My 1st runDisney and I broke my toe. Do I have options?


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999
I am signed up for Springtime Surprise 5K and 10K (1st time racer of any kind) and I broke my toe 2 days ago. I want to participate on any way possible.

Do they allow knee scooters, or protective foot boots? If so, do I need a doctor's note? Do I fill out extra forms?

The doctor in the urgent care reset my toe and I am going to a podiatrist Tuesday. If I need a note, I would like to ask him then.

I have been training, and am crushed at what happened. I want to participate in any way I can!

Thanks for any help....☺
Oh my. Ok, I have some hard truths first time runner. You can't and shouldn't be trying to participate in a race on a knee scooter or a boot. The reasoning being you are going to harm your hip, knee, and or possibly something else because it will completly jack up your gait. You will very much so regret the decision. That being said I highly doubt they will permit a device such as a knee scooter in starting corals. It is a danger for you and other runners. This is why in many races disabled runners who use assistive devices such as wheel chairs are typically in their own coral. Asssitive devices also in many races require a seperate registration denoting them as their times and awards are different in most races. I also don't think any doctor worth their salt is going to sign a note suggesting you run a race if you need a scooter or boot. Now the possibly positive news. If it wasn't a compound fracture, tape it, lift it, compress it, and rehab it. The race isn't til the end of the month. I wouldn't reccomend continuing training, which may kill your pace but you should be ok to walk if it wasn't a major break, especially if it was just a pinky toe. Tape it, KT wrap it, compression sock it and WALK for the races. You alone know your own limitations so you need to listen to your body. Try for a 1 mile walk 2-3 days prior to the 5k. If you can handle that. Start with the 5k then ice and compression after. Do not be wondering around the parks for 10 hours after the 5k (if you have pain) if you intend to still participate in the 10k. If you are flying you need to wear compression socks to keep swelling down. Talk to your podiatrist about what he thinks, listen to your body, then decide if you can do it. In most races you could seek a medical deferral unfortuantately RunDisney doesn't offer deferrals. My biggest peice of advice- if you can't rehab it in time- I know its dissappointing- but do not destroy your body to run these races.
Thank you, taterheads... the realization of it all is just sinking in. When I looked on runDisney and didn't find anything, I knew this was a possibility. It is a complete bone break in the toe next to the pinky. The doctor set it and taped to to the next toe, put me in a hard healing shoe and told me to see a podiatrist within 2 weeks. I am hoping to heal fast enough to impossibly walk. I'm keeping it elevated and staying off of it as much as possible.

Thank you for your kind words of wisdom.
My sister was signed up for the 5k and fairy tale challenge and broke her big toe 2 weeks before the races and was supposed to be in a boot for 4 weeks. She walked the 5k and walked/ran the 10k (more emphasis on the walk but there was running involved) against her doctor's orders. Now, I'd never tell you to go against what the doctor says, but she did and says she doesn't regret it. She wore her running shoes instead of the boot and changed her gait so she wasn't putting a lot of weight on her toe, which ended up hurting her hip and thigh, but she says she had a great time.
I’ve seen several people doing Disney events with walking boots. I don’t know why they were in the boots. I’m not saying they should have.

But it is allowed.
If you get a hard no from doctors on participating, you could try contacting runDisney for a refund to a gift card, or possibly a switch to virtual so you can earn your swag after you heal. It’s not guaranteed, and the official line is “no refunds” but there have been reports of people in tough situations having success.
I would tell the podiatrist that you have these races planned and see what they recommend. If you’re healing well the doctor might be able to give you suggestions to complete the distances safely.
I feel you.... I was signed up for Princess 2022, which was supposed to be my first RunD event, and got a stress fracture 4 weeks prior. I couldn't train for all of Feb and I was advised by my doc not to run (or walk much!). We had a 9 day trip to WDW ending with Princess weekend, and I walked a good deal in the parks and was fine, and I thought I would at least run/mostly walk the 10k (but not the half). Even picked up my # at the expo. But then came down with a terrible cold (not covid thankfully) and I really was in no shape to get out of bed at 3am for the 10k, so I just didn't go. It was incredibly depressing. Now I'm just motivated to do another one as soon as I can! I am registered for SS too, and may fly down solo Fri-Sun to do the challenge, even if I walk a good deal of it because I won't be fully trained. If it doesn't work out for you in April, try to do Nov W&D! General registration for that Nov race is 3/22, so by then you should know what you plan to do. Good luck!
If you can't run, can you get access to a bike? I got grounded last fall while training for Marathon Weekend, but my physical therapist told me that I could do as much biking as I wanted. It really helped me maintain my conditioning.
Oh my. Ok, I have some hard truths first time runner. You can't and shouldn't be trying to participate in a race on a knee scooter or a boot. The reasoning being you are going to harm your hip, knee, and or possibly something else because it will completly jack up your gait. You will very much so regret the decision. That being said I highly doubt they will permit a device such as a knee scooter in starting corals. It is a danger for you and other runners. This is why in many races disabled runners who use assistive devices such as wheel chairs are typically in their own coral. Asssitive devices also in many races require a seperate registration denoting them as their times and awards are different in most races. I also don't think any doctor worth their salt is going to sign a note suggesting you run a race if you need a scooter or boot. Now the possibly positive news. If it wasn't a compound fracture, tape it, lift it, compress it, and rehab it. The race isn't til the end of the month. I wouldn't reccomend continuing training, which may kill your pace but you should be ok to walk if it wasn't a major break, especially if it was just a pinky toe. Tape it, KT wrap it, compression sock it and WALK for the races. You alone know your own limitations so you need to listen to your body. Try for a 1 mile walk 2-3 days prior to the 5k. If you can handle that. Start with the 5k then ice and compression after. Do not be wondering around the parks for 10 hours after the 5k (if you have pain) if you intend to still participate in the 10k. If you are flying you need to wear compression socks to keep swelling down. Talk to your podiatrist about what he thinks, listen to your body, then decide if you can do it. In most races you could seek a medical deferral unfortuantately RunDisney doesn't offer deferrals. My biggest peice of advice- if you can't rehab it in time- I know its dissappointing- but do not destroy your body to run these races.
Just for anyone checking this post for posterity, they allowed at least one gentleman on a knee scooter in the corrals and on the course at the 2022 Wine & Dine 5k.
Just for anyone checking this post for posterity, they allowed at least one gentleman on a knee scooter in the corrals and on the course at the 2022 Wine & Dine 5k.
Interesting, I’m not sure if they have a hardcoded policy either way but when I asked about knee scooters in 2017 for a DL race they said no (I ended up running the 10k on a broken toe anyway, which might not have been the best idea but it’s fine now).
Just for anyone checking this post for posterity, they allowed at least one gentleman on a knee scooter in the corrals and on the course at the 2022 Wine & Dine 5k.

Yeah and one woman attempted the 10k with crutches. She got swept by the balloon ladies.

Seriously, why?
Interesting, I’m not sure if they have a hardcoded policy either way but when I asked about knee scooters in 2017 for a DL race they said no (I ended up running the 10k on a broken toe anyway, which might not have been the best idea but it’s fine now).

I think (I know) that a lot has changed since 2017.


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