Marathon Weekend 2018

I survived. As predicted, it was a long day; finishing in 5:30+change. Instead of a crash and burn, it was more of a controlled dead-stick landing. I did the first 6 at 10:30 pace with my nephew (1st marathon.) I slowed it down a mile at a time after that and walked it in from 23. Not as bad as I expected.

Marathon number 12 is in the books. Not sure if I have another one in me.

Good night all!
After driving up to Manchester at 3:00 AM, we told (with no notification) that our flight was cancelled. This was the flight we were changed to after our first flight was cancelled. Delta's got nothing else in the Northeast... even if we drove 6 hours. Driving to Orlando is no longer an option because of the time window. I'm now in recouping money mode.
Just catching up on this thread. I am so sad to see you didn’t make it. What a mess you had to deal with. I have been sharing your story with my family as we had a similar experience with the northeast storm and flight cancellations. They too feel very bad when I told them you didn’t make it. And we all feel very lucky that we made it down here.
I wanted to send a. Congratulations to all the runners today. It was a good day! I had an interesting day. With my concerns about an aching achilles I did go out slow. Interesting is that I never hit burn out and managed to hold a sub 10-minute pace the whole way. Not my best marathon in terms of time but certainly my best in terms of a solid and consistent pace. I finished in 4:21 and am happy with this out come. I am sorry for being such a flake with the pre-meet ups. Hopefully I wil get a chance to go next year. Achiles did ok during the race but has hurt a lot this evening. A significant rest should help, but I am going to go see my doctor again just to be safe.

Again congrats to all! I need to get to sleep.

Is your tendinitis near the heel insertion point? If so, have you tried something like the OrthoSleeve FS6 Pro compression sleeve? I've been having on and off tendinitis issues in one of my Achilles' and these things have been a life saver! They do a great job providing support and relief as long as the issue isn't too high up.

I will look into this idea, thank you! ANd I am so happy the race worked out for your! Congratulations!
Well, I gotta say, I truly don’t know how I made it through today. After yesterday’s half seeing spots, I was relying on a pep talk from @DopeyBadger to get me through the daunting 26.2 miles ahead of me. I knew I had the training behind me, but I had never experienced seeing spots before and it scared the sh** out of me. I approached the starting line feeling funky, anxiously awaiting what was ahead. The first 6 miles weren’t all that bad, as I made sure to go out slow. I saw my family at the castle which was a huge motivation but knowing I had cone alley+bear island+our&back ahead of me really got into my head. I ended up stopping at the medical tent at mile 8, because I was truly just in such a fog, it was like my brain was cloudy. The medic said it was simply dehydration and he would drive me back to the finish and I said hell no Im finishing this race and chugged an applesauce and went on my way. From miles 8-14 I genuinely just thought I wasn’t going to make it. I was in such a fog, thankfully not seeing spots, but I just couldn’t wake up it seemed. And then I approached miles 15-16 and felt pretty decent. I’m one of the very odd ones out who likes WWoS, because of the change of scenery. Once I left there and got to mike 21, I knew I was going to make it even if I had to walk. Then somehow I just woke up my brain and kept moving, vowing not to slow down except for water. I finished upright, and somehow (truly amazed how) with a 32 minute PR. At the end of it I think it just came down to lack of sleep and pure mental exhaustion because my body felt great.

All in all, I completed my first Dopey and accomplished all my goals with flying colors. I can honestly say 50% of my mental focus came from @DopeyBadger today and I couldn’t thank him enough. It seems as though we all had pretty tough/interesting/unexpected races today, but it just goes to show we are a resilient bunch. I’ve never experienced more mental determination than that of this group, and man, it keeps me going. Congrats to all for finishing something most wouldn’t even dream of. I’m proud of every single one of you, and lucky to be a part of such an amazing group.
Where is the SAG list? I can see from looking up results from my city and the city I used to live in, there are a lot more DNFers for those areas than normal race weekends.
I will write a longer post later when I am not sick but just wanted to post that I made it! No drugs as they made me sick the night before and couldn’t make myself take them. Unofficial time of 7:12:18 from Corral F. Laying in bed right now trying to get the energy up to pack.

It was really nice to meet a bunch of you this morning.

I ended up taking about 45 minutes longer than I anticipated but I’m fine with that because I stopped for way more pictures than I thought I would, especially through MK.

However, my main goal was accomplished: drink booze on course (Tampa Bay IPA in AK, Prosecco in Italy, Gingerbread Latte with Baileys and Kahlula at Future World), and ride Everest! :)

To save time, I didn’t have cast members use my phone for pictures and opted to strictly Photopass it so hopefully they come out good!

Now I’m off to hobble around MK and get dinner at Liberty Tree. My quads have loosened up but my hamstrings aren’t as willing to yet. Luckily, it’s just tightness/soreness and not injury so I’m more than fine with moving a little slower tonight.

I was behind someone in line in Italy buying a a prosecco, maybe it was you? We spoke briefly about the long be taking a long time? :)
Sadly, yesterday was my first full and I got swept outside of WWOS between mile 20 and 21. It was a combination of a nervous stomach (hat to make 3 bathroom stops) and my knee tightening up so I had to mostly walk after mile 18. I enjoyed the race up to mile 18 but is was pretty disheartening after that. Yesterday was supposed to be my first full but I’m not sure I’m cut out for it. May just stick with half’s in the future.
Congratulations everyone! Sorry to those who didn't have the race they wanted, just remember there's always something you can gain from this experience for next time.

I'm bummed I didn't make the pre race meetup so hopefully we have a chance to meet again in the future. I got on a bus just prior to 3:30 and planned to look for you all but we got stuck in traffic and didn't get to Epcot until after 5. I made it to my corral with minutes to spare. At least now I know why everyone says to get on a bus early :)
Happy to see so many finisher reports and sorry to hear of folks who didn't do as well as they wanted and even those who didn't make it down to Orlando at all. As for me, I can now officially call myself a Dopey finisher. I knew I was in trouble yesterday morning when I arrived already a little sore and I hadn't slept more than 4 hours any night in the past week; however, I was able to gut out the marathon (thanks to BioFreeze and the wall of spectators cheering us on from DHS to the finish line) to finish it up. It wasn't my best marathon by even a long shot, but it was significantly better than my first marathon, which coincidentally was the 20th anniversary marathon. I learned a lot about Dopey-type racing that you can't really simulate and the weather was really different than I expected based on previous WDW marathon weekend races.

It was a great and memorable experience and I'm so honored to be part of the Dopey fraternity now!
I spoke to a bunch of people on the course who had to start in later corrals because of a bus breakdown on Bueno Vista headed to the race. Apparently it negatively impacted thousands of runners. I was in G, so it only caused me to be further back in my corral.
Sadly, yesterday was my first full and I got swept outside of WWOS between mile 20 and 21. It was a combination of a nervous stomach (hat to make 3 bathroom stops) and my knee tightening up so I had to mostly walk after mile 18. I enjoyed the race up to mile 18 but is was pretty disheartening after that. Yesterday was supposed to be my first full but I’m not sure I’m cut out for it. May just stick with half’s in the future.
So sorry to hear this. But stay positive. Sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. You still got all of the health benefits from the training, and you now know what it is like should you decide to try again.
I will write a longer post later when I am not sick but just wanted to post that I made it! No drugs as they made me sick the night before and couldn’t make myself take them. Unofficial time of 7:12:18 from Corral F. Laying in bed right now trying to get the energy up to pack.

I was behind someone in line in Italy buying a a prosecco, maybe it was you? We spoke briefly about the long be taking a long time? :)

Hey!! You probably were running with injured me at some point. I was a 7:19 finisher from F who undertrained and hurt herself on the half course! But we made it!
Sadly, yesterday was my first full and I got swept outside of WWOS between mile 20 and 21. It was a combination of a nervous stomach (hat to make 3 bathroom stops) and my knee tightening up so I had to mostly walk after mile 18. I enjoyed the race up to mile 18 but is was pretty disheartening after that. Yesterday was supposed to be my first full but I’m not sure I’m cut out for it. May just stick with half’s in the future.
I'm so sorry :hug:
Sadly, yesterday was my first full and I got swept outside of WWOS between mile 20 and 21. It was a combination of a nervous stomach (hat to make 3 bathroom stops) and my knee tightening up so I had to mostly walk after mile 18. I enjoyed the race up to mile 18 but is was pretty disheartening after that. Yesterday was supposed to be my first full but I’m not sure I’m cut out for it. May just stick with half’s in the future.


So sorry to hear this. If you ever choose to run another marathon let me know and I'm more than willing to help in any way I can.
I’m Dopey! After a less-than-spectacular half the day before, I was really worried about the full yesterday. But I felt far and away better during the full. Ran slow, but with consistency, and managed a 10 minute PR!

All in all a great day, but I think Dopey has cured me of RunDisney for a bit. I seem to be on the every other year plan, though, so we shall see.

Sorry to be late to the party. I had a fever break at midnight and debated right up until time to head to the bus whether it was a good idea or not. Good ideas not being my forte and with all the words of encouragement here, I decided to give it a shot.

I didn't think the corrals were nearly as cold as they had been the last couple of days, but once we got going, man, that north wind was biting! In an attempt to avoid the 7 mile crash and burn of the half, I cut the intervals back to 1/1 and really focused on nutrition and hydration. I was very dehydrated after the half. By comparison, I felt much better at the MK point today and after we left the park we got some shelter from the wind.

By the time AK rolled around, I felt pretty confident that I wasn't going to crash and burn like yesterday. For me, AK was the point where it started to warm up to acceptable temperatures and ditched the last of my throwaways. As the temps got warmer from there, I got faster and faster. WWoS still felt like it went on forever, but the time from the WWoS exit to the entrance of Epcot flew by and I knew nothing was stopping the train today.

Where the trip through Epcot and past the choir yesterday was demoralizing (it really sucks having someone sing We Are the Champions to you when you think your race weekend is done), today they were uplifting and affirming! I crossed the line at 5:33:33, my 2nd worst marathon result, but I don't care! It was great to have Billy see me come through and have a quick conversation from the chute.

I am also particularly happy with my splits from this race:

1st half: 2:56:08
2nd half: 2:37:25

Thanks again to everyone here whose support, encouragement and words of wisdom helped get me through my disappointment yesterday and not make a decision I would have second guessed forever!


So happy to see this! Congrats!

I saw that 20025 finished. Is there an easy to see how many started from that list?

I haven’t done the math, but was watching the results pages. After the 5K is was at 178. After the 10K is was at 176. It dropped to 174 after the half I think. Then is was 163 pages today. Each page had 42 names.

Sadly, yesterday was my first full and I got swept outside of WWOS between mile 20 and 21. It was a combination of a nervous stomach (hat to make 3 bathroom stops) and my knee tightening up so I had to mostly walk after mile 18. I enjoyed the race up to mile 18 but is was pretty disheartening after that. Yesterday was supposed to be my first full but I’m not sure I’m cut out for it. May just stick with half’s in the future.

I am so sorry. The most difficult part of running a marathon is that you can execute your months long training plan to perfection and then nothing goes right on race day. This does not mean that you are not cut out for the marathon. It means you had a bad day. Truly.


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