Nascar Fans - pray for Jerry Nadeau


<font color=green>DVC @ The Boardwalk</font><br><f
Feb 17, 2000
In a bad wreck this afternoon at Richmond. Please keep him in your prayers.
Thoughts and prayers for Jerry and his family. As a fan of his, I was really shocked to hear about the crash. The really scary part is they're not saying anything about his injuries. Usually when they do that, it's not good news (it was the same way when Dale Sr crashed in Daytona).

I tuned in to the prerace just as they finished talking about someone who needed prayers. I didn't catch it in time to hear who it was. Now I need to go to to learn more. Thanks for the advisement.
My DH said the same thing. In Nascar no news is not always good news.
May God have His hand in Jerry's recovery and may the doctor's be amazed at the quickness of it.

Adam aka Big Dude
Thanks, I didn't even know about the accident and I did a search on it. He'll be in my prayers.:(
Wow, I didn't hear about it until now either.

Here's teh article from

Nadeau Crash

I tried to watch the video but I'm not a member of trackpass. :(
Does not look good for his driving career. Keeping him and his family in my prayers.
Update from the Busch race. Nadeau is still in critical condition. His wife was at her grandfather's funeral today in SC and they're trying to get her to VA to be with Jerry, but the bad weather is preventing that right now. No more updates on his medical condition yet.
I had not heard about this. This is so sad. :(

Prayers for Jerry Nadeau and his family.
Sadly I think if they are withholding word until she gets there that the news cannot be good.
Originally posted by WDWLVR
Sadly I think if they are withholding word until she gets there that the news cannot be good.
I agree as well. They showed the wreck a number of times during the Busch race, then showed the medics taking him out. I would think this is a good sign, but the lack of any other info makes me think the worst. :(

A scroll on ESPN said he is in "stable" condition, but I've seen every other story list him in "critical" condition.

Speed Channel is replaying the WC qualifying right now. It's kinda weird knowing Jerry will shown on it soon and knowing where he is right now. :(

Thoughts, prayers & hauler-loads of PD for him and his family.

I know what you mean. I've been torn by the coverage. It's a good sign that they keep showing what happened because if the news is bad they usually pull it right away. Could have done without seeing the emergency worker clip so much.

It's a bad sign that they aren't talking. Singed on to a little while ago and the blurb is still from last night.

This is the part of the sport I don't like. :(
Pulled this off of Jayski:

UPDATE 11:55pm/et: Nadeau, 32, was transported in a helicopter to the Medical College of Virginia hospital in downtown Richmond. Jim Hunter, a NASCAR spokesman, said Nadeau was in critical condition about four hours after the accident, but wouldn't provide any more details. A source close to the family said Nadeau sustained a concussion and broken ribs in the accident. The source said the doctors were going to induce a coma so that they could better treat Nadeau's injuries. Officials at the hospital refused to comment.(Mercury News)(5-2-2003)

Continued prayers for Jerry and his family.
Latest update from

Nadeau was listed in critical condition Saturday, and hospital officials still did not have the family's permission to discuss the nature of the driver's injuries, hospital spokeswoman Pamela Lepley said.

Can't help but feel that the lack of information is not good. Wonder if they are waiting until other family memories can be notified or are they waiting until after the race tonight so as not to shake the other drivers nerves. I would think not knowing would shake them up as well.

Please continue to keep Jerry and his family in your prayers.
I agree. The lack of info is the most frightening part. :(

This from
Nadeau was listed in critical condition Saturday, and hospital officials still did not have the family's permission to discuss the nature of the driver's injuries, hospital spokeswoman Pamela Lepley said.

An update on Nadeau's condition is expected by 1:30 p.m. EDT on Saturday, Hunter said.

Some of it is the same as the Nascar site (which makes sense... they're limiting all info that is released). That will be in about 10 min or so. They originally had a time of noon EDT listed, but changed it just after noon. The full article is here , but it pretty much says what's on the Nascar site.

Here's hoping for the best. Sending out more thoughts, prayers & PD.


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