Motion sickness patch


Earning My Ears
Oct 2, 2002

Has anyone ever used a motion sickness patch, and do they seem to work?

I've never used any motion sickness remedy before, but I love to ride rides and seem to have gotten more and more motion sick as I've gotten older. I can't ride the teacup type rides anymore, and ever since Universal's Dueling Dragons totally knocked me out a few years ago (I literally laid on a bench for two hours and felt bad even the next day), I've avoided looping/spinning rides. I didn't ride TOT or RNR on our last Disney trip because I didn't want to ruin the trip by getting sick, but I really regretted it. This time, I'd like to ride those and Space Mountain and perhaps MS. When I asked my doctor about Dramamine or this new wristband thing I'd heard of, he prescribed some patches for me. Any info would be appreciated.


Hi Jennifer,
I used these patches last year for our trip to Disney and was able to ride everything with no motion sickness problems. The problems I did have were the side affects from the patch. Each patch is good for 72 hrs. I put the first one on before we left home (even planes bother me). No problems. 3 days later 2nd patch. So far just a little dry mouth. Next day I'm having trouble focusing my eyes. Now I wear glasses anyway (near sighted) and it didn't affect my distance vision, but suddenly I couldn't focus up close. Even with my glasses off. Couldn't read, couldn't put my make-up on very well:eek: . Still terrible dry mouth. So I took off the patch. It took another 2 days before I could focus properly again. But I kept going on the rides and still did't get sick. Maybe I just needed a lower dose or something.
There was a thread a little while ago about Bonine(sp?). A pill that lasts 24 hrs., not too drowsy, over the counter. Do a search. I'm going to try that this year.
Hope this helps,
Yes, that band is what I asked my doctor about. I didn't speak directly to the doctor, just the nurse, so they didn't really tell me whether the band or Dramamine would work. They just prescribed the patch. I was surprised. I just wanted to know which of the two options I mentioned would work better. I didn't realize he could prescribe a patch. Now, I'm just very curious about if it works and how well.



DH uses the patches. They work great for him! He can't ride any of the rides you mentioned without the patch. With the patch he can do them all!

The only side affect he's had is a little dry mouth. We carry plenty of water with us.:D He's planning to use the patches again on our Christmas trip.
That's so wonderful to hear. I'll be sure to have plenty of water on hand.

Thanks for replying!

We used these with great success on a very rough Disney cruise. Only side effects were extreme dry mouth and trouble focusing to read.The biggest problem we had was when we took them off! I got progressively more "land sick" with each passing day. I ended up breaking the cycle with dramamine. I was better within hours. Try non-drousey dramamine instead! Fewer unknowns!

Thanks for the note on non-drowsy dramamine. Since I've already gotten the patches, I'll try those first, but I'll take some non-drowsy dramamine as a backup. The thing that worried me about the patch was the note about it making you feel drowsy, but I'm hoping the excitement of the trip will overcome any drowsy side-effects.
I've used the patches (trans scop) many times, both just a 3 day (1 patch) and for a week straight (3 patches). The first time I wore them was like a miracle for me. I was always the kid that vomited on the bus. I rode a train and ate and walked around and everything.

I have rode rides with this patch that I never would have gotten on before with no difficulty except for Star Tours. I don't really get sick but do feel a little ....lightheaded I guess but it goes away quickly. But I can ride everything else.

I last used the patches on a 7 day cruise to Alaska. On about the 4th day, after I had changed the patch we were out in kind of rough open water. I got very nauseous, but before I would have been....well it wouldn't have been pretty. I was able to just go to sleep and wake up fine in calmer waters.

As to side effects: I have not had any, I do already drink plenty of water anyway, but I have never had any problems with my eyes or felt I was sleepy. The only thing I notice is that for a day or so after I take off the patch I still get the effects. So depending on our stay, and plans sometimes I only use one and then just put on 1 to fly home with.

I have tried Bonine when I forgot to get more patches one time. It works okay but if you are a tried and true motion sickness sufferer like me the patch works much better. I couldn't ride several of the rides with just Bonine.
With this type of medication dry mouth and dry eye's are to be expected. Dry airplane air can also make these symptoms worse. You might consider using an eye lubricant/artificial tears while using these patches in addition to drinking lots of water. The blurred vision at near is also expected as the eye temporarily loses some of it's focusing ability. Over the counter reading glasses can help with this if you have yet to reach the wonderful age of bifocals.
Rachel, I'm so sorry! I missed your post the other day. Thanks for all the info. My doctor told me to apply the patch 2 hours before boarding the plane, but planes have never bothered me. I actually love riding on a plane. And we don't plan to go into a park until the next day. Based on your post and the others, I'm going to wait to apply the patch early on the day we start park-hopping. Then I'll watch for any signs of the focussing issues you mention. I had Lasiks surgery back in January. It's been fabulous, but occasionally (not often) I have had focussing issues. I'm very glad you and Minniemomof4 have warned me about this. If I start having any focusing problems, I'll remove the patch, and I'll take non-drowsy dramamine or bonine with me just to be safe.

Geyser, thanks for the eye drop advice! I occasionally have to use my eye drops as it is, but I hadn't even thought of taking them for the trip. I'm going to make sure I have them with me at all times, particularly on the plane!

wld, many thanks as well! I'm so grateful for everyone who has helped me with this thread. Getting several opinions/experiences has really helped me plan ahead. I feel much better about trying these rides.

Boy do I feel better. I use to use the patch and stopped. Yes I had the dry mouth, but also the eye focusing ( or lack of focus) I thought I was crazy. I just could not read the menus at the restraurants. I don't wear glasses and just didn't like that side effect. I just don't use anything now and avoid the rides that affect me. Yes it's sad, but nothing else works except the patches. I've tried everything. If I was taking a cruise I would use the patch again, but not for rides anymore. But when I did use them, they were Great! you could ride the simulator rides and not get sick....that was a great feeling.


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