"Move over Mickey, Disney's Found a Franchise"


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Jun 28, 2006
"When “High School Musical 2,” the sequel to the hit 2006 made-for-television movie, made its debut on the Disney Channel on Friday night, it was a highly anticipated moment for millions of children across the nation.

It was also a satisfying one for the Disney Channel and its parent, the Walt Disney Company. Despite lukewarm reviews, the film’s debut drew 17.2 million viewers, according to preliminary ratings estimates from the channel. If those estimates hold up, it would make the debut of “High School Musical 2” the No. 1 television program of the week, on cable or network, as well as the most watched show of any kind in basic cable history.

The success of “High School Musical 2” is an indication of Disney’s long-term efforts to reposition its cable channel to appeal to the underserved 9-to-14 age group and to rope in youngsters for whom Mickey Mouse seems too babyish. For the time being at least, the movie has made a trio of fictional high school students named Troy, Gabriella and Sharpay as recognizably Disney as that 79-year-old mouse.

Rich Ross, the president of Disney Channel Worldwide, argued that the ratings achievements of the sequel pointed to the larger strength of the channel’s television movie business. He noted that “High School Musical” had been the channel’s 61st original movie. “People talk about ‘High School Musical’ as a franchise,” he said. “The franchise is the Disney Channel original movie.”"

Read the rest of the (2 page) article here

While the article doesn't mention the parks specifically, it might be interesting to speculate on the effect of HSM on the World, since we've already seen the pep rally. Thoughts?
No doubt it's a hit!! My boys love it (6 & 10) and it is wholesome and fun!

I think Disney's got a winner and will be on top of the cable tv war with Nickelodeon for awhile....side note..(don't tell Walt)....my boys love Sponge*** ..can't even speak it:lmao:
No doubt it's a hit!! My boys love it (6 & 10) and it is wholesome and fun!

I think Disney's got a winner and will be on top of the cable tv war with Nickelodeon for awhile....side note..(don't tell Walt)....my boys love Sponge*** ..can't even speak it:lmao:

Oh, heck, I am a 53 year old grandmother and I love the Sponged One as well. Even have boxed sets of Seasons 1, 2, and 3. Doesn't diminish my love for Mickey, however!
I would love to see WDW include more of it's characters and stuff for the 10 yo + set. My DD 12 and 14 are not as into the princesses and stuff anymore but LOVE HSM, Hannah Montana, Zach and Cody, etc. I would be nice to have more of a selection once they outgrow Cinderella.
The Today Show reported this morning that HSM 3 will be at the Movie theater and 4 is in the works. My Dh and I enjoy watching and singing the songs with our DS10 and DD8.
I don't personally like the movies but I see it as a great chance for DC to capatilize on it.
I am sure there are some disney exec's in their office right now, looking at that 17.2 million view number and kicking themsevles for not putting HSM 2 in theaters. That would have made a killing.
I would be surprised if it doesn't end up on Broadway at some point. It really is a cute movie. The story in 2 is a little weak, but the basic formula is still good. Sharpay's Fabulous song was pretty good. 3 and 4 will make a boatload in the theatre! We had a premiere/birthday party for my DD on Friday. She got a the book, the soundtrack and a Sharpay Barbie doll that is a riot. It says lines from the movie and sings Bop To The Top. Disney and Ashley Tisdale are sitting on a mountain of cash! Kenny Ortega was ABCNews' Person of the Week on Friday! It's incredible. Why wouldn't they keep it going? I hope they keep up the quality thought.
All my nephew (7yo) had to say was "It was awesome! Better than the first one!"
Well, Disney sure has found a way to cash in on the older set. My kids try to stay glued to Disney Channel as much as I'll let them. My dd is only 7 but she is more interested in the characters Hannah Montana, Zack and Cody, and Raven than any of the princesses, and my ds 10 watches all the same shows as well.

I would like to see more things in the park geared towards these characters and more available merchandise. High School Musical is on my tivo now, so dd can watch it over and over again.

How smart of Disney to develop these programs that aren't "babyish", they seem to have a great mass appeal.

I couldn't agree more with what's been said. My DDs (10 and 8) are totally hooked on Disney Channel. DS12 actually likes alot of the shows too, although he isn't as inclined to admit it. :laughing: When I told DD10 about the HSM pep rally at MGM, her eyes were as big as saucers. We are going to WDW in January and both girls keep asking if there will be more HSM stuff because of the new movie, or anything Hannah Montana related, etc? I hope so! :goodvibes
My 5yo nephew got me to watch HSM a few weeks back and then watch HSM2 a couple of weeks later. Interesting how he's influenced me. He did not like the dance Sharpay and her brother did in HSM1 and cannot stand the kissing, just gross!

It will be very interesting to see his reaction when we're at MGM next month. At Universal a few years back he loved the X-men, but got all shy around the X-women!


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