MAY 2020 WISH Challenge - Anything is Possible

It’s 39 degrees here, but feels like 30 with the windchill. Summer2018, I forgot your furnace died! You would think it would not be a problem in May! Definitely jealous of Oneanne’s beautiful weather. I don’t plan on walking today but if I get a bored this afternoon I like the idea of taking a drive. We have a state park not far from us and I have heard it’s good for your car to drive it occasionally so the battery doesn’t run down.
I have three over ripe bananas so I can make banana bread, but I have to say I am afraid I will be the one eating most of it. Maybe I can freeze half of it.
My DD and I take turns driving to the beach so that we keep both her car and my SUV alive. It’s the only place that she and I go.

I love Mary Poppins. As a child, my favorite Disney movies were Mary Poppins, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, and the Aristocats. Mickey Mouse wasn’t even on my radar until I started watching reruns of the original Mickey Mouse Club. Sunday nights were all about The Wonderful World of Disney. Believe it or not, I didn’t go to WDW until 2004 when DD was 6 years old. Now I’m a huge fan.

Mary Poppins remains a very special childhood memory.
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I have some catching up to do....

3- nephews who I miss dearly!!!! But I enjoy the videos of them that my siblings send me!

2- my twin son & daughter. They are 15...approaching driving age and are very excited about that. While they drive me nuts with their crazy teenage attitudes, I love them dearly! And am so blessed that they are able to do their school work independently so I can do my work. Then we are all free for family time in the evenings!

1 - my husband. He has stepped up to doing most of the cooking (sometimes with my daughters help) and organizes the cleaning with my kids so that I can focus on this new style of virtual teaching!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again...Friday’s are now the worst day of the week for me. Yesterday, I had the mindset that it was going to be a good day. Our principal was showing his appreciation for us during teacher appreciation week by shortening our Friday meetings. We were only supposed to meet from 9:30-10 (faculty meeting) and 1-1:20 (which is guided meditation). Halfway through our faculty meeting, our superintendent pops in and starts talking for about 30-45 minutes. He casually mentioned that he fully expects us to start the school year in the fall online. I just can’t comprehend how 5 year olds start their schooling experience this way. It just seems so wrong. I know the bigger picture of keeping everyone safe. And I’m not blaming anyone. It just feels so sad. So that brought me down quickly!

Your generosity and wisdom know no bounds, and you take joy in sharing with others. You also happen to be a pretty excellent dancer.
He casually mentioned that he fully expects us to start the school year in the fall online. I just can’t comprehend how 5 year olds start their schooling experience this way. It just seems so wrong. I know the bigger picture of keeping everyone safe. And I’m not blaming anyone. It just feels so sad. So that brought me down quickly!

Sorry about that. :(

I have a feeling that many 5-year-olds in states where K is not mandatory will be “red-shirted” next year for exactly that reason.

(Of course, that also means we’re in for a ”bubble class” the year after.)

What I’d like to see instead are a lot more K teachers hired and really tiny K classes - like five or six kids, to reduce the risks.
Halfway through our faculty meeting, our superintendent pops in and starts talking for about 30-45 minutes. He casually mentioned that he fully expects us to start the school year in the fall online. I just can’t comprehend how 5 year olds start their schooling experience this way. It just seems so wrong. I know the bigger picture of keeping everyone safe. And I’m not blaming anyone. It just feels so sad. So that brought me down quickly!
I know the idea of starting school online for young children seems awful. I have to say though, this gives me hope. My 3 & 4 year olds begin school crying and needing to cling to me after Mommy leaves. This can go on for a day...week...month...entire school year, depending on the child and the family dynamics. I cannot socially distance myself from these young children. I had one this year that became another body part as she held on to me for the majority of the day. She was on the autism spectrum, and she required an incredible amount of support which included her climbing up on my lap and NOT getting down. I literally had to peel her off of me at times so I could teach other children. These littles will most likely not wear masks. If they can wear masks, I can promise you that they won't be washed in hot water every night. I have a hard enough time getting the parents to clean their nap time bedding every weekend. For me, this is a nightmare. It is only a matter of time before someone brings COVID19 into my classroom...

So, if my school district starts online...or better yet, stays online until we have a vaccine, it would make me feel much safer.
Your generosity and wisdom know no bounds, and you take joy in sharing with others. You also happen to be a pretty excellent dancer.

DH and 15 year old have gone into town in order to do some mother's day shopping. For her safety we are keeping 12 year old at home with me. She would rather stay home anyway and not go around a bunch of people she doesnt know. If she had her way her world would be a very select few outside of our house, she doesn't even like it when she has to be around all of DH's family because they are loud. Amazing that having babies and toddlers around is making them keep the volume down.

Mary Poppins was one of those Movies that would come on once a year when I was growing up. One of those rare times that we planned that nothing else would be going on and we would get to have TV Dinners in front of the TV for the start of the Movie and then later on one of the ads my dad would make popcorn on the stovetop. It was also one of the rare times that we would get to have soda pop outside of our 6 pack of bottles purchased when dad got paid on the 1st and the 15th of the month for all 3 of us kids to share (we would have to agree to open a bottle and then it was split between us), or the big plastic bottle we would get to share when we had company. The company was either my dad's best man's family of 4 boys. The oldest one and I were 11 months apart in age (he was older) and I have many fond memories of our times together. He was killed a few years ago in a suspicious accident. The other ones were distant relatives by marriage (my dad's cousin was married to the Uncle of the father of this family) that had 2 boys in the same grades as me and my sister and then a girl a few years younger than my brother who was a year behind my sister. Also a good friend of my dad's who had 2 girls and a boy. The girls were between me and my sister in school, either in my brother's class or a year behind him. The boy was a few years behind the younger of the girls When any of those families would come over for a visit we would get a couple of those big bottles of soda to have and would get a choice usually between a cola and a non cola selection.
I still haven't seen the entire movie.
I haven’t seen the entire movie either. I started to watch it at the POP poolside movies one trip, but just couldn’t do it.
Speaking of WDW, I got a photo memory today, and on this day in 2016 I was doing the 4 parks in one day challenge. Super fun day... and that was the last time my weight was in onderland.
I haven’t seen the entire movie either. I started to watch it at the POP poolside movies one trip, but just couldn’t do it.
Speaking of WDW, I got a photo memory today, and on this day in 2016 I was doing the 4 parks in one day challenge. Super fun day... and that was the last time my weight was in onderland.
4 parks in one day! Wow!
As I keep sharing, I have been struggling with my eating during this Stay at Home order. So I am using that as my motivation. And I’m thinking way back to when I first started my get-fit journey 7 years ago. That’s when I decided to do it for me and my future. I want to live a long, healthy, active life. So it’s time to get back on track. 7 years ago I turned to MyFitnessPal. So I’m going back to that to help me get my eating under control.
4 parks in one day! Wow!
It was a blast! My criteria was to use each type of transportation, do three attractions in each park, eat something in each park and get my photo taken in front of the icon in each park. I started at AK, with EMH that morning, took a bus over to Studios, then a boat to EPCOT and the monorail to MK. I didn't use any FP+ (at that time you could only do one park a day anyway), and just chose the attractions when I got to each park. I made it to MK by 6pm, and was dragging... the photos are funny because with each park I'm more disheveled, sweaty and tired looking. I had dinner at Skipper's Canteen and rallied after drinking a couple gallons of iced tea. I've been wanting to do it again, but just wasn't feeling great the last couple of trips... my trip last June I had just figured out the lectin allergy and was learning how to eat with it. I'm certain I'm going to move my September trip to next March, and will give it another go then.
While my mother's day didn't go the way I had planned it was still good.
I had wanted for DH and 15 year old with a little bit of help from 12 year old to clean the kitchen on Friday and Saturday
Wake up the 2nd time to smelling breakfast being cooked and to have breakfast served to me with enough time that we would all be ready for church in time to actually attend in person.
Depending how long church service was we would spend some time as a family and enjoy some snacks if we didn't actually eat lunch before DH would have to leave to go to his parents.
His sister decided because she could not be with her grown children on mother's day that they would use part of the day to do some things in their parents yard that the inlaws due to their age and health can't do themselves. She had called DH just as he was getting to work a week before to inform him of this. OK one brother is divorced and one brother is married with grown children but DH still has children in the home. I noticed that she called him when he would not be near me knowing that he has a tendancy to not question as much when I am not there. I tend to go hmm what is going on when I hear things on his end of the phone and he figures out that he better say something because I am not going to be happy. He has to live with me not with her. He figured it would be about an hour so I was ok I am not going to fight it and be the mean selfish person that won't let the work get done besides I like my inlaws.
I would be able to take a nap while 15 year old kept an eye on 12 year old and got dinner at least ready to be put in the oven if I had not chosen something in the crockpot.
When DH got home dinner would be cooked or if in the slow cooker would be served and would include a small carrot cake.
After dinner I would be given my card. I had said that I was fine waiting on presents as I know that 15 year old has some sort of secret project with her ceramics that she was planning for either mother's day or my birthday later this month. Due to this virus and the fact that the owner of the ceramics store where the 4-H kids get their pieces and have their firings done having cancer their leader sent a message out at the end of last month letting everyone know that there were still pieces from their March meeting (held the day before our governor announced school closures and out state 4-H office stated that all in person meetings would be suspended which was decided and announced the day the schools were closed for what was to be originally 2 weeks. Only because they are not open on Sunday) that still had not been fired and there was the option of everyone dropping the project for this year and they would start up first thing in the fall with meetings for those who were in the project this year. The exception being was if they had pieces that were basically done that they could enter this year and have enough to meet 3 goals for the year. I had figured that 15 year old would not have gotten it done as I know she has nothing completely done for this year when we were trying to figure out if she would have enough to at least meet 2 goals for the year and then we could come up with one doing if nothing else the use of ceramics in some culture to learn about and then put a few facts in her record book that she learned to show she completed that goal. Knowing that there was not a lot of time to go shopping I was fine waiting to get gifts other than a card until later.

How my day ended up going.

I woke up a few minutes before church services were due to start and needed to get a shower. Everyone else in my house was still asleep. By the time I got our of the shower and dressed even church service online was what I figured would be close to half over. I found out later that the service ran extra long today but will plan on watching it on replay tomorrow evening or at least listen to the youtube feed while I do other things on the computer. I can't seem to do that on the youtube feed and haven't tried using the church website. I also have some of the daily during the week short pieces (usually around 5 minutes to catch up on but those are just on the face book page). I ended up falling back to sleep while doing work on the computer.
I woke and did get a happy mother's day greeting from 15 year old and saw that 12 year old was awake and eating some more of the smores cereal I had gotten with the grocery order that was picked up on Friday straight out of the bag. (surprisingly there was still some left as I figured it would be gone by Saturday Night the way she started digging into it). Not seeing that there was going to be any breakfast I did ask 15 year old to make me a cup of tea and some toast. I got the tea but not the toast so am going to assume she didn't hear me ask for that.
15 year old asked if she could go into town with her dad. I just said what about 12 year old. While I love 12 year old I wanted to have an afternoon to myself and not have to worry about keeping an eye on her. 15 year old asked 12 year old if she wanted to go to grandma and grandpa's and walk down to the park from their house. To which 12 year old signed Yes so 15 year old got her ready to go and made sandwiches for DH, 12 year old and herself. She ran out of time to make one for me so I ended up making my own.
I ate my sandwich and did some work on the computer trying to keep my emails from piling up too much. Decided I wanted some popcorn so made some and then watched Brave and the Murdo short. At least being able to enjoy an entire bowl of popcorn to myself without having to share some of it with 12 year old or wait until I know she had gone to bed and was fast asleep or have some in the morning before she was up for the day and hope I could get through it without having to share was a nice treat.
By then it was over an hour and since DH had told me he planned on it being about an hour at his parents I decided to call 15 year old for a status and how are things going update. Found out that she and 12 year old took mother in law's card into her and they had to sneak out because grandma doesn't understand social distancing I told her without saying if you weren't so against hearing about the news because you might hear something you don't want to hear like what is going on with the election (Let's not mention that this is the last Presidental and Governors for my state before she is old enough to vote and there will only be one off year election as well. Her first chance to vote will be in the school mill levey and board election because those are every year just because of how her birthday falls and her age) you might have known this fact and then told her that things were starting to open up in our state and that there can be groups of up to 10 people (which with the parents in law, DH and his 3 siblings, 2 of them brought their spouses, and DH had the girls that made right at 10 people and for the most part everyone was outside where they could have more space between them from what I am gathering).
Found out that 15 year old took 12 year old to the park let her play on the playground equipment because no one else was there for a while, walked down to the ball field part of the park . Walked back up a ways towards the playground and then crossed the street and walked along another street to Starbucks 15 year old had planned on sitting in there until they were told to move to get a littl bit of break, but discovered that they are to go and drive thru orders only. so they walked a little ways over on a quieter side street (especially for a Sunday) and then made their way over on that road to a main street. The ended up finding a bench and they sat for a while 15 year old to rest her feet which were hurting (she had DH had done some walking on Saturday) and 12 year old played on her IPad. The continued up to the inlaws road checking at some point to see that Barnes and Noble was closed and 15 year old noticed that the sign was down for Golden Coral and was thinking that they had closed. I did tell her that I had heard that some locations across the country were closing but had not heard anything on ours. I told her to think about it we have a small soup and salad place (a nice generous salad bar, a single drink station with a sepeate one for tea, 5 regular daily soups consisting of baked potato chowder, chilli beans with beef, new england clam chowder, homestyle chicken and noodle, and tomato basil, breadsticks, and normally two traveling soups though with the slow down they are only making one at each location for the day. The travelers might be italian wedding, knoepia, french onion, grandma's chicken and rice, classic cream of mushroom, albondigas (meatball), kickin pepperjack brocolli with potato, cream of aspargus, crockpot minestrone, taco soup, brocolli cheddar, brunswick stew, or a white chicken chilli just to name a few of them) that is small and local. The owners are actually in the resturants daily making their rounds especially the husband as normally the wife is running a cupcake shop just up the block and arond the corner from one of their locations. 2 businesses in between the two and the entrance to go up to remodeled apartments from when the store owners lived above thier shops that were kept empty for years until we had a housing shortage and they turned them into apartments in some of them and into business offices in others. I suspect that when they were shop owners homes they were actually using all of the two to three floors above their shop. (Shop on the ground or first floor, family kitchen and sitting room and possibly the masterbedroom above that, at least children's bedrooms on the next level and if they had 3 floors above the store an attic area where extra items could be stored or if they had a large family where older boys slept saving the bedrooms on the lower floor for the parents if there was not a masterbedroom on the same floor as the living quarters, older girls, and nursery age children where boys and girls slept in the same room until between the ages of 12 and 14). I explained that they and a pizza and chicken place that has a salad station (not as nice as the soup and salad place but nicer than some), a flat place that keeps pizza warm, and another that has desser pizzas, and a smaller bar that has chicken, mashed potatoes, jo jos, gravy, two hot vegetables usually green beans and corn, and the last time we were in there they had added pasta and a marinara based sauce, they also have a couple of soups on one end of the salad bar, and an entire counter with two places for fountain drinks, and the tea along with coffee in between are having to change how they are serving. The soup and salad place is having you sit down and they take your all you care to eat order at your table and they serve you making your salad like you want it. The chicken and pizza place you come up to each station and they are serving you there. I told 15 year old think how much larger Golden Coral is than those places and that restrictions are no self service buffets. She was but the sign is down. I told her I don't know and that there were some locations that were closing. I did not tell her I was going to search for more information. All I have been able to find on any closings are the company owned stores have all been temporarily closed and that some francise locations are doing take out, delivery ,and curbside. I did find out that our store was temporarily closed after some one was diagnosed with noravirus in 2006 so they could do intensive cleaning and disinfections considering that was the last place this person ate at (no mention if this person stopped at the walmart up the road that is the most crowded and unclean one of any of the 3 in the area or considering that we still had kmart here back then and their bathrooms while better than walmart just down the road back then (when I would go in that store I never used the ones at the front it was the back ones which were kept cleaner because they weren't as convient for the I can't bother to get a job even though every fast food place is hiring for at least 2 dollars more than minimum wage so I will stand out with ,my sign along roads going into and near major shopping areas that read down on my luck, please help, God Bless you for giving, out of work and need money, ect. After learning that someoe I know personally was doing this because they don't have to report the income (well technically they do but since no one can say you earned this amount now play the taxes on it) and not have to pay taxes so they make more then they would make going to work at a fast food place I have an even lower than opinon of the group as a whole than I did from seeing those holding signs reading hungry please help and then pitching a fit when someone would come along and give them food because they wanted cash. Considering our close proximity to a reservation and the fact that the alcholism and some drugs as well are twice what they are in the general area for around here it doesn't take much to figure out why they wanted money because that way they could buy food and their bottle of whatever I might note that the reservation is semi dry meaning alchol can not be sold in stores on the reservtion but you can buy it off reservation and bring it on for your own consumption within reason. Getting enough for a huge party gets you in trouble having some for a beer in the evening or a glass or wine with dinner for a special occasion no one is going to care. For those who are not familiar with reservations because they are considered their own countries within the United States they can set their own rules provided they do not make rules that are more lax than federal or the rules of the state in which the reservation is located including if they will allow alchol or not and to what degree. This also applies to Alaskan Native villages even though they are not reservations because the territory of Alaska while purchased towards the end of the period in history where reservations were established because it was no where near statehood and the only people really going there were fur traders and not families they were not put in resevations. Besides when a high number of those reservations are located above the artic circle where no one else wanted to live and a number of groups had a closer to the coast location and another one more inland that made it easy when white settlers wanted what are now the more populated areas. We will provide all this for you just live in what was your summer village and let us have the coastal areas that often are more temperate.
I am very upset about this situation actually hope that they don't give into her orders to stop the check points which from the article appear to be applied to both reservation residents and non reservation residents equallly with them asking those who are not residents to please state why they are coming on those reservations and can only come on for essential activities. While she may win a law suit against the tribes in a district court I higly doubt that she would win against a circuit court just based on how the circuit court has ruled in the recent past on issues effecting reservations in recent history.
I have read that both tribes are refusing to give in and stop the checkpoints, which I agree with considering not only the numbers for the state of South Dakota but knowing the lack of resources for medical care that are on reservations and the fact that the Olga Sioux tribe's reservation is Pine Ridge which is where one of the biggest massacures in US history took place.

Motivation this week... in the next couple of days we'll start hearing about the return-to-work plan, so that is going to give me a concrete end-date for when I need to get certain things accomplished... things I promised myself I would do while I was out on furlough.

Yesterday I got down to the beach early for a walk, being the weekend there were already more people around but it is easy to maintain space. Then mid-morning I did the drive out to the mountain foothills, stopping at a park along one of the rivers for a short walk. It was so nice and I'm so glad I did it... it felt like a proper weekend.

I made really good progress on the craft room over the weekend, now I just need to dig thru all the stuff piled up in the closet, then I'll move the work desk in there and get something nice put up on the wall behind me, so there's a nice backdrop for video conf calls.

This morning I'm headed down to the beach in just a bit, then it'll be chores inside and/or outside. I finished my book, so I've picked a new one out of the pile, a short one since I am a book behind just starting #5 when I "should" be starting #6. Temps are cooling off and I think there are showers forecast for this afternoon... the weekend weather was sure nice (sorry for those of you who got snow!), but the cooler temps are very welcome.


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