MOOvin' Along - Goog Times, Goog Friends . . .

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Poly: sounds like a great trip! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Blue: Are the dust bunnies properly disposed of?

Celery: Didn't I just respond to you? Or am I brain "dead"?;)

Nab: :wave: to you! You'll always be Nab to me. Hope that's ok.

Off to the grocery store for ice cream. I forgot to get some.:headache:
babyn - Awwwww! On the daughter's labor comment! How sweet.

Meet -
I am going to have such a hard time referring to people.
Moo will be Moo (although I usually remember her real name)
Nab - Who is Debbie? I only know Nab. Even though it's at the bottom of EVERY SINGLE POST, I still forget!
Utah - Utah or Wendy. I never even call her Utah Mama in my head.
MommyP - MommyP or her real name. I have it down pretty good.
Marita - Marita. Does she even have a username?
Does Syd have a real name?
You guys will have no problem with Tammy - you all already call her that.
Me, I answer to Amber, Celery, yo stupid, disney freak, whatever.

If Twinks went? No clue what her real name is! She'd just be twinks.
WT? Same thing. Does he have a real name?

We start our 9 week foster parenting class in July! Woo!
So it doesn't look like we'll have a kid placed by the time the meet rolls around, but we have permission to steal Jeanie for the whole time.
My mom says we're crazy because we WANT to take a 2 year old to Disney for 11 nights.
She said we won't have a chance to do any adult things, but the only thing we'd want to do is go to the Adventerurer's club, and we'd already decided not to because of the extra cost.
I need to look up height restrictions to see what she can and can't ride.
Oh yeah - crystal and mike are planning on taking Anthony out of school for two days - so they will be there a little bit longer than a weekend! Woo!
Now back to work for me.

I know all the names, I think.
I could be coaxed to reveal them :cool2:

SO great on the foster parenting class!!! :cutie:

I've never done the adult disney stuff like the Adventurer's Club. :upsidedow

If I drink AT ALL, I'm a big floosey and not in a good way. It's snot good. I don't even remember the last time I partook.

I'm off to be a mom. We just got back from a couple hours at the park. I only had 4 kids today! It was kinda nice!
Babynurse --have to have ice cream with the cake. Mind you Hannah would just as soon have ice cream no cake....

Nab is fine with me.

Now I really have to get Hannah's teacher a really nice gift. She made a cd with the grade one class pictures on it. And set to music. The last song is Life is a Highway by Tom Cocherne.

She has still pictures of the kids from when they started grade one ,Halloween, Christmas, Easter, All their field trips, Winter Carnival. Sciencist in the class( glad I passed on that one, they were holding BIG BUGS :scared1: ) It made me cry to see all the kids in the class, I will be a mess when my kids finally graduate. :lmao:

Poly I want to see....
Utah - with as much as you love Jungle Cruise, you'd LOVE LOVE LOVE :cloud9: :love: (Did I say love?) Adventerurer's club.
But to me, it's not a place for kiddos.
I vollunteer for movie night at the condo if the rest of you want to go.
One night of free babysitting - who can pass that up?

Nab - you are so sentimental! It's cute!
Have I shown you all the floorplans for the condo?
Here's what we have reserved:


Here's what we are eligible for if we can get the upgrade:

I'm so excited!
Celery-- Wow all that for the two of you. Will you use the kitchen? I bet it looks really nice in person.

DMM -- What you craving?

I have two little girls having a blast in the backyard in a very small kiddie pool. Funny part is the neighbour who came over has a real pool in their back yard.:confused3

The boy across the street came back tonight and asked for the balls again. This time he asked Nicholas and he almost gave them back. I think the kids was counting on Nicholas to get them back but I caught them. No balls for you.
Celery - I think that upgraded one is about the same size as our first house. lol!

Celery - I know what you mean about the names. Nab and Moo are just that to me. Nab and Moo. Even though they post their names. Uma is Uma, which to me isn't Uma Thurman it's just shortened UtahMama. You are Celery. Marita is Marita. lol. Isn't that funny? I even think of myself as MommyP sometimes. ;)

We had a nice day. The older 3 boys stayed the night at my Mom's so we have a nice quiet evening. Tomorrow I'm going over earlier so my little brother can cook me breakfast. ;)

I can get so many things when I'm pregnant. haha

DMM - I have been SO hungry lately! So much better than wanting to puke all the time!! Hopefully I am the same weight at the Dr. next Tuesday. lol!

Have a great night everyone!
Mommy P-- work it for all it is worth!!:lmao: So by my math you have one left at home with you. I can do grade one math remember.:rotfl:

Two shows are on at the same time tonight. Hell's Kitchen and Age of Love.

Nothing on all week and they have to put two on at the same time. Well actually I guess it is good because Big Brother starts in 2 weeks and it will be Tues/Thurs. and Saturday if it is the same as always.
Howdy, MOOO-vers!! How is everyone doing? :yay:

Sorry i have been MIA, but I still love you peeps! Or Meeps, I shoudl say! ;)

I just got home this morning from driving from Tulsa, OK back home to VA. It was a loooong drive!! I'm glad to be home. Out of all the states we drove through, my favorite was when we passed through Charleston, WV. What a beautiful city!! :flower3:

So what is new around here, ladies?
Hey, everyone!

I've been working, NAB, that time of year for me, UGGGH! still trying to work on something, but the system is not cooperating. :badpc: :badpc:

Uma, glad you did not meet your demise at Costco!
Celery, looks like a loverly place!
Poly, send me the pics too please, just use the posted email here.

MommyP, glad you are feeling better finally, woohoo!!

I am going to tivo Age of Love and watch Hell's kitchen. I ate 1/2 can of soup today, not feeling so great right now (wonder why?)

Hope Twinkie hurries back!
Hi Bonnie-- what were you doing in OK. Summer holiday?

Marita -- I am watching Hell's Kitchen too !!! I think Aaron the big boy that will go home tonight. Don't work to hard...
I just quit working, NAB, my mind is worn out and the system apparently has an outage anyway.

Still have to make coffee for tomorrow and figure out what to wear and maybe eat something besides my half can of soup!

Welcome back, Bonnie!

DH went for his first physical therapy today. The nurse or whoever told him he has been using the crutch on the wrong side, he is supposed to use it on the opposite side of his broken foot. Who knew? :confused3 Seems to me he has a harder time walking like that though.
Hi Bonnie-- what were you doing in OK. Summer holiday?

Marita -- I am watching Hell's Kitchen too !!! I think Aaron the big boy that will go home tonight. Don't work to hard...

Hi Nab-a-dab-a-doo! :yay:

Well, my younger brother (single, no kids) got stationed here in VA and they flew him out here from Tulsa, where he had been living. He decided he wanted his car but he didn't want to drive it back by himself. So he flew me out to Tulsa to drive back with him. Plus, I wanted to see a goo DIS friend of mine who lives in Tulsa!! It was great to see her. And fun to see some states I had never been to, like MO, IL, IN, KY, WV.
Bonnie-- sounds like fun. How long have your kids been out of school. Mine are still in there for another 8 days.

I have to go get teacher's gifts this week. Hannah's grade one teacher made a cd yearbook for them. She brought it home today. She did a great job showing all the things the grade ones did over the year.

Marita-- get something good to eat. The way you eat you must be losing weight too...:lmao:

I am glad I never had to use crutches. Don't think I would be able too.
Hey Poly - wanna be our maid for the trip? ;)

NAb - yeah, we'll use the kitchen. For one thing, there's no free dining for us, so we'll have to be economical.
Plus we'll have Jeanie - and I don't think she'll like the idea of "You don't need breakfast because I said!"

Hey Disney MommyM.
Your posts have been a bit sporadic lately. Come back and see us.

Glad you're feeling good, MommyP.

Marita - this is my busy time at work too - I can't procrastinate any more because there are no more trips for work! oh no!
I don't think I could ever work in a kitchen:scared1: I freak over getting Christmas dinner timed halfway close!

I missed whatever Aaron messed up, been distracted, but I saw the woman fish spaghetti out of the garbage, EEK!
I wouldn't make a good chef either Marita.

I am not a fancy cook either. Plain and simple. Haven't had any complaints though.

Celery-- You will have so much fun with Jeanie. Where has Tammy been? Say hi for us !!!
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