Marching Our Way to a Healthy Lifestyle ~ March 2016 WISH Challenge

Question of the Day – Tuesday, March 29th:


One of the units in Mickey’s Soundsational Parade features favorite characters from Neverland, including Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, and Peter Pan.

Peter Pan reminds us that we all still have a bit of our childhood inside of us. Many of us may have been very active as children, but we became a little more sedentary as we grew out of activities that we considered childish.

The truth is, many of these “childish” activities are also acceptable for adults – sometimes in a slightly different way, and sometimes in the exact same way we did them as kids. Today, let’s think about how to bring back some of our favorite childhood activities.

Are there any activities, exercises, or sports that you had once thought were too “childish,” but you later grew to love as an adult?
Is there an activity, exercise, or sport that you loved as a child that you want to learn how to do as an adult?
For those of you with young (or not so young) kids – are there any activities that your kids do that seem like a lot of fun and you would love to join them?

I'm never too old for any activity! There's nothing that comes to mind that's too childish.

I played basketball into my freshman year of high school but I quit because it was more competitive than I wanted to be. I also injured both of my shoulders so while I'd love to play still for fun I get a little squeamish thinking about my shoulders. I also liked jumping on the trampoline. We had one for a long time and it was fun to put a sprinkler underneath and jump around. My little brother (10 years younger) wants to go to a trampoline park for his birthday party and I'm so excited because it sounds like fun!
Are there any activities, exercises, or sports that you had once thought were too “childish,” but you later grew to love as an adult?
Is there an activity, exercise, or sport that you loved as a child that you want to learn how to do as an adult?
For those of you with young (or not so young) kids – are there any activities that your kids do that seem like a lot of fun and you would love to join them?

I was one of those "generally active" kids ... there wasn't much specifically that I did, I was just always running and jumping around (and my knees have never forgiven me for it), and I still kinda do that stuff sometimes when I have excess energy (just not in public anymore ... its not unusual to see me running around the house randomly). I did run the occasional race as a kid ... but that's something I do now, too.
One thing I did as a kid that I do miss is organized sports. I played softball and soccer as a kid (not very well), and I know there are adult leagues out there ... I just don't know that I want to get involved in that. As a kid, it's okay if you suck at sports ... people expect there to be some kids who aren't as good. As an adult, I think there's a bit more of a stigma if you're not very good at the sport you want to play.

I'm pretty much willing to be a kid all of the time! Unfortunately my inner kid wasn't all that active when she was actually a child. I'm actually more active now because I live in the city and I walk a lot. My one organized sport was volleyball and I hated it. Still do. My primary activities are the same as always - walking and hiking with the dog, occasionally riding my bike and swimming (both too casually to really be exercise), skiing a few times a winter, and ice skating once in a blue moon.

I think it's awesome that you're more active now than you were as a child. Making up for lost time!

Once in a while I think about dance classes (the kind I failed at as a kid - straight ballet and tap) but my pigeon toes tripped me up when I was young, they haven't improved, and I worry that my complete lack of flexibility would just make things worse.

I totally get this ... but if it's something you really want to do, try it! Take one dance class, and the worst thing that can happen is that you realize it wasn't a good idea. Maybe you'll really love dance classes ... you never know until you try!

I played all sorts of sports as a kid and the one that I really had the most promise in was gymnastics. But I quit right before middle school because I was convinced it was childish. I never quite did pick it back up but I'd really enjoy to. I just don't feel like it's something I have time for, sadly.

I always wanted to be a gymnast. I think I took one gymnastics class as a kid ... it was fun, but I wasn't very good. I think gymnastics would be something fun to do as an adult ... but I totally understand not having the time to commit to it.

I also LOVED the trampoline as a kid and would enjoy picking it back up... someone here mentioned trampoline class and I'm definitely going to look into it!

Yes! Let us know if you decide to try it out ... I'd love to hear another perspective on it!

I'm never too old for any activity! There's nothing that comes to mind that's too childish.

I love this mentality!

I played basketball into my freshman year of high school but I quit because it was more competitive than I wanted to be. I also injured both of my shoulders so while I'd love to play still for fun I get a little squeamish thinking about my shoulders. I also liked jumping on the trampoline. We had one for a long time and it was fun to put a sprinkler underneath and jump around. My little brother (10 years younger) wants to go to a trampoline park for his birthday party and I'm so excited because it sounds like fun!

A trampoline park may actually be the greatest birthday activity ever!


Good morning again, guys! I'm going to try my best to pop in a lot today and hopefully not fall behind on the chatting!
My run this morning was a bit of a disaster. I thought I was finally ready to conquer the mini-hill I've been avoiding for the past few months (I don't know why this hill specifically always kills me, but it does). I was not. Today the hill defeated me ... but I lived to tell the tale and I'll have to try another day.
Just finished my breakfast - a cereal combination with half a banana. I finally paid attention to the tip that @JacknSally posted and only ate half of my banana. The other half is in the fridge (yes, I like cold bananas sometimes) and I'll have it for afternoon snack.
My big goal for today (other than getting my regular to-do list done) is no extra snacks. My next food will be "morning" snack at around noonish (probably celery with either PB or cashew butter), then lunch around 2:30ish (salmon and rice), afternoon snack (banana half) at 5, and then dinner and nothing after dinner. Lately I've been really bad with the snacking, so we'll see if I can do it.

Okay, I'm off to get started on my to-do list - have a great day, all!
Question of the Day – Tuesday, March 29th:


One of the units in Mickey’s Soundsational Parade features favorite characters from Neverland, including Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, and Peter Pan.

Peter Pan reminds us that we all still have a bit of our childhood inside of us. Many of us may have been very active as children, but we became a little more sedentary as we grew out of activities that we considered childish.

The truth is, many of these “childish” activities are also acceptable for adults – sometimes in a slightly different way, and sometimes in the exact same way we did them as kids. Today, let’s think about how to bring back some of our favorite childhood activities.

Are there any activities, exercises, or sports that you had once thought were too “childish,” but you later grew to love as an adult?
Is there an activity, exercise, or sport that you loved as a child that you want to learn how to do as an adult?
For those of you with young (or not so young) kids – are there any activities that your kids do that seem like a lot of fun and you would love to join them?
I can't think of anything that I thought was too childish. When I was a kid, I played basketball and softball. I was pretty good at basketball, but terrible at softball. I think I would have been better off with more individual sports- like tennis or swim team. I always think about taking tennis lessons, but can never get up the nerve!

My kids play volleyball (looks like fun), soccer (looks exhausting), hockey (looks exhausting) and the little guy also plays t-ball (reminds me of my softball days - not good memories). My daughter reminds me of me - she plays volleyball because she wants to be part of a team. She's doesn't have that "killer instinct" that it seems kids need to succeed in sports these days. She's recently taken up jogging and seems to enjoy it. Maybe she'll go out for track or cross country next year - I'll bet (like me) she'd be more successful at an individual sport like those. My sons are ridiculously competitive and they fit right in! My littlest is actually a little out of place in the competitive scene. He's spent too long playing and watching his brother that he takes things too seriously. He doesn't understand modified rules for kids and wants to play like the professionals he sees on TV!
Question of the Day – Tuesday, March 29th:


One of the units in Mickey’s Soundsational Parade features favorite characters from Neverland, including Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, and Peter Pan.

Peter Pan reminds us that we all still have a bit of our childhood inside of us. Many of us may have been very active as children, but we became a little more sedentary as we grew out of activities that we considered childish.

The truth is, many of these “childish” activities are also acceptable for adults – sometimes in a slightly different way, and sometimes in the exact same way we did them as kids. Today, let’s think about how to bring back some of our favorite childhood activities.

Are there any activities, exercises, or sports that you had once thought were too “childish,” but you later grew to love as an adult?
Is there an activity, exercise, or sport that you loved as a child that you want to learn how to do as an adult?
For those of you with young (or not so young) kids – are there any activities that your kids do that seem like a lot of fun and you would love to join them?

I loved playing soccer as a kid. I haven't played since I was in high school but would love to play again. My son is in Karate and they had an adult class so I decided I would take it. It would help with self defense and be a good workout. I did it for about a year and a half or so before they stopped having it. My daughter does gymnastics and I would have loved to have done that when I was younger.
Sorry I have been MIA the past few days. Saturday I took the kids to an Easter egg hunt with the rest of my family and then went back to my moms. I stayed their until later in the day helping her get ready for Easter. Sunday was a really busy day. I spent about 3 hours in the car. We did have fun though. I did not count calories on Sunday. I tried not to eat horrible but my husbands parents don't cook anything that is healthy. At my moms I did eat a lot of fruit but I still had some treats. Yesterday was my last day off with the kids. Myself and and friend of mine took our kids to a place called Fun N Stuff. We did the activities with the kids. We did roller skating, climbed a rock wall, played lazer tag and a few other activities. It was a great way to end spring break.

Today starts a new routine of trying to get to the rec around the kids activities and work. I am really determined to get my workouts in each day.

I know i am late with my check in but I lost 2 pounds last week. That puts me at 4 pounds down from the beginning of the month. I hope to lose 1 more before the end of the month but I am very happy with the 4 pounds.
I can't think of anything that I thought was too childish. When I was a kid, I played basketball and softball. I was pretty good at basketball, but terrible at softball. I think I would have been better off with more individual sports- like tennis or swim team. I always think about taking tennis lessons, but can never get up the nerve!

You should try tennis lessons. I think it would be a lot of fun!

I loved playing soccer as a kid. I haven't played since I was in high school but would love to play again. My son is in Karate and they had an adult class so I decided I would take it. It would help with self defense and be a good workout. I did it for about a year and a half or so before they stopped having it. My daughter does gymnastics and I would have loved to have done that when I was younger.

A lot of places have adult soccer leagues - you should see if you can find one near you!

Sorry I have been MIA the past few days. Saturday I took the kids to an Easter egg hunt with the rest of my family and then went back to my moms. I stayed their until later in the day helping her get ready for Easter. Sunday was a really busy day. I spent about 3 hours in the car. We did have fun though. I did not count calories on Sunday. I tried not to eat horrible but my husbands parents don't cook anything that is healthy. At my moms I did eat a lot of fruit but I still had some treats. Yesterday was my last day off with the kids. Myself and and friend of mine took our kids to a place called Fun N Stuff. We did the activities with the kids. We did roller skating, climbed a rock wall, played lazer tag and a few other activities. It was a great way to end spring break.

Sounds like a busy weekend - but a lot of fun!

I know i am late with my check in but I lost 2 pounds last week. That puts me at 4 pounds down from the beginning of the month. I hope to lose 1 more before the end of the month but I am very happy with the 4 pounds.

Awesome progress!!
Well it's after the holidays and I'm starting again! I'm recording my calories again and going to try to do something exercise wise. I've also started meditating. In a lot of pain today though. I had to break out my cane (I'm 27 in two weeks I shouldn't have a cane!) and I'm in the boot. I get the results of my bone scan tomorrow so we'll see what's going to happen.
Well it's after the holidays and I'm starting again! I'm recording my calories again and going to try to do something exercise wise. I've also started meditating. In a lot of pain today though. I had to break out my cane (I'm 27 in two weeks I shouldn't have a cane!) and I'm in the boot. I get the results of my bone scan tomorrow so we'll see what's going to happen.

Yay for getting back to tracking calories and trying to get some exercise in!
I hope you get some good news from the bone scan!
"What are your long term fitness goals?"

This was the million dollar question today from the personal trainer. I was ready to open my mouth and proudly exclaim... ACHIEVE THE 2:45 HALF MARATHON TIME with resounding enthusiasm. But I paused. Because really, is that a long-term fitness goal? It seems like a milestone on the path to the long term fitness goal and now I have to look at the bigger picture.

How do we achieve the long term fitness goal and what is it? Is it something that we can articulate into words or do we have to set up mini goals to achieve on the way that will eventually lead to the bigger goal?

I ask this because... I don't think I've really thought about what the long-term goals are for me. And I'm not sure everyone here has as well. But if you're one of the lucky ones who have, can you please help in providing resources or anything I can use to help determine what my goals are? It would really help the thinking process and help me to see the proverbial finish line and what mile(stones) I need to cross before seeing that final goal.
"What are your long term fitness goals?"

This was the million dollar question today from the personal trainer. I was ready to open my mouth and proudly exclaim... ACHIEVE THE 2:45 HALF MARATHON TIME with resounding enthusiasm. But I paused. Because really, is that a long-term fitness goal? It seems like a milestone on the path to the long term fitness goal and now I have to look at the bigger picture.

How do we achieve the long term fitness goal and what is it? Is it something that we can articulate into words or do we have to set up mini goals to achieve on the way that will eventually lead to the bigger goal?

I ask this because... I don't think I've really thought about what the long-term goals are for me. And I'm not sure everyone here has as well. But if you're one of the lucky ones who have, can you please help in providing resources or anything I can use to help determine what my goals are? It would really help the thinking process and help me to see the proverbial finish line and what mile(stones) I need to cross before seeing that final goal.

This is a really good question/discussion.
Many people (myself included) have "long term" goals that are really only 6 months to a year. Personally, I find that it's better for me to have shorter long-term goals. I think that if I had a more long-term goal, I'd be more likely to get inside my own head about it. As it is I struggle with my goals. So for me, long term goals are something I haven't even thought about.

I'm interested to hear/read how others feel about this.
Good evening friends! Just taking a moment to say hello at the end of a very busy day. I did take the time just now to read the 3 pages you all have chatted through since I was here last.... but not feeling up to replying... just a bit too tired. Spent about 3/4 of the school day with my new student.... oh... did I mention that I am now a one-on-one for the remainder of the school year?? At least that guarantees me a paycheck every week through mid-June... which is nice because usually the work days start to dwindle by mid/late spring. Due to a couple of unforeseen emergencies including a fatal accident in front of the high school which held up our release of our loaded buses for over 30 minutes), it ended up being a long day... and I would have been there even longer if I didn't have to dash out to get to my WW meeting (and had to drive waaayyy out of the way due to the accident). Just feeling absolutely wiped out.

I will plan to be here for a final chatter push for March and to work on getting the April challenge rolling tomorrow and Thursday. Good night all! I don't have a 24/7 chat shift tomorrow night, so I'll have time to chat with you all!..........................P
there any activities, exercises, or sports that you had once thought were too “childish,” but you later grew to love as an adult?
Is there an activity, exercise, or sport that you loved as a child that you want to learn how to do as an adult?
For those of you with young (or not so young) kids – are there any activities that your kids do that seem like a lot of fun and you would love to join them?

I don't think of myself as a particularly sport person - but as a child I was always out in the neighbourhood doing something - swimming at a friend's house, exploring the nearby bush, playing tennis on the street, rode my bike and jumped on my trampoline, hide n' seek, tag, rollerskating. At school the things I remember playing are elastics and skipping (both with a small personal rope and a big long one for group skipping along with the rhymes that went with it), I played interschool sport for softball and netball, I have never been a long distance runner - in primary school I always won the 100m sprint for my age, and I went to zone sports for high jump. I did dancing on and off.

I also will have a go at things with my kids without worrying what others think if it looks like fun and I want to have a go. My 12 year old son and I had a noodle race in the public swimming pool last month lol you know where you sit on the pool noodle like its a horse and kick/paddle your way to the other end - lol I was exhausted - so unfit. As I got older I just started to opt out of sports. When the kids were younger I did do an adult tap dancing class - that was fun. I love to play backyard cricket with the kids - but don't do it often enough. We used to have a disco night at home with a colourful light and everything and dance around crazy - this has also slipped away - I get so out of puff so easily!

I ask this because... I don't think I've really thought about what the long-term goals are for me. And I'm not sure everyone here has as well.

Great question - you are right for me intitally its been more of a I hate how I look and therefore want to lose weight - however, now I am getting to an age where I am realising that yes I want to look different but there are many more health reasons that I need to set some long goals about my life and how I want to live it. When I read about your running/marathon goals at least you have a goal that you can focus on that motivates you to adopting and maintaining the healthy choices to get you there. Now I am never going to have a running goal but feel like I need some more direction in where I am going or I am going to keep failing at this.
Due to a couple of unforeseen emergencies including a fatal accident in front of the high school which held up our release of our loaded buses for over 30 minutes)

I was shocked reading this and almost had to read it three times before it sunk in. I am so so so sorry that you all had to handle this today :(

Great question - you are right for me intitally its been more of a I hate how I look and therefore want to lose weight - however, now I am getting to an age where I am realising that yes I want to look different but there are many more health reasons that I need to set some long goals about my life and how I want to live it. When I read about your running/marathon goals at least you have a goal that you can focus on that motivates you to adopting and maintaining the healthy choices to get you there. Now I am never going to have a running goal but feel like I need some more direction in where I am going or I am going to keep failing at this.

With weight loss I think it was more about "i want to reach XXX pounds" and saw that as the end result -- and when I got there it felt amazing. The running sort of came from it and now it's manifested into something to where I want to reach a faster speed AND get my body into better shape. I think the overall end goal (after thinking on it and having a crying-while-talking conversation with the husband tonight - long day for real) is that I want to great my body into the best physical condition that it can be. I want to have toned arms, a tight tummy, and strong legs. To look good and feel good in my own skin.. and by accomplishing that I feel that the speed and other things will fall into place.

If that makes sense.

Taking a look at the little goals seemed to have found the bigger goal. You can totally do this too! I want to help - all I did is keep asking "why?" after i made a goal/milestone and it lead to the next direction.
There was a over 55 lady in my old job. She would bring her own breakfast every morning and lunch most days. She made consistently healthy choices with rare treat and after just returning to her healthy eating. She was a keen golfer, and hit the gym 2 or 3 times a week doing strength training without obsessing about skipping a workout or doing stupid all go workouts. She was working hard enough to get results but not making it too hard to end up injured.

She have amazing posture, not skinny but slender and strong yet feminine looking. She is living healthy instead of doing a challenge and if she misses a workout or have an ice cream she would go back to the gym next time and healthy meal effortless

That's my goal. I want to be like her.

I want have good posture, healthy size, find activities I enjoy, and hit the gym 2 or 3 times a week to support my strength and aging process. I want to enjoy food, mostly healthy and don't go on and off imaginary wagons. I don't want to go on all or nothing challenge, deadlift 100 kg, run 20 miles or hit specific number on the scale. I want to be active & live healthy consistently and let the chips fall where they may
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"What are your long term fitness goals?"

My answer is quite similar to the one @HappyGrape gave. Last summer when I started running in the mornings because it was so hot during the day and it did not cool down during the evening, I regularly met the same runners in my little park. There was one couple, who looked like they were around 80 years old and they always had a smile on their face, ran their 4 km at a slow, but steady pace and just seemed happy and content. I want to be like this when I am 80!

A lot of my motivation in this whole journey is to find a way that works for me with which I can stay active as long as possible. This includes watching my weight, eating healthy foods and have a good foundation for fitness. I am not aiming at running a marathon or cut out all sugar from my life. I know that both things are far too lofty goals for me to reach. I don't have the self discipline for it and neither the dedication to give up things that I like in order to acchieve goals like this. But I am aiming at lowering my empty carb intake, get up my veggie intake, limit eating meat (more out of ecological and animal welfare concerns than for health reasons though), get my three cardio workouts a week (which does wonders for my migraine!) and being as active as I can in my daily life. That sounds like a sustainable program to me.
"What are your long term fitness goals?"

This was the million dollar question today from the personal trainer. I was ready to open my mouth and proudly exclaim... ACHIEVE THE 2:45 HALF MARATHON TIME with resounding enthusiasm. But I paused. Because really, is that a long-term fitness goal? It seems like a milestone on the path to the long term fitness goal and now I have to look at the bigger picture.

How do we achieve the long term fitness goal and what is it? Is it something that we can articulate into words or do we have to set up mini goals to achieve on the way that will eventually lead to the bigger goal?

I ask this because... I don't think I've really thought about what the long-term goals are for me. And I'm not sure everyone here has as well. But if you're one of the lucky ones who have, can you please help in providing resources or anything I can use to help determine what my goals are? It would really help the thinking process and help me to see the proverbial finish line and what mile(stones) I need to cross before seeing that final goal.

I love that you are giving this SO MUCH THOUGHT! I can get caught up sometimes in giving quick answers here, almost for the sake of just getting something typed. But we should ALL be thinking about what our true LONG-TERM goals are!

I know for myself, that staying a HEALTHY WEIGHT and staying ACTIVE is super important as I age. I know too many people MY AGE who are having knee/hip replacements, are constantly grumbling about aches and pains, etc. I know that sometimes a long-term recurring illness/condition contributes to this at an early age (like early onset RA and such), but for SO MANY PEOPLE it is just weight and lack of exercise that is the MAIN issue! And I do NOT want that to be me!! I've worked too hard all my life to end up retired and MISERABLE because I cannot enjoy a fun life in a HEALTHY body!

I was shocked reading this and almost had to read it three times before it sunk in. I am so so so sorry that you all had to handle this today :(

Thanks for thinking of us. It (thankfully) was NOT a student, but was still a young man (32) from a neighboring town who was sadly just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It really kind of supports the old saying of "when it's your time to go, it's your time". A gust of wind caused a large tree to fall over, directly on the top of his truck. Just a few seconds earlier or later and it would have missed him. Saying prayers today for the family.

With weight loss I think it was more about "i want to reach XXX pounds" and saw that as the end result -- and when I got there it felt amazing. The running sort of came from it and now it's manifested into something to where I want to reach a faster speed AND get my body into better shape. I think the overall end goal (after thinking on it and having a crying-while-talking conversation with the husband tonight - long day for real) is that I want to great my body into the best physical condition that it can be. I want to have toned arms, a tight tummy, and strong legs. To look good and feel good in my own skin.. and by accomplishing that I feel that the speed and other things will fall into place.

If that makes sense.

Taking a look at the little goals seemed to have found the bigger goal. You can totally do this too! I want to help - all I did is keep asking "why?" after i made a goal/milestone and it lead to the next direction.

Expand for my other repy.
So well said about small goals leading to a bigger goal!

There was a over 55 lady in my old job. She would bring her own breakfast every morning and lunch most days. She made consistently healthy choices with rare treat and after just returning to her healthy eating. She was a keen golfer, and hit the gym 2 or 3 times a week doing strength training without obsessing about skipping a workout or doing stupid all go workouts. She was working hard enough to get results but not making it too hard to end up injured.

She have amazing posture, not skinny but slender and strong yet feminine looking. She is living healthy instead of doing a challenge and if she misses a workout or have an ice cream she would go back to the gym next time and healthy meal effortless

That's my goal. I want to be like her.

I want have good posture, healthy size, find activities I enjoy, and hit the gym 2 or 3 times a week to support my strength and aging process. I want to enjoy food, mostly healthy and don't go on and off imaginary wagons. I don't want to go on all or nothing challenge, deadlift 100 kg, run 20 miles or hit specific number on the scale. I want to be active & live healthy consistently and let the chips fall where they may

Isn't it SO NICE to see "older" folks leading such a great example!


Hey friends! Another crazy morning here! I need to get out the door in the next 10 minutes, but I am mostly ready and I've already had my breakfast! Dishwasher is running, counters are wiped, DS's breakfast smoothie, lunch bag, and water bottle are waiting for him. But of course.... I'm not sure he is even dressed yet!

First full day with my new student.... fingers crossed that it goes along well. I was concerned about being in this particular classroom, as I am NOT fond of the teacher and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual (truly the ONLY person I say this about in the entire building), but my student will only be in with her regular class for a few relatively short pockets of time during the day. I guess I can handle that.

They (the school) is already talking about how many hours they want me to work (in maintenance) this summer. It seems like I'll be getting 40 hr weeks if I want them! That's simultaneously super exciting and super overwhelming. I don't MIND working and it is a nice flexible schedule (show up when I want, leave when I want pretty much), but I KNOW my hands/arms weren't happy with all of the painting I did last summer and more hours may not be a good thing for that. I may have to tell them that I can only paint for 25 hours and if they want me to do more than that it will have to be doing something else. Anyhow.... I'm rambling here, just thinking out loud!

Off to work! I'll be on tonight to chat!....................P
WooHoo Wednesday, March 30th:

WooHoo Wednesday is a very special tradition that we have on these challenge threads – it’s a chance for us to take a break and celebrate our victories (big or small).

It’s almost the end of the month and while we’re current celebrating Mickey’s Soundsational Parade (a fairly new parade), today let’s take note of the fact that parades have been a part of Disneyland history for 60 years. Did you know that Disneyland had a parade on its opening day?

The opening day parade was a special event held on July 17th, 1955, to commemorate the opening of Disneyland. The parade featured guest starts and a segment to represent each themed area in the park.


Some of us can start to see the WooHoos as soon as we start our healthy lifestyle journey, but others take some time to start noticing these small (and big) victories. Wherever you are on your journey, it’s important to remember that there is always something to celebrate, even if it’s just that you’ve taken that first step. Every person has WooHoos, and that’s where we’re celebrating today.

It’s WooHoo Wednesday - what’s your WooHoo for today?
WooHoo Wednesday, March 30th:

WooHoo Wednesday is a very special tradition that we have on these challenge threads – it’s a chance for us to take a break and celebrate our victories (big or small).

It’s almost the end of the month and while we’re current celebrating Mickey’s Soundsational Parade (a fairly new parade), today let’s take note of the fact that parades have been a part of Disneyland history for 60 years. Did you know that Disneyland had a parade on its opening day?

The opening day parade was a special event held on July 17th, 1955, to commemorate the opening of Disneyland. The parade featured guest starts and a segment to represent each themed area in the park.


Some of us can start to see the WooHoos as soon as we start our healthy lifestyle journey, but others take some time to start noticing these small (and big) victories. Wherever you are on your journey, it’s important to remember that there is always something to celebrate, even if it’s just that you’ve taken that first step. Every person has WooHoos, and that’s where we’re celebrating today.

It’s WooHoo Wednesday - what’s your WooHoo for today?

My WooHoo for today is that I got my workout in yesterday. It was not as good as I wanted it to be because all of the treadmills were taken but I got my steps and 16 minutes on the elliptical. I am working to improve my time on the elliptical. Today is a little bit busier but I should still be able to get the work out in. I am really tired today because I slept on the couch (my husband is sick) and didn't sleep well. I need to keep myself motivated all day since I won't get to work out until about 6ish tonight.
"What are your long term fitness goals?"

This was the million dollar question today from the personal trainer. I was ready to open my mouth and proudly exclaim... ACHIEVE THE 2:45 HALF MARATHON TIME with resounding enthusiasm. But I paused. Because really, is that a long-term fitness goal? It seems like a milestone on the path to the long term fitness goal and now I have to look at the bigger picture.

How do we achieve the long term fitness goal and what is it? Is it something that we can articulate into words or do we have to set up mini goals to achieve on the way that will eventually lead to the bigger goal?

I ask this because... I don't think I've really thought about what the long-term goals are for me. And I'm not sure everyone here has as well. But if you're one of the lucky ones who have, can you please help in providing resources or anything I can use to help determine what my goals are? It would really help the thinking process and help me to see the proverbial finish line and what mile(stones) I need to cross before seeing that final goal.

I've unfortunately lost 3 of my grandparents, my father, an uncle, and a few others in the past decade. There isn't a complete correlation - my father was the youngest and healthiest of the group until he had a massive heart attack far too young - but for the most part, aging was so much easier on those who took good or relatively good care of themselves. They were more independent and had so much higher quality of life.

I've said it here before - I hate exercise. And I've tried a bunch. Our question yesterday reminded me that I am generally pretty active. I reach 10,000 steps every day and often significantly more. But I don't "work out." And I should. My knees aren't great. I've got very mild rheumatoid arthritis and my flares can be tied directly on the times I do nothing but lounge on the couch and snack on chips. I don't need to be an athlete (although that would be nice!) but basic flexibility and strength is so important.

This is a really long winded introduction to a really simple long term goal: age well.

Perhaps I need to go find a yoga class instead of going to work now. :)

There was a over 55 lady in my old job. She would bring her own breakfast every morning and lunch most days. She made consistently healthy choices with rare treat and after just returning to her healthy eating. She was a keen golfer, and hit the gym 2 or 3 times a week doing strength training without obsessing about skipping a workout or doing stupid all go workouts. She was working hard enough to get results but not making it too hard to end up injured.

She have amazing posture, not skinny but slender and strong yet feminine looking. She is living healthy instead of doing a challenge and if she misses a workout or have an ice cream she would go back to the gym next time and healthy meal effortless

That's my goal. I want to be like her.

I want have good posture, healthy size, find activities I enjoy, and hit the gym 2 or 3 times a week to support my strength and aging process. I want to enjoy food, mostly healthy and don't go on and off imaginary wagons. I don't want to go on all or nothing challenge, deadlift 100 kg, run 20 miles or hit specific number on the scale. I want to be active & live healthy consistently and let the chips fall where they may

This this this!

WooHoo Wednesday, March 30th:

WooHoo Wednesday is a very special tradition that we have on these challenge threads – it’s a chance for us to take a break and celebrate our victories (big or small).

It’s almost the end of the month and while we’re current celebrating Mickey’s Soundsational Parade (a fairly new parade), today let’s take note of the fact that parades have been a part of Disneyland history for 60 years. Did you know that Disneyland had a parade on its opening day?

The opening day parade was a special event held on July 17th, 1955, to commemorate the opening of Disneyland. The parade featured guest starts and a segment to represent each themed area in the park.


Some of us can start to see the WooHoos as soon as we start our healthy lifestyle journey, but others take some time to start noticing these small (and big) victories. Wherever you are on your journey, it’s important to remember that there is always something to celebrate, even if it’s just that you’ve taken that first step. Every person has WooHoos, and that’s where we’re celebrating today.

It’s WooHoo Wednesday - what’s your WooHoo for today?


Between my always difficult traveling companions and Disney's failure to provide any usual information regarding Animal Kingdom hours, my trip planning is in complete disarray. But my magic bands have shipped and I've got less than four weeks until I'm there. Yay!!!!


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