Mingos in the Watah! What in the Wuhld?

:wave:Well I'm here! I have been busy getting my Mom home from the hospital and settled in and I get back and the report is started and already at 6 pages! Wow you guys!
Jill, you do have some darling girls. Maybe one day our trips will over lap and Bella and Ty will hit it off since they both turned 2 in April! They are growing up on us!

MeMom, you look just fine in pictures but I am the exact same way. I only recently would even take a picture but when Ty came along I wanted to have some of me and him so he could look back and remember his Nonnie!
Don't give up on Trent yet! You know Sarah is single and we don't live that far from Nashville. She's not perfect but she is a hardworker, loyal and pretty good young lady if I do say so myself. (plus I think they have either texted or FB a bit) She said she would come with me to the next Nashville meet, so there ya go! LOl Plus I think we may be hitting up Orlando in the fall so I may get to make a Disney meet after all.

Ty says thanks again to Mickey and his special friends for the card. We keep it on the frig and he will ask for it a couple of times a day and name everyone one off and say DISNEY! It is so cute. I wish I could take him back sooner but it will most likely be Dec. 2012.

Anyway....ready to see and hear all about your trip!
Five months!! I got that in writing! :woohoo: I'm living through you until I can make it back so a five month TR with all the pics you take will really help me through. And then of course, there's the October trip so you guys will probably take me right through until I actually DO make it back to Disney. :banana:

I hate getting my picture taken too. Well, at least I used to anyway. It's not quite so bad now that I've lost 50 pounds (still a ways to go though) and so when I see a recent picture I think..."well that's not too bad." I think it's all relative in my case. Sometimes I even feel pretty. :lmao:

I :love: that Bella knows her way around Pop. I can totally imagine her insisting you go into Everything Pop and NOT back out the front door. :hug:

I'll recheck the intro...I must have missed it the first time!

ETA Rats!! Nope, I've only been 5 times in my 35 years so she's got me beat!

Well, if I lose 50 pounds, maybe I'll have a picture made willingly, but ever since my knee troubles started and I can't walk right, I've just given up on exercise. I need to swim, but I'm too scary to do that anywhere but a private pool, which I do not have. I'll figure out something, though, and get a few pounds off.

I think it is funny that Kay got lost on our spring trip and couldn't find her way around Pop, because it seems to simple to us,
and I could have sent a 4 year old out to lead her back to the room. :laughing:

I'm here and ready to tag along! This will help with my wait til October! So sad that I will miss y'all this October! :sad1: Can't wait to hear all about the pixie dustpixiedust: and the girls accomplishments! :cheer2:

This will help me with my wait until October, too. ::yes:: Counting by weeks, it doesn't sound so bad, but I know about mid-September, I'll be thinking it has seemed like forever!

I'm here! This report has been up for 14 hours and you already have 5 pages? That's impressive :rotfl:

I'm looking forward to another MeMom and Jill report! :yay:

So glad our favorite high school grad soon to be college girl is here. :)

Oh too funny! And so cute! :cutie:

She was leading the way to Everything Pop, and we cut to the side. Her face got a big question mark on it, and John had to capture her, as she was not going to come with us. She knew where the food was, and we were just stoopid. :laughing:

I'm here too! :yay:

Yay for another Canada DIS friend!
You must be getting pretty excited by now, huh?

I am here now I have to go back and read.:goodvibes

We are glad you are here. You will see a lot of familiar pictures of Pop.

Thanks to a text from MeMom, I'm finally here! Busy times here at home but never too busy to read about this special trip! YAY you started!!!!

I thunk you were baseballing or swimming, but you were doing housework.

Boring. :upsidedow

You know I couldn't put up the first batch of pictures without you.

Page 6 already!!! I too am jealous of all kids trips to the world! I have been 5 times which is just not enough in my lifetime! Lol! I would even love to live closer like you all! Coming from Ohio you need to either fly or if you drive take a longer trip to make it worth it and I wish it didnt cost more to take longer trips! I'd love to go for long weekend trips more often but it would just seem like I got there b4 I would have to leave again!

We much prefer flying, but driving will do when it's the only way to get there. If we lived a couple of hours closer, it would be dangerous.

Long weekends are fun, but they leave you wanting more. You get a good taste of Disneyness, and then it is time to come home.

:laughing: Great TR title!

It was Bella's idea. :idea:
We were on the safari, and when we were rounding Flamingo Island, she said 'Mingos in the watah! What in the wuhld?' and we just cracked up.

:wave:Well I'm here! I have been busy getting my Mom home from the hospital and settled in and I get back and the report is started and already at 6 pages! Wow you guys!
Jill, you do have some darling girls. Maybe one day our trips will over lap and Bella and Ty will hit it off since they both turned 2 in April! They are growing up on us!

MeMom, you look just fine in pictures but I am the exact same way. I only recently would even take a picture but when Ty came along I wanted to have some of me and him so he could look back and remember his Nonnie!
Don't give up on Trent yet! You know Sarah is single and we don't live that far from Nashville. She's not perfect but she is a hardworker, loyal and pretty good young lady if I do say so myself. (plus I think they have either texted or FB a bit) She said she would come with me to the next Nashville meet, so there ya go! LOl Plus I think we may be hitting up Orlando in the fall so I may get to make a Disney meet after all.

Ty says thanks again to Mickey and his special friends for the card. We keep it on the frig and he will ask for it a couple of times a day and name everyone one off and say DISNEY! It is so cute. I wish I could take him back sooner but it will most likely be Dec. 2012.

Anyway....ready to see and hear all about your trip!

Trent wants a 100% guarantee that his marriage will not end in divorce. I don't know that that is possible. I guess he'll be a lonely old man. Tanya wanted him to give her a ring on their one year anniversary, and when he didn't, she saw that as him not being committed. They decided it would be best for her to go back to Florida and just be friends. I think she will be happier down there, anyway, because all of her friends are there, and she has a better job there than she did here.

We are glad Ty likes his card. Mickey mail is always a day brightener.
:wave2: Hi everyone. I love all of the intro pictures, the one of the girls on the elephant statue is adorable.
I work in a First School (age 3 to 9) and we break up for our 6 week summer holiday next Friday, so I will have lots of DIS time :cool1:
Before we get on the road to this summer's Disney fun, I'll share a few pictures of the weekend before. Brooklynn had her dance recital, so Trent and I rode down for the evening.

Jill, Trent, Brooklynn, and I went to the school early,


and Bella stayed back at the house to finish napping. John came later and brought his parents and Bella. Brooklynn also had some friends from school that came to see her, so she had quite a little fan club.


Practice and fun with friends.




Bella got in on the action, too.



The show was wonderful, of course, in the opinions of all the families present. :thumbsup2


Pre-trip days were busy. I went to Alabama on Thursday morning. Jill and I went to pick up the van at lunchtime. In the evening, we took the girls to gymnastics.

Bella sitting on her mat listening to instructions.


Brooklynn doing a back crawl.


It probably has another official gymnastics name.

Sleeping Bella later in the evening.


I never did go to sleep, because I wanted to be able to sleep in the car. Jill and John got a few hours - maybe three - but we hit the road very early in the morning.


You may recognize Lola Cow from last October's trip. She got to go on this trip, but she mostly stayed in the room. Patriotic Mickey went along to decorate my Pop window.

The trip itself was uneventful. Jill took the first round of driving. I went in and out of sleep through the dark hours, and when it began to get light, I was up for good. I was in the very back of the van, and Jill had the music going, so I guess my snoring didn't signifcantly impair her ability to concentrate on the road.

Morning found us at the Florida Welcome Center.


We always grab a handful of brochures


and get a little juice.


Silly people.




The girls saw a little puppy.


Brooklynn occupying herself over the miles.


Mickey and Brooklynn watching a DVD.


With some imagination, I decided this cloud looked like a Mickey ears hat.
Or maybe Minnie.
Sort of.


What do you think?
:wave2: Hi everyone. I love all of the intro pictures, the one of the girls on the elephant statue is adorable.
I work in a First School (age 3 to 9) and we break up for our 6 week summer holiday next Friday, so I will have lots of DIS time :cool1:

We take the 'girls on elephants' picture every time we get off the train at Rafiki's.

You'll be getting a break about the time we start back up here. I have camp next week, then the next week I'll have to go to work in my room a day or two. Make yourself at home here, and join in the conversation any time. :goodvibes
Looks like you had a busy week even before the trip... hopefully that didn't impact the trip! ;) That puppy is so cute! I wonder what breed it is (Pug?) And that cloud totally looks like Mickey Ears! :thumbsup2 Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum
Marking my spot:thumbsup2

PS - Abby has that butterfly tank and Ellie has a matching tshirt (not tank). LOVE that line at Kohls!
I agree that the cloud looks like Mickey ears. ::yes:: I see them everywhere. My extended family tells me I'm obsessed and suggests I seek help. :rotfl2:

How fun that you got to be a participant in the girl's activities in the days before the trip!! Thanks for posting the pics of the dance recital and gymnastics. Bella looks so cute sitting on the mat and Brooklyn is so fancy and ladylike when she's all dolled up!

Great start to the TR. Can't wait until you get to POP.
I can see the Mickey ears in the clouds. I always look forward to the welcome center, the OJ is always part of the disney trip and the brochures are great Disney reading until I get their. I usually pick up the Disney schedule for the following week also.
Cute pictures again! I think you're going to be hearing the words cute, adorable, or some other variation alot from me throughout this TR! :lmao:

I had no idea they started gymnastics at 2 years old. I need to get with the program! I think my littlest girl would like something like that. I must say I'm impressed with Bella sitting so still in that pic. I just don't know if mine would even get off my hip long enough to sit on the mat for a quick picture!

Because I live in FL, I've never experienced the welcome center. It looks nice!
Wow, I just saw the link on facebook and I'm on page 7!!!!! Now I'll have to go catch up!!
I totally see the cloud with the Mickey Mouse ears! Good catch!

I love the activities the girls are involved in. Bella looks so cute on the mat following instructions.
Oh my gosh, that video is SO cute! I love how toddlers speak!

I can definitely see the mouse ears in that cloud. Very cool!


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