Monday Morning Riddle Thread

Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
I was just saying to myself, self, it's almost 9am my time, and I don't think a certain someone has made anyone cry she sick???

Nope. Just pacing myself! :teeth:

Hey Syb....GOOD MORNING! :wave:
hiwaygal said:
I'm even impressed that Lou is apparently in a giving mood...gave Angel a compliment (even if it was kinda hard to get :confused3 )

Who's hard to get? Angel or Lou?

And what's this about Lou fooling around with a net?

alabamaalan said:
Who's hard to get? Angel or Lou?

And what's this about Lou fooling around with a net?

Are we rhyming today :confused3 ;)
alabamaalan said:
Who's hard to get? Angel or Lou?

And what's this about Lou fooling around with a net?


Wow, Lou...don't you think she's a little young for you??

Alan...I thought Lou was hard to get today. Maybe he was just playing (hard to get)....get it?? :rotfl: :rotfl:
I found a picture for Tooty and Spike in honor of flower day.


I'm in btw.

Oh and what's better than a rose on a piano?
Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
If we're lucky, maybe tomorrow can we have a riddle on potpourri and then wed. one on scented candles?
Zip it Duck :rolleyes:
Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
If we're lucky, maybe tomorrow can we have a riddle on potpourri and then wed. one on scented candles?


Come on, don't play all macho with us...which one are you? :rolleyes:
hiwaygal said:
no, not really :teeth:

She gave me some gentle ribbing about the "big game" yesterday ;)

I don't think I want to know the private goings on of you two. :rolleyes:
horsegirl said:

Come on, don't play all macho with us...which one are you? :rolleyes:
OK you got me. It's kinda hard to see, but I'm the one behind the bushes pointing and laughing at the Browns fan who tripped over her own feet. There was an Indians fan who tripped right next to her, but since it's not baseball season, I let that one go.
Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
OK you got me. It's kinda hard to see, but I'm the one behind the bushes pointing and laughing at the Browns fan who tripped over her own feet. There was an Indians fan who tripped right next to her, but since it's not baseball season, I let that one go.
L107ANGEL said:
Hey!! I didn't catch that :furious:

Oh no! There was something going around too? Ick. :sad2:

Duck! I knew it, you are the one in the middle with the pink flower....AND if you look, you can see ME out back too.


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