Marathon Weekend 2018

I will probably get slack, but the run-walk pacers need to go. The groups take up the majority of the course, stop to walk causing back ups, or crowding and over taking when running. If you are not part of their program, your pace and plan gets screwed because of those groups. Run only pacers or not at all. If you are doing a full you should be able to maintain your pace (whether run or run-walk) on your own, didn't have pacers in training. One lane on the course and maybe, maybe room for 2 people wide to pass them.. this needs to end.

I ran with a pace group for my first half marathon and enjoyed it at the beginning of the race. We were told before the race began to stay in rows of two and to move to the side during the walk interval. I did my best to adhere to that, but others around me didn’t. Our group also grew from just a few of us at the start to a huge mob as others joined in along the course. So what began as orderly rows of two turned into a traveling mosh pit. It got so bad I thought I was going to be injured by one of them. There were some people that naturally can’t run in a straight line. The ones that were the most dangerous couldn’t keep a steady pace. They would fall behind the group during the run interval then after a walk interval would start sprinting and weaving through everyone to get back to the very front of the pack just to fall behind again!
I just noticed my dopey medal is missing a diamond eye!! I don’t know what to do. I’m so upset
I had a major flaw on my inaugural Dark Side medal that I did not notice until I got home. I contacted RunDisney sending them a picture and they sent me a replacement. So that is an option.
Wow, I bet there’s a bunch of sad people today. I don’t understand why the goofy challenge isn’t the typical 10k/half challenge like the other weekends. It’s so strange that someone would only sign up for the goofy challenge and not go dopey all for a 5k. Is that just me???

Because it's twice the horrible mornings!

I'm luckily enough to be Perfectly Dopey but, once that ends, it's Goofy only for this guy after that
OMG - you have NO IDEA how relieved I am to hear that you were able to finish! After I saw you sitting there and I talked to you, I was just so heartbroken because I know how important this was to you!

Congrats on pushing through and finishing! I’m so proud of you!!

Kees, Barca33Runner - don't know you but vrtual hugs to you both. This is awesome!
Wow, I bet there’s a bunch of sad people today. I don’t understand why the goofy challenge isn’t the typical 10k/half challenge like the other weekends. It’s so strange that someone would only sign up for the goofy challenge and not go dopey all for a 5k. Is that just me???
As already said, Goofy was the original challenge, it’s been around for 10+ years. People were doing an unofficial Dopey for years (5K + Goofy) before Disney caught on and added the 10K (I think they added it to Princess first for GSC) and making the real Dopey.

As to why someone would do Goofy and not Dopey - it’s extra days off of work, extra money (hotels, race fees, etc.) extra mornings getting up. For me, I’ve done 1 full Dopey (and last year’s Grumpy) and kind of feel it’s a one & done for me (and I think it is for most people - curious to see how the perfectly Dopey numbers drop off after this year). I did it once, I know I can do it, and that’s enough for me. :)
Congrats to all the runners! @DopeyBadger you are amazing and that was an out of this world performance you put in this weekend.

I had a great weekend and met most of my unspoken goals for the weekend (thanks for the assist @DopeyBadger). I lowered my cumulative Dopey time by almost 43 minutes over 2015 (better in all 4 races) which included an almost 30 minute improvement in my marathon PR. I even stopped for multiple photos this year which I didn’t do last time.
@croach Thank you again for the character texts. Let me plan and get the long awaited Hades photo.

There was a plan and of course nothing happened in accordance with said plan. For the first time at Disney I DLFed.

First off I should say the issue started Thursday evening. I have issues standing for periods. If you ever see me wandering around a park post race I usually have a walker with me. Not because I can’t do the distance but because the afore mentioned standing issue can cause fun bottom of the feet pain and nausea.

I threw everything I had at it. Pain Killers, extra rock tape, rolled it with the stick nothing solved it. And after my feet started bothering me around Mile 11 of the half it became obvious today was going to be interesting. So I went into today weary.

Despite my worries and being tired the first half went surprisingly well. Only stopped 4 times. Hades, Cinderella’s step family, Adventurer club, and ride Everest. Feet were hurting a bit but I was doing okay. I was even able to pace briefly with the 6 hour group going into Animal Kingdom to put some more space between me and the balloons. Then after a short stop for the grave diggers at Mile 15ish everything went down hill. Fast.

Last year I was able to keep with the 7 hour pace group through WWOS and to the boardwalk after hooking up at mile 19ish. This year? Hooked up between mile 16 and 17 and only kept with them until right before 19. They were almost a full mile ahead of the balloons so I was okay for a while. But the balloons did pass at DHS. Making me sprinting for the boardwalk cutoff.

For all the issues I’ve heard about Team in Training on race courses I can’t thank them enough today. Two of the coaches seeing me in pain and crying from that and the fear of being swept this close to the finish walked with me (this was right before Mile 24) for the better part of a mile.

I had to skip everything at Epcot due to prox to golf cart. Once you get that close you must be moving forward at a decent pace or they will pull you. This includes stopping for the Mile 25 sign.

To say the least I cancelled my dinner at Be Our Guest and made reservations at Shulas. Not going to try and go into the park.
No problem with those that run-walk, but I experience the same mess today with a group covering the full course. The 4:45 group came by me and then stopped. They were clear across the whole road. Same thing when they caught up to my wife.

I had several groups that passed me without incident today. But then I ran into the 5:15 group in WWoS and they really were way too big for the sidewalks there and jammed things up until they finally pulled away from me. The funny thing, though, was that I caught back up to the pacer at the entrance of Epcot and there was nobody with her! She looked just like Guano Joe looking for a tour group to follow her flag.
I am officially Perfectly Dopey! 5 years of hard work were in serious jeopardy this morning thanks to the shuttle from hell. An hour and 45 minutes to get from POFQ to Epcot because dumbest bus driver ever refused to get out of the non-moving right lane! I got there mid National Anthem and had to climb a fence to start at the back of corral C. I was too Grumpy to bother running, so I walked it in 5:40. Not the race I was hoping for, but all that really matters is the bling and, of course, the bragging rights!
Contact RunDisney. They have a history of making medals right. Also saw on Facebook that this isn't necessarily an isolated issue so treat your Dopey eyes with care!

I had a major flaw on my inaugural Dark Side medal that I did not notice until I got home. I contacted RunDisney sending them a picture and they sent me a replacement. So that is an option.

Email to rundisney sent!! Thanks guys!!
Congratulations to all the marathon finishers. Awesome conditions for a marathon today. I finished, but should have listened to my body and bailed. My leg injury turned the run into a painful nightmare. I am a stubborn old man, and one day it is going to really hurt me.

The good news. I get to convalesce in WDW.

Roll Tide
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