examples what can potentially go wrong in their trips. Other than highlighting that there are more maintenance issues that normal, I wanted to add that bloggers all seem to say that Web Tech should increase your score but to my knowledge, nobody mentioned that that the ride may be less responsive if you use this product.
A LOT of these issues are side effects of the current Covid surge and massive staff shortages resort wide. We had a reservation this weekend that we cancelled and I will likely cancel the upcoming 3 I have for this weekend (kids have a 5 day weekend). Things are just not going well at the parks right now. Its temporary, but undoubtedly disappointing for visitors who cant just wait out this rough patch.

For reference, our last visit was 1/2 and everything was running smoothly. Had a great day. From very recent reports, though, things have take a swift nosedive.
We had a great day last Saturday (1/8). We started in DCA and it was glorious! Low crowds all morning, we did six attractions including Webslingers, played in the Redwood Creek Challmege Trail (son got to do the zip lines three times in a row because no one was in line and CM kept telling him to go again), had brunch at Lamplight and did some shopping all before we hopped at 1pm.

I agree with the with the OP that the no park hopping until 1pm is SO RESTRICTIVE AND IRRITATING! I absolutely hate it. OP could have hopped over to DCA and enjoyed the low crowds (though Luigi’s was down all morning).
Over at DL we rode five more attractions (HM Holiday, MFSM, Star Tours, Pirates And Big Thunder), pin traded, got treats, watched fireworks and had the loveliest break for dinner at Craftsman Bar with amazing food, drinks and live music!

OP, I’m sorry you didn’t have a great day. We were there at the same time but didn’t really have any objectives (except get gingerbread, which was hard but we made it happen!). We were more go with the flow, which led to such a great day. I do hope they get rid of that arbitrary park hopping rule sometime, I just hate it!
We were there 1/6 and 1/7 and had a very different experience. We even remarked how kind and wonderful all the cast members had been. We usually have good experiences with them, but we felt everyone was really showing the Disney magic just from how friendly and willing to chat they were.

The only complaints were that we were freezing on the night of the 7th. So much that we ended up going back to the hotel at 5pm and not returning except to purchase a few things on Main Street at around 10pm. First time we had ever not stayed until closing or went over for fireworks. We also didn't care for the beer cheese with the shared pretzel at Pym's Kitchen. But that's the extent of our complaints. Oh wait, mask usage was abysmal on several rides which was really frustrating. But that's all I can think of.

We were able to ride all of the rides we enjoy in 1 1/2 days, which is honestly a record for us (Day 1: Soarin', RSR, Webslingers, Incredicoaster, Guardians, TSMM, Indiana Jones, Pirates, BTMRR, Rise of the Resistance, Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, Matterhorn, IASW, Storybook Land boats Day 2: Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Snow White, Mr. Toad's, Alice, Millenium Falcon, Rise of the Resistance, Buzz Lightyear, Star Tours, and Webslingers). We saw the fireworks and parade twice and took a several hour break at the hotel on each day.
Sorry you had poor experience. We have another weekender planned for MLK and have been debating with the recent surge to go or not. Sounds like it's hitting the CM as hard as everyone else and impacting things. Jan is always an unknown as the pivot from Three Kings day to Lunar New year is fast and furious.

We may just go to hang and watch the events and hang at the hotel as already have DVC committed.
It really is a mixed bag these days, and it's hard not to be disappointed after waiting so long for reopening and things to get back to "normal." Sadly, I think we're a long way off from whatever normal was and quite possibly won't see our old version of it again. That, however, seems to be true across the board, not just at Disneyland. In my town, most restaurants have not gone back to serving bread and don't intend to. Service is different. Stores don't have what they used to. I've been waiting since last April for my dishwasher to get here (it's fully paid for), which is supposedly stuck somewhere in the "supply chain." Some things you can shrug off--especially if you feel it's a result of something out of anyone's control, like being unable to get items that aren't currently being manufactured or lack of staffing due to illness. But some things are a result of someone deciding to simply stop providing it because now that it's gone, they don't really have to bring it back unless it's a deal breaker. I think it kind of remains to be seen what people will consider a deal breaker. Will they stop spending their money at the establishment or simply grumble about while still patronizing the business?

In Disney's case, I think it's some of each. If they're smart, IMO, they will bring back as much as they can and make sure guests are getting the best that's available that leaves both guests and management satisfied in that regard.
Sitting here wondering how many times a year you go that getting a low score on a giant videogame is a disappointment, wish I could go so much that I cared about the score haha. Sucks that the web band thing is not working as advertised and you cannot even return it tho, that's a big yikes.
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Stores don't have what they used to. I've been waiting since last April for my dishwasher to get here (it's fully paid for), which is supposedly stuck somewhere in the "supply chain."

Off topic but, WOW!!! That would be super annoying and frustrating. We are having similar supply chain issues over here in Australia as well. And we're told it could go on for some time yet! I wish you'd go away Covid - we're over you! : )
Hi Gelatoni Fan,
I'm also really sorry about how your Disneyland trip this weekend went and i'm sure your future trip will be a lot better next time. First when you learned that Hawkeye's Holiday show was no longer there what I think will happen is that while the Hawkeye Holiday show is gone they will most likely will have another show to replace it and Hawkeye himself will appear as a meet and greet character for photos and stuff. And regarding the rides in Cars Land breaking down Disneyland should've put a ride closed sign on each ride and as for Alice In Wonderland and the Storybook Land boat ride I think they should've given you an alternative ride that was working as your choice. As for parades I have never witnessed parades being cancelled or have character wardrobe malfunctions when I have gone to Disneyland and what I think Disneyland is doing is that when they are preparing for a parade or a show the staff can be in such a hurry that they don't check the character costumes for anything that needs sewing such as rips or tears and what I think happened to Minnie was that her headband got loose and she was dancing with it until it came off and the staff that does the costumes for characters should've double checked Minnie's headband to see if it was comfortable on the actor that was playing Minnie. In my eyes I think the main reason Disneyland is having so many troubles is because they are desperate to return to full operation for money and are hoping to attract more visitors by getting ready for Martin Luther King Day because that's a busy weekend for Disneyland
Hope your future trip goes smoothly next time,
We had a great day last Saturday (1/8). We started in DCA and it was glorious! Low crowds all morning, we did six attractions including Webslingers, played in the Redwood Creek Challmege Trail (son got to do the zip lines three times in a row because no one was in line and CM kept telling him to go again), had brunch at Lamplight and did some shopping all before we hopped at 1pm.

I agree with the with the OP that the no park hopping until 1pm is SO RESTRICTIVE AND IRRITATING! I absolutely hate it. OP could have hopped over to DCA and enjoyed the low crowds (though Luigi’s was down all morning).
Over at DL we rode five more attractions (HM Holiday, MFSM, Star Tours, Pirates And Big Thunder), pin traded, got treats, watched fireworks and had the loveliest break for dinner at Craftsman Bar with amazing food, drinks and live music!

OP, I’m sorry you didn’t have a great day. We were there at the same time but didn’t really have any objectives (except get gingerbread, which was hard but we made it happen!). We were more go with the flow, which led to such a great day. I do hope they get rid of that arbitrary park hopping rule sometime, I just hate it!
My wife and I had brunch at Lamplight Lounge this past Saturday. What time were you there?

I agree the crowds were very low at DCA all morning and into the early afternoon. We were able to buy 8 gingerbreads, which was are only real want for this trip. Had to wait outside the closed Starbucks for an hour but it was worth it.

Edited to add: We were the first ones on Radiator Springs Racers so that was pretty cool.
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