Mousecellaneous - a thread to share non-DLP related posts

We must have been lucky all the times we've been because our shareholder's card and ticket (not an AP with photo, just a standard one) has always been enough.

As for identification, if it is an EU law then it isn't enforced in the UK and can't be until we get ID cards (if we get ID cards) as people without passports or a driving license would have no means of identification.
Isn’t it a law in France that you always must be able to identify yourself?
The question is: even if, would it be applicable to private property? Identifying yourself can usually just claimed by public authorities (e.g. police), but in private areas (like holiday resorts) it's the resort management being the 'executive' organ I think, so in this case even the AP works as a personal identification.

Should the police come for any reason they probably won't accept an AP for proof of identification, so they might ask you to get your official documents from the hotel and maybe even escort you there ;)))

After all I think even if people leave their passports at home or hotel, most of them will carry a small-size ID card, driver's license, etc...

Did you ever see the armed army men in the night that survey through the park when you came back from the Hurricans?


Believe me if they asked for your passport you will not hesitate a moment.

Yeeeah, tough guys :cool:

But I mostly noticed them outside the Disney areas (in and around the train station etc.)...
Did you ever see the armed army men in the night that survey through the park when you came back from the Hurricans?


Believe me if they asked for your passport you will not hesitate a moment.


Yeah we saw them on our trip at the station and wondering around the outside the village in the evening. Are they all the time? while we were there, there was bomb threats in the uk airports so we just thought it had something to do with that, and that they wouldnt normally be there.I didnt notice them on the 1st few nights but when i did i was abit shocked they look abit scary.
I was not really sure where to post this, but I thought I would try here.....

Do we have any DISers from Norway or can any one help?

My DH is the line-manager for an International team. The person that works in Norway is due to leave to have a baby in a few weeks. As the team is spread all over Scandanavia he has the responsibility of sending a present once the baby is born.

Does anyone know if Norway has an equivalent to Mothercare or any baby websites based in Norway from which he can send a gift/voucher?

I know this is long shot but if anyone can help.......
My hubby is having a massive sulk as the penny has only just dropped that when we leave Disney after our holiday, the England vs South Africa Rugby will be on in Paris. He is a MASSIVE Rugby fan and has never had the chance to go to an International game before,let alone a world cup one. I looked on ebay for tickets and they are going for over £400 just for ONE ticket so I doubt very much that we will add an extra night in Paris at that price!!
I did console him by saying that maybe the teams will bring their families over to France for the games, so maybe we might bump into them having a bit of 'down time' in Disneyland...who knows!
Do you reckon the Rugby World Cup may mean that Disney is a little busier than average in September?
I'm not sure as they will be playing matches all over France & most rugby fans will be following that.
Angela and Reid, your daughters look lovely all ready for 'big school'. I hope they are enjoying it.

Just wanted to add (for Reid), I hope that Morgan is healing nicely and have I missed the rest of your trippie report?
Just wanted to add (for Reid), I hope that Morgan is healing nicely and have I missed the rest of your trippie report?
Yes she has now got used to the sling and cast, thanks. Sorry about the trippie it has went the way of my quiz prizes and got left behind. Will catch up over the weekend depending on the clean up operation as the house will be full of screaming (I mean lovely) 10 year olds for Morgan's birthday today :)
depending on the clean up operation as the house will be full of screaming (I mean lovely) 10 year olds for Morgan's birthday today :)

A very Happy Birthday to Morgan, I'm sure the birthday party will be great - good luck! :thumbsup2

Glad to hear I haven't missed any more trip reports, look forward to reading them when you have alittle more time.
Hope you and Diane get to relax and celebrate with a large :drinking1 or two tonight.

I always feel quite emotional on my DD's birthdays! :lovestruc
Oooh I applied for this for summer 2008!!!! Now I'm waiting to find out if I got an interview!!!!!!

When I posted this comment it was meant to go on the Intl College Program thread, but as it was closed and I didn't notice, it ended up here in the middle of an unrelated thread - sorry!!!!


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