Need help retrieving deleted Outlook message


Mar 3, 2000
I know this isn't a DIS boards thing, but it is a big problem for me.

It's not in the ''recycle bin' or the 'deleted items' folders. It's not in 'undo delete'. I think the computer has been rebooted since it was done.

I deleted it by accident using the delete key on my keyboard and DH needs it for work. At the time I didn't realize I had deleted a whole bunch of messages while holding down the key for a few seconds. I thought I had done 2. We have Windows 98.

Any way to crawl into the bowels of this computer and get it back?

:( Thanks.
Mr. Cricket may have some better advise for you Mary, but I think unless you back up your Outlook folder on a regular basis, it's probably "gone".

If you had saved that folder prior to deleteing the important message, you could try the following:

-Save your current version.
-Temporarily replace it with the older saved version.
-Get the message that you needed
-Restore the "mailbox" to the "current" version.
hanging her head shamefully Nope, no back up.

I have found it listed two other places in my computer, but can't get into either.


I can find it listed as a shortcut to Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent but when I try to open it, I am told that the data that this shortcut refers to has been moved or deleted.

I also found it on my WORD File drop down menu listed as C:\%Cache%\OLK7300\ because it had a Word attachment that was the important part, but I can't get it to open the cache document. It says I have to check the file permissions. :confused:

If it's listed as one of my first 4 documents in the Word File dropdown menu, then surely it must exist still, yes??????????

I think getting up at 5 and having 2 Krispy Kreme donuts hasn't enhanced my brain powers!!!! Going to try coffee.
If it's still listed in your cache file that's good news!

Unfortunately, being a Mac guy, I can't help you when it comes to deciphering the "odd" system of files on a PC! I'm sure someone else here can shed some light on how you can go about retrieving your "lost" email!

How about it guys/gals!?!?
Well, I have to go to soccer. I'll work on this more later. I sent an email to the person who sent DH the document. Maybe he'll come to work on Saturday!

Go Red Hots (8:30), Penguins (11:10), and Titans (12:30) :bounce:
Sorry. I don't know how to do that either. :(

You might try posting on the Community Board. There are lots of people over there who know a lot about computers.
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Try going to your Windows folder, and then your Temp folder in there. If what you're looking for is a Word document, there is a chance that it is in that temp folder.

Good luck.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Sounds like you did a search of you drive for the file name and it showed up in two places. The two places that you found it, I afraid, were just shortcuts to the file not the file itself. That is why when you click on them, you get an error message.

If you are using Outlook, how old was this message? If it had been in a folder for a while, it is possible that it was archived by Outlook. Right click on the folder where the message with the attachment was located. Click on Properties and then on the AutoArchive Tab. Is the "Clean out items older that..." box checked?

Let me know about that and then I'll take you further if it is.
Mary Jo: I went to my temp folder but there's no Word folder in my temp. There is an IE folder that's full from this morning and yesterday evening. I have looked several places for my Word folder, but can't find it. :confused:

Hi Bob: :( The message had arrived yesterday. It wasn't archived.

I appreciate all your help. It may be a lost cause.

Red Hots soccer game called because of rain after one quarter. Penquins play soon... if they don't cancel because of mud. The rain has stopped.
I emailed the sender this morning. So far he apparently hasn't come into work. I'm sure he'll see it on Monday. I'll fax it to DH (no computer at work :earseek: ). It's just that his comments and revisions are due by the 22nd.

Oh, well. Thank you for all your help.


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