Need advice for Half Marathon- Second guessing this whole thing

Thanks ya'll. I kind of knew the answer myself but I needed to hear it from someone else. What type of doctor do you think I should see to get my feet and legs checked out?

And no you guys are a great help, I feel like I've been the Debbie downer the past few weeks. Its frustrating when your training plan is calling for you to up your miles and you haven't been able to run them due to pain. I just wasn't sure if maybe it was something normal that all runner's experience this pain when they run and I thought to myself, why in the world do people do this for fun! You guys are an amazing bunch I'll tell you that!
@FFigawi @derekleigh glad you said what I was too afraid to say. :)

It's not positive feedback as I said. But I would feel guilty if I told her she can do it, and later found out she hurt herself trying.

Thanks ya'll. I kind of knew the answer myself but I needed to hear it from someone else. What type of doctor do you think I should see to get my feet and legs checked out?

And no you guys are a great help, I feel like I've been the Debbie downer the past few weeks. Its frustrating when your training plan is calling for you to up your miles and you haven't been able to run them due to pain. I just wasn't sure if maybe it was something normal that all runner's experience this pain when they run and I thought to myself, why in the world do people do this for fun! You guys are an amazing bunch I'll tell you that!

A sports specialist, podiatrist, and physical therapist would be some to look into. However you may need a referral from your HCP. If you didn't have the pain issues with your lower legs, I would say completing the half might be possible in just a short time frame (you'd be VERY sore post-race). But those pains could cause greater damage if you tried to push through it.
I wouldn't sweat too much. Obviously training helps but in my opinion it can be done without training. I was really worried for my first half last year (Princess) and although I had trained pretty well when it was warmer, my training really went down the drain four months prior to my race. I was in a corral pretty close to the balloon ladies too. Like three corrals in front of them. Also during the race I had to use the first restroom stop (like a 10 min wait) and additionally my friend hit a wall at like mile 7 and we walked quite a bit. But luckily there is a 6 minute lag time between each corral and the balloon ladies are the very last runners and then about 10/15 feet behind them is the sweepers. Worst case scenario if you fall back with the balloon ladies keep their pace of 16mm. But take your lead and do walking intervals to recuperate and you'll be fine. Tbh I would just start training via brisk walking with random jogging. There's no rule that says you have to run it! ;D I would definitely give it a whirl no matter what. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I'm sure your mother is so excited your doing it. I got my mom drinking and convinced/tricked her to sign up to do Star Wars with me, ha ha ha! When you cross the finish line it will be so magical. There is a lot of recovery tools like ice, epsom salts, foam rollers, muscle rollers, dr cool active wraps (sold at expo), and exercises so your body recovers very nicely from the run. Additionally there is a lot of plantar fasciitis guides and tips on Pinterest you should check out. But I would definitely just try to stay active and stretch and I'm sure you'll have an amazing trip!! Good luck! :yay:
I am going to echo others and say you probably shouldn't do the race. I would highly recommend getting the legs and feet looked at though. At 21 you shouldn't be having that much pain after only a few miles. Having a desk job makes it more difficult to get in all your physical activity but I would seriously consider finding ways to get in more movement throughout the day. The health detriments of sitting for hours a day are pretty well documented. I feel your pain, I have a desk job too. I make sure to get up and walk around at least once an hour. I also take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk over to people's offices when I need to speak with them instead of just calling, and do something fitness related every day even if it is just walking the dog a few times.

I think if you really want to do a race with your mom and can take care of the pain you'll be able to but there isn't anything wrong with not wanting to either. Not everyone finds racing fun.

ETA: Oops, saw that you made the decision a few weeks ago. Best of luck to you.
Eta: I didn't see the date either haha. But now I want to know what ends up happening! And the advice still stands.

To add to the don't do it camp beyond your injury you're just not into it. It won't be fun.

I've gone into races undertrained, but still been able to enjoy myself because I enjoy running and all the aspects of the race.

Don't do it just so you don't cause friction with your mom. Do what's right for you and in this case it sounds like this isn't right for you.
Well guys, its almost race day and my mom is fighting tooth and nail with me to do this race and making me feel very guilty if I don't. So I have decided to go ahead and try to make it to mile 3 (my mom will be long gone by that point) and finish at least a 5k of the race! I am totally not going to put myself in misery if I don't finish and quite frankly will be SO happy once its done and can just enjoy my vacation with my mom! I have planned to go see a doctor at the end of this month to figure out what is up with the pain, Honestly, I am 5'0 22 and 138 lbs with a resting heartbeat in the 90's. I am pretty out of shape, BUT knowing I can now go to the gym without stressing to have to run X amount of miles and can try out different forms of cardio or just do what I want to do and have time for strength training which I enjoy is a great feeling. It kind of makes me enjoy working out now as oppose to dreading it because I didn't want to run that far or that long so I would skip it entirely. I guess it is a blessing in disguise! I will come back and update you all on how the race went when I get back from my trip to let you know how it all went down!

Thanks for the advice everyone!!
Good luck on Saturday. I am sorry that your mom being so selfish and putting her own wishes over your health and potential for injury. Given how much pain running has been causing you recently, I still recommend you not run. The chance of serious injury is pretty high.
I agree, your mom is being selfish, and since you are pretty young I can appreciate not wanting to disappoint her. She put you in a tough spot and it's unfair. Best of luck to you.
Hey guys! Just wanted to come back and let you guys know that I did indeed finish the whole race! It took me about 3 hours and 40 minutes but I never once spotted the balloon ladies and I ended up walking mostly after mile 9! But I did finish! Not to shabby for not training pretty much at all and having only 3.5 hours of sleep the night before (not smart btw!) Not sure if I can say I would ever do it again but I am happy I was able to pull through and make my mom proud!
Hey guys! Just wanted to come back and let you guys know that I did indeed finish the whole race! It took me about 3 hours and 40 minutes but I never once spotted the balloon ladies and I ended up walking mostly after mile 9! But I did finish! Not to shabby for not training pretty much at all and having only 3.5 hours of sleep the night before (not smart btw!) Not sure if I can say I would ever do it again but I am happy I was able to pull through and make my mom proud!
Congrats, it is a big accomplishment, so you deserve to be proud for yourself. You have a well earned medal, wear/display it proudly. I know you said you were experiencing pain on the shorter runs, so hope the pains after the half were not too bad and you could enjoy the rest of the family vacation.
Congrats, it is a big accomplishment, so you deserve to be proud for yourself. You have a well earned medal, wear/display it proudly. I know you said you were experiencing pain on the shorter runs, so hope the pains after the half were not too bad and you could enjoy the rest of the family vacation.

I just got back from the whole vacation last night so I am now back at my desk job, where I sit pretty much 8 hours a day. I received a fit bit for my birthday last week and over the trip I was able to see how many steps and miles I went, on race day I went a total of 20 miles!! Which, for me, is a long distance! I feel like my legs over the past few days have grown so much stronger so I am planning on using that as a stepping stone to living a healthier life, and enjoying daily short runs (2-3 miles) without having to fear my leg pains as much!


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