Oh I`m so happy you got to the Graduation! That must have made you all so happy to be able to make that journey. And glad you are vaxxed now, it does seem to be picking up in a lot of areas now. It still sounds quite restrictive where you are, but yes, hopefully soon it`ll start to open up again. It is so much better just to be able to get out and shop where and when you feel like.

I need to read through your TR in your signature.....colour me unobservant, I`ve never noticed it

We can`t wait to get back walking. Weather is hopefully going to improve soon so walking will be more fun then. Or I`ll complain it`s too

Yes, I was really thrilled to be able to get out there for graduation. I had been stressed about it for an entire year whether I would or would not get to. Even though travel was/is still not really recommended, I'm glad I chanced it. I do hope things open up here soon too!!

If you do come by my's kind of a long rambling mess between my TR for what was the doomed March 2020 Disney trip that got cut short thanks to covid...then a year of rambling and then I just started in on a bit about the graduation you may want to skip to the last few pages lol unless you are realllly bored!!
Yes, I was really thrilled to be able to get out there for graduation. I had been stressed about it for an entire year whether I would or would not get to. Even though travel was/is still not really recommended, I'm glad I chanced it. I do hope things open up here soon too!!

If you do come by my's kind of a long rambling mess between my TR for what was the doomed March 2020 Disney trip that got cut short thanks to covid...then a year of rambling and then I just started in on a bit about the graduation you may want to skip to the last few pages lol unless you are realllly bored!!

I`ve started from the beginning Kathy.....I`m going to get through it for sure. It looks a good read......I do enjoy a good ramble and other folks

Although it sucks to read about all the trips that never happened.

Yes, you were right to take the chance I think on such a trip, wild horses wouldn`t have kept me away too. Fingers crossed for travel opening too....... ::yes::

Love it Vicki...... :rotfl:

To be honest, I doubt they`ll announce anything at this summit, and especially as our freedom date of June 21st will be pushed back to July 19th now, according to the media.

I think most folks have given up hope for September, some for the whole of this year.....not a clue right now. We expect not to be travelling, but if we do it`s a bonus.....I know many folks who are just fed up waiting and wish they would just say yay or nay to travel. No one likes uncertainty.

We do have a trip to see family and friends in Scotland towards the end of this month and we are so excited for that right`s been too long.

Good to see you though, hope all is well with you and yours......:wave2:
To be honest, I doubt they`ll announce anything at this summit, and especially as our freedom date of June 21st will be pushed back to July 19th now, according to the media

I so did not know this. Are your numbers going back up? I heard about a new strain going after the younger ones. So blessed both my boys decided to get vaccinated; although my oldest took longer than I liked. We are doing well over here, even with our state being the worst vaccinated in the country. Yeah, I am not surprised at that. Well, to July we wait. I wish I could say that covid has taught me patience, but I think it has had the opposite effect.

Good to see you though, hope all is well with you and yours.

We are; God is good. Jeff has been working at a place on a contract basis on commission; which has its good weeks and bad ones. He did however last week receive an offer and has accepted it and it will be salary plus bonus so that is a relief for me. 2 trips to Florida planned for the fall, plus one for his birthday. Good to know I wont have to sell the kids to pay for them.

I also have cut down on my overtime which just is a wonderful thing. Time to play catch up on all the stuff I put off now.

How exciting to go to Scotland later this month. Cant wait to see all the pictures. Glad you and Tom are doing well.

Here's to July 19th581618
I so did not know this. Are your numbers going back up? I heard about a new strain going after the younger ones. So blessed both my boys decided to get vaccinated; although my oldest took longer than I liked. We are doing well over here, even with our state being the worst vaccinated in the country. Yeah, I am not surprised at that. Well, to July we wait. I wish I could say that covid has taught me patience, but I think it has had the opposite effect.

We are; God is good. Jeff has been working at a place on a contract basis on commission; which has its good weeks and bad ones. He did however last week receive an offer and has accepted it and it will be salary plus bonus so that is a relief for me. 2 trips to Florida planned for the fall, plus one for his birthday. Good to know I wont have to sell the kids to pay for them.

I also have cut down on my overtime which just is a wonderful thing. Time to play catch up on all the stuff I put off now.

How exciting to go to Scotland later this month. Cant wait to see all the pictures. Glad you and Tom are doing well.

Here's to July 19thView attachment 581618

Well, there’s some confusion with numbers and so on. Deaths are incredibly low, but there seems to now be a rise in cases, but folks are fed up and feel numbers may not be accurate. I think there is in an increase in conspiracy theories around. But we are all ready to get back to normal, for whatever that means. We’re tired of being locked down when most of us are vaccinated and want to decide for ourselves what to do. Who knows though……until announcements are made, it’s all speculation.

Glad to hear you’re doing well and glad your boys are vaccinated too. Kyle got his first today and thankfully has no bad reaction so far.

And congratulations on the good news on Jeff’s job! That is lovely to hear and wonderful on the planned trips……yes, we never want to sell the kids……lol…….and less overtime is good.

Time spent relaxing and doing fun family things are worth their weight in gold.

Nice cheers picture too……..:thumbsup2
yes, we never want to sell the kids……lol…

Having second thoughts on this- oh the second child

Yes, you have to move on. Its been over a year and while vaccination isnt 100%, its what we have. You have to start the recovery. But can you imagine Universal with an influx of over seas tourist. From what I am reading, they cant handle the crowds they have.
Having second thoughts on this- oh the second child

Yes, you have to move on. Its been over a year and while vaccination isnt 100%, its what we have. You have to start the recovery. But can you imagine Universal with an influx of over seas tourist. From what I am reading, they cant handle the crowds they have.


That’s true with the crowds. And yes, we have to start living with what we have. Most folks I know are now vaccinated and prepared to take the chance to get out and start living knowing there’s still a chance of contracting the virus, but if We do it will be less debilitating now than before the virus.

They can’t keep us locked down forever. I hope lol…….
Hi Schumigirl! Just dropping my in to say Hi! And to ask if you have any updates?

Hey Minnie!!!

Good to see you.... :flower3:

No real news as such, but with the air corridor between the UK/USA not looking like opening anytime soon, we are, or have been assuming September won`t happen.

Until VA cancel the flights we can`t really do anything, when they cancel we can defer the flights till next September, so that`s what we are waiting for now. If the USA opens up mid September we won`t look to fly then, but still defer till next year. The thought of trying to find seats on flights a few days after we had been booked doesn`t sound fun.

We have December in the bag, flights and RP booked, but again, nothing is certain.....we do however tend to look on the lighter side of life and nothing gets us down for too long. We`ll get back when we get`ll still be there. And one of my God daughters is getting married in September, so we`ll see her married if we don`t go.

We have however booked flights for May next year, just over 3 weeks for that trip, so there`s always something to look forward to. And life is good...just back from a lovely visit to family and friends in Scotland and had such a lovely time as it was the first time I`ve seen everyone since last August. Too long.

But, hope all is good with you Minnie in your little part of the world.....hope you all have good health and some lovely travel plans soon too...:wave2:
This is absolutely ridiculous the UK and USA haven't opened that travel corridor. If you are vaccinated you should be able to travel.

I'm going to Paris but I can't go to the UK.

It is ridiculous, and all completely political now for sure.

We have Americans and many other nationalities flying freely in here now as of last week or the week before, can`t remember which. Which makes a mockery of the reasons we aren`t supposed to be flying they don`t want us bringing it back in........:confused3 Yes, vaccinations were supposed to give us our freedom.

It`s crazy......but hope you enjoy Paris, it`s been a good few years since we went there, but have been many times and love it as a city.

And good to see you :wave2:
Sending you Mummy Dust Schumi, no glitches and you will be back at your second home as scheduled!

Thank you mac.......

It`ll happen when it happens........although we are now rather amused by it all and how expert we are at moving and our friends at the hotel who are emailing and calling, a lot of what we chat about is the craziness of it all......

I think they`re more bemused than we are...... ::yes::
Just a few pictures from our recent trip to Scotland. We honestly didn`t take too many of scenery of this time as most were of family which I won`t post. Although some of you ladies have already seen some of these ones too, there are a couple extra.

The pub we always stop off for lunch on the way up, it`s right on the border between Scotland and was just ok this time. My food was ok, but Tom felt his was lacking somewhat, but it`s a nice place.


And then of course, as a Scot living in England this is one of the nicest sights ever.....



We didn`t manage to book the more spacious mini suite this year, but the room itself was lovely and we did have a sea view.......which we didn`t expect as the only rooms available to book were non sea views.


And this was our view from the hotel bedroom....not bad when we expected a parking lot view.


The back of the hotel. It has a more traditional building and the more modern extension where they host many weddings. It`s a beautiful hotel and we love staying here.


Sitting having a cocktail and a beer overlooking my favourite view anywhere.....I think I may have mentioned last year, this was where I grew up. My bedroom window had this view, only slightly further along the coast. So, I do get very nostalgic for it.



Most of our time was visiting family, we spent a lot of time catching up with family and friends but we did manage one day on our own, so we went to another favourite place in the world.....Loch Lomond.

It`s a stunningly beautiful place, even in winter it is gorgeous and seeing the mountains snow capped are lovely. The mountains here aren`t really mountains yet, once you head further up into the Highlands they become incredibly impressive. These I have pictured are just hills.

We chose a gorgeous day to go, it was so hot and lovley to see families enjoying the heat and water activities that are plentiful up there. Scotland was already in school vacation time, so it was busy.





The village here was used to film for a Scottish soap opera that ran for many years called Take The High Road.........very local show and everyone in Scotland watched it at one time. The rows of cottages that line the one main road all have well manicured gardens and I wouldn`t live here for a pension, beautiful as it is as there is no privacy at all. Tourists visit all year round.




Yes, we did the Scavenge Hunt for was cute and fun!


The church in the village was lovely and the age of the graves are incredible. One thing the UK does well is a church, and all over the UK even the tiniest of villages has one.


Crystal clear water in the river going into the Loch.


We tried to park in this town near where I grew up, but it was mobbed and not a single parking space anywhere....but this is one of the places where we have Palm Trees all the way along the seafront and there are lots planted around and grow incredibly well considering it`s Scotland.


Tom and I having a snuggle and looking over to the Island. We went for dinner before coming back down to see the sunset.




And the change of light in the morning we left......


And another favourite church from close to where I grew up. Right across from where a family member lives now.


So a very short and sweet recap of our recent travels......several folks had asked to see some pictures, and finally got around to it.

Hope everyone is good....... :wave2:
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing Schumi. Glad to hear you had a good time.

And yeah, the amount of ads I see for travel is crazy. Even more crazy, that you can’t travel to the US, but we can travel to the UK, as flights from my City airport started to the UK in June.
Gorgeous photos Carole!!! Scotland is full of amazing views and scenery!!!!

I hope soon travel is back going for you soon. We are both a similar boat. It boils down to governmental 💩 that is happening. Oh well, I know that they can not keep everything locked down forever.

Our vaccination rate is rising fast...and hopefully it continues. I was even surprised by our provincial numbers. We are known as the more (Texan /redneck Southern ) thinking people. And our province is at 74% for first shot and we are just over 50% having received second shots!!! I really didn't think we would even hit 70%. Hopefully our number continue to climb for vaccinations, and the numbers for active covid keep going down. I know the UK is in a similar trend as well.

I am crossing my fingers that we can start to resume our normal lives again, and freely travel as we would like to!!!

I am glad you have flgihts booked for May of next year already!!!! Let the good times start!!!! I am crossing my fingers for your fall trip!!!!


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