Marathon Weekend 2022

1. Charter bus rides from/to races. Best ride ever haha, and talking with fellow racers
2. “3....2....1....Gooooooooo” fireworks
3. Everywhere there’s volunteers, cast members, police helping with traffic, Boardwalk and Chear Squad - bless them all for the added motivation during the race

My favorite part of the race was always the finish line. The tiny burst of adrenaline that I usually/sometimes had left rounding the corner to head backstage at Epcot, pass the choir, and head down the final chute to the finish line was the best. Usually I’d make it all the way home on that adrenaline but sometimes I had to conserve for the final stretch past the gates. I always veered to the right at the final little split with the photographers because it always seemed to attract fewer people. The accomplishment was always the goal and it was never more real than when the finish line was in sight.

-Anywhere with Ralph/Vanellope, anything 90’s Disney afternoon, or Panchito. (I’d add Eeyore, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him on course)
-Entering Hollywood Studios during the Marathon. The highway/WWoS/highway section on the 2013-2019 course was always the worst. Soul crushing and hot. DHS was the light at the end of the tunnel.
-World Showcase in the dark (or light). It’s awesome when the torches are lit.

Just thinking of the entire Marathon stretch from HS to the Boardwalk to World Showcase to the finish has me realizing how much I miss Marathon Weekend and finishing the Marathon. I screwed up 2020 and didn’t get that feeling but figured I’d be back in 2021 to make amends. I think I’d disconnected a bit from the emotions and meaningfulness these races hold for me over the last year and a half since I never really felt 2021 was going to happen after the pandemic hit. I know the Marathon course won’t necessarily be anywhere close to the same, but I think I need that finish line more than ever. I really hope MW 2022 happens.
-Entering Hollywood Studios during the Marathon. The highway/WWoS/highway section on the 2013-2019 course was always the worst. Soul crushing and hot. DHS was the light at the end of the tunnel.

Hitting Hollywood is such a good feeling. Seeing people/crowds again and knowing you're so close, especially after such a miserable stretch, means so much.
1. Main Street USA - just so amazing. That stretch will never get old.
2. World Showcase - I've always loved the atmosphere and theming of that part of the park and getting to run through it is awesome. It's best in the dark, but I also love it as the final 1.2 miles of the marathon. It's great having the International CMs and the park guests cheering you on, and knowing you're on the home stretch.
3. The WDW Speedway (now gone) - I only got to run it once, but it was cool Disney invited local car clubs to come out with their classic cars. There must have been 50+, at least. It was just a typical runDisney touch that made those races so unique and fun.
SAFD: in no particular order, except that #1 is really #1 lol!

2. Battle for Endor on Bear Island Rd
3. World Dr./Osceola. I know: most people hate those long stretches of highway, but I love how the course opens up so I have plenty of space, and I really need those stretches of relative quiet to balance the overstimulation in the parks.

Honorable mention: any weird, random stuff backstage. Recycling stacks, piles of kegs, broken ride parts - I dig all of that.
Ya, waving at the monorail and getting those honks is a major highlight.
Yes, it happened to me the day after I had chosen that charm for my Pandora style bracelet as a souvenir for WnD 2017. I am brought back to that moment and feeling every time I look at it. For those who are still looking for memorabilia ideas, this one doesn’t take much space.
Any part of the races I would have shared have been already.

So I will add after the finish line, walking down the finishers chute. Collecting your medal, getting my favorite blue Powerade taking a big drink. Hearing medals clink against each other, feeling tired, sore and elated. I cherish that brief minute or two of pure accomplishment, pride and pain. Then it is time to board a bus, clean up and get in a park!


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