Marathon Weekend 2016

Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

That's a good one ... let's see. My three are:
1 - Celebratory Latte. Hopefully we will have time to stop at Starbucks when we get to Animal Kingdom.
2 - Get a picture with Minnie Mouse, the star of my 10K medal!
3 - Sleep. Even though it won't happen for a while because we're changing and going straight to the park. I will probably be thinking about sleeping as soon as the race ends.
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?
First I am going to enjoy the moment and probably go take some pictures with character.
Later I will be enjoying myself in Epcot with my family.
During the evening I will then be having a nice dinner in France.
Good morning folks! Great responses from everyone on my little series of questions yesterday. Since it seemed to go so well, lets play the game again.

Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

1. Huge my wife and daughter.
2. Drink a Bear Republic - Racer 5 IPA at our resort or nearest location. (Love that beer and we no longer get it in Louisiana. Its been many years since I've had one.)
3. Spending some time in the parks with my family with my new hardware.

1. Ice on the calves
2. BCV quiet pool with an adult beverage
3. Fish & Chips/Bass Ale in UK/Epcot
Good morning folks! Great responses from everyone on my little series of questions yesterday. Since it seemed to go so well, lets play the game again.

Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

1. Huge my wife and daughter.
2. Drink a Bear Republic - Racer 5 IPA at our resort or nearest location. (Love that beer and we no longer get it in Louisiana. Its been many years since I've had one.)
3. Spending some time in the parks with my family with my new hardware.

1. Food!
2. Shower
3. Wearing my medal(s) around the parks.

3 days to Disney!
Good morning folks! Great responses from everyone on my little series of questions yesterday. Since it seemed to go so well, lets play the game again.

Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

1. Find my family to bask in their pitying gaze.
2. Shower!!! Forever unclean!
3. Eating all of the food. Particularly prime rib at Boatwrights for dinner.
That is going to be a long drive to make the closing of the expo on Saturday. Hope you have good weather during this drive.
Thanks! We have a few hour cushion but if we see bad weather in the forecast we will have to take DS out of school early.

Loved the forecast, Berniemgr!

As for my 3 things...
Finding DH (who will finish before me), the drive back to the hotel (so I can sit) and taking a shower (ok, thats a few combined to 1)
Hopefully feeling up to it to go to Trader Sams in the evening
Our 4 day Dream cruise
Since I missed the first set of questions, I will answer all of them in this post.

1. I feel a little unprepared, I wanted to do one more 20 run, but I got two in. Actually it might just be jitters for my first marathon.
2. Looking forward to just being there for a week.
3. We are coming from Jacksonville, FL, so it is a 2.5 hr drive for us.

Three things I am going to do.
1. Take pics with family and characters after finishing Dopey
2. I have a full body massage and facial for after.
3. Most likely dinner somewhere at Disney Springs
Excellent start again, @LSUlakes!

1. Grab a beer. I have never had a taste for beer after a marathon, but will take it easy on this one and hopefully not be too spent for a cold one.
2. Meet the family at Animal Kingdom. Lunch at Yak and Yeti. I've loved ribs since I was a kid and have heard great things about Yak and Yeti's version. Again, hope I have the stomach to down them with another beer!
3. Pirate and Pals cruise in the evening. Really looking forward to the kids enjoying this one.
Love the QOTD!

1. Take a shower! I never want to eat right after a run, but always feel so gross.
2. Lunch and a big ice cream sundae at the Plaza in MK.
3. Either a drink at Trader Sam's or a Lapu Lapu at Tambu Lounge. I have given up alcohol for training... and I can't wait for my first post run drink!
Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

Thanks for keeping the thread fun!!

1. Probably have a ridiculous look on my face in amazement I actually finished a marathon then take some pics with the fancy new medal.
2. Grab a drink (or two) before going back to the hotel to walk through the pool and get clean
3. Head back to Epcot for some more festivities before we have dinner at Shulas at the Dolphin (EXTREMELY excited about this one. Hoping I can run on adrenaline for the whole day to really enjoy it)

1. Find my family to bask in their pitying gaze.
2. Shower!!! Forever unclean!
3. Eating all of the food. Particularly prime rib at Boatwrights for dinner.

This is the best - #1 is exactly what I would like to do

I'm ordering a flipbelt today! Nothing like waiting until the last minute. It should get here by Saturday morning so I can use it for my 6 mile on Sunday and my two runs before leaving for Disney so I can see if it works for me. I have run with the roo pouch in my half marathons and just find that it rubs the wrong way on the inside. Hoping I don't have the same issue but will have to go back to it if I don't think I can manage the flipbelt over 6 miles I suppose. Getting so close to leaving for Disney I can hardly stand in!! 8 more days.
Thanks a bunch @LSUlakes for keeping the thread fresh! BTW, I work with quite a few Red Raiders and they are feeling bummed today. Congrats on the win last night.

1. Hug my family as they are always my main motivation.
2. Monorail back to the Poly to shower and change.
3. Hit the parks!!!

The QB for the Red Raiders is a very good player. The game changed after that interception at the goal line and they never recovered. I was a little nervous at that point.
Good morning folks! Great responses from everyone on my little series of questions yesterday. Since it seemed to go so well, lets play the game again.

Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

1. Ice, massage (if it isn't limited to Race Retreat folks), photos, and beer!
2. Head back to my room for a shower and to meet up with my friend flying in Sunday so we can do a couple of park days together.
3. Eat at Liberty Tree Tavern and see if I can make it to the fireworks.

Beyond that, my next race is a half on April 3rd. I am looking forward to integrating some swimming back into my work-outs now that running time won't be completely monopolizing my free time. :)
2. Meet the family at Animal Kingdom. Lunch at Yak and Yeti. I've loved ribs since I was a kid and have heard great things about Yak and Yeti's version. Again, hope I have the stomach to down them with another beer!
The ribs at Yak & Yeti were pretty good, but the best place for ribs at Animal Kingdom is Flame Tree should try them out some time!
1. Get on bus back to resort
2. Wake up son2 for breakie
3. Run with son2 at Mickey Miler then hit the parks for a few hours

1. Get on bus back to resort
2. Wake up son2 for breakie
3. Lounge at the resort & snacking

1. Get on bus back to resort
2. Wake up son2 for breakie
3. Pool time & watching food intake. ADR Mama Melrose at 2:30 I think. Then back to room, no park wandering

1. Drink my beer & head for the bus. Nobody waiting for me at the finish.
2. Walk right into resort pool after removing trainers & bib belt. Float around while dh hands me margaritas & rubs my feet.
3. ADR at the German buffet at 5:30. Love that giant beer & carb buffet. And of course I'll be wearing my Dopey medal, just one.

DATW with medal as the excuse of drinking & walking like a zombie
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3 things, hmmmm
1. Limp around dazed & confused to find my brothers who will have finished well before me and probably figure I killed over somewhere ;) all while hugging my coveted snack box and powerade & maybe one of those cool towels & making sure my medals don't get messed up
2. Pictures with Dopey if the line isn't too long or just taking pictures of anything and everything to savor the moment
3. Head back to room & take a glorious long hot shower & then head to Epcot sporting one of the medals and Garden Grill late lunch which I know I'll be craving salad so I hope they have extra bowls ready for me :).
I'm ordering a flipbelt today! Nothing like waiting until the last minute. It should get here by Saturday morning so I can use it for my 6 mile on Sunday and my two runs before leaving for Disney so I can see if it works for me. I have run with the roo pouch in my half marathons and just find that it rubs the wrong way on the inside. Hoping I don't have the same issue but will have to go back to it if I don't think I can manage the flipbelt over 6 miles I suppose. Getting so close to leaving for Disney I can hardly stand in!! 8 more days.

I had a flipbelt for a few weeks. I ended up returning it because I didn't like the way it rode up sometimes when I ran (it had to do with what I was wearing with it, I just couldn't wear it with certain outfits). I did love the way it looked and how it held things (other than my key, which kept falling out), and I think that if you wear it over your clothes, it shouldn't bother you at all (unless you have the riding up problem that I had), and it's really great for storing tons of stuff!
1. Take a pic with my medal, then find my daughter to tell her "I won my race" (she asks me after every race if I won), then let her wear my medal for awhile. She will ask her Grandpa if he won his race too and he will say yes :)
2. Eat a sweaty breakfast at Chef Mickey's and get my pic taking with Minnie while dressed like a running Minnie
3. After roaming the MK, then napping, we will do the Fireworks dessert party as our ultimate celebration our running year.

Edited to add that doing this question has relaxed a lot of my nerves about trip planning. It's really about enjoying the moments instead of worrying about getting to the next moment right?


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