Most Embarressing Moments at Disney

I was at Epcot in 2001 with my step-mom, dad and sibs and there was this masked character guy (not Disney) in front of this statue. The guy had a flower and took pics with all of us (my step-mom, step-sis, sis and me) and we walked over to one of the shops. I backed a step up and stepped on someone. I turn to look back and there's the masked guy all up in my face holding out the rose to me :scared1: and I screamed! Then I got all flustered as he gave me the rose, kissed my hand and walked away. Gee, I hope I was able to mumble a sorry and thanks :headache:
After a long, long day in AK, we headed to Epcot for the fireworks before heading back to POP. Needless to say, everybody on the bus was tired - so it was VERY quiet......

I asked our dd4 what her favorite part of the day was, and she loudly proclaimed "Mommy, I really liked the animal that was pooooooooooooping!"

OMG - I was so embarrassed!

Classic! Although, it's only cute when it's someone else's kid....:goodvibes

When my nephew was about five, we had all just left Star Tours and he announced he COULD NOT HOLD IT ANYMORE. While my DSis & I were scanning maps for the nearest restroom, he took matters into his own hands (literally) and peed right into the bushes along the path that leads down from Tattooine Traders. I thought I would die laughing. My sister was mortified.

My daughter said, "Well, I guess he's not such a city kid after all." :lmao:
Ok ok I admit i have an embarrasing moment as well.

I must have been 12 or 13 and we were at ASMu browsing through the little gift shop. Back then those little backpacks were "IT" so I had one on. As I looked around and picked stuff I wanted to buy something else caught my attention and I turned around ... no problem execpt my backpack knocked down a souvenier plate which landed on the floor in million of tiny little pieces. I cried! I still have nightmares about that.

Many years later, at age 23, I was at Animal Kingdom getting our photopass CD. I was admiring the frames and joking around with a CM --- yep, you guessed I was putting the frame down it fell. The CM actually went and got the manager and pointed to me and said "She did it!".....UGH! I was sooo embarrased I ended up buying a frame.

How's that old saying go? .....I know! "A bull in a china shop!" :goodvibes
We went to blizzard beach last year and me and DH went on the summit plummit the TALL water slide. Well I had the camera with me hooked to my bathing suit strap, DH wanted to take pictues from the top so I give him the camera, before he goes down he just put it his pocket of his suit. I watch him go down, Oh crap then it is my turn I go down and at the bottom there is DH getting his suit picked out of his butt! He turns around and I look down and there is the camera sticking straight out in his pocket, I busted out laughing and asked if he was happy to see me. It was soooooo funny I could see the other people and CM laughing. He turned beet red!:rotfl:

I'll be right back........I need to clean my screen after blowing coffee all over it! That is absolutely hilarious:lmao: :lmao:
We went to blizzard beach last year and me and DH went on the summit plummit the TALL water slide. Well I had the camera with me hooked to my bathing suit strap, DH wanted to take pictues from the top so I give him the camera, before he goes down he just put it his pocket of his suit. I watch him go down, Oh crap then it is my turn I go down and at the bottom there is DH getting his suit picked out of his butt! He turns around and I look down and there is the camera sticking straight out in his pocket, I busted out laughing and asked if he was happy to see me. It was soooooo funny I could see the other people and CM laughing. He turned beet red!:rotfl:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I can't read any more until I wipe the tears out of my eyes!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Before you guys read, I'm 16 (will be 17 next month) so this will be kind of funny.

In Febuary 2001 (on my second trip to the World, I was 10), I had my heart set on going on The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter. But my aunt went on it a few years earlier, and was terrifyed, and she's the only person i could go on with. My little sister was 5 (she would of loved it when she was 8),a nd my mom was in a wheel chair because she broke her ankle the month before.

Well, my friends in school and everyone kept going on about it, so I was very nervous. I remember standing in the line and shaking all around. I mean, I was really shaking, and people kept asking me if I was okay. I calmed down in the 1st pre-show, and by the 2nd I was okay (poor Skippey), and I was intimidated by SIR. I was so nervous, I think I may of been pale. Well, as we are heading into the X-s Teleportation Chamber, CM's come and tell us the ride was broken, and we had to leave!

I was so embaressed because I had worked my self up to this and I must of looked like a damn fool. I do regret not going on it earlier, because I never got to experience the full Encounter.

In January 2006, I stayed with my Uncle (Cheshire Figment), at his house and we went on over to HISTA (god I HATE that pre-show), but we got in our seats, and we were all good. I thought it was really cool by the time it started, but then the mice! Oh god those mice! I screamed really loud, that the people around be actually stared at me like I was crazy. My uncle laughed at me, and I will never live it down.

-Dainan "I'll post more later" Rafferty
On our first trip in 2005, we were in Hollywood & Vine and I was 'helping' my DS to get ice-cream from the machine. It was pouring into his dessert bowl and then it wouldn't stop and I started panicking. The ice cream kept coming, I thought it would stop after 'x' amount of time (like it was programmed or something :rolleyes:). I started totally panicking and was bright red in the face and I kept reaching for new bowls and cups (basically whatever I could get my hands on) to hold all the flowing ice cream. The woman next to me started laughing hysterically and I swear she nearly wet her pants. She put the lever in the correct 'off' position and said 'there now hon are you ok?". God I felt like a total moron (that's because I was! :teeth: ) and she was soooo nice, she said "hey, don't worry, those ice cream machines probably work differently where you're from" and I had to be honest and say "no, actually they're identical, I have no idea why I thought it would stop by itself".

My DS was MORTIFIED because, of course, lots of little 4 and 5 year olds in the queue were more than capable of operating the ice cream machine successfully all by themselves and his mother made a total mess of it. I do not know what I was thinking.

On our last trip, it was late in the day in Animal Kingdom and we decided to have another (our third) go on Kali River Rapids. I got soaked. Absolutely drenched head to toe. But that same day we had checked out of BW and were checking into ASMovies for the weekend. So we got on the bus and went into the lobby of ASMovies and I had no choice but to wait in the check in line with water pouring off me. My pants was clung to my backside. It's funny how you're in a theme park, getting into the spirit of it - fun and games - and then suddenly you're standing in a hotel lobby, waiting to check in, looking like a total nut with squelchy shoes and a wet bum.

Two from DH.... in '05 he took our two boys to Typhoon Lagoon and totally 100% lost his swimming shorts in the wave pool. The boys were mortified and temporarily disowned him. :lmao: A CM came to his rescue with some towels. It's hard to embarrass DH but that just about did it. Funny thing is I read a post on these boards a few months later from a woman saying that she was in Typhoon Lagoon one day and there was a pervert there flashing his worldly goods :-)laughing: ) and I did wonder if it was DH and she had misinterpreted his, er, situation. :lmao:

Oh one more..... last October, after a long, rainy day in Magic Kingdom we decided to go to the Small World attraction. We were on our way in there when DH slipped and fell straight splat out on his face and hands. :lmao: The most innocent attraction in Disney World but DH comes away traumatised and hurt. :rolleyes:
We were on Pooh and were just coming around to where you get off, the family before us was taking their good old time gathering their belongings and taking their small children by the hand, when my DD then 3 yells.."Hurry up people I gotta go a stink!"
Two from DH.... in '05 he took our two boys to Typhoon Lagoon and totally 100% lost his swimming shorts in the wave pool. The boys were mortified and temporarily disowned him. :lmao: A CM came to his rescue with some towels. It's hard to embarrass DH but that just about did it. Funny thing is I read a post on these boards a few months later from a woman saying that she was in Typhoon Lagoon one day and there was a pervert there flashing his worldly goods :-)laughing: ) and I did wonder if it was DH and she had mininterpreted his, er, situation. :lmao:

OMG....I don't think I have EVER laughed so hard:rotfl:
When we went to Disney in 2001, my DD was 6 months old. We were standing at the bus stop and I was holding her. We were there maybe 20 minutes or so and I happened to look down and she had pulled my shirt over and my wholw left breast was exposed (thank God covered by a bra, but exposed none the less). I could have died!!!!
:lmao: My mom is STILL threatining to take me to the emergency room If I don't stop laughing.:lmao: Which only makes me laugh harder
On our first trip in 2005, we were in Hollywood & Vine and I was 'helping' my DS to get ice-cream from the machine. It was pouring into his dessert bowl and then it wouldn't stop and I started panicking. The ice cream kept coming, I thought it would stop after 'x' amount of time (like it was programmed or something :rolleyes:). I started totally panicking and was bright red in the face and I kept reaching for new bowls and cups (basically whatever I could get my hands on) to hold all the flowing ice cream. The woman next to me started laughing hysterically and I swear she nearly wet her pants. She put the lever in the correct 'off' position and said 'there now hon are you ok?". God I felt like a total moron (that's because I was! :teeth: ) and she was soooo nice, she said "hey, don't worry, those ice cream machines probably work differently where you're from" and I had to be honest and say "no, actually they're identical, I have no idea why I thought it would stop by itself".

My DS was MORTIFIED because, of course, lots of little 4 and 5 year olds in the queue were more than capable of operating the ice cream machine successfully all by themselves and his mother made a total mess of it. I do not know what I was thinking.

On our last trip, it was late in the day in Animal Kingdom and we decided to have another (our third) go on Kali River Rapids. I got soaked. Absolutely drenched head to toe. But that same day we had checked out of BW and were checking into ASMovies for the weekend. So we got on the bus and went into the lobby of ASMovies and I had no choice but to wait in the check in line with water pouring off me. My pants was clung to my backside. It's funny how you're in a theme park, getting into the spirit of it - fun and games - and then suddenly you're standing in a hotel lobby, waiting to check in, look like a total nut with squelchy shoes and a wet bum.

Two from DH.... in '05 he took our two boys to Typhoon Lagoon and totally 100% lost his swimming shorts in the wave pool. The boys were mortified and temporarily disowned him. :lmao: A CM came to his rescue with some towels. It's hard to embarrass DH but that just about did it. Funny thing is I read a post on these boards a few months later from a woman saying that she was in Typhoon Lagoon one day and there was a pervert there flashing his worldly goods :-)laughing: ) and I did wonder if it was DH and she had mininterpreted his, er, situation. :lmao:

Oh one more..... last October, after a long, rainy day in Magic Kingdom we decided to go to the Small World attraction. We were on our way in there when DH slipped and fell straight splat out on his face and hands. :lmao: The most innocent attraction in Disney World but DH comes away traumatised and hurt. :rolleyes:

:laughing: Tell DS you're a naturally funny family.

Although, you DH is not the only one to kiss the pavement. It was almost 1 a.m. at POFQ parking lot and DH was still fidding with his computer in the car. :confused: I got impatient and decided to go to the room by myself. I was walking in the parking lot and in my stupor stumbled over a concrete bump-out that's in the front of each spot. Stumbling I was falling forward and tried to break my fall. I smacked the pavement with my forehead. Lying there spread face down, I was more embarrassed than concerned over any injury. I limped back to my room. I had a big bump on my forehead, scraped hands and knees. The next day I had a black and blue lump fortunately I wear bangs. :blush:


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