MICKEY & US. Day 12 - Good things come to those who wait.


<font color=6666CC>Ya-ya sister!<br><font color=gr
Dec 12, 2001
Carol (40, British) – dangerously Disney obsessed.
Roland (35, German) – puts up with me somehow.

Mickey – our beanie, on his first trip `home´.

Thursday, 2 May 2002.

What can I say about our start to the day? Nothing you haven’t already read. Though Roland did add chocolate chip cookies to the usual Frosties and/or bagels – he was worried they’d melt in the move to AKL the next day. As good a reason as any!
Mickey left Judy G. a note - `Going to the Studios today. Got too much sun watching Off Kilter and ate too much at Restaurant Akershus for a little mouse like me. Hope you have a Disney day! Love Mickey´. We were really enjoying this!
We surprised ourselves today - we managed to be at a park for the rope drop. Wow. We rushed round to Indiana Jones for an 11:30 FP which felt very strange as everywhere was deserted. We continued round towards the hat monstrosity and found the Evil Queen and Cruella de Ville signing autographs. They were both deliciously haughty and disdainful but Cruella had the edge!
We’d wanted to do the Backlot Tour next but it didn’t open till 10 so we wandered through the practically deserted streets for a bit. I'd hoped you could see into the Honey I Shrunk… playground but you couldn’t. I wanted to see the sneezing dog! Muppetvision was a walk on but let’s face it, we’d have done it again even if it hadn't been. We remembered the glasses – how on earth had we missed them the first time? I guess my habit of always looking the wrong way is beginning to rub off on Roland. I saw far more details this time – it’s amazing how much they pack into it. And do you know what – I can’t wait to see it again. It’s right up there on my must-do-as-often-as-Roland-will-put up-with-it list. I'm so pleased he loves it too!
We were back at the Backlot Tour by 9:50 and were let in 5 mins later. Opinions differ on this one. We both loved the first bit where volunteers re-enacted scenes from Pearl Harbor - if they’d sold the video of this bit I'd have bought it! The four men seemed quite quiet but they really put their hearts and souls into being doused by gallons of water. One used his broom as a machine gun, another the cloth for swabbing the deck as a white flag on the end of his broom, another was down on his hands and knees praying and as for the one on the phone – it was an oscar-worthy performance!
They warned us we’d get wet on the tram ride – Roland and I glanced nervously at each other, memories of Splash Mountain mirrored in our eyes. Guess what – we never caught a drop. The little old lady next to us was furious!
Now I enjoyed the drive through wardrobe, etc and enjoyed seeing the Golden Girls and Empty Nest houses but I thought Catastrophe Canyon was boring. Reverse those opinions and you’ve got what Roland thought! He preferred the tour we’d done in Universal in California as it was longer, whereas I liked seeing actual work being carried out. It just shows – you can’t please everyone!
The park was still very quiet. When we walked past Who Wants To Be a Millionaire there was a CM desperately trying to get people to come in. We were tempted but it would mean missing our Indy FP time. She really started doing the hard sell when she saw us wavering, guaranteeing that they’d still honour the FP – turned out she meant at a later show. We didn’t want a later show. She was getting quite nasty by then so we beat a hasty retreat. It wasn't the only time we experienced CMs being quite aggressive when trying to get people in so it must be Disney policy. We don’t like it.
We thought we'd do the hat next – maybe we'd like it more once we'd seen inside. Maybe not.
We strolled into Indy using our Fastpasses – and so did all the standbys! The park was so empty that FPs just weren't necessary. Never mind. We might have done things differently without them but I don’t think it would have been all that different.
The show was wonderful! The CM handling the volunteers was bright and sparkly without being irritating. Always a good thing! The volunteers entered into the spirit without hamming it up too much. The scene was definitely well set, the audience in just the right mood. And the actors didn't let us down. It was a highly entertaining show we’d recommend to everyone!
A spot of shopping next – I loved all the villains stuff. I bought presents for people and was disappointed to find I couldn't send them to AKL as we weren't going to be there till tomorrow. I could have sent them to Riverside as we were still staying there but there wasn't any point – we'd be gone before the presents arrived. I think this is a silly rule but as I'm not in charge… So we had the stuff sent to the gate for collection on our way out.
We finished One Man and His Dream after Indy. This has a very firm place in my heart. We all have dreams but Walt put more effort than most into making his come true. And how many people can say that in realising their own dreams, they passed them onto millions of others? He was remarkable, possibly unique; I wish I'd met him.
It was no wonder the Millionaire CM had been so desperate earlier – when we went to the next showing, not only was it a walk on, it ended up being a third empty as well! Any Millionaire addicts that day must have thought they'd gone to heaven. Roland purposefully took ages pushing the buttons as he didn’t want to be in the hot seat and I copied the woman next to me for all the American questions so not surprisingly, neither of us even got on the leader board. The first contestant was a carry over from the previous show. She got a Scotsman for Phone a Stranger (not an Englishman as the man a few rows back loudly announced) and as it was a baseball question – not something we Brits are terribly up on! It was the 500, 000 question too. Fortunately the woman guessed correctly – phew! Unfortunately she didn’t on the million-point question. Shame! The little girl who was next did her best but she was clearly overawed and didn’t get very far. And then the game was over – it doesn't last very long does it? We decided playing had been more fun than we’d thought it would be but we didn’t think we could sit through all the preamble every time. And Regis is scary – how many facelifts has he had?
Food! Roland had a pizza and I had another deluxe potato. I loved these but one thing baffled me – why do you get FOUR pats of butter with it? It comes with the most enormous blob of sour cream and a handful of crumbled bacon so why give you even more fat?
We were nicely positioned for a quick stroll into Beauty and the Beast, getting quite good seats twenty minutes before it started. I know this enjoys a big fan club but Roland nearly fell asleep and I could see why. It just didn't grab us as much as some other shows we'd seen. It was still much better than Tarzan though!
Park hopping now – we were off to Epcot to do the couple of things we still hadn't managed. Collecting our package at the gate took forever and a day. We arrived just as a man had his camera returned to him – he'd left it in the gents and couldn't believe his luck that he'd actually got it back. He started off with just one CM but ended up with five or six round him, trying to work out who the CM who'd found it was. We’d been transformed into thin air apparently – it took getting on for ten minutes for someone to reluctantly deal with us. It wasn't our fault we weren't as exciting!
We drove to Epcot. The parking lot CMs were unhappy bunnies. People were driving straight past them despite being told not to in order to look for closer parking spaces. Now we walked from the car to Epcot and watched these (able bodied) people save themselves about a minute's walk. Why upset the CMs for that?
First on the list was the Universe of Energy. I really like Jamie Lee Curtis but I'm not a huge Ellen fan and I don’t think Roland had ever heard of her. But we both very much enjoyed this – though I think Jamie Lee Curtis should be given a bigger role!
And then I got my promised look round the Flower and Festival art display and shop. I bought a lovely present for a friend – I wish I'd bought a few. I've no idea what it's called but it's made of wooden bars, you hang it up and it twirls attractively. Very nice! I'd like to have bought a few of the plants and seeds but when it comes to criminal acts, I'm a better forger than smuggler.
We went to Ice Station Cool next and I, the one who hates sweet fizzy drinks, drank gallons of the stuff! It’s not so bad if it's ice cold. There were a lot of teenagers in there and we were amazed by what seemed to be their favourite choice – the German one. I think it's called Mezzo Mix or something similar. We can't stand the stuff! Neither of us tried the Beverly (cowards!) but I've since found out that Nancy likes it so maybe we should have.
We tried not to think about this being our last trip to Epcot – theoretically we could come back but as there was still a lot to do elsewhere, we both knew it wasn't likely. To lift our spirits we finally tried the Mickey ice cream bars. How do people eat these before they can melt? Heartbreakingly, a big chunk of chocolate slid off mine before I could stop it. But the rest was gorgeous!
As we were back in Disney we had our customary break back at the hotel – it was great to be able to again! And then I let us down. Despite all my planning, I'd completely forgotten about Hunchback having dark days. You’ve guessed it – Thursday was a dark day. I hung my head in shame but it turned out for the best in the end. We did the Animation Tour (liked Stitch and wanted to buy one but there weren’t any out at that time) and then grabbed a bite to eat (Polish sausage for Roland, yet another potato for me – hey, I liked them!) and went up to Fantasmic an hour and a quarter before the start. This is when we realised no Hunchback wasn’t too bad after all – the place looked packed! Closer inspection showed that it wasn’t really as everyone was comfortably spread out but as the expected call to squish up never came, we'd have got much worse seats if we'd come later. As it was, they weren't too bad; left of centre, two thirds up and bags of kiddies in front of us meant I could see ok. Roland hated the next 75 mins – it was the seats. They’re not made for sitting on, not comfortably anyway.
I was pretty anxious the whole time, scanning the skies for signs of rain clouds. I've since found out that the next evening was fraught with technical difficulties. Thankfully that possibility never occurred to me or I'd have been even more of a nervous wreck. But it was all ok – good things come to those who wait. And the gods had decided I'd waited long enough – Fantasmic started bang on time! And I loved it. When we left the stadium, I had another of those big daft grins on my face. And so did Roland – he'd been worried I'd be disappointed after building up my hopes for too long and was so happy I wasn't.
We walked to the Riverside bus stop, got on a waiting bus and found a seat. Wow.
Back home we had another nice surprise from Judy. She’d left Mickey another note `Hi Mickey, maybe you can get in the movies today. Glad you feel better. Love Judy´. And Moose was sliding down a towel in the bath and naughty Figment was sitting on a towel on the toilet, holding the end of the toilet roll between his paws! What a great last night surprise! I know a lot of people hope for towel animals and leave lots of money hoping that will ensure they’ll get them; then they’re disappointed if they don’t. The thing is, not all Mousekeepers (or Moosekeepers) can do them – I bet Judy can’t but she still made the magic happen. I hope she kept our notes – we’ve kept hers!
Very sadly we went and got our last lot of milk at Riverside before taking a slightly melancholy walk round the resort. Much as we'd loved CBR, we'd fallen hook, line and sinker for Riverside. We kept telling each other how wonderful it would be to be able to see the animals from our balcony at AKL, which it would, but we were still so sad to be leaving. I don't know when, but one day Riverside – we’ll be back!

Next, Day 13 – Where’s my pay check?
Sounds as though you had a great day, glad you got to see Fantasmic.

Looking forward to hearing about AKL:)
You left me hanging on right till the end to hear how the Moose Man was doing:)

Judy The Mousekeeper sounds fantastic. . . . let's hope they keep up the standard at AKL.

Off to see if there's another one now . . .
I LOVE the potato's too!..... but all my butter ended up in the bin - does anyone really put all that on?
Love the Mickey Bars too - I had one every day!! (but don't ask how much weight I gained over the 2 weeks!)

These potatoes must have passed me by - I have to try one!

p.s. I love Riverside, too :)


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