MICKEY AND US. Day 4 - I know just how Tippi Hedron felt!


<font color=6666CC>Ya-ya sister!<br><font color=gr
Dec 12, 2001
Carol (40, British) – dangerously Disney obsessed.
Roland (35, German) – puts up with me somehow.

Mickey – our beanie, on his first trip `home´.

Wednesday, 24 April 2002

Well I got 3 ½ hours sleep. I didn’t want to wake Roland so I spent a lot of the night perched on the side of the shower reading. You see – I'm nice to him too! But he was awake early as well. Today was a scheduled down day -that means a chance for Roland to sleep in. It was a good plan, shame it didn’t work.
Once up we had breakfast and then strolled over to the food court with our refillable mugs. It was a zoo. I had to queue up to get some instant chocolate and then go back to the drinks station for the hot water. Worth the effort though as it was delicious. We settled down on the beach and watched the ducks and the other bird; it was a day for birds.
Our package included a free game of mini-golf at each hotel and we’d decided we’d play Fantasia Gardens today, then stroll round the nearby resorts afterwards. It was another hot day – we hadn’t yet realised it was going to stay like that. It was in the nineties every day, 96°F being the record.
Now I'm absolutely useless at mini-golf but I thought my luck was in when the CM forgot to give Roland a ball. Unfortunately Roland noticed so there went my chances of winning. Her colleague told us not to mind the nesting bird. We were on the first hole when a mummy duck followed by legions of fluff on legs waddled past us. We were entranced! We were also lulled into a false sense of security as we thought she was the nesting bird. The only other people playing were a few holes behind us so we were totally unprepared for hole nine. I was just trying to putt the ball the last few inches when something whistled past my head. I was sure I hadn’t imagined it but I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t see it the second time either but it caught my hair. I dashed back to Roland – he’d seen it. It was the nesting bird we’d so amiably been told not to worry about – I knew just how Tippi Hedron felt! It was as Roland moved closer to the hole that I finally caught sight of it, sitting on a lamp above Roland’s head. It was only a little thing but every feather of its being declared war! As Roland moved round the hole, so did the bird. They were synchronised, step for step – my money was on the bird. Roland watched from the corner of his eye but the attack was so sudden and so accurate he didn’t stand a chance. By the third swoop he’d fled. The bird returned triumphantly to the lamp. And where was I? I kept well out of it. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t stand up, never mind flee. It’s the only time in my life I've ever wished I had a camcorder.
The rest of the course seemed tame then. The surprise water spurts were good but didn’t quite measure up to being a Hitchcock extra. Of the three courses we played, Fantasia Gardens was Roland’s favourite.
We left the car at FG and popped over the road to The Swolphin. Now I have to tell you, every time we saw the Swolphin we were struck afresh by the ugliness of the buildings. If you’re one of their fans, please don’t be upset by that. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it’s a good job we don’t all like the same things. Having read so many rave reviews, I thought we’d at least like the insides but we hated those as well. It reminded me of Monty Python. Very strange! The Yacht and Beach Clubs reminded us of the Newport Bay Hotel in Disneyland Paris. We felt it worked better in the Florida sunshine. By then I was so tired we had to keep having little sit-downs. I made it to the Boardwalk and felt a bit better after a bagel with cream cheese but I was fighting a losing battle so we went back to CBR for a nap.
Roland refilled the mugs (he loved the walk to the food court, it was so pretty) and read whilst I slept, on and off, for about two hours. Then I sat bolt upright and said, “Right, what shall we do now?” Roland wanted a park! Not AK or MK as they closed early, so it was either the Studios or Epcot. We played Disney roulette, catching the first bus that came – to the Studios.
This was our first taste of Disney buses. I've read trip reports from people there at the same time as us, praising the CBR buses. Wish we’d gone with them. We invariably had long waits and that first time was one of only two journeys where we didn’t have to stand. For us, the AKL buses were the best, then POR and CBR a definite last.
The bagel was wearing off. Others might dash for the Tower of Terror, for us it was the turkey leg stand for deluxe potatoes – very tasty! We were too full then for ToT. We felt more like meandering.
I know opinions are divided on the hat – we both thought it was a badly placed eyesore. Nuff said.
The Great Movie Ride was showing 20 mins so in we went; it was nearer 10. It was nice but not a must-do-again. After seeing other animatronic rides/shows, we realised it was because it felt old. I did my usual trick of looking the wrong way so I missed the alien. I was trying to work out why `Sigourney Weaver´ didn’t look right. We got out just before the parade, which turned out to be our least favourite one. It was a few characters in cars – for us, nothing special. Not special enough for Walt’s birthday.
Sound’s Dangerous had a three-minute wait so that was next. We thought it was ok. We don’t know who Drew Carey is and had no expectations and I think that helped (I know others have been disappointed).
We’d done Star Tours at both Disneylands – I'd felt sick both times. But the posted wait was
10 mins – too good to pass up on. It was just like the others – fun! But my motion sickness is definitely getting worse – I was very glad to be back on Earth.
Muppetvision was posted at 5 mins – weren’t we doing well?! We loved the pre-show (Rizzo the Rat has been our favourite since we saw the Muppet’s Christmas Carol – brilliant!). We were just filing into the theatre when Roland pointed out that we were the only ones without 3-D glasses. Panic! I apologised to all the people I knocked over when I rushed back out again. Roland waited patiently, knowing I'd sort it out. I'm handy to have in a (near) crisis. We settled down to what became our favourite Studios attraction. It was great!
All that doesn’t look long in print but it was long enough for me to start feeling a bit hungry again. We didn’t fancy a full-blown sit down meal so we tried the ABC Commissary. Roland’s cheeseburger was ok and there was vinegar for my fish and chips so I was delighted – they don’t do vinegar on chips in Germany. A culinary loss. Last but not least were the street scenes. Roland took photos and it’s surprising how 3D the buildings look. I took a photo of him singing in the rain, he took a photo of Mickey and me in `England´. And then Roland said the words dear to every Disneyholic’s heart – “I don’t need a guide book, I've got you.” I was one happy woman!
We decided we were too tired for Fantasmic and headed for the bus. The queue was absolutely horrendous. When one finally arrived, it was obvious not everyone could get on. There were a couple of families ahead of us when the queue ground to a halt again. We weren’t surprised - it would have been a miracle if we’d got on. But miracles happen at Disney. `Room for two standing,´ they called. `Go on,´ said the families. So on we went. Thanks families!
Back at CBR we caught the Epcot fireworks on our way back from the shop. Aren’t they short? We were back in our room by the time they started again. Huh? Two lots of fireworks? The mystery was revealed the next day – our first day at Epcot.

Next, Day 5 – I love it when a plan comes together
Sounds like you had a great day. I loved the hot chocolate at CBR too :D

Well done to the Disaholic for these reports - did your heart swell with pride when Roland handed that line out:D
Great report again..:D

I am really enjoying reading these.
LOL about the golf - so that's what they mean by a 'birdie' on hole 9! ;)
Another great report. We too have stayed at the CBR and I did actually complete some form or other saying that I wasn't really happy with the bus service on our trip. I can't remember which island we were staying in, but it seemed to be many miles away from captivity. It was also the last bus stop. Consequently each morning by the time the busses reached our stop they were full.They seemed to always go the same way round and obviously as more people joined the lines at earlier stops we had little chance of getting a bus anywhere. This was several years ago, so things may have changed now. We gave up and took our car everywhere! Shame, because it was the only drawback to CBR as far as I could tell. Carolyn


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