My 1st PTR!! My Birthday Celebration in Disney...Henry's hitting all the parks!!!

The powerpoint slide thing most likely (although I could be wrong) came from me. I shared an instruction "manual" I made with a few here on the DIS so its awesome how it spreads around, its such an easy concept and much nicer in the parks!!

I'm celebrating my birthday in WDW this year too, and want a cake, but I would hate to order one and see that my mom had ordered one also or something, so i'm holding off, I wish i could just do it myself though!
You have beautiful kids. Congrats on getting to go this year! hopefully your DH won't be the Grump this year and the more time spent at Disney maybe the magic will rub off on him.

Your planning sounds just like mine, I have it all planned out, write it down remember something else I wanted/needed to do and then it all changes. I try to be organized but then I just become more disorganized. :rotfl2:

Thank you for you and your DH's sacrifice for this country It has to be just as hard to be a Military wife as it is to be a soldier/sailor. :cheer2:

Keep up the good work with your Pre- Trip Report.
The powerpoint slide thing most likely (although I could be wrong) came from me. I shared an instruction "manual" I made with a few here on the DIS so its awesome how it spreads around, its such an easy concept and much nicer in the parks!!

I'm celebrating my birthday in WDW this year too, and want a cake, but I would hate to order one and see that my mom had ordered one also or something, so i'm holding off, I wish i could just do it myself though!

Nicole- cool! Love the idea- it's been keeping me the most organized... THANKS!

I already may have a change... DH says that he probably can get leave on the 2nd, which means that we can drive down in the AM, so we don't have to sit at Poly for the Fireworks. I really want to see the Tink/Castle thing, so that's a bonus for me. AND, even though I've been talking about it the longest, I think I'm going to nix RC on my bday. Hopefully, they'll let me do it on a different night after my bday, but this way we can get more time in MK.
I'm so happy for you!

I started reading your report and kept screaming inside my head, "You can get military bargains!"

So I'm so happy you did find out about that. Disney treats the military & their families well, and they should because you people deserve it!

Before you know it, you'll be going annually... don't you worry. ;)
You have beautiful kids. Congrats on getting to go this year! hopefully your DH won't be the Grump this year and the more time spent at Disney maybe the magic will rub off on him.

...Thank you for you and your DH's sacrifice for this country It has to be just as hard to be a Military wife as it is to be a soldier/sailor. :cheer2:

Keep up the good work with your Pre- Trip Report.

I'm so happy for you!

I started reading your report and kept screaming inside my head, "You can get military bargains!"

So I'm so happy you did find out about that. Disney treats the military & their families well, and they should because you people deserve it!

Before you know it, you'll be going annually... don't you worry. ;)

Thank you both for your recognition of his military service. Being a sailor, he generally feels funny about it when people thank him, because he's not on the front lines... still, I remind him, that it is not a job/lifestyle that everyone could handle... Me= his :cheer2:leader

MD: thanks @ my kids. We think they're pretty cute, too... I think their personalities shine thru in their pictures :) I hope the magic rubs off on him too!

Jen: lol @ your reaction... I would probably be doing the same thing if I were reading someone else's PTR... lol

Kinda OT: We're up for orders soon (before our trip) and our first choice is King's Bay, GA. We're REALLY hoping that we get that billet, especially, since he'll only have 3 years left and they should just throw us a bone... so the plan is, if we get stationed there, to live in Jacksonville, because that's about where the closest Catholic Elementary Schools are. Soooo, that means APs for at least the kids & I... I want to go once a month with the kids, especially since DH will be gone for 1/2 the year and WHEN will the kids ever be able to do that again for 2 whole years?!

Really OT: DD got her ears pierced this morning. DH originally said that she had to be 5 to get them done b/c he wanted it to be her decision, but she's been mentioning it to me for a few weeks and then we started talking to him about it and shockingly enough to me, he decided & told me last night that he told Mia that she could have them pierced. Now everyone keeps telling her that she REALLY looks like a princess, and she keeps prancing around- it's SOOO CUTE!princess:

I'm going to try to take the day off from planning today and get some cleaning done :) Happy Sunday to y'all...
Thanks for the replies, all... Does anyone know if I can check somewhere to see how many have subscribed to my thread? That would be fun ;)

So, I've been in training all week, uggh- tiring. I'm back and still 'on' the whole cake kick, however, I'm so excited about the whole free dining thing. DH & I have to sit down and figure it all out, since it's so foreign to us and figure out if it's worth it to us, since we'll have to buy 3 one day passes so we can eat for free, but I'm thinking that comes out to $200ish, but I don't know how Character meals figure into all this and such. Once we sit down, I'll come up with my list of questions and post them to you here, maybe y'all can help me with this mystery ;)

So, where I stand now (I can't remember if this is where I was last time I posted about it, but I still want the cake with the strawberries & bavarian cream (I think it's going to be pretty hard to change my mind on that part) and I want the chocolate ganache (sp?) on the outside. I'd like the little Mikey heads that look like they've been spray painted on around the sides- I want those in lavendar. Not sure what I want on top for decorations, although I'm leaning toward Tink (The concensus of my friends is that it's more grown up, which is fine by me :) ). I know that I don't want an edible topper, I'd like one that I can keep (if they put edible stuff on it, that's fine, I just want a topper that I can be buried with- KIDDING!)

Thanks for the replies, it's nice to see that people are actually reading my novel... lol
I just decided that I'm going to do two itineraries. By the time we go to Disney, we will know whether or not we're going to be stationed in King's Bay, GA (i.e. will be living in FL and getting APs), but I don't want to spend all of this time twiddling my thumbs when I'm waiting to make ADRs (25 days)(or what am I going to do between making ADRs and when we actually go?
So, I could stress myself out and adjust our itinerary at the last minute if we get the orders, but I think I'll do it now, while I can do it leisurely... so I'll keep my current itinerary for in case we DON'T get stationed there, and do up a new one in case we luck out and DO get those orders... good night, y'all!
We acquired from DS's school, a heavy duty bookshelf. I let the kids pick out what colors to paint it. One side is DS's and the other's is DD's. I was hoping to get Disney colors, but neither of the Lowes has them. Does anyone know where I can get the color chips, because I'd like to hang a LGMH from my stroller.

Today, I'm distracting myself from cleaning my office, by going through and purging the Character Find spreadsheet created by The Rusty Scupper. DH thinks I'm crazy and that I'm taking all the fun out of it. I told him that he's taking all the fun out of it by not helping me plan. :P~ to him lol On the lighter side, he did tease me that if I don't buy DD's princess costume IN The World that it's less magical and that I'm gypping her of the Magic of Disney by buying it at Target *mouth hanging open* 2 points for him... but I'm sooo saving the money and buying it at Target- she's not even 3, do you know what condition that costume will end up in??
*sigh* back to cleaning...

oh well, back to cleaning
Update: We acquired travel buddies! I posted on my Facebook "Does anyone want to go to Disney with us? We have 3 more $99 for 5 day tix". No one has been interested in going with us up 'til now, so I didn't think much of it... but within 2 minutes, my friend, Ally, who I used to sell Creative Memories (Scrapbooking) with, replied. It's been awhile since DH & I talked about asking someone to come with us, so I wasn't sure how he'd react, but he had seen my post (even though I deleted it pretty quickly) and was totally on board with it. Ally & I have actually only met twice, in person. Once at a CM Regional Meeting and the 2nd time, back at the same place, to scrapbook with her & her other Consultants in her unit. The rest of our friendship has been online. Our kids aren't that far apart in age... They're all about a year apart. I'll update my Castmembers as soon as she gets me a photo of the 4 of them. We're still working out logistics as to DDPs, which meals they're going to join us on (for ADRs) and all that, but we made the hotel ressies on the phone tonight.
We decided that one night, they'll watch our kids, so we can go out and one night we'll watch theirs, so they can go out and I added that the guys can watch the kids one night, so we can go check out all the Christmas stuff at the hotels, etc, then when we come back, we'll let the guys go beer it up :)

Hopefully Ally will join DISBoards, so she can contribute on this PTR, too :)

More soon~
..... Ally & I have actually only met twice, in person. QUOTE]

Actually you take that back - I also went to your all day scrap session at the church and a few months later (or maybe much later - I was pregnant with Claire) I went to a Celebrations event at your house and we spent the day and hung out with you and Mikey ;)

We are soo excited to be going too, we just gotta figure out flights and we are going to do a couple of reservations (might have to join you on one of the character ones) and then list the places we want to hit on a map but I don't think we are going to schedule it down to a T - though I think we will try to sync to what parks you are doing on the days and completely agree that one park a day works - I think too many can be overwhelming for the kids - hay just one is going to be overwhelming for me because I know we won't fit it all in!!

One must is that I have to see if I can reserve an early morning safari because I hear that's the best time to see the animals, when I went 12 years ago we didn't go early enough and only saw some of the animals and most were sleeping because it was already pretty warm by the time we got out there!

I'm looking forward to all the info, the more I know and the more I can figure it out - my hubby is the same way - not a big crowd guy but I know he's gonna want to take Claire to Paris since that's all she talks about!!

Claire asked me last night "What does Ariel do there" so I told her she will be there so she can say hi, and take a picture with her and even sign an autograph book, she then came back with "But what does she do" I think she thinks Ariel needs a real job but I couldn't get out of her what she meant!!:dance3:

..... Ally & I have actually only met twice, in person. QUOTE]

Actually you take that back - I also went to your all day scrap session at the church and a few months later (or maybe much later - I was pregnant with Claire) I went to a Celebrations event at your house and we spent the day and hung out with you and Mikey ;)

We are soo excited to be going too, we just gotta figure out flights and we are going to do a couple of reservations (might have to join you on one of the character ones) and then list the places we want to hit on a map but I don't think we are going to schedule it down to a T - though I think we will try to sync to what parks you are doing on the days and completely agree that one park a day works - I think too many can be overwhelming for the kids - hay just one is going to be overwhelming for me because I know we won't fit it all in!!

One must is that I have to see if I can reserve an early morning safari because I hear that's the best time to see the animals, when I went 12 years ago we didn't go early enough and only saw some of the animals and most were sleeping because it was already pretty warm by the time we got out there!

I'm looking forward to all the info, the more I know and the more I can figure it out - my hubby is the same way - not a big crowd guy but I know he's gonna want to take Claire to Paris since that's all she talks about!!

Claire asked me last night "What does Ariel do there" so I told her she will be there so she can say hi, and take a picture with her and even sign an autograph book, she then came back with "But what does she do" I think she thinks Ariel needs a real job but I couldn't get out of her what she meant!!:dance3:


oh GEEZ, I forgot about all that!!!! I suck! :( I take it back!! :guilty: :blush:

Now that you're on here, you can do your little cast member/background thing on here, if you want to :) That would be :cool1:
PS- I did have a few people reading this PTR, but I haven't heard from anyone lately, so it may just be the 2 of us... lol

And since you're Ms. Tech Girl, let me know when you figure out all the siggy stuff, i can't get mine to fit! :(
I will have to get my castmember info in here soon, maybe I'll get some time this weekend to work on it before I pack for our CT trip (which you still owe me some must hit places along the CT coast!!) The only thing set in stone right now is Sunday and Monday night at the Mystic KOA and we plan on hitting the aquarium, the waterfront and since my daughter is a die hard pizza fan I have to hit Mystic Pizza

OK I've been on other boards and the only thing I'm thinking about your signature is that maybe you have too many empty lines, send me a PM with your full siggy stuff and I'll play with it.

Soooo, here we are- it's under 100 days- YAY! (98 to be exact)- 8 days until we can make our ADRs and I think I pretty much have it figured out. I've got a few scenarios ready to roll, which will depend on Park hours, which come out the same day. I still need to connect with Ally & see what their plans are, so whatever meals they want to join us on, I can make our ressies for everyone :)

Tentative Plan:
Wed, 12/2:
*change* arrive in Disney between noon & 3, check-in & chillax
Eat dinner @ MK & watch Fireworks

Thurs, 12/3: MK Day
Breakfast- Main Street Bakery
Late Breakfast/Early lunch/my bday cake: either Chef Mickey's or 1900 PF
Dinner: Rainforest Cafe

Fri, 12/4: Epcot Day
Breakfast: Akershus/Princess Storybook
Lunch: CS
Dinner: eat around the world :)

Sat, 12/5: DHS day
Breakfast: Crystal Palace (it's EMH on our MK day- wouldn't want to waste it sitting in breakfast!)
Lunch: CS
Dinner: CS

Sun, 12/6:AK Day
Breakfast: CS or TS @ AK depending on if we get the meal plan or not
Lunch: depart- eat on the way home

More soon!
ok 2 questions - do you know for sure it is early hours on the day we are doing MK or are you guessing?

what is CS and TS??
one other thing - i don't see lunch options for either of those places you are talking about on

I love your options and love how you spaced out the special breakfasts out, I think we would be up for pretty much all of those, though trying to figure out what CS and TS are and I think a few of the breakfasts we can do things like organic poptarts and cereal bars and bags of cereal that the kids can eat as we are on the way somewhere. I think I might just fly down with some of the snacks too since I can always hit trader joes and whole foods here. I think if I do some in original boxes and ziplocks I should be good - it's the liquid stuff I'll have you snag or we can make a grocery run the first night out(we can deal for the first 24hours by just buying regular milk at the hotel).

I'm sooooo excited it's just crazy - I'm also trying to decide if I'm going to make an autograph book for the girls or just buy them one there and just scan the signatures for a scrapbook - not that I have done any scrapbooking in ages but I so gotta get the girls baby albums done!!
guessing on hours, but EVERYONE thinks that these are right.

CS- counter service
TS- table service

In other words, I'm actually winging it here! :eek:

AND, I just found out today that Chef Mickey's DOES do lunch- not sure if this is new or not, but someone made ADR's there today :banana:

I went to the Staples copy center and explained to them what I wanted for an autograph book and the girl made it right there for Mikey- no charge :) I just scanned them into the scrapbook, which was actually the digital book you can have made from Disney (cheaper than buying the disk for a 1 day trip- 30 pictures) She cut card stock up and just spiral bound it on one side. I got a set of tall, fat sharpies that click on/off because the gloved characters can hold them easier.

Speaking of the CD, you can buy it ahead of time for $50 off! :) A lot of people share them, so if you want to get one CD for both of us, let me know. If not, I'll give you the code to buy it ahead of time for the discount.

More soon, since I should do work :) Talk to you tonight...
Can anyone say MARGARITA!!!?,0,772005.story

Tequila bar opening at Epcot, but attraction in Japan closes

By Jason Garcia

Sentinel Staff Writer

August 24, 2009

The World Showcase section of Walt Disney World's Epcot theme park is in the midst of some small but noteworthy comings and goings.

A week from today, the resort expects to launch the soft opening of La Cava del Tequila, a 46-seat lounge inside the Mexico pavilion. Disney says the space will chronicle the history of Mexico's most famous export.

Oh, and it will also sell some 70 varieties of tequila. The drinks will be offered both straight and in margaritas; Mexican appetizers will also be for sale.

But even as one attraction arrives, another is departing. The Tin Toy Stories exhibit in the Japan pavilion has closed.

Considered something of a hidden jewel in Epcot, the oft-overlooked exhibit displayed more than 350 antique Japanese tin toys, a colorful collection that included characters ranging from Mickey Mouse to Godzilla.

Copyright © 2009, Orlando Sentinel


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