Metro New Orleans DISers - check in!!! Part 2

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<font color=peach>what do you all think?<br><font
Aug 8, 2006
OH MY GOSH this rain sucks!!!!

I hate that the festival is getting rained on.
Try to stay dry folks!
Good morning all!

We're supposed to be going to Houma for a game today, hopefully they'll let us know before we drive there that it will be postponed until tomorrow. Anyone on this thread around the Houma area????
From a taste testing done at Serious Eats:

So we decided that once we figured out which peanut butters we liked most, we would try to scientifically construct the perfect PBJ sandwich, one that was perfectly balanced, with the proper ratio of bread to peanut butter to jelly.

The four regular creamy peanut butters we tried were
  • Jif
  • Reese's
  • 365 Organic (the Whole Foods house brand)
  • Skippy
We searched high and low for Peter Pan in Manhattan but could not find it.

Interestingly, the 365 Organic was cheaper than the other three. More important, it was the best-tasting peanut butter in the bunch. It had the freshest peanut taste and seemed to us as if it had less sugar and more salt than the others. Jif was the second place finisher. It had the smoothest texture and the most pleasant mouthfeel. It stuck to our mouths a little less than the others. Adam Kuban, Serious Eats's managing editor, sheepishly admitted that he liked the Reese's peanut butter as much as Jif, if not quite as much as 365.

Here's the link to the whole article which is about building the perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Good morning, I was hoping today that the weathermen would be wrong and today would be beautiful like yesterday. It's not looking that good though.

I will have to try Kleinpeter milk. I see it when I shop, but I never have bought it.

Tricia II, rescue dogs are great. We adopted one of our dogs last year via Petfinder. He is the one in my signature on the left. His name is Barq's (like the root beer, plus he barks a lot too). He is a real character and I am so glad we have him.

Ya'll have a great day!!
Tricia II, rescue dogs are great. We adopted one of our dogs last year via Petfinder. He is the one in my signature on the left. His name is Barq's (like the root beer, plus he barks a lot too). He is a real character and I am so glad we have him.
Those two are real cuties.
Wow, I miss checking in one afternoon & I miss so much!

This rain stinks, hope it quits soon, we have a wedding to go to tonight. Brides tend to freak out over rain!

Mrs Kreamer, hope you can keep your crawfish dry! We have another niece who's in 1st grade at ICS, I know they are over there getting all wet! I thought I saw one of the soy milks at Walmart that was organic. I might be wrong it may have been at Whole Food.

Ms Marigny, thanks for the info on the products to help the eczema. Alexis's eczema is mostly on the backs of her thighs and arms, so the Burt's products might work. I don't know if I can get SIL to stick to using special soap for just her clothes, but I'll get it for her & try using on her clothes I keep her.

Who sells the Klienpeter milk? I haven't seen it. My favorite milk I've tasted so far is the Organic Valley ones, it's carried by Breaux Mart, & the other smaller independent groceries (Laborie's here in Marrero). Thier 2 percent tastes just like whole milk.

Westbankers, I have heard some inside info about a plan for a Walmart Neighborhood Market somewhere on Manhattan near Lapalco. This store is supposed to stock more organic products & such. (My SIL has a friend who is an engineer that works for Walmart, so it's in the early planning stages.)

TriciaII, Love your dog's new name!

I sure hope this weather is gone for tomorrow, we hope to head to the FQ Fest for some good food!

Have a good weekend, y'all!

I only read this last page today but wanted to tell you that WalMart over here has thier own organic milk and it is good. My favorite, I have to say is Horizon, but I get the Walmart brand most of the time b/c is is about 50cents cheaper. And going through a gallon or more a week it helps. They also sell Organic Valley and so does Sav a Center. WalMart also has thier own organic soymilk, because I bought by accident a while back since the containers for it and the organic regular milk look alike. My kids USED to like 5th Continent Chocolate soymilk but have since had a taste of regular chocolate milk and won't go back.
We were at OLPH school fair today in Kenner for my DN and it rained off and on, but ten the sun came out and warmed/dried everyone out-it felt nice. I was thankful for it since we had driven from the northshore in the rain to go see her and her class act on stage. They did a # to "I Just Can't Wait to be King"-too cute.

I am very excited about our next school year but am down that we still have to finish this one! Next year should be full of rich learning experiences and fellowship with co-op(a HS'ers group class efforts!) on Tuesdays and a science class for our DD's with another family every other week! Plus for DD9's 4th grade year, I am switching gears a bit for curriculum. Not that you need to know all this, but I am feeling summer coming on! Planning, free time and fun! Another HS year behind us-WOW. Stanford testing is in 2 weeks and although I was stressing a bit, I decided to be at peace that I have done my best this year with all our family issues going on and that my daughter, no matter how she does, will be fine and we will press on. DD7 will not take it until 2nd grade. We were going to test her but decided that 1st grade was YOUNG to put through a LONG 3 day, 3 hours per day, standardized test!

Also, if you have problems with eczema, try finding what is causing it. DD9 had it BAD when she was 2 or so and we couldn't figure out that cause and I hated putting hydrocortizone on her. So besides oatmeal baths, we tried figuring out the cause. After months of taking certain products and food away and reinto-ing them, I was watching Oprah of all things and saw a story of a kids with allergies to MILK. Took her off of milk and she CLEARED up completely. Started her back on it a week later and w/in 24 hours, it was back.
Changed to soymilk and tested other milk products and she seemed to do fine with them. So we figured it may be amounts of milk products for her. She could eat yogurt and cheese and did fine.
Ironically, when she was dx'd with leukemia, all the chemo suppresses immune functions-including your allergic reactions. They would not send her milk on her tray in the hospital(b/c I told them about her allergy) and when she started begging for regular milk(I figured her body must be needing it if she was craving it so badly) so I brought some milk to her and tested her out-she did FINE. Crazy. If you had a kid on steroids begging you for whatever, you'da tried it too! So from then on the docs allowed her milk and she did great. About 6 months after chemo ended(2.5 years later) my milk drinking DD5 (at that time) started having skin issues again. So now we only allow her no more than one glass per day-max-and she has not broken out. Another thing that was puzzling was that after allergy testing(due to the eczema and constant nasal allgeries too), she did NOT test positive for milk allergies. I walked out of there quick-I KNEW and SAW that she DID. I tested it like I was told too for everything else. I told them they were wrong after telling them I tried out the method they told me and they agreed, she probably did have milk sensitivity.
That is my added on story for all you having eczema issues-may want to try things out. Shaklee also has a great detergent (good price)and my cousin sells a new laundry device that you hook up to your washer that you have no need for detergents at all. Bacteria,etc on your clothing is killed by ultraviolet light. I would love to get this-but it is just as pricey as buying a new washer-maybe next year.
Quiet day ladies!!! Where is everyone?
Its super windy here today and a tad chilly. I think we will stay in all day.
Im sad im not a the French Quarter festival, yall eat a bunch for me today.
Good afternoon ladies. So glad to have my computer back at home, now I can Dis at nights and on the weekend again.

Hope you all had a great weekend. How was the FQ Fest? I so wish I were there. We had storms yesterday and today it's very cool and very, very windy...dark and overcast.
Hi guys! What a night we had, DS came to me around midnight complaining of severe abdominal pain, this kid NEVER whines and he was crying his heart out. We got to Meadowcrest(Oschner) at 1AM and were told the wait time was 5 hours, I had called West Jeff and their wait was 8-12 hours. So we sat there and watched my boy in horrible pain for 10 HOURS. I was a wreck. They finally saw him at 11:00 and it was a kidney stone. Thankfully he passed it after they got the morphine into him.:sad2:

It is just unacceptable to me that our health is so compromised since the storm. There were so many people bickering and screaming out of frustration, some literally throwing themselves on the floor demanding medical attention, it just made me sick.
Hi guys! What a night we had, DS came to me around midnight complaining of severe abdominal pain, this kid NEVER whines and he was crying his heart out. We got to Meadowcrest(Oschner) at 1AM and were told the wait time was 5 hours, I had called West Jeff and their wait was 8-12 hours. So we sat there and watched my boy in horrible pain for 10 HOURS. I was a wreck. They finally saw him at 11:00 and it was a kidney stone. Thankfully he passed it after they got the morphine into him.:sad2:

It is just unacceptable to me that our health is so compromised since the storm. There were so many people bickering and screaming out of frustration, some literally throwing themselves on the floor demanding medical attention, it just made me sick.

OMG I bet you were a WRECK, I know I would have been a mess, poor baby boy ( wouldnt he hate to be called that LOL). Kidney stones suck, at least IF he has another he will know what it is.
Im glad it wasnt anything too serious. Tell him lay off the cheese and milk products a bit ;)

Maybe write the Gov. or Senator and let them know what you experienced, might sound silly but I would do it.
I have a friend that is Mary L's assistant I can get you an address if you need it.
Im so sorry you ( and all those other folks) have to go through that!
It is just unacceptable to me that our health is so compromised since the storm. There were so many people bickering and screaming out of frustration, some literally throwing themselves on the floor demanding medical attention, it just made me sick.
That is just horrible. Unfortunately it happens all too often other places too. It must have been horrible watching your child suffer.

Six years ago I was in the hospital in AR waiting for gallbladder surgery - I ended up with a horrible attack (stone stuck) and the doctor had not left an order for any meds. It was HORRIBLE pain, but I've heard a kidney stone is worse.

The guy in the next room was having a pancreatic attack. He and I both finally resorted to screaming our heads off because we were in such pain - no one came to help. We were not in ER - we even had rooms. A visitor from another patient came in and told me I was making too much noise. It was embarrassing but at that point I didn't care.

The nurses were having war about whether to have a union or not - some were not showing up for work. Sometimes there was not a nurse to be found. There I was in the hospital in hideous pain with no one to help. My dad wanted to call 911.

I hate what has become of health care in this country.
Hi guys! What a night we had, DS came to me around midnight complaining of severe abdominal pain, this kid NEVER whines and he was crying his heart out. We got to Meadowcrest(Oschner) at 1AM and were told the wait time was 5 hours, I had called West Jeff and their wait was 8-12 hours. So we sat there and watched my boy in horrible pain for 10 HOURS. I was a wreck. They finally saw him at 11:00 and it was a kidney stone. Thankfully he passed it after they got the morphine into him.:sad2:

It is just unacceptable to me that our health is so compromised since the storm. There were so many people bickering and screaming out of frustration, some literally throwing themselves on the floor demanding medical attention, it just made me sick.
This is horrible....your poor son.It 's almost as if New Orleans is a third World country, right in the middle of the USA.:sad2:
This is horrible....your poor son.It 's almost as if New Orleans is a third World country, right in the middle of the USA.:sad2:
That's EXACTLY what it's like!:sad2:

Kathy that is so terrible- and scary! I'm so sorry you had to go through that ordeal. Good news that your son is ok though. I hate to think what would happen if I had to bring Sienna to the ER, which is very possible with babies. I don't think I could handle seeing my baby suffer for so long. Something really needs to be done about the healthcare situation down here!
Hi guys! What a night we had, DS came to me around midnight complaining of severe abdominal pain, this kid NEVER whines and he was crying his heart out. We got to Meadowcrest(Oschner) at 1AM and were told the wait time was 5 hours, I had called West Jeff and their wait was 8-12 hours. So we sat there and watched my boy in horrible pain for 10 HOURS. I was a wreck. They finally saw him at 11:00 and it was a kidney stone. Thankfully he passed it after they got the morphine into him.:sad2:

It is just unacceptable to me that our health is so compromised since the storm. There were so many people bickering and screaming out of frustration, some literally throwing themselves on the floor demanding medical attention, it just made me sick.

I know exactly what you mean! We waited 5 hours at Children's hospital. Aiden(10 months old) was dehydrated, and hadn't urinated in 10 hours by the time they saw him. What frustrated me, and I know you cannot always tell a person's illness by looking at them, but there were healthy/laughing/dancing/playing kids in the ER. It was my understanding that in cases like that you should take them to urgent care centers first??? ped told us if Aiden didn't urinate after 6 hours to take him to Children' maybe others did the same...

It is so sad that a major urban area like ours is still suffering so much.

I hope your son is feeling better!
Good Morning. :wave: The kids are heading back to school. Not too happy about that in my house this morning. Spring Break was fun and all to short in their opinions.

Kathy :hug: what an ordeal you went through. I'm happy to hear that your son is OK now.
Kathy, I am so sorry to hear that you guys had to wait so horrible. I am glad your son is ok.
Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about Kyle!!!! I hope he is feeling better, I have heard how painful kidney stones can be. I'm sure you must have felt sick watching him suffer like that. Josh has told me how backed the few ER's we have around the city have been. But when it's your kid suffering like that it must be horrible. Hugs, girlfriend.:hug: :hug:
Morning Y'all,

We sure had a busy & nice weekend. The weather cleared up just in time for the wedding Saturday night. It was a beautiful wedding & a very fancy probably extremely expensive wedding. (I can't help but notice these things after doing our DD's wedding.) The reception was at the JW Marriot, very nice. They had the Algier's Brass Band & the Nobles for the reception. Great music, we had fun!

Yesterday, we headed out to the FQ Fest in the beautiful weather. I think everyone else in the whole state decided to go also! Boy, there sure were a lot of people out there. We heard some good jazz in the square & ate a lot of yummy food. Lori, I looked around for you in the square, I didn't see anyone guzzling Rosa Regale!:laughing:

Hope everyone else had a better weekend than Kathy had!

Morning yall,

Kyle is fine and back to school. I'm rested now, but now that the fear and anxiety are gone, I'm really angry that we are living like this. I didn't notice the ER situations in the past because Mom was always brought in by ambulance and seen right away.

I may be only one voice, but I intend on being loud. I'm going to write everyone I can about this horrible situation we are all facing.:sad2:
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