Marathon Weekend 2023

Ugh. Scrolling through the rundisney fb groups this morning and I'm so annoyed with people.

So many posts this week about all of the things walkers should do to essentially stay out of [real] runners' way and not inconvenience them in any way.

Planning on doing intervals? Start in the back of your corral so you aren't in the way. Stay single file when you do a walk interval (and we know that SO MANY people do intervals, and yet it becomes assumed that if you're walking next to someone that you're 'rudely blocking the whole course.') I'm sure I'll get to listen to people complain about that at the airport while we wait for our flight....that was the main conversation I heard last year.

Some [real] runners are probably trying to PR so you should definitely not take up any space, especially in the narrow parts of the course because [real] runners shouldn't have to slow down at bottlenecks.

I understand that this probably isn't their intention when they post stuff like this, but gosh.....there's such an overtone of entitlement that so many of them are completely oblivious to. Yes, we need to share the course and be courteous to others.
I've personally never had an issue with run/walkers, or walkers, or runners when I tried to race or tried to PR because I try to live my life as a Goldfish (Ted Lasso). Yes there were times I had to weave or it got a little crowded, but it feels like that only mattered if I let it get to me. There is so much hate and division in this world that people just need to step back and realize that there is more to life than holding on to stupid anger and constantly whining. I need to realize this too even though I try to be the Goldfish myself. Life sucks - I get it because mine right now is awful and the last thing I want to do is to even exist, but maybe if we just smile a little more then things will be better. I can tell you the best race I had was when I didn't let things bother me and I thanked the volunteers and/or spectators - that is when I felt the strongest and actually performed the best. When you complain, before you even get to the start, you just sabotage yourself.

So be a Goldfish - I wish some people that were once in my life were Goldfish too [or Goldfishes, Goldfisheeeeeess?, Yellow Tuna? who knows....what were we saying, cause I forgot ;) ]
.I also got smacked in the face by a lady who decided to stop then jump while throwing her arms up for a photopass as I ran through HS.
Oh don't even get me started about the jumping photos, or just cutting right in front of someone approaching a photographer. After seeing @Herding_Cats nearly face plant last year, I will not risk a jump shot on course unless I'm completely stationary (ie in front of the castle or Spaceship Earth at the dedicated photo spots). Points for recovery, though!

I try to give myself plenty of buffer when I see course photographers ahead so I'm not blocking anyone and nobody is blocking me, but inevitably someone sees that space and comes flying across the course to block my shot. SO annoying!

Even among walkers and run-walkers, as well as strictly runners, you’ve got a huge variety of paces and people who need to pass and/or be passed. So you’re always going to have occasions when someone slower is in front of you, whether you’re on the left, right , or center. As the faster person, it’s up to you to navigate when and where it’s safe to pass by paying attention.

Yes! I approach it like skiing. The uphill skier has the responsibility to watch out for anyone downhill on the course, whether they are supposed to be there or not. It is simple safety as the uphill person can see and adjust with everything in front of them more easily than someone trying to look behind. Yes, you should be aware of your surroundings and check around you before making a sudden move, but those approaching are in a far better position to adjust for the safety of everyone.
well, you just missed the race! corrals have been closed and bus transportation has stopped, so next time randomly wake up closer to 2:30am
Ahhhh....but you see, my toddler wakes me up every morning between 1 and 3.
Oh don't even get me started about the jumping photos, or just cutting right in front of someone approaching a photographer. After seeing @Herding_Cats nearly face plant last year, I will not risk a jump shot on course unless I'm completely stationary (ie in front of the castle or Spaceship Earth at the dedicated photo spots). Points for recovery, though!
I will never, EVER attempt an end-of-the-race jump shot again in my life. I was very glad that I made sure there was a LOT of space around me before attempting it. It was a much needed laugh at the end of that day though, right? Would I try one at the beginning of a race? Maybe. (Course is usually too crowded to risk it.)
I will never, EVER attempt an end-of-the-race jump shot again in my life. I was very glad that I made sure there was a LOT of space around me before attempting it. It was a much needed laugh at the end of that day though, right? Would I try one at the beginning of a race? Maybe. (Course is usually too crowded to risk it.)
Once I realized you were okay, it was hilarious and definitely needed. Thanks for that!

Perhaps on fresh legs it would be easier but pretty risky with the rest of the race left to run. I might have to try it on one of the shorter races with my club placement buffer.
Another SW email for a 1/3 traveler
They are certainly hoping to get this mess figured out soon
fingers crossed🤞

oddly enough it was SW that cancelled last year 20 minutes before boarding and cost me 2500 miles (round trip) of driving
yeah, I have a 10am flight from Houston on the 3rd - if that gets cancelled than I immediately will begin driving. It will suck at around 1000 miles each way, and likely 16-18 hours, but at least I'll have my car (I guess). Hoping the news of returning to normal is accurate and so far only 39 of southwest flights are cancelled for Friday, so continuing to cross fingers.
For transportation to the Expo, which resorts are "host resorts" that will offer transportation to and from the Expo? Also, on race day, what time do those of you staying on Disney property plan to leave your resort? I don't personally care about getting there early, but I want to allow myself enough of a cushion to arrive before 4:00 am.


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