mods plz close

okay... I wanted to trade you the Red Piano for the Happiest Cele. on Earth Pin.
I'm on now or just let me know when we can meet, i am princesstinytina
Purple Bling Shirt
Green Bling Shirt
Cyan Bling Shirt
Orange Bling Shirt
Blue Bling Shirt
Dreams Poster

Here are the items that I am interested in. What are you looking for?
Purple Bling Shirt
Green Bling Shirt
Cyan Bling Shirt
Orange Bling Shirt
Blue Bling Shirt
Dreams Poster

Here are the items that I am interested in. What are you looking for?

The items I am really interested in are in my wishlist in the signature, but if you have other stuff I'll still consider. I like furniture and costumes mostly (unless of course it's in my wishlist).
Interested in:
ice cube chairs x4
Orange Bling Shirt
Blue Bling Shirt

football shirt red with white pants
T-shirt "Bear Rug" Cute, and Boot
blue holiday chair
Interested in:
ice cube chairs x4
Orange Bling Shirt
Blue Bling Shirt

football shirt red with white pants
T-shirt "Bear Rug" Cute, and Boot
blue holiday chair

Since I am waiting to hear back from someone on the bling shirts still, what would your offer for just the ice cube chairs be?
If the other trade falls through or their offer isn't good enough for the shirts, I'll let you know.
Also, could I see the shirt you're talking about? I've never heard of it before. :confused3 lol
I'm not too good at posting pictures, but here is a try. Basically they are mickey face shirts, Cute is red and Boot is blue, the item description says Bear Rug - CUTE, or Bear Rug - BOOT. I understand they were originally got from participating in a vote (kinda like a host prize, but anyone who voted could get them).


Let me know if the other trade falls through. I'll have to think about what I would bid on just cube chairs. Uh, how many ice cubes for just the holiday chair?
I'm not too good at posting pictures, but here is a try. Basically they are mickey face shirts, Cute is red and Boot is blue, the item description says Bear Rug - CUTE, or Bear Rug - BOOT. I understand they were originally got from participating in a vote (kinda like a host prize, but anyone who voted could get them).


Let me know if the other trade falls through. I'll have to think about what I would bid on just cube chairs.

Thank you for showing me :) but I do not need those shirts. So if you want to let me know about the ice cubes, that would be good. I will be PMing the other girl about the bling shirts if I haven't heard from her by tomorrow, and then sometime Thursday (assuming I remember :P) I can let you know...
I like these from your list:
Blizzard Beach Pin
Castaway Creek Pin
Disney Mountains Quest Pin
Expedition Everest Pin 4th of July Pin
Halloween 06 Pin
New Years 06
Happiest Celebration on Earth Pin
Popcorn Pin
VMK Birthday Pin

And I have from your wants:
Red Football shirt and pants (do you need helmet and shoes too?)
will look over your list again and see if I have anything else


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