My Weight Watchers journey!! I DID IT!!! Before/after pic, post 128!!!!

Well, I am back!! DSD's graduation party was a success, she said it was exactly how she wanted it. I am super proud of her!!!

Back on track, even though I didn't do horrible this weekend!

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4
Black coffee - 0
Skinny creamer - 2

S: Yoplait Light Red Velvet yogurt - 3

L: Lean Cuisine roast turkey breast - 7
1 cup sugar snap peas - 0
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

S: WW Turtle sundae - 4

D: Nothing

S: Nothing

Water - 64 oz

Exercise - 50 minute Zumba class

So yeah, never ate at night. Just a crazy night that got away from me. It was one of those "Leftover" nights for dinner, so I was making 3 different things for 3 different people, and I always give DS a bath and get him in his jammies before I go to Zumba, which I did, but he was being sassy and into EVERYTHING, so I was chasing him around all night. Got home from Zumba and it was 9, and I totally had no appetite.
SUPER hot here today! Should be up around 90 with LOTS of humidity. Yuck!! And DS has a soccer game at 5:30. Today is also DS's last day of elementary school. My baby is moving on to middle sad! Yesterday they had their awards day, and he came home with 6 certificates and 3 medals. He was most proud of receiving Outstanding Athlete from his gym teacher (he said only 5 kids in the whole 5th grade, so probably 90 kids, got them). Weigh in today!!!

B: Nothing

S: Nothing

L: Lean Cuisine Spinach Mushroom pizza - 9
1/2 cup strawberries - 0
1/2 cup pineapple - 0
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

S: WW Cookie Dough sundae - 4

D: 2 eggs - 4
1/3 cup Jimmy Dean turkey sausage crumbles - 1

S: Carnation Instant breakfast w/skim milk - 6

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 32 minutes on the treadmill at the Y

Had my weigh in yesterday. Down 4.2 pounds, for a grand total of 16 pounds since I started!! Woohoo for me. I am hoping to get one more week of big numbers. Twenty pounds would have me having lost 10% of my body weight, and get me to my first mini-goal (and a massage and pedicure!).
School's out for summer!! And it sure feels like summer here! We got up to 97 yesterday. Unfortunately, DS had a soccer game, and later that night, the heat hit him. He was NOT feeling good. One more day of hot weather, then a SUPER cool down into the low 60s. It's the roller coaster we call Wisconsin weather!

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4
Black coffee - 0
2 Tbsp skinny creamer - 2

S: Yoplait Light Banana Cream Pie - 3

L: Subway 6 inch turkey breast sub with a smidge of mayo - 8
20 oz Diet Dr Pepper - 0

S: WW Popped Cinnamon Swirl crisps - 2

D: Applebee's Cajun Lime Tilapia - 9

S: Diet Mr. Pibb - 0

Water: 96 oz

Exercise: 50 minute Zumba class

I am feeling great today!! I am really starting to notice my clothes fitting better, and that feels awesome, and gives me the motivation to keep going!
Yup, our mini heat wave is over!! Yesterday it was 80 when I was getting ready for work in the it was 55!! Yikes!!!

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4
Black offee - 0
Skinny creamer - 2

S: 1/2 cup sugar snap peas - 0
Yoplait Light Boston Cream Pie yogurt - 3

L: Lean Cuisine 5 Cheese Rigatoni - 9
1/4 cup pineapple - 0
1/4 cup strawberries - 0
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

S: 27 Special K cracker chips - 3

D: Soccer game right after work, and the night got away from me.

S: 94% Fat Free microwave popcorn - 3
2 teaspoons almond oil - 2
12 oz Diet Mr. Pibb - 0

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 32 minute treadmill at the Y
Hi! My name is Lisa, aka Castillo Mom. You posted on my journal earlier today and mentioned that you're also on WW so I thought I'd pop over to see how you're doing since I'm a newb at this. You're doing great and I see that you're exercising and having daily snacks. Those are two of my downfalls I think, I'm not always well prepared so I've skipped a couple of meals at work and I haven't started exercising yet. Your weight loss has been inspirational, thank you so much for the encouragement.:)

Take care!
Thanks for reading, Lisa. I know I need snacks to stay on track, so I make good decisions about them. And I am getting to the point now that I love exercise! Even if you start out with just 10 minutes a day, and build from there, exercise is amazing!
TGIF...totally! It has been a crazy week at our house this week. Time for things to get back to normal...or at least somewhat normal!! DH and I are headed to a movie tonight I think, and then tomorrow I am going up north to pick the boys up (they went up to my parent's cabin last night after DS11's soccer game), and Sunday we are going to my SIL's house for her and DH's birthday.

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4
Black coffee - 0
Skinny creamer - 2

S: 1/4 cup sugar snap peas - 0
1 small apple - 0

L: Lean Cuisine Roasted Garlic and Chicken pizza - 9

S: WW Peanut Butter Cup sundae - 4

D: Baked tilapia - 4
Lots of steam broccoil (yum!) - 0

S: Orville Reddenbacher 94% fat free microwave popcorn - 3
1 tsp almond oil - 1

Water: 96 oz

Exercise: Nothing today, but getting up at 7 am to hit Zumba at the Y on Saturday!
Happy 42nd birthday to my husband today. I asked him this morning if he wanted to go out to dinner tonight, and he said "Well, you weigh in tomorrow morning, and I know you try and watch things the night before you weigh in, and I know you love Monday night Zumba class, so we can go a different night this week" Awww!

B: Quaker weight control oatmeal - 3
Black coffee - 0
Skinny creamer - 2

S: Yoplait Light red raspberry yogurt - 3

L: Lean Cuisine alfredo pasta with chicken and broccoli - 8
1/2 cup pineapple - 0
1/2 cup sugar snap peas - 0
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

S: WW Peanut Butter Cup sundae - 4

D: 2 oz taco seasoning - 0
2 oz ground turkey meat - 3 1
1/2 cup icebrg lettuce - 0
1 oz 2% shredded taco cheese - 2

S: Nothing

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 50 minute Zumba class at the Y. The air conditioning still wasn't working the greatest, so I got my sweat on!
Weigh in day today! Judging by my home scale, I think my quick weight losses have stopped. Oh well, a loss is a loss!

B: Nothing

S: Nothing

L: Lean Cuisine 3 Meat pizza - 10
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

S: Laughing Cow light garlic and herb cheese - 1
18 All Bran crackers - 3

D: Flat Out light original - 2
Laughing Cow light garlic and herb cheese - 2
3 oz turkey luncheon meat - 2

S: Orville Reddenbacher 94% Fat Free microwave popcorn - 3
1 tsp almond oil - 1

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: Nothing tonight. DS had a late soccer game. Hopefully the rain will hold off tomorrow and I can get a walk in at some point.
Weigh in yesterday. Down another 1.8 pounds. I am sooooo close to 20 pounds, which is also 10% of my weight lost. I am hoping to really push and lose 2.2 this next week. Have a great day!

B: WW breakfast burritos (2) - 6

S: Apple - 0

L: Lean Cuisine Pasta Romano with Bacon - 7 (yuck! Won't be getting this again!)
1/2 cup pineapple - 0
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

S: 27 Special K cracker chips - 3

D: One bite of spaghetti with meat sauce (long story!) - 1

S: Orville Reddenbacher 94% fat free microwave popcorn - 3
1 tsp almond oil - 1

Water: 96 oz

Exercise: 45 minute walk on my parent's treadmill
Rain rain go away!!! I want it sunny so I can play!!!! Tonight we are going to Buffalo Wild Wings for DH's birthday. I have been checking things out online, so I think I am all ready to deal with this challenge!

B: Quaker weight control oatmeal - 4
Black coffee - 0
2 tbsp. Coffeemate fat free creamer - 1

S: Strawberries and pineapple - 0

L: Lean Cuisine 5 cheese rigatoni - 9
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0
Baby carrots - 0

S: Fiber Plus dark chocolate and almond bar - 3

D: 4 Naked Tenders - 6
Some fries and a little ranch dressing, just estimating here - 4

S: Nothing

Water: 96 ounces

Exercise: I ran for the first time in a looooong time. It wasn't much, but it was something. I was on the track at the Y. Walked 5 laps, ran one. Did that 6 times!
Busy weekend this weekend! Soccer tournament all weekend for DS, and then tryouts for next season are on Monday and Tuesday already. Weekend looks amazing, so I can work on my flip flop tan! Have a great weekend, everyone!!

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4
Black coffee - 0
Coffeemate Fat Free Hazelnut creamer (2 tbsp) - 1







Well, time to get back on track. Didn't have a bad weekend, just no time to track. Probably didn't eat enough, and I didn't get any exercise except for a 15 minute walk to calm Elliott down and get him ready for bed on Saturday night, but now today is a new day!!

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4
Black coffee - 0
2 tbsp. Coffeemate fat free creamer - 1

S: Yoplait Light Strawberry Shortcake yogurt - 3

L: Lean Cuisine Garlic Chicken pizza - 9
20 ox Diet Pepsi - 0

S: WW Turtle Sundae - 4

D: Just some carrorts and a banana in between all my running around - 0

S: Nothing, meant to have something after I got back from the Y, but I was up talking to my stepdaughter, and I looked at the clock and it was 10:30! Way to late for a snack, and time for bed!

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 50 minute Zumba class.
Well, I am crossing my fingers for weigh in today. I am really really REALLY hoping to be at 20 pounds gone, that would give me 10% of my body weight gone for good!!!

B: Nothing

S: Nothing

L: WW Steamers cheesy rice, chicken and broccoli (saw this at the store today, and it is SUPER yummy!! It's pricy, I think I paid $3.50 for it, but well worth it!) - 9
1/2 cup raspberries - 0
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

S: WW Cookie Dough sundae - 4
WW Rosemary Olive Oil pretzel thins - 3

D: 2 pieces Little Caesars pizza - 16

S: Orville Reddenbacher 94% fat free microwave popcorn - 3
1 tsp almond oil - 1

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 45 minute Zumba class

Had my weigh in today!! I was down another 3.4 pounds, for a grand total of 21.2 pounds!!!
Finally seeing a little sunshine around here!! I am hoping it sticks out through the noon hour, because I need to stop at my church and get a hymn book to find something to sing in church this Sunday, and if it is nice out, I would like to walk there (it's about a mile from my work). Have a great day everyone!!

B: Quaker weight control oatmeal - 4
Black coffee - 0
2 tbsp. fat free Coffeemate - 1

S: Yoplait light raspberry cheesecake yogurt - 3

L: Lean Cuisine four cheese pizza - 9
1/2 cup pineapple - 0
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

S: WW Cookie Dough sundae - 4

D: Applebee's Cajun Lime Tilapia - 9

S: Nothing

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 45 minute Zumba class
Oh man, this rain can stop any time now!!! Today should be the last day of rain (it has rained since Sunday!!!), and the weekend is looking beautiful. I am feeling like I want to eat horrible crap lately. Nope, not PMSing, just need some crap I guess!! Hopefully I have enough "good" snacks to get me over this!! Not sure if I am going to get any exercise in today, DS has a soccer game at 6:45 tonight. I am going to try and get to the Y, though.

B: WW Breakfast Sandwich - 6

S: 1/2 cup carrots - 0

L: Lean Cuisine 5 cheese rigatoni - 9
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

S: 27 Special K Cracker chips - 3

D: 6 oz baked tilapia - 4
1 cup broccoli - 0

S: Didn't eat dinner until almost 8:30 at night, so I never had a snack

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 30 minutes on the treadmill at the Y doing a random hills program
Woohoo!! Finally a day with no rain!! Hopefully the sun comes out to warm things up!! Made it through without blowing my points, even though all I wanted was to eat junk all day yesterday. Hoping for another great day today!!!

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4
Black coffee - 0
2 tbsp fat free creamer - 1

S: 1 cup carrots - 0

L: Lean Cuisine 3 meat pizza - 10
1/2 cup pineapple - 0
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0




Water: 32 oz

Good morning everyone!!! What a great weekend I had!! My parent's old neighbor's daughter (who used to babysit) got married this weekend (boy did that make me feel old!). Lots of sunshine all weekend!! Didn't track over the weekend, but I think I did okay. I did splurge and have some wedding cake, but it was a small piece, and totally worth it!!! Back to the grind now!

B: Quaker Weight control - 4
Black coffee - 0
Fat free Coffeemate creamer - 1

S: Nothing

L: WW Cheesy chicken, rice, and broccoli steam bag - 9

S: WW Peanut Butter Cup sundae - 4

D: Arnolds Sandwich Thin - 3
Spray butter - 0
3 oz turkey lunchmeat - 2

S: Nothing

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 45 minute Zumba class
Well, another weigh in day is here. Hopefully it is a good one! Went to a wedding this past weekend, so we shall she if that had any effect on things. Have a great day, everyone!!

B: Weigh in day

S: Weigh in day

L: Lean Cuisine chicken enchilada - 7
1 cup pineapple - 0
20 oz Diet Pepsi

S: WW Peanut Butter Cup sundae - 4

D: Taco John's Super Nachos (totally not the best dinner at all, but I had been craving it for a long time, and since weigh in is a week away now, I went for it!) - 21

S: Nothing

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 1 hour 15 minute walk pushing DS in the stroller

Just back from my weigh in. Down another 3.2 pounds, for a total of 24.4 lost since I started in May!!!
You are making such excellent progress! Keep it up. You are doing things the right way. No crash dieting here, just developing new habits and incorprating exercise. Great work so far


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