Mr Verance


Feb 25, 2005
Yes, thats Mr Verance - Percy Verance to his friends!! Well, on the spur of the moment yesterday (Thursday) I decided that what myself and my two boys needed was a short break - DLP! Quickly checked prices for taxi to station; euro exchange rate; dog kennel space and then Eurostar. Yes there were seats available, standard and first class. First class way too pricey for 2 night break. Then got cold feet. What was I thinking!! All that money for 2 nights at the Hotel Cheyenne!! AND on a Saturday arrival with a Bank Holiday thrown in for good measure. Thanked the very nice lady for her help and declined. Then, pre-panic, decided that life was too short to justify saving the pennies. Rang Eurostar back, yes there were still seats but limited availability. Price had gone up however to £230 on way out standard and £325 way back as only first class available and the return was via Lille. £575 without hotel/tickets/food!!! No, just walk away...and so I once again thanked the lady and hung up. Checked emergency/rainy day fund and decided that the look on the kids faces was worth it after all. Rang back at 8.45pm. Guess what.....sold out! My own fault of course but still annoying. Sulked all night. This morning I was sitting drinking my coffee just before 9am. Advert for DLP came on the tv....its beckoning me....ring....ring...ring Eurostar one more time. So, I did. Rang Disney to check there were still rooms then rang Eurostar for train price only. Yes, Yes, YES!!! there were seats available - no first class but, get this, the direct route!! Now how does that compute!! Yesterday no seats direct, today three together both ways!! AND the price? £309 total!! Quicker than the blink of an eye, my card was out, the tickets purchased and we'll be on our way tomorrow at 8am!!! At 8.30 this evening on the spur of the moment, I rang Eurostar just to see if first class was available for the return leg of the trip (my feet do like a bit of luxury), and guess what! Yes there are seats!! I wish their computers would all say the same details!!! But I dont care...Im going to DLP. Ill be pushing through the crowds, peering eagerly at the time of waiting signs, pressing my nose against the outside of all those full up restaurants and getting photo after photo of someone elses arms, heads, backs and kids during the parade but ill be there!!! :Pinkbounc Just wanted to share!!!! Call me mad, call me crazy but dont call me for the next few days cos ill be at DLP!!!
Well done on taking the plunge!!! :cool1: Your boys (and you!!!) will have a really wonderful time and it'll be well worth all the soul-searching!!! Have a great time and tell us all about it when you get back! :cheer2:
Just had a thought - does anyone know if the Bank holiday is relevant in France. I know all the British children will be there but what about French children - is it just a normal day over in France??
The boys will love the spur of the moment surprise :banana:

Hope you have a wonderful time :)

Oh how exciting!! I would love to do something spur of the moment like that one day - and who knows, now you can fly from Exeter to CDG I may do ;)

Try this site for French holidays.

Have a fabulous trip and please come back and tell us all about it :)

Next Monday (2nd May) is not a public holiday in France so the parks should be quieter that day.
What a great thing to do - I wish I could do something like that!!

Hope you all have a wonderful time!! :Pinkbounc
Thank you for that Diberry - my mind is at rest!
Ware Bears - not gone just yet so thanks for the kind thought. Ok, so now time to drag the kids out of bed and get this show on the road! Have a great weekend everyone. :sunny:
Please tell us all about it in LOTS of detail cos I thought you're post was brilliantly written.

What a fantastic treat, I'd love to be able to just go on the spur of the moment, the way everything fell into place, you were obviously destined to be there this weekend - I'm so envious :teeth:
Posted my offering of a trip report under the DLP trip report banner - sorry if its in the wrong place!! Never could get it right!! ;)


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