Need help with a Chinese Auction gift


DIS Veteran
Feb 1, 2000
We are having a Christmas party here at work this year. We usually collect for a needy family and forgo the gifts. This year with all the stress we all have been under they decided to do the collection, AND have gifts for us too.
I have no idea what to buy. This is for women in the 45-55 age group. Does anyone have some idea of what I can get?
A chinese auction for those of you who don't know is where you all bring a gift. You draw a number from a hat and choose your gift according to your number. Then #2 person can keep their gift or take from #1, # 8 person can keep their gift or take it from # 1-7.
I went to a few card type stores and couldn't find anything that caught my eye. And I don't think these people would appreciate a pin bag and 20 traders.
I am sure some of you have gone to these type of parties and might have some idea of what is the big gift that people all want.
Any ideas? Peggie
DO you have a spending limit?

What about a yankee candle?

Sorry, forgot to put the limit.
We have to spend $20.
I want to get something that everyone will want but no one else would have thought about. I thought of Bath and Body works stuff, and things like Christmas Decorations, but these are women who have been married for 15 or more years and probably have all the decorations that they want. Plus the fact that what else is there to get for mom than Bath and Body works stuff. The probably have as much of that stuff as I do. I always smell like Freesia, Plumeria, or Peaches. Peggie
How about a 'themed' gift? Something like a gift basket for a night of relaxation.. it might have a good book, some chocolates, a candle, a small bottle of wine, etc.

I was gonna suggest what Ashley did. I've done that at our Church staff party. We do the chinese auction as well. And it can get uuuuuugly! It's funny watching crazy Baptists fight and fuss over things. Too funny.

One year I made a goodie basket with all homebaked goodies for a guys gift for Fred. Boy did it make the rounds. It had all homemade stuff I had made, like cookies, banana bread, fudge,jelly, and I threw in cheese, crackers and sparkling Grape juice. It was the hit of the party. The girls wanted to get in on it, but it was a guys gift.

Just an idea,
Have fun!
We are doing one at work too, and since we have several men in the office, I have been trying to come up with "gender neutral" ideas; I have though of gourmet coffe w/coffe mug; day-by-day calendar (Jeopardy or Far Side, maybe); a gift certificate to Borders, a DVD (they are so cheap now); a Xmas CD (Mannheim Steamroller is a safe choice); a pretty picture frame.

Hope this helps.
We have done this numerious times at my old job and our spending limit was also $20.00. Here are some things we got, George Forman Small Grill (I think this was the biggest hit), individual coffee maker, snowman picture frame with a fresh roll of film, photo album with fresh roll of film, wine glasses w/2000 on the stem w/a 2000 Beanie Baby, Gift Certificate, Starbucks Gift Certificate, basket of goodies, shower radio, scarf and ear warmers, travel bag. I can't think of others but just look around and you will be amazed on what you can find.
I dont know what state you are in but here in PA--a good one is always the scratch off lottery tickets. One year someone threw in one of those fake $10,000 winners with a bunch of real ones!! (you can usually get those at Spencers etc.) You should have seen the look on the face of the person who GAVE AWAY the tickets for a case of beer... LOL!
I don't know if it's too late, but we had ours yesterday (it was fun!) and here are some ideas.

For my contribution, I got a DVD (they are so cheap now) and put it in a small basket from Michaels and added 2 cans of coke, a bag of microwave popcorn, and 2 small bags of candy--"A night at the Movies".

The hottest gifts were: a game of "Taboo", a gift card to Best Buy, and a very nice pen and pencil set. There was also a gift certificate to the Olive Garden, a box of Godiva chocolates, a CD, a very nice CD case w/accompanying wallet, and a bottle of nice booze (don't know what kind!). I love this game and can't wait 'til next year!
We have a Kohl's near us & shopped at their 50% off sale the other night. We bought a three games in one set - chess, checkers, backgammon - with glass pieces to use in a similar gift giving party.

Ruthie, I want to play Monopoly :)!!
Thanks for all the ideas. Here is what I bought. Now I have to put it together.
Michaels was having a great sale on Christmas decorations so I thought a plant or something would be nice.
I bought a filigree gold metal sleigh that holds two planters. I put in two really nice red velvet poinsettas. I had them make a bow out of this really nice gold filigree bow that matches the filigree in the sleigh. I also bought a gold paper mache reindeer and some red and gold beading to attach the reindeer to the sleigh. It looks nice, I hope someone likes it enough to keep it. It cost me more than we were supposed to spend, but I heard that last year quite a few people went over the suggested amount. I kind of am hoping that I draw the number 1 so I can steal it back, it would look great in front of my fireplace. Peggie


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