Need help - MASSIVE amounts of weight to lose

Welcome Angelhalo and Stacy-

We are glad to have you here. We are always glad to have more "Sistahs" join us on the quest for better health and hot bods!!! Don't try to read the whole thread at once-it's a lot to digest. But we are here to help and support you on your journey. So don't be afraid to post up when you are having a bad day and make sure you post up when you are having a good day!! We motivate each other through our successes.

I am still stuck-scale is soooo not moving and it is really frustrating. I have been running every day (did 3.5 miles today outside, it was fantastic) but I just cannot seem to get the scale to budge. But clothes are fitting differently at times, so maybe its a redistribution going on. I had to buy a new bra for my cruise and I went down another size (now 36) but am still a solid D cup. UGH. I am trying to stay on plan and be faithful to it, but it is very disappointing when you work hard and nothing seems to change. I am not going to make my 20 lbs loss before my trip, at this point I will take 5 or 7 or ANYTHING!!!

Hoping all is well with all the other Sistahs!!! Keep up the good work, fight the good fight-WE CAN DO THIS!!!
I am still stuck-scale is soooo not moving and it is really frustrating. I have been running every day (did 3.5 miles today outside, it was fantastic) but I just cannot seem to get the scale to budge. But clothes are fitting differently at times, so maybe its a redistribution going on. I had to buy a new bra for my cruise and I went down another size (now 36) but am still a solid D cup. UGH. I am trying to stay on plan and be faithful to it, but it is very disappointing when you work hard and nothing seems to change. I am not going to make my 20 lbs loss before my trip, at this point I will take 5 or 7 or ANYTHING!!!

Have you been measuring yourself as well as weighing? It's a trick I learned when I was having some success on Nutrisystem. Sometimes the scale doesn't move but you are losing inches so keep a measurement diary - bust, waist, hips, etc. It can be really motivating to find you have lost a few inches even if the scale isn't moving. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat.

The other trick I learned if you have plateaued for awhile is to eat something different to "shock" your body. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Tomorrow is weigh in day - even though I "rewarded" myself tonight with a binge - burger, fries, shake.:scared1:
I just found this thread and I am so relieved and thrilled! I want to lose at least 50 lbs by my October trip and this is just the type of motivation I need! Tomorrow starts my exercise and water :scared:. I absolutely detest drinking water.
hello everyone

well done with your treadmill mareq x
good luck with your mile in 20 mins :cheer2:
thats my next step exercise, any tips and advice on starting would be appreciated, i am new to healthy living.

vern my thoughts are with you hopping that the scales budge for you soon x

welcome angelhalo and stacey and disney dreaming

i slipped yesterday i had mcdonalds with my children and out of habbit i went supersize, worst still i ate it all and enjoyed it too !!
back on track today though :thumbsup2

hope everyone is ok
x x
Good Friday Morning, Sistahs!

Welcome to angelhalo, stacey and disney dreaming! Its great that you all make the decision to become healthier! The ladies on this thread are wonderful!

Madhouse - Congrats on the loss! 7lbs is awesome! As for exercise I would suggest starting slow. Maybe start with walking and then slowly increase your distance. Then when you feel like you can do more add different exercises. As for your slip up we've all had those days! You just have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off because tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity for success!

Mare- Congrats on making your mile in 22 minutes! Keep up the great work and you will hit that 1 mile in 20 minutes by the end of April!

Vern - Stick with it girl!! Even though the scale is not moving we got to remember that we are losing inches. You have done a wonderful job and are an inspiration to all of us! Keep it up and the scale will start moving soon.

Even though I still have not lost anything else I guess I am losing inches because people keep asking me if I lost more weight. Which does make me feel good that people are noticing. My goal for the next 7 months is to lose 50 lbs! I am hoping to do this before my December Disney vacation! I can do this and I will do this! I've been doing this walk/run thing for a few days now and I love running! My friend just asked me to run a 2k with her in June. I don't know if I am ready for that just yet but I may give it a try if my running starts to improve! Oh yeah and the doctor gave me a clean bill of health with my strained hamstring so I do not have to do PT anymore just a few exercises at home 3 times a week and I can start back with my normal routine!

Have a great day and weekend Sistahs!

~Michele :flower3:
Today was my weigh in day. My "reward" from last night cost me. I gained 3 pounds!:scared1: Lovely. Ummm...note to self, the scale is supposed to go the other way.

So, a pledge to myself. Today, I will make healthy choices, one meal at a time. I will drink 1 "serving" of water for every diet coke I drink. And, if it ever stops raining here, I will go for a walk after work.

I hope all of you have a good Friday!
So today I did my exercise. Yay! I bought a walking workout DVD because I am so not into walking outside. I always feel like people are staring at me. I was supposed to do a whole mile but it was my first time and my back has been hurting this past week so I only made it 3/4 today.
I have taken the stairs twice at work today.

I had my lunch of fat free turkey and swiss on whole grain bread, a fat free string cheese, a baggie of baked doritoes and a baggy of 100 calorie grasshopper cookies. For breakfast I had some All Bran cereal with strawberries. I missed breakfast yesterday and I was about to die. Last night I had a grilled chicken sandwich and a fruit cup.

I really haven't fallen off the wagon food wise since we got back from our Disney cruise. I just wish it wasn't sooooo hard to eat out. We LOVE to eat out and I don't mind making healthy choices at the restaurants, I just get sooooo tired of salads all the time. Why does EVERYTHING have to be so fattening. It's maddening!

We're going out of town this weekend and DH has told me that we'll be attending a BBQ, so that should be interesting to handle.......

It would make it sooo much easier if DH were eating like me. he has made SOME changes but not nearly like I have and it makes it frustrating because he gets mad when I don't want to go eat at really fatty places. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

So far I have lost 15 pounds since my physical when I learned that my cholesterol was high. I'm going to WDW next weekend so there will definitely be a lot of walking going on. :thumbsup2
So today I did my exercise. Yay! I bought a walking workout DVD because I am so not into walking outside. I always feel like people are staring at me. I was supposed to do a whole mile but it was my first time and my back has been hurting this past week so I only made it 3/4 today.

3/4 of a mile is GREAT! It took me almost a month to get up to that point on the treadmill!
Good Morning, Everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Stacey - Don't worry about that gain girl, you'll be down next week!

Disney Dreaming - 3/4 of a mile is great! Keep up the good work!

Angel - Great choices! Have a wonderful time in Disney! I am so jealous because I am not going for 7 months and the waiting in killing me. I booked the trip in February and now I have to wait until June for my ADRs!

It has been beautiful here so even though I have been tired I have been getting out and walking! I love the warmer weather because I can be outside and exercise!

Hope all the other sistahs are having a wonderful day!

Been MIA for awhile and I really need to jump back in!
I've gained a few pounds in the last month, and, unfortunately, I am back at a number that I told myself I would NEVER see again. Well, now it's time to lose again and REALLY never see that number, right? :lmao:

Also, I wanted to ask....and without divulging too much info too the whole thread...but does anyone here happen to suffer from depression? I'm talking like serious major depressive disorder and on meds.
I've been having issues with my depression returning the last few months, and am having to switch medications. It's wreaking havic on me and of course makes it that much harder to lose weight.
So if you do, and maybe need a buddy in the same boat, could you PM me or something? Thanks!
Geekerbell- :hug: I do not happen to suffer from depression, but have had close family members who did. My mother did and never had treatment for it. It can be tough to get the meds right sometimes and changing can be difficult, as you can't just stop one and start another. I am thinking of you and hoping that things settle down for you.

To my other Sistahs-keep on keepin on!!! This is a long journey, one that will be worth it in the end, but at times will seem long and painful. (at least that is how I feel at times). But I know that I am better today than I was yesterday, and I will be better tomorrow than today. I am strong, I am beautiful, I am worthy. And I am going to be a better, healthier stronger me.
hi everyone

how are you all doing?
i had a really rubbish week and at my weigh in i put on 3lb i am soo gutted i cant believe that i put on so much, i have since monday been ok with my food and i went to aqua fit (for beginners) it was good. hoping for a loss next week and this weekend i wont over do it,

bye x x
Hey everyone,

I've been MIA since before my Disney vacay in Jan., but I thought it would be nice to come back and see how everyone is doing.

I lost just about 20 lbs before my trip. I actually lost a few more while on vacation (gotta love all that walking). I had my weigh in today and I'm down a total 33.4 lbs! I'm really starting to see a difference in how my clothes are fitting and my energy level.

What I'm struggling with is getting consistent exercise. It seems like I'll find the time for it once or twice a week and the rest of the time I'll make excuses. Anybody have any good tips on staying consistent?

Hope everyone else is having beautiful weather like we are here in Northern VA today.

Can I join you all? I have PCOS and lost 50 lbs in a short amount of time 2 years ago. Since my last.. I've gained 70 back. I just found this out this morning when I finally ventured to weigh myself.

I've been choking back tears all day.

I'm going to join south beach diet online... would love to join in for support and to offer support here though.
hi everyone

how are you all doing?
i had a really rubbish week and at my weigh in i put on 3lb i am soo gutted i cant believe that i put on so much, i have since monday been ok with my food and i went to aqua fit (for beginners) it was good. hoping for a loss next week and this weekend i wont over do it,

bye x x

Hang in there! Some of that gain is probably water weight which will come right back off quickly. I know how you feel though. I had a tough week too and when I looked in my trash can this morning, all I saw was bags from all the fast food places I ate this week. I didn't even attempt my weigh in this morning.

I hope everyone has a good (and healthy) weekend.
I'm doing just really awful. Being a vegetarian my options are limited, especially since I am picky. I eat mostly carbs. Why is it so easy to gain and so HARD to lose?
Can I join you all? I have PCOS and lost 50 lbs in a short amount of time 2 years ago. Since my last.. I've gained 70 back. I just found this out this morning when I finally ventured to weigh myself.

I've been choking back tears all day.

I'm going to join south beach diet online... would love to join in for support and to offer support here though.

Hi Cinrell,

I have PCOS too. Boy, can that hamper your weight loss efforts! I'm not on any medication for it since it makes me really sick. I'm doing Weight Watchers (for the umpteenth millionth time), but this time I have a really good leader and I'm much more motivated.

I know it's frustrating to start all over again. But, just think of what will happen if you don't. I know without a doubt that I will gain at least 10lbs a year if I'm not watching my diet. Slowly get back in the swing of things and soon you'll be back on track. By the way, I think South Beach is a good plan for people with PCOS. I like WW since I have small children and the points system is so flexible. The dh, kids and I can all eat the same things since I refuse to cook more than one meal at a time.

To everyone else having a rough day or week...Hang in there. One day or even week won't derail all your hard work. Lately, whenever I'm feeling like I'm getting out of control with my eating, I stop and write it all down. Most times just seeing it in black and white is enough for me to get back on track.

Hey Sistahs!!!

Welcome Cinrell. Glad to have you. I am unfamiliar with PCOS, but I do know that Julie from season 4 of Biggest Loser had it and Jillian had to really work around it medically and physically to get her to lose. I want to say that they changed BC on her and gave her a bit different diet. There might be more info in the new Biggest Loser book that is out, I saw it at Borders.

I have had a really good week, with only 2 slip ups. One was Friday night, when I wanted pizza so badly I could cry. We had it, it was not as good as one would have hoped, and it did a number on my tummy. Then tonight we ate fast food because we spent the entire day constructing our garden enclosure. Now first off, I ran 4 miles this morning at 7 with my inlaws. Then I came home, had breakfast, went to Lowes to get all the stuff (lumber, garden soil, etc) and then came home. I dug holes for the posts, hauled lumber, hoed the entire 12x12 foot garden and built the enclosure with DH. We took a short lunch break (I had a new lean cuisine-tortilla crusted fish, pretty good) but basically worked from 11 am to 5:30pm. I am wiped out. DH is taking a nap. I know that tomorrow morning I will most likely be in agony, but alas my treadmill awaits. Since last monday, I have lost 4 lbs, only 5 more to reclaim my 50lb clippie. It would be wonderful to lose that by the time my ship sails in a mere 12 days.

Hoping all is well with all of you.


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