Marathon Weekend 2022

Tentative for the marathon, but 2023 is more likely for me, will know more by the time registration opens. Thank you for starting the thread!
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Joining in! I’ve followed the marathon weekend thread for a couple years, and enjoyed many SAFD posts. One of my “future” running goals was to run my first marathon in Disney in 2022, and here we are already! Hopefully this race (which now doesn’t seem so far away) will keep me motivated. I’m excited and nervous at the same time :blush:
Joining in! I’ve followed the marathon weekend thread for a couple years, and enjoyed many SAFD posts. One of my “future” running goals was to run my first marathon in Disney in 2022, and here we are already! Hopefully this race (which now doesn’t seem so far away) will keep me motivated. I’m excited and nervous at the same time :blush:

I feel the same way.
I told DH that my "crazy brain" says DO DOPEY BECUASE YOU WOULD COMPLETE IT ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. And as of right now, i've never even run a race (thanks, covid) or know if I even enjoy them and want to do ANY. And I think that realistically the training time commitment would be too much AND it's at pretty much the worst time of year for me to just be gone for 5 or 6 days. But you guyyyyyys. It would be the best birthday accomplishment/present to myself.

Note: when i start a new "hobby" I tend to go waaaay down the rabbit hole, and then competely drop it or at least lose the crazy-high intensity from when I began within about a year. Right now the new hobby is running.
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I told DH that my "crazy brain" says DO DOPEY BECUASE YOU WOULD COMPLETE IT ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. And as of right now, i've never even run a race (thanks, covid) or know if I even enjoy them and want to do ANY. And I think that realistically the training time commitment would be too much AND it's at pretty much the worst time of year for me to just be gone for 5 or 6 days. But you guyyyyyys. It would be the best birthday accomplishment/present to myself.

Note: when i start a new "hobby" I tend to go waaaay down the rabbit hole, and then competely drop it or at least lose the crazy-high intensity from when I began within about a year. Right now the new hobby is running.
Although I know nothing of your background or current fitness level, I would recommend easing into running. Injuries can easily occur if you try to do too much too quickly. Trying Dopey the same year as your first race ever can be done, but it doesn't mean it is wise. I would plan out a progression from 5ks, to 10ks, to half marathons, and then if you are still interested, try a marathon. You may find that you like certain distances more than others (shorter fast races like 5ks/10ks vs. more endurance races like half marathons, marathons, or even ultras). I would definitely not attempt Dopey prior to running a marathon. Dopey will always occur near your birthday, so you can wait another year or two.
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I'm in decent shape. Did about 6 month of beachbody stuff through the winter and spring (which is my usually thing....I have used BBOD to "get through" winter for a few years now), started running/training this summer, and am generally active, etc. Was training for a half that was supposed to happen last weekend (it went full virtual, so my SIL and i deferred to next year) and princess 10k, and that's obviously virtual now also.

And like I said.....that's my "crazy brain" talking. COULD i do it? yeah, if i could get a reasonable schedule worked out for the time commitment it would take. SHOULD i do it? ehhhhh......
I'm in decent shape. Did about 6 month of beachbody stuff through the winter and spring (which is my usually thing....I have used BBOD to "get through" winter for a few years now), started running/training this summer, and am generally active, etc. Was training for a half that was supposed to happen last weekend (it went full virtual, so my SIL and i deferred to next year) and princess 10k, and that's obviously virtual now also.

And like I said.....that's my "crazy brain" talking. COULD i do it? yeah, if i could get a reasonable schedule worked out for the time commitment it would take. SHOULD i do it? ehhhhh......


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