MAY W.I.S.H Thread:

Today was my last observation of the school year. We were fully remote (Mute button Wednesday), and my principal was online with us. While I was teaching, I was moving between my desk to the smart board to the big book stand and my MacBook, so I didn't have my eyes on the kids for a lot of the lesson. I had prepped them yesterday, and they knew how I expected them to behave. It's May. We should have our act together by now. Well, one of my older boys (a 7 year old repeater) did something very naughty (the kind of thing I will never forget). I didn't see what he did because I was at my desk demonstrating an activity on my document reader which was projected on the smart board. I heard my principal yell at him which was weird because she never raises her voice, so I knew something bad happened. I kept teaching because it sounded like she handled it and I didn't want to feed into the bad behavior. Five minutes later, a parent texted me. She told me what the student did (which was outrageously inappropriate), and that when he was disciplined by the principal, he gave her the finger.

I can honestly say that none of my observations have ever gone like this one did today.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
Wow! That’s one for the books! I don’t know what the kid did, but I definitely have never had a student give the finger to the principal during an observation...or any time that I’m aware of. But honestly I think it’s good for the principals to see what we are really dealing with. And managing behaviors while still actually teaching virtually is extremely difficult! Sounds like she was even having trouble managing behaviors and she wasn’t also trying to teach...
Woohoo - I got up early and did my core workout and a run this morning before school!
Woohoo - very slow downward scale movement
Woohoo - so far this month, I’ve been sticking to my meal plan
Woohoo - I told my son about our surprise mother/son trip to Disney. One month until we’re there! Can’t wait!!!!
Wahoo DS2 has been accepted to the Vienna Summer Music Festival Camp! It's not in Germany this year, but Florida. Too bad it's on the opposite FL coast from his uncle and US coast from us! He's excited to learn from masters, network and perform! Sounds like it'll be really good.

Wahoo after the twins went to bed I went for a walk. Short, but I got some steps in!
Dear Lizanne,
Thank you for (almost) always listening to me and (almost) always taking care of me. Thank you for creating a safe and comfortable home and thank you for having kittens to play with.
Hugs and kisses,


That's me in the plaid shirt (age 11) with my Sister boiling ants for dinner. But that's another story...

Dear Terri and Jen,

Thank you for your compassionate leadership, it is a daily joy to work with you. I am so proud of having such strong women in leadership in our company, in addition to supporting us you are helping drive the future of the company.

Thank you!
Dear Nicole,
Thank you for paying attention to what you really need to be happy, and always striving for balance.
Thank you for being curious, and still reading and learning all the time.
And thank you for exercising, even when you can only give it a few minutes, because every little bit helps.

Dear Mom,
Thank you for being so patient with me. I never knew how much that took until I was a mom myself!
Dear Summer: Thank you for keeping your priorities straight. Thank you for being a good Mommy and caring about your students. Love, Summer

Dear God: Thank you for loving me even though I am a mess sometimes and being present when I am afraid and feel helpless. Thank you for keeping my family and me safe and healthy. Love, Summer
Today was ridiculous. I hadn't heard from the dentist office about my oral surgery since Monday, so I called today. They didn't schedule me an appointment or figure out the financial plan. Nothing was done, and if I hadn't called today, I would probably still be waiting in pain. Turns out that my oral surgeon doesn't have anything available until July, so I have to go to another one. I finally got through to the other office, and instead of having the surgery under anesthesia, I have to have it done with novocaine and laughing gas. :( The implants cannot be done at the same time. So, I got an emergency appointment for Tuesday, and I will have to do the implants another time. I just want this ordeal to be over.
Dear Sandy,
Thank you for being calm and level headed even when things are a little crazy.
Thank you for always having time for what matters most-family and friends.
Thank you for persevering with your health even when you don’t feel like going for that walk or would rather eat pizza instead of the chicken you cooked.


Dear BBs,
Thank you for your friendship these many years. We have laughed, cried and spent many happy hours together. I can only wish for many more. You’ve enriched my life in ways you could never imagine.

With thanks and love,

Dear Cristin,
Thank you for being so compassionate and feeling all the feels! Thank you for being persistent and never giving up on yourself or others. You set goals and work hard to achieve them. But thank you for also giving yourself grace when needed. You have stayed very balanced during this pandemic and managed through the ups and downs with the support of your family. Thank you for being so family-centered.
Love, Cristin

Dear family,
Thank you for always being there. You have seen my best and my worst. Yet, you always encourage and support me. Thank you for all the laughs, especially around the dinner table. Remember to always be there for each other, no matter what happens.
Love, Cristin
Dear Linda,
Thanks for being calm and loving these twins. Thanks for giving them a quiet, normal home with rules and boundaries and expectations and laughs and love.

Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you so much for the lovely May Day flowers. They were such a surprise and I loved seeing you again. Thanks for reminding me that it's the small, simple things that bring so much joy to others.
I should get bonus points if I actually put pen to paper (which I got out when I read Lizanne's post!). It was just the catalyst I needed to do what I've been thinking about doing since the first!!

Got a short, but fast, walk in today. Attempted to do my yoga class but she was all stretching today and I gotta tell you I am not interested in spending five minutes bent over my right leg--or my left! I think there were only three poses today! I'm so glad I don't get up at o'dark thirty anymore to do this! Just need to do my little weights workout and I can count myself as having done my exercise for the day. I know, I know. The yoga doesn't really count, but I can live with that!
I should get bonus points if I actually put pen to paper (which I got out when I read Lizanne's post!). It was just the catalyst I needed to do what I've been thinking about doing since the first!!

Got a short, but fast, walk in today. Attempted to do my yoga class but she was all stretching today and I gotta tell you I am not interested in spending five minutes bent over my right leg--or my left! I think there were only three poses today! I'm so glad I don't get up at o'dark thirty anymore to do this! Just need to do my little weights workout and I can count myself as having done my exercise for the day. I know, I know. The yoga doesn't really count, but I can live with that!
I am turning in my leased car tomorrow and getting a new Ford Escape. I should be excited, but the pain I have been living with for almost two weeks is putting a damper on everything and making me crabby. Mother’s Day will be low key. DD and I have mani pedi appointments on the 22nd, so we will celebrate then. Hopefully I will feel well enough to enjoy them.
My uncle from Ohio is visiting my parents this weekend, so we’ll try to stop by and see him on Saturday. My son also has a baseball game, which has turned into a fundraiser for a college baseball player who was the only survivor of a car crash. No plans yet for Mother’s Day...
First pictures from my commune with the trees yesterday:


It was a lovely midday break, but I did check my company SLACK midway thru which kind of broke the spell. I'm making it an intention to go there once a week.

I had an ah-ha this week, in that mental fatigue and physical fatigue are different things which may or may not happen at the same time. And recovery for each is different. My go-to when I'm "tired" is to take a nap, but napping is not an effective recovery for mental fatigue because my brain won't stop. I need to learn how to tell the difference between the two, and for mental fatigue I need to meditate, listen to music, go for walk, and only nap for physical fatigue.

After work today I need to clean up the car and load a few things to drop off at the thrift store the Ocean Shores animal rescue runs. Going to do lunch and some shopping around town with my Sister... and a walk on the beach. Weather is supposed to be OK and I'm really looking forward to the drive. Sunday I'll be working outside in the yard/garden,
It was actually a good week-got out every day for a walk, got my snacking under control, read a good book.
Looking forward to spending Sunday with my daughter and family. Found a nice copy of a Ripley’s Believe It Or Not book for my grandson in a thrift shop-he loves those kinds of books.
And this turned out to be a keeper.
340 calories for half the pizza-I cut it in six pieces and actually only ate two slices because I had made a huge salad. I’ll definitely buy this again.
How did the week go for you?...


Anything planned for the weekend? - Watching my niece's college graduation on livestream Saturday morning, then going over to her folks' house for a small cookout in the afternoon. Breakfast out on Sunday.

Cook anything new and good lately? - Wings in the air fryer were a big hit, and I tried an "egg roll in a bowl" recipe that I've done before with ground turkey, but this time with shrimp. It came out pretty good.

Thanks for the pizza recommendation, @sjrec!


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