My afternoon/evening in a wheelchair at Epcot

This first post NEEDS to be posted on the Theme Park Planning page as a public service announcement.
Personally, I found it very discouraging as someone who is planning a trip to Disney with my best friend who has lupus. She doesn't like attention drawn to her illness, yet I doubt she'll be able to see a park like Epcot without the help of a WC for part of it. I was hoping it would be no big deal /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif
I am in full aggrement with the person who started this thread. Even though I am still tired and achey from our trip which just ended Sunday. I could not pass this thread w/out posting.

Due to FMS, CFS and Arthritis I ended up in a ECV, which I rented from Randy's Mobility for the land portion of our stay (eight days). They were great and the ECV was of monumental importance to me. I NEVER could have walked the parks. I'm still in my early 30's.

Didn't have too many problems at SeaWorld, Universal or IOA. But the first day at WDW, when we hit the MK, it was horrible. We were day guests, because we wouldn't be staying at PO until the next day. The am started off ok. One of the woman at the ropes told her family to make sure they let me by, when it was time to go. But the day quickly disenegrated. I viewed more peoples butts than I thought possible. Got a good look at everyone's kids in strollers and thought that I had taken invisiblility pills. People walked in front of me, bumped into me and attempted to seperate DH and I as we walked thru crowds. He would hold onto the chair or basket of the ECV. Sometimes I would put it on it's lowest speed and we would hold hands. But someone was usually trying to push their way thru. At Cosmic Ray's DH and I wanted different meals and got in different lines. I had to naviagate to the table by myself in the ECV with the tray, no CM's offered to help. A woman who saw me did get up and assist me. She commented that it was rudw that no one had helped me Leaving after the MSEP and fireworks was horrible. No one wanted to wait at all. At the entrance one man pushed me and sent me straight into DH's legs and feet.

The next day at EPCOT, I stopped apologizing when I ran into someone after they looked at me and tried to cross in front of me anyway and I started telling everyone esp. little kids NOT to cross in front of me. At AK a woman cut me off, then got upset when she bumped into me a few seconds later because she tried to cut me off again. I heard her mumble "excuse me!" in a sarcarstic way. I just kept putting along.

The worst problem happened at the Studios. We did the Fantasmic package and were seated in the handicapped area of the package seating at 8pm. There were two empty benches in front of us that were clearly marked handicapped. People flocking in after 8pm, (show started at 8:30), thought they were entitled to these seats! The CM's were constantly telling people that they could not sit there, or stand behind us, that the seating was for disabled guests and their parties. People did not want to go all the way down to were there were seats and later, they did not want to use the standing room. About 8:25pm a man wanted the seats and was arguing with the CM telling her about the resort fees he paid, as if that guareteed him a seat at the theatre, when he walked in 5 mins before! As soon as the CM's back was turned he and his family jumped past the line of wc's and ecv's in the back row and took the seats. Other people seeing them did likewise and in about 30 secs both the benches were full. Later, when handicapped people came in there was no space for them there.

And on the subject of night shows. DH and I got our spots for MSEP at 7pm for the 8:30 parade, in the handicapped seating near the castle. There was a spot of curb in front of me for hubby to sit on, before the parade he opted for the bench surrounding the planter behind me. The people beside me as had a little curb in front of them for a few members of their party. It amazed me how many people strolled around between 8-8:30pm and thought that they should be able to sit there. If I had a dollar from anyone who asked it the place was taken, I could have paid for my ECV rental or more. Actually, the joke was that we should rent out the space and leave, the "real estate" price would be so high, we would all have enough $$ for another trip. One lady circled around the space in the curb, looking like she was gettting up enough nerve to sit there, another woman actuallybent down to sit there without so much as a by your leave to anyone already there. From her dress I gathered Eastern Indian I think, so she may not have spoke english, but, she certainly understood all of us telling her no! In the end the lady in the wc to the right of me didn't need the space in front of her because her husband opted to stay on the planter's bench and my DH did the same, so we gave the seats to a family who had had their kids nearby.

I had no problems at EPCOT for the TON, but, CM's were not posted at the WC viewing area for Illuminations, near the German pavilion. The first night I saw it a lot of people wandered in and tried to push their kids in front of or between us. The second night a fellow guest at the entrance was telling people who did not have
WC's or ECV's that this was a handicapped viewing area and asking them to leave.

I didn't notice anyone making comments about us being ahead in the lines. I transferred from the ECV to a WC for some of the lines and DH pushed me up in the regular lines. On some rides we did go up the back entrance, I felt very funny doing that. Most of the time I would get a FastPass and when I came back, the CM would send me to the front. It wasn't anything that I looked for.

I have to say that the bus drivers at WDW were excellent! Whille we were at PO, I only ran into two busses that didn't have a lift and both of those drivers radioed in to make sure the next bus would have one. All of the drivers were friendly and helpful, only I think I did see a few disgusted faces when we were the first on the bus, esp. at night comming out of the parks. I didn't hear any negative comments. Only the morning we went to MGM one family said to me as they all were exiting, "You were on first, but, you are last off." The statement and the boarding order didn't bother me. It was said with a smile...maybe it should have.

All the CM's at all the parks we went to were great. I had no problems or negative comments from any of them.

This was my first experience with an ECV for a long period of time. DH has some health problems to and probably should use one. He doesn't want to. Says there has to be at least one of us walking to protect the other and right now, I really need it. I understand him completely. Eventually, I will probably end up buying a scooter. I think I have seen my future and it's not very pretty. Sorry this is so long /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Proud Survivor of the Space Mountain Morning-Mini Marathon and Splash Mountain Rapid Rampage
'00- Aug-Sept-PO/3-day Wonder
'02 - Magic 7 day/PO
2003-Family Reunion-Probably at Safari Logde
Oh, Daisimae, you didn't deserve that kind of behavior. I wish I had no idea what you were talking about. This last time I went to WDW, I do think that people were less thoughtful than they had been, in general, on previous visits... on the night my daughter needed a wheelchair, we got such looks and obvious deliberate attempts to cut us off, jump over us, beat us to an entrance... it was very difficult.

If we could just convince Disney to do public information campaigns for the park and resort guests, to raise awareness of disability issues and etiquette!!!
How many times have you heard "Oh you were so lucky to use a w/c / ecv at WDW You got to CUT in line" EEEEKKK !!! I finally lost it after the 100th (no joke) time. "No I did not get to CUT.... I waited with everybody else 90 percent of the time.... you wanna have my busted up legs..." sorry I am usually a happy, kind person. But just WHAT are people thinking??? ok thanks for letting me vent. Sorry if I sound rude. It has been one of THOSE days today....Thanks guys
By all means let them ask. It's the only way for them to learn. My DW loves to talk to the kids and educate them about the disabled, it's the only way they will get comfortably around them. As for the way that my DW gets treated in the 3rd person way, I Just tell them I don't know what she wants why don't you ask her.
We lost a few good posts in the latest softwear upgrade, but it looks like we got some great posts from this being bumped up to the top again.
We just got back from WDW and we expected and received some rude comments, stares, etc. We were lucky to be there at a slow time and we didn't go to Fantasmic or the parades at MK (some of the areas with lots of rude encounters). My dh says we need to let people KNOW about the things people are writing about here. I think writing about them here is a good first step. There are some people who will don't want to believe. You know the ones: They keep saying that wheelchairs get to the front of every line even though we keep telling them they don't and they treat everyone in a wheelchair as if they were faking a need for it.
I had an interesting encounter in a shop at DD. My dh and dd were sitting outside and I was near the door. A woman with a stroller was having a hard time getting in and I held the door for her. She thanked me and said she was surprized anyone would help because "pregnant women and people with strollers are usually invisible." I told her "wheelchairs and people with disabilites are too". She said she hadn't thought of that, but had noticed and would have stayed to talk, but her dh saw her then and she had to go. Well, at least one more person was educated.I

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
My family and I were at WDW over Christmas and it was not easy at all. Islands of Adventure was actually a better experience than WDW. Unfortunately it was not just the guests but some of the castmembers as well.
One big problem was castmembers who did not recognize my power wheelchair as a wheelchair and dubbed it an ECV. I don't have special seating or standard foot rests (fully padded chair seat and a platform foot rest that is at the highest point because of my short size) but do have a controller on the left side. At the Pooh ride I was refused entrance by one castmember because I would not transfer to a manual chair (can't push one). Later I returned and was admitted with my chair.
Several bus drivers gave me problems when I would not make turns on their instructions. One told me there was no place to tie the chair down. I told him exactly where to do it.
At Dixie Landings I had to be accompanied by someone if I wanted to eat. Not one line was accessible nor were the deli cabinets. There were no castmembers to help. One night I finally went back to my room and ordered pizza which was awful.
I agree with all that say you are invisible. I have learned to speak up and tell them I was here first. At parades I refuse to allow anyone too close to the controls after a child at MGM hit them and turned the chair hitting the child. The parent started screaming at me. The parade at MGM is the hardest because seems to be no policed handicapped seating areas.
At EPCOT people seemed to be especially rude.
What's interesting is I use my wheelchair to get around campus at school (grad student) and I never get a second look or comment and everyone is quite helpful. I go grocery shopping at the local Publix and its them same. WHat makes people at WDW so rude.
And I'm another who wants and airhorn.

People with children in mobility devices (the big umbrella stroller type ones) have the same problem as you Lisapooh. It's almost like you need a sign that says "this IS a wheelchair" if your device doesn't look like one. Even with regular wheelchairs, we have found some of the bus drivers don't know what are appropriate places to attach the tie downs - so many types of wheelchairs, so many configurations.
I think one of the reasons that people are rude at WDW is that everyone has paid a great deal of money to go there and there is a mentality of "I paid for my fun and don't you get in my way." All you have to do is go on one of the other planning boards and see people complaining about how their day will be ruined by having to wait 15 minutes for the bus or if they have to wait more than 15 minutes for Dumbo or whether they can shave 10 minutes off their trip into the park by taking the boat rather than the monorail from the parking at MK. When someone like that sees a person with a disabilty, they don't see a person, they see another lost 5 or 10 minutes that could be spent having fun. That's what makes them rude. It's not nice, or right or pretty, but it's reality and I hope not to run into those people.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
I think some of these people need to realize that the person in a wheelchair or his family has paid the same large amount of money on a vacation as they have and have the same expectation of having a wonderful time and seeing and doing as much as we can in that time. They would never pull that attitude with an able bodied person.
I think the time I was the angriest was when an able bodied person tried to tell me I had no right to be at Disney because his taxes were paying for my vacation. Yes he got blasted. I have never been on any type of assistance and have held a job most of my adult life (didn't work when kids were little but hubby sure did).
The only way that the government helps me is with a handicapped sticker for my car :)

I totally agree with you lisapooh. The point I was trying to make is that people come to WDW with unrealistic expectations of what it takes to make a "perfect" vacation and when people get in their way, they get angry. What they need to do is step back and realize that no one is ever promised them "perfect". A lot of them assume that people with disabilites are getting some breaks that they aren't without understanding what we are having to deal with. Like you, we haven't used any tax dollars. In fact, for our new van, we had to pay EXTRA tax because the lowered floor and ramp added cost and we also have the priviledge of paying extra insurance because our vehicle is worth $15,000 more than it would be if we didn't need the extra equipment.
There's a thread right now on another board about how kids toddlers should be free and how it's not fair that 10 yr olds have to pay adult prices. I've posted on those types of threads before to let them know that people with disabilites are paying full price and there are many rides/attractions that are not accessible. I'm not in a mood to be nice on that thread right now, so I'm not posting on it.. ›

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
Let me tell you all about an experience I had last year. Ok here goes:

First of all I have Muscular Dystrophy and I can still walk, but am very slow and quite unstable. I was sitting at my desk at work last Feb. (3 days before my vacation and 2 min until I left for the day) The fire alarms sounded!!! DING, Ding, Ding, We all sat there and looked at each other because we always have drills at 8:30 in the morning. Well they came over the intercom and said "This is not a Drill Evacuate the building NOW!!!! Oh God, I'm going to die 3 days before my vacation!!! LOL Everybody in my unit looks at me. My department manager comes out of his office and says "Where is Tony?" All I can think of is "I'm going to die 3 days before my vacation"

Well, being Mr. Macho I refused to go down the stairs in one of those evac chairs. (there is no way I'm going down 2 flights of stairs being 6'7" 300 pounds letting 2 men 120 pounds each hold on to me. NO WAY!!!! I get down the stairs take one step and my legs are so weak I fall. I break my ankle, black my eye, have a laceration on my head. Still I am thinking I am going to die 3 days before my vacation!!! (can you tell I love my vacations?) I get taken to the hospital in a squad which was pretty cool, I asked them to turn on the lights and siren, but they said I wasn't really an emergency. WHATEVER!!!! Get the the hospital. They call my wife, she freaks out. My 4 year old still talks about it. The doctor some 20 year old was a total jerk. He wantrs to cast my leg. I laugh at him I can bearly walk with no cast and he wants to put this thing on my leg. Well, a heated discussion starts with the doctor and my wife. She tells him to get out and we want another doctor. I'm still thiking my vacation is ruined. They put a walking cast on me and I try to walk LOL LOL LOL you should have seen it. I finally get home and I'm holding on to my wife and I say "take this thing off" Yeah it hurt, but I was done with that. We werent able to go to Disney, but we did go to Myrtle Beach. I was on my scooter with a black eye, a walking cast, and a big bump on my head. I know that everybody thought my wife beat me up LOL, I even told one guy that, that was staring at me.

To make a long story short. There was only one guy that came up to me and asked what happened. Everybody just wondered. So if you are reading this from another board. If you wonder what is wrong with a person just ask, most of the time you won't offend them. Heck, If I want to know I ask.

It was an experience I don't ever want to be in again, But now that I look back it is kinda funny.
My family and I are going to WDW for the first time in October. I'm 32 years old and have Muscular Dystrophy. I will be using my manual wheelchair for the first time on vacation. I thought WDW would be a great place to go. It's taken my husband over 2 years to convince me to do this. After reading this thread, I'm wondering if we have made the right decision.

Please tell me not everyone has had this type of experience or treatment.
WDW is a wonderful place for vacation... one of the best for folks with all types of disabilities. I think what you are seeing in this thread are people who are happy 98% of the time, just getting in a good vent among among others who understand the other 2% ;). Also perhaps trying to enlighten the folks who still think that wheelchairs and ECVs are a golden ticket to skip the lines (which they aren't), and help them understand that using a chair isn't the cake walk they might think it is , but you already know that.

Truly, if all of us didn't love WDW so much, we wouldn't be going back again (and again and again...). :) I think you will agree, and have a fantastic vacation yourself! :)

[This message was edited by BuckeyeBelle on 01-27-01 at 01:59 PM.]
We all need to vent sometimes. Trust me. A vacation at WDW is a lot of fun. In fact, I am planning another one in late April, early May right after classes end at college and my oldest garduates with her BMus.
Be sure to be vocal about your needs and don't allow anyone to ruin your fun. Also speak your needs. Only you know if you can do something. If a castmember asks that you do someting you know you cannot or feel it is isn't safe tell them NO. Explain why but don't do it. Better safe than hurt. If your room needs a bit of rearranging let your hubby do it. We had to move a chair and table at DL in order to charge my power chair easily. We also had to move the glasses and ice bucket down so I could reach them. Let housekeeping know and they will not change it back until you return home.

You'll have a great time. Enjoy. :)

Sncbird! :)

First off let me WELCOME you to DIS and disABILITIES!!! :) Im Wheelsie!!

Let me put it to you like this....for every...say...10 mean encounters I have at WDW....I have 15 where people open doors for me (I have Spina Bifida and have been in a chair all my life)......They tell the CM that "yes this young lady you cant see WAS in front of me"...and yes the CM DOES understand that I cannot walk and it aint gonna miraculousely happen just because they ask "Are you sure you cant transfer???" (well...errrr....DUH!!!! LOL)

So yes go to wdw....enjoy yourself....and do got to Universal Studios as well.....all good fun and great matter who you encounter..

DISCLAIMER!!!!: The opinions expressed by Wheelsie are Wheelsie's alone and are soley hers if you care to email if she has offended anyone by the proceeding comments> Love Wheelsie :D

And for those that do lurk this forum....PLEASE if you want to know about a person/or your child wishes to know....ASK!/let the child will make everyone feel much better for it!

I love to tell people about me....even when they dont wanna hear it!!! LOL

And please ask the person...not the people they are with....we can answer for ourselves...

And please please please I beg of you if your child unknowingly makes a comment as children will often do....dont under any circumstance repremand the child...they are curious..they want to know....and smacking them in front of the person they wish to know about hurts the person as well as the child.....I should know I've seen children slapped because they asked their parent about me when I was standing right in front of them.....the child's phyche isn't the only one's that gets warped! :(

Thank you!

*rolls off her specially ramped soap box*

Wheelsie Co-Moderator of disABILITIES


[This message was edited by Wheelsie on 01-27-01 at 08:34 PM.]

[This message was edited by Wheelsie on 01-27-01 at 08:36 PM.]
Thanks everyone for putting me at ease. This is a big step for me and I'm very anxious about it. This board is a life saver!!!

I have asked a few questions and everyone of them have been answered. I'm sure I'll have a million more within the next few months.

I really want this to be a wonderful vacation for my kids and I need to continue learning how not to let the rudeness of other get to me.

There are alot of wonderful people in the world. I have meet SEVERAL on this Forum alone.

I can only hope I can be as helpful as all of you when we get back from our trip!!!

sncbird :cool:
sncbird, the last few posts really said it well, so don't be afraid to go.
This is a place where we can come and vent and know that the other people who read it will have gone thru some of the same things. Before we got this forum, every time someone posted asking about using a wheelchair or ecv at WDW, people would actually post "Oh, you are so lucky. You get to go to the front of every line." And when I or some one else would post about that not happening, usually someone would indicate that we didn't know what we were talking about because they had seen people go to the front of every line. Or they would say that their aunt's counsin's child had a sprained ankle and went to the front of every line.
We also tend to vent a little more when there have been posts bashing wheelchair users (which there were earlier this month).

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES

[This message was edited by SueM in MN on 01-28-01 at 08:39 AM.]


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