My back and arms are sore...

I grow my strollers the old fashioned way, by clear cutting rain forests and using lot and lots of chemicals. And pool hopping, using a resort mug in the wrong resort on more than one trip, and debating over TGM vs. UG for touring plans makes them all grow faster.

I am trying to get grazing rights in the national parks for my heard of EVCs. Ya know the cost of feed for the ECVs is expensive, but man do they make great steaks.

Get with the times, Oscar! Not unlike sheep, cloning is now being employed as the major stroller reproduction method. Stem-cell research will provide cures to broken wheels, or replacement flags for the ECV's!

Let's all embrace technology! :grouphug:
There have also been great strides as of late in the area of stroller breeding. We had a blue ribbon winner at the 4H last year! She was a BEAUT!:goodvibes


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