need advice, kids flying with ear infection


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2001
Leaving for WDW in less than 3 days, just back from walk in clinic, DS age 6 has double ear infection. Will be able to take 7 doses of antibiotics before we fly. The clinic Dr. non-commitable about wether or not DS should fly, will check tomorrow with our own Dr. but tell me your experiences with this. TIA
When my DD was a baby she suffered from numerous ear infections. My doctor gave me a bottle of ear drops that numb the ear. They were great for in the middle of the night if she woke up screaming, plus they had a long shelf life so you did not have to worry about them getting outdated. You might want to ask your doctor about them. Good Luck!!
That is a fear I always have with my children...especially last year when DS was a step away from getting tubes in his ears! However, it was ME on the last trip that had the ear infection. In conjunction with the antibiotics, a good, strong decongestant should be given just before the flight, if your regular dr. okays it.

Good luck! Hope your DS is better and able to fly.

Don't forget to purchase EarPlanes ear plugs. That will at least help a little with the air pressure. I hope your child starts to feel better before then.
My experience is that the ear infection will be gone or on it's way out in 3 days. My dd would get a tearful pain with an ear infection, I would take her to the clinic, get antibiotics and the next morning she was better. Then I started postponing the clinic visit when she first complained about the infection, gave she Tylenol for the pain and the next day she was feeling better, if she wasn't better off the doctor for antibiotics. Most of the time, dd's ear infections cleared up on their own. Lucky, she doesn't get many. I would put money on it that you'll get the GO, HAVE FUN chat from the dr.
It requires a prescription in the US, but in Canada it is avail. OTC (lucky Canadians!) There is also a generic version available.

I once got Auralgan from a ped. while my own doctor was out of the office, and for years after I tried to get it again without success. I finally asked why, and here is what I was told. The issue is that unchecked ear infections can progress to something quite serious, and the drops will suppress the symptoms. Peds are afraid to let parents have the drops because they might just treat the pain and not the infection, putting the child's hearing at risk. Peds. are often very stingy about giving out prescriptions for Auralgan.

I've been having chronic ear infections lately, and I'm becoming really resistant to antibiotics. My Dr. has finally allowed me to ride out the infections without antibiotics, but with Auralgan to stop the pain. I'm told not to use it for more than 3 days without taking a break, and if the pain is still present after 3 days, I need to go into the office to make sure there is not something else going on.

Anyway, I recommend you give her a dose of a decongestant containing *Guaifenesin* (Robitussin or the equivalent) about 20 minutes before takeoff, and have her drink from a bottle of water all during takeoff and descent; swallowing will help equalize the pressure. Antihistamines may help her sleep, but they won't do anything to prevent pain; the Guaifenesin is key to clearing the congestion. Of course, all this should be confirmed with your ped., don't just take my word for it.

Good luck!
DS, now 7 YOA, was a chronic ear infection sufferer. When he was 2, he came down w/ an infection just two days before our departure from WDW. I went to the walk-in clinic at Crossroads & got him on antibiotics. But the clinic dr. said we could not fly for at least 3 days. I called my ped., but I got his covering dr., who was non-committal about contradicting clinic dr. So we swallowed our airplane tkts. & drove home. When we went to see our ped., he disagreed w/ the clinic dr. & said he would have let us fly.

Thanks for the good tips everyone, took DS to own Dr. today. She increased the dosage of his antibiotic and suggested taking children's sudafed and afrin nose spray one hour before plane takes off. She said she'd go if it was her son sooooooo..... if everyone else can stay healthy for 36 more hours we'll be on our way. Thanks again!:)


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