May W.I.S.H. Goals-A Little Bit of Mayhem

Sorry, I got distracted by the Dis being down over the weekend for the update. But I'm still here :)

My goals for May were:
daily workouts ✅
maintain my 12,000 steps per day (at least 5 out of 7 days) ❌
meal planning, including one new recipe or food item per week✅
PLUS...I think I need to go back to logging my food each day. I use MyFitnessPal app on my phone and it keeps me accountable. ❌

I am still proud of myself in terms of weight management and overall health, but definitely didn't do as well meeting my goals this month. And I'm going to blame technology for distracting me. I had been using a fitbit for years. For Mother's Day, my husband splurged and got me an Apple Watch. So I'm learning how to use this new watch and it is definitely a little different than my fitbit. I don't know which is more accurate, but the fitbit was more generous with steps or the Apple Watch is more generous with milage. But learning this technology, then distracted me from using MyFitnessPal to log my food.

(A little late, but my new food last Friday was while I was out for a friends birthday...I tried Pistachio Pizza. Not sure it was healthy and not sure I'd recommend it, but it was definitely new and interesting. White pizza with pistachios and an egg yolk cooked on top with a balsamic glaze on the side. Definitely interesting.)
Hi all,

Sorry I have been a bit MIA ... I was sick with a virus last week and well I don't know, this month I just seem to have run out of steam a bit...

How did your month go for you? Did you accomplish your goals?

I don't think I have done well with my goals this month at all - luckily I haven't done too much damage weight wise though. But need to turn things around or it will happen.

QOTD: Hmmm. I sorta lost motivation, but just plugged along.

I completely understand my motivation has taken a hit this month ...
Woohoos are little hard to come by this week-although we had a really nice Memorial Day week with our daughter and her family. And I am getting a manicure and my toes done today. The sun is shining and I hope to get some weeds pulled.

Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
Finishing out May strong! Can't wait to see what Monday brings. I missed my workout yesterday. My son's graduation party is this weekend and it is swamping me getting ready for it. So today was a scheduled rest day but I did yesterday's cardio workout instead and so glad I did. Feeling better and stronger. I have a workout tomorrow and Friday and then the party. I'm keeping my head in the game and "just keep swimming!"
*We didn't get a tornado yesterday (just a tornado watch). We had no real storm damage and our house doesn't have any leaks or flooding (except the swampy back yard).
*While Field Day was rained out two years in a row, we had fun playing indoor games in my classroom.
*Our Field Trip is tomorrow!
*My kids will attend their first formal (8th grade dance) and both outfits are FINALLY finalized!
*Only 2 more weeks of school!
I am so thankful we’re not getting that extreme weather so many people have been dealing with. What a nightmare!

I’m thankful we live close enough to watch my grandson play his baseball game.

Picking up a prescription today and thankful that it’s the only one I take and that it’s so inexpensive. I have been reading about how expensive insulin pens are-shame on those pharmaceutical companies.
No woohoos from yesterday: when I woke up my head was so thick it hurt, so I called in sick and went back to bed for another 5 hours. Then I crawled out of the house to get something to eat and get some ClartinD+, came home and went right back to bed. I didn't sleep at all last night, hopefully it's because of all the sleeping during the day and not the new meds.

Thankful that I'm up and about this morning, feeling OK but not great. And thankful that it is now just 9 days until WDW. I need to figure out how to turn-off my business email and SLACK while I'm gone, because I really need the time to be totally away and unplugged. I always beat myself up for getting so tired (and cranky), but recently there have been stories on the local news about professional burn-out, and I'm there. Past there.

I'm also thankful that house plants are back en vogue. I had two that I've had for 20+ years, but have recently added four new ones and it's so nice to have more living things around the house.
Hello, Dearies!!!

Have you missed me? Been worried sick? Sent out the Rescue Rangers to save me? Life has decided to make me stronger lately (more below...) I wish it would *STOP* that!!! I'm strong enough!!! Just stop!!! (What do I have to do to get charma-cly downgraded to "beautiful but helpless maiden who needs constant rescuing and protection" in my next life??? Seriously, show me which puppy to kick, and I'm there!!! Enough of the superwoman life!!!) But I'm not dead, so there's that... While we breathe, we hope!

Motivation Monday- Last week a cashier asked me if I was participating in Senior Citizen Day... So apparently I look 55? (Dude, I *JUST* turned 44... ) So yeah, that happened...

Tuesday- Well, as far as balance goes... I don't care much for cupcakes OR pants... but DD12 demanded a special cake for her birthday (which I made...) then we were too tired/stuffed/busy to eat it for 2 days after her birthday... so I *DID* actually eat cake yesterday... while wearing stretchy pajamas... so I guess it's salad and gym for me now? Salad maybe, gym, no way, no time right now, but I've been pretty active doing chores and housework and such, so it's not a total loss.

Woohoo Wednesday- The new couches arrived yesterday. Hooray for that being OVER!!! (I don't like them much, and they feel too big for the room, but oh well, they are here and it's done. I'm sure I'll get used to them...)

Thankful Thursday- I am thankful for a lot tonight... which is ironic, because things are rough right now for some family members and I'm racing the clock trying to help them as much as I can with their situation. *BUT* Nobody has died. Although one was hospitalized 2 weeks ago, he is recovering very well. The bigger situation is a big mess, and it will be a mess for some time to come, but everyone should be alright in the long run... And while my own life is complicated/messy by most American standards, each day when I've come home from helping my family, my house feels like a haven of peace by comparison!

DD12 was harrassed by a boy at school today, and I am so proud and thankful that she had the courage to turn him in. I feel deeply for the boy's mother, because the vice principal actually told me when they informed me of the situation that the mother wanted us to know how sorry and horrified she was... so tonight she is in my thoughts, it can't be easy... But I am thankful that although BOTH of my daughters have been in that type of situation now, that BOTH of them were smart enough and brave enough to get help and not suffer in silence like so many of us did when I was that age...

I am thankful that although things are a mess with my family, the situation does not directly involve me... and that I am in a position to help somewhat, but that I am old enough now to know about healthy boundaries, and I am working hard to make sure that I don't get sucked down into the quagmire too much.

I'm thankful that my kids are safe in their beds. That's a 2-part-er... (1) They are here and safe and with me... (2)DD12 is actually in her own bed, not out here fussing to sleep with me. (She's a cuddle bug and I love it, but she's wayyy to big to sleep with/on me anymore... there's just not room!!!

I'm thankful that I get paid tonight at midnight (since the 1st is on the weekend, the money comes early...) Things seem to be tight each month lately, and DD12 has a strings concert tomorrow night and I try to always get her flowers for performances, so the timing is good. Meanwhile, I'm thankful that I put money away years ago, so it is there for me now. (When we bought the new van last November, the plan was always to cash out the investment to pay for it lump-sum... but I've been lazy and we've been paying monthly, and that plus a bunch of other little things have just been pecking us to death... so we did the paperwork last week (finally) to sell out that fund, and when the money comes, there will be one less thing to worry about each month...

For Foodie Fridays, it's honestly hard to remember with all that's been going on... I've definitely been eating like garbage the last few days, but before that I did try Shiritake (probably spelled wrong) angel hair noodles... This will sound gross, but basically they are made of indigestible fiber... something from yams, I think... so they are like 10 calories per serving... I tried them in ramen broth, which was iffy, since the noodles were kind of crunchy-chewy, and didn't absorb the broth flavoring like regular noodles do. I think next time I'm going to heat the noodles first, then drain and sprinkle with the seasoning, no real broth so the flavor is more concentrated... and for those who are wondering... no, they DID break down and did not "come out" still looking like noodles, because how gross would that be????

Also, I found fiber gummies... they are 10 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and (for those of you in Europe who know what I'm talking about) they actually taste a LOT like jelly babies, although the texture is more like softish gummy bears... So my brain thinks candy, and my gut thinks prebiotic...

I'll have to look back to see what my goals this month even were! But the last time I had a chance to weigh myself, I was down a few ounces, and at my lowest so far this year... My tracker says I'm down 15 lbs since the beginning of the year, but I can't stop beating myself up for regaining in the first place, for losing so slowly, and then just not having the focus to really push hard right now... I'm hoping that stress and exhaustion will help when I have that 16-credit semester this fall!!! ;P
I'm thankful I have a bed to sleep in. Even though I didn't sleep well last night. I'm thankful I have a house and in lovely weather like we are having now I can open the windows and get fresh air moving through it. And I'm thankful I have a retractable clothesline so I can dry clothes outside and then breathe deeply when I put them on later!
I'm thankful for our friends' friends who are safe and their house was untouched by the tornado that hit their property. They have about 20 trees down, but so so so thankful they are ok! And so thankful these terrible storms have passed!

I don't really have anything to report for Foodie Friday this week. I need to get back to trying new recipes. But maybe after the craziness of packing up my entire classroom. Yesterday, they delivered boxes to our school, an email was sent out and by the time I got to the office, the boxes were all gone. 🙄

Happy Friday!
Here’s a simple chicken recipe I tried this week-

Cube two chicken breasts, season with salt and pepper and sauté in some oil til cooked through. Then squeeze a lime over them and add 1/3 cup chopped cilantro. Stir around to coat.
It’s so easy, but I can’t believe how good it tasted!
I had some on a salad and the next day sautéed some chopped peppers and onions, added corn, black beans and cauliflower rice to the leftovers.
Happy Friday, everyone! I can’t believe May is almost over.

Thank you so much for being a part of this month’s thread! I loved all your thoughts and responses and the way everyone supports each other.

Would anyone be willing to pick up June? I know how crazy, busy so many of you are this time of year.


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