May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 6

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John made homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner...even though it's hot out it was yummy!
has anyone worked with cafe press of know who did the Med EB site there? I am trying to figure out how to have a store without making money.
where is everyone? John is about to leave for his game, and the girls are trying to go to sleep.
Deb....have you taken care of calling about your antibiotic running out before your appointment? Hmmmmmmm? Your DIS siblings are keeping our :3dglasses on you!

(Can you tell I've just spent 6 days with my BIG sister?)

NO kidding - she is the bossy one!

Jan and V....I took your advise and called the wound center and asked about the antibiotics...they asked what the Dr. said who prescribed them. I told them the emergency room prescribed them and told me that if it doesn't clear up by the end of the script, then I would have to be admitted. The wound center said I should get my butt back to emergency and get admitted.

Then I called my GP Dr. who suggested the wound clinic and he's not in the office for a couple of days....dead end there.

The wound center said they could not determine over the phone how to heal the legs, since they haven't seen me yet. They said that when they see me they may recommend being admitted.

I'll do anything just so that I won't have to be admitted, but at the moment it doesn't look like I have many other options. What should I do next?:confused3 :confused3 :confused3

Miss Deb - sometimes in life we MUST do the hard thing to take care of ourselves! I know you don't want to go to the hospital - but you really need to think about what is BEST for you... (ok, maybe I AM the bossy sister!):banana: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :thumbsup2

pirate: pirate: pirate: I only noticed about 10 minutes ago...but was busy playing on the t-shirt web site!

HEY....where's my sister? I thought she would bring me some lunch....guess I'd better give her a call!

She was working! Then got too hungry and got the shakes and had to run out - plus I forgot (only because I was busy) that you were home. I'll bring you some diet-7-up here in a bit.

well no accidents! Yeah Haley!

It wsa so funny, she was on the playground and when she saw me and came running and her skirt fell down! It's just too big!


Yup. Bottom front. He was on the playground at day care and when he yelled to his friend, it just fell out! He felt it fall and screamed "My tooth! My tooth!" He couldn't find it, so all the teachers and all the kids helped him look. They all searched on their hands & knees for 10 minutes and one kid finally found it for him. Fortutely, it was on the asphalt instead of the grass, or it probably would have been harder to find.
:cheer2: :dance3: :yay:
has anyone worked with cafe press of know who did the Med EB site there? I am trying to figure out how to have a store without making money.

I think it was Ken that did the EB TA shirt. The shirts were great. We ordered a couple of different styles. Post on the other site and someone there will know for sure.
so tooth fairy tonight!

so Holly, how much is Tyler getting from the tooth fairy?

:cheer2: :dance3: :yay:
Well, some people have suggested a few quarters, but he regularly receives quarters for working around the house, so it won't mean much to him. Somehow I feel the tooth fairy should bring more than that. Maybe $2.00? I had planned on giving him a couple of those gold dollar coins (our vending machines at school give those as change) but wasn't prepared because I thought for sure that tooth would hang around another couple weeks.

Here's another problem: He wants to keep the tooth (in its ziploc bag) to show everybody. Does the tooth fairy still come? Or does his tooth have to disappear in order for the tooth fairy to leave money? I'm so confused! But I'd hate to have him wake up and look under his pillow, expecting money in the morning, and then be sad because he thinks the tooth fairy forgot him. :confused3
Well, your DIS pals are glad to hear the guest room is ready for us!
:lmao: :lmao: :cool1: :lmao: :cool1:

...up to page 1518!

ready and available! :lmao: taken in the wrong context that could sound bad:rotfl2:

Well, I'm off to shower and then I'll be driving out to Palm Springs to meet Kaylee (fourmcds) who's flying in for a medical conference!! I guess you could call it a very mini mini DIS meet! I'll catch up with you all later.

Well, Lisa just left and it was so great to finally meet! It was so weird to hear her voice the first time, after only "talking" on line for so many months! It was around 118 here today so we spent the whole time in the pool talking. Before we knew it, it was time for Lisa to go home....good thing we left a few things so we can have something to talk about on the cruise:lmao: We enjoyed a pina colada and forgot to take any pictures of our mini mini meet! I am sure we'll make up for that on the cruise! Thanks for driving here to meet up Lisa!!!:thumbsup2

Congrats to Haley for continuing to stay dry! Sounds like she just decided she was ready and that was it:yay:
Congrats to Tyler for losing his tooth AND finding it!!! :cheer2: How nice is the tooth fairy in your neck of the woods for the first tooth?!

Off to walk to downtown to find some food before I catch BB tonight. It is amazing that I left Seattle at 58 and rainy and am now in Palm Springs with 110+ heat....crazy weather these days!!!!I have been dreaming of all the spa treatments here and am thinking, who needs the continuing ed credits, I'll just spend the days in the sun, pool and spa!!!:cheer2: Too bad it can't happen:sad1:
I had a cafepress sight for our med cruise. You just need to set up a new account and use their prices, not add anything to the cost.
It was easy. You have to watch the disney logos though, they kept taking one of our designs down cause it had mickey in it. BUT never fast enough for everyone to get their shirts out of it. We ordered magnets, bags etc. It was great. Everyone could choose their own style. My daughter got a hooded sweatshirt and loves it still. Wears it all the time.
On another note...
Congrats to tyler. This is the start of something!
And you all are chatty.
Tomorrow another amusement park...Discovery Kingdom (aka Marine World). It was 101 today, so I am not looking forward to a hot day in line.
Well, some people have suggested a few quarters, but he regularly receives quarters for working around the house, so it won't mean much to him. Somehow I feel the tooth fairy should bring more than that. Maybe $2.00? I had planned on giving him a couple of those gold dollar coins (our vending machines at school give those as change) but wasn't prepared because I thought for sure that tooth would hang around another couple weeks.

Here's another problem: He wants to keep the tooth (in its ziploc bag) to show everybody. Does the tooth fairy still come? Or does his tooth have to disappear in order for the tooth fairy to leave money? I'm so confused! But I'd hate to have him wake up and look under his pillow, expecting money in the morning, and then be sad because he thinks the tooth fairy forgot him. :confused3

Same with my DGS. We wrote a letter to the tooth fairy and asked if he could keep his tooth. The tooth fairy was very nice and answered yes and left the tooth and $$$.
I had a cafepress sight for our med cruise. You just need to set up a new account and use their prices, not add anything to the cost.
It was easy. You have to watch the disney logos though, they kept taking one of our designs down cause it had mickey in it. BUT never fast enough for everyone to get their shirts out of it. We ordered magnets, bags etc. It was great. Everyone could choose their own style. My daughter got a hooded sweatshirt and loves it still. Wears it all the time.
On another note...
Congrats to tyler. This is the start of something!
And you all are chatty.
Tomorrow another amusement park...Discovery Kingdom (aka Marine World). It was 101 today, so I am not looking forward to a hot day in line.

hmmm, our logo has a mickey head in that a no no?:confused3
I love the journal!! I sey up t-shirts, magnets and a journal for us already! oh and a tote!
Same with my DGS. We wrote a letter to the tooth fairy and asked if he could keep his tooth. The tooth fairy was very nice and answered yes and left the tooth and $$$.
Hmmm....good idea, but he's already asleep. Maybe I should write Tyler a note from the tooth fairy saying that she'll make an exception this time and still leave $$$ because she knows how badly he wants to keep the tooth.
Hmmm....good idea, but he's already asleep. Maybe I should write Tyler a note from the tooth fairy saying that she'll make an exception this time and still leave $$$ because she knows how badly he wants to keep the tooth.

Sounds good to me!'s the Tooth Fairy's note, which of course, I'll have to read to Tyler.

Dear Tyler: I know how badly you want to keep your tooth, so I have decided to let you hang onto it to remember the special occasion of losing your first baby tooth. AND you still receive your special reward! Please take very good care of the rest of your teeth because I only like collecting clean and healthy teeth. See you when you lose your next tooth! Love, the Tooth Fairy

I put it with $$ in an envelope under his pillow. His dad told him the tooth fairy would leave a quarter, so Tyler will be surprised to find dollar bills! I know he'll immediately put them in his wallet (he only puts change in his piggy banks) because he loves being able to pay for his own stuff when we go out. :thumbsup2
Yup. Bottom front. He was on the playground at day care and when he yelled to his friend, it just fell out! He felt it fall and screamed "My tooth! My tooth!" He couldn't find it, so all the teachers and all the kids helped him look. They all searched on their hands & knees for 10 minutes and one kid finally found it for him. Fortutely, it was on the asphalt instead of the grass, or it probably would have been harder to find.
Congrats to Tyler:cool1:
Jackie - you got post no 23000, and nobody noticed!!!:banana:
Congrats to Jackiepirate:

Jan and V....I took your advise and called the wound center and asked about the antibiotics...they asked what the Dr. said who prescribed them. I told them the emergency room prescribed them and told me that if it doesn't clear up by the end of the script, then I would have to be admitted. The wound center said I should get my butt back to emergency and get admitted.

Then I called my GP Dr. who suggested the wound clinic and he's not in the office for a couple of days....dead end there.

The wound center said they could not determine over the phone how to heal the legs, since they haven't seen me yet. They said that when they see me they may recommend being admitted.

I'll do anything just so that I won't have to be admitted, but at the moment it doesn't look like I have many other options. What should I do next?:confused3 :confused3 :confused3
Deb:grouphug: Sorry you're having such a tough time with this. Hope we all hear you telling us soon how much better those legs are pixiedust:
Good morning everyone.....afternoon for you Ukers!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Few things to answer/post....
1. I (at this moment) am planning on staying at the Fairfield Inn out by MCO the night before sailing to (hopefully) get on the 1st bus out to the port. Would be up to meeting any/everyone for dinner the night before.

2. Horseback riding.....I am probably going to do this (but in Acapulco - have done it in PV, so want to do something else there) I'd be willing to have Molly with me (if you want me to).

3. Kathe and V (especially...but anyone else that will be here is welcome to join) about a breakfast/brunch meet on the morning of the 27th?? I know Kathe is doing PFTS that night so I'm sure she won't want to eat much for lunch :rotfl: . Let me know what you think!

Can't remember what else I was going to write---I'm at work, and it's already taken my about a 1/2 hr to write this much!

Shore excursions.....only thing I am planning on doing right now is in Aruba - I want to do SNUBA...has anyone done this yet? I love to snorkel and would like to scuba, but not sure if I can, so figured this was the next best thing. Am considering the Zip line/Canopy adventure...this will test my fear of heights (I try to do that to lessen my fear).

I guess that's it for now!

A meet on Oct 27th would be great:banana: Just as long as I have time to freshen up before PFTS ;)You are right, I will definately be eating light, I want to save up lots of room for that evening! Any chance you might join me for that too? I am getting so excited about this trip, it will have been an entire year since my last visit. I'm splitting my stay between CSR and POR and was able to get the AP rate:cool1:

Next May I am booked at CSR with a CAA rate for 2 nights before the cruise, but may change resorts if I can get a better rate with my AP. I may not though, CSR is perfect for "conditioning" myself before the cruise (think hot tub and margaritas;) )
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