Marathon Weekend 2022

FWIW (not sure if worth much), threat level sign at expo is green.

also FWIW (not sure if worth much at this point), I have bib 62XX and am s6. Further back than thought/hoped (5:31-6 est time)!

Nervous as heck for tomorrow! Hope everyone is having fun and staying safe.
Also, s6 for Goofy. Today we started at 5:46 from the back of the first wave, and I think there were 2(?). At least I only heard one wave start after us. With all the weaving and forced walking in narrow spaces, DH and I finished in 2:52:44. Had negative splits and never saw the balloon ladies. You’ve got this!
The half marathon messed a lot of things up this morning. Traffic and buses were both delayed getting in and out of the park. It took forever to get a MK bus at CBR this morning. I think it’s taking a long time to clear the backup it caused throughout the system.

I had a good long chat with my MK bus driver this morning. He was actually going to Epcot, but things were so backed up/behind from being cleared that his bus computer (which we discussed in detail) was sending messages that no drop offs at Epcot were allowed, so he grabbed us MK people, too and off we went. Part way through what was going to be a roundabout route, they opened World Drive, which we took....until it just stopped dead where Vista Blvd comes in. What a cluster--we were delayed so long that they actually opened up the route past Contemporary and we were able to go right to MK bus stop (versus what was going to be TTC).

In the end, it worked out. I had a nice conversation, instead of fuming, learned a thing or two (bus drivers actually switch buses multiple times during the day). And I was one of the first riders on 7DMT. Did everything I wanted at MK--all 4 coasters, and back in my room watching my lunch companions (Giraffes, Oryx, Zebra) chill.

But it was nuts. And @Barca33Runner, I had that same conversation about "the good old days" pre-even Fast Pass with a lady in line at BTMRR.
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I’m not sure how to reply to individual quotes here, but to the people thinking about times and race cutoff possibilities, 2020 isn’t a great year to go off of right? The start was delayed by a half hour, so the point at which the conditions reached the intervention stage could technically come a half hour later in this year’s course? I’m *really* hoping for an on time start tomorrow, that extra half hour of sun last time did not do me any favors.

And to the person looking for salt chews- I have extra at Pop if that helps.

If I remember correctly, @DopeyBadger looked at the start data after the race and concluded that while the initial start was delayed by ~30 minutes, they decreased the time between waves so that everyone was on course by the scheduled time. So, while earlier runners might have seen a bit warmer temperatures than they might have normally, the further back in the pack you were the more typical the conditions were. I’ll see if I can find his post from back then or maybe he can chime in.
If I remember correctly, @DopeyBadger looked at the start data after the race and concluded that while the initial start was delayed by ~30 minutes, they decreased the time between waves so that everyone was on course by the scheduled time. So, while earlier runners might have seen a bit warmer temperatures than they might have normally, the further back in the pack you were the more typical the conditions were. I’ll see if I can find his post from back then or maybe he can chime in.

It looks like @camaker's recollection is correct. Normally there is a 60 or so min maximal difference between clock time and gun time. But the most I'm seeing is around 35 min or so in the 2020 marathon. So with the race delayed by about 20-25 min, it does appear that the last people to cross where essentially on time despite the delayed start.
I usually take a plastic grocery bag (stuffed in my pocket for the whole race) to carry everything in. Someone several years ago mentioned that.
I need to get food in me immediately after a marathon - something. Otherwise it will usually take me hours (longer?) before I can eat - I’ll be nauseous around food… If I eat something right away, I can usually eat something bigger later - still may not be completely hungry, but it won’t make me sick!
Interesting idea about a grocery bag . . . I can't really see running a couple miles with a grocery bag full of stuff after a marathon! But I hear you about fueling shortly after completion. I'm like that too. I've stocked up my resort fridge with chocolate milk, my favorite post-hard-effort snack.

Just start your watch when you get to the race ;) so much walking before it even starts haha.
Oooh, I should record that as a Walk in Garmin, just in case. :)
Also, s6 for Goofy. Today we started at 5:46 from the back of the first wave, and I think there were 2(?). At least I only heard one wave start after us. With all the weaving and forced walking in narrow spaces, DH and I finished in 2:52:44. Had negative splits and never saw the balloon ladies. You’ve got this!
I was in s6 this morning. I walked to the corral early enough to be within 30 or 40 feet of the front of the corral and managed to be running almost immediately after the start. I never saw the balloon ladies other than seeing them at the very back of the corral at the start while waiting.
What did you guys think about the new course for the 10k?

It was a neat change of pace but it’s nightmare for the wheels particularly that one steep bank around 1.5 took out one person early on. And my own pusher was constantly having to course correct for it. (Though some of that may have been the alignment issue we discovered today)

Another random HM question - How were the corrals getting out this AM? Anyone have a rough start time for back of s2/beginning of s3? Trying to figure out my dark castle cut off for next month.

We hit Main Street at 6:24 and we’re on it until 6:27. This was my view from the chair:


by the time we hit Sebastian in New Fantasyland (around 6:39) twilight had broke. So your best bet is sometime before 6:30

What time should the balloon ladies and I expect to finish tomorrow?

Balloons usually take around 7 hours. So assuming a similar starting time of 53 minutes after the gun. They’ll come in around 1pm
I usually take a plastic grocery bag (stuffed in my pocket for the whole race) to carry everything in. Someone several years ago mentioned that.
I need to get food in me immediately after a marathon - something. Otherwise it will usually take me hours (longer?) before I can eat - I’ll be nauseous around food… If I eat something right away, I can usually eat something bigger later - still may not be completely hungry, but it won’t make me sick!
There was a lady walking in front of me post race who said that she carries a plastic grocery bag in her belt. So there she was with all of her post race food and drink bagged up while the rest of us were doing a walking juggling act
Wow. It's gonna be scorching hot at 1:00. Maybe I need to try to leave the balloon ladies behind me.

In general unless your pace is right at 16 min and you can’t increase it. It’s always always always better to have a buffer between you and the balloons in case something goes awry. Then you won’t fall right behind them immediately.

@Barca33Runner were you at AKL yesterday night? I think we may have a talked on the bus.
More concerning info for tomorrow. Sourced from a Facebook post comment, so take it with a grain of salt. There was reportedly a miscommunication with the water stops today and pallets of Powerade for both the half and full marathons were opened and used today. There’s a possibility of a Powerade shortage during the marathon, as a result.
More concerning info for tomorrow. Sourced from a Facebook post comment, so take it with a grain of salt. There was reportedly a miscommunication with the water stops today and pallets of Powerade for both the half and full marathons were opened and used today. There’s a possibility of a Powerade shortage during the marathon, as a result.

Well that’s certainly not something you want right before one of the hottest races. Hopefully they get it sorted out promptly.
There was a lady walking in front of me post race who said that she carries a plastic grocery bag in her belt. So there she was with all of her post race food and drink bagged up while the rest of us were doing a walking juggling act
That wasn’t me. I carried mine in my shorts/skirt pocket, but I did see a couple other people with bags.
Just wanted to give a big thanks to whoever recommended kt tape for under bra chafing. Worked like a charm today and my skin thanks you!
FYI I was not the person who suggested it. I was the person who asked the question and got the response. I am glad you had a successful test today. My test is tomorrow and hope I have the same results 😊
Another random HM question - How were the corrals getting out this AM? Anyone have a rough start time for back of s2/beginning of s3? Trying to figure out my dark castle cut off for next month.
I started in the first row of s3. Official results show a 5:14:08 start time. Castle photo was taken at 6:08 am still dark.
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