"Must Do Disney" With Stacey


DIS Veteran
Mar 27, 2004
Do you like the "new" Resort TV show "Must Do Disney" with Stacey better than the "old" "Top Seven Must Sees"?I think I liked the old show better becaues they left out some of my favorites in the new show like "I see London,I see France".:)
My husband and I are pretty sure they killed Stacy's enthusiasm! We loved the top seven, it hit everything... was a great way to get acquainted with and excited for the parks. We're disappointed in the way they just chopped out half of the things in this one... where was any mention of Toy Story Mania, or for that matter... World Showcase?!

Plus, it was sloppy. So much of it was cut scenes from old top 7's that the outfits didn't even match.

We had top 7 on a constant loop and loved to watch it, or even just listen to it because she always seemed like she was having so much fun. Now we most likely won't play it at all in the resort.
Ok - I just watched the New "Must Do" Disney show on Youtube and I "Must Say" - I am not impressed.

I was not a marketing major in college but this add contains no 'hooks' or catch phrases like the old one did. Its really tame and has no energy.
With the old one my DH and I would find ourselves quoting Stacy all day long when we came one of her "Top Seven" .... Like "Triple Mountain Whammy" or Summit Plummit - or "Lets get our ride on" ....but all of those sayings are gone along with Stacy's perkyness.

This new ad is dull and unimaginative.

Hope it changes when we go in Oct.
It seemed pretty bland. It didn't create much of any sense of excitement. Better for them to have started from scratch than this current mix of old and new.
I also miss the "have a zipadeedooda day" jingle that was used in the Top 10 count down pre-Stacey. I wish they would have kept that jingle.
I also miss the "have a zipadeedooda day" jingle that was used in the Top 10 count down pre-Stacey. I wish they would have kept that jingle.

That was the best!!!

I didn't like the new "must do" show at all. It was too short and kind of boring.
I posted this a few days ago - wondering what happened now that it's no longer YOAMD, and now I find out... ouch! poor Stacey....
I tried watching the Must-Do Disney but the sound was out of sync with the picture so I stoppd watching after a couple minutes.
OMG, did they drug her or something? And what's with the granny outfit. This is just so wrong:confused3


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