Need some prayers--just found out mom has brain cancer

Okay, today the oncologist says there's no way the tumor could have regrown so quickly after surgery so it must be bleeding in there. The good news is that radiation and an bigger steroid dose should combat that. (Who would have thought bleeding in the brain would be the better news?! LOL) What a roller coaster. The general practitioner who heard the results yesterday was talking about contacting hospice, and this doc today (who's saying the same thing as another oncologist who saw the results) is saying hold the phone. Don't get me wrong, I like this new diagnosis, you just never know what's coming next.

Thanks for all the support--those prayers are working.
It is a rollercoaster minute they are free and then it is back... no that is not right, it is something else... and so it goes. Just ride it out keeping in mind that it is all about your not let any egos get in your way in your care of your Mom.

I learned that early on. I speak up, I ask questions and I never let anyone talk down to me concerning my husband's health or his care. Thankfully, he has a wonderful caring team of Doctors and truly I have no idea how they do what they do each day... I was thinking more in the terms of the background teams that work at the hospital..technicians, secretaries, etc.. I speak up and hopefully handle them not aggressively but assertively, sometimes you have to be that kind of personality with the office people, especially in big city hospitals, they are overworked and underpaid, but that is not my fault..
My heart goes out to you. It IS all about your mom, the PP is absolutely right. Times like this are scary and frustrating, but humans are capable of so much more strength than we give ourselves credit for, especially when a loved one is involved. I'll be praying for you and your family, and for wisdom for the doctors involved.
Just wanted to let everyone know that while mom did well during radiation and chemo, things declined after that. We have Hospice helping now and the time will come soon. Thanks for your continued prayers.
Alleson - sorry to see the update. Many hugs to you sweetie. :grouphug:
I HATE cancer......and I am so sorry that you are going through this prayers for your mother finding the relief soon and she can be painfree again. Huge hugs.
my heart goes out to you. I just posted about my mom. She has had lung cancer since 1999 & just found out this week that is has spread throughout both lungs now (what is left of both I should say) and found out today that it went to her brain. We are waiting results of her bone scan to see if it went to the bone. Cancer is evil... it makes you think everything is fine than wham.. it takes you over by surprise. :sad1: :hug: Hugs to you.. and I can really understand what you are going thru. My mom has signed a DNR.. and that really thru us for a loop....:sad1:

My 20 year old DD's friend died last month of cancer, bone cancer. He was only 22. He had it less than 2 years....:sad1:
Cancer knows no age boundries.. it doesn't care if you are rich or poor, it doesn't care what your race it.. it is a horrible diease.... I would not wish it on my worst enemy....
Bless your heart Alleson. My prayers are with you, your family and especially your sweet Mom. God be with you at this time.
Oh Alleson, I know how hard this is for you right now. Many :hug: and prayers for you!

Alleson, I'm saying prayers for you, your mom and your family. I'm so sorry to hear first the hopeful and then the not so hopeful news. Try and enjoy the time you all have left together. :hug:
Just wanted to let everyone know that mom passed away Thursday morning. I was beside her holding her hand. Thank you so much for all your kind words and prayers. :grouphug:
:grouphug: Please know we're thinking of you during this difficult time. I am so glad you were with her holding her hand.
I am so sorry for your loss! My mom passed away almost two years ago from small cell lung cancer so I know your loss. YOu are in my prayers.
I am so sorry..........hugs to you and your family. Please take care of yourself and know that you all did your very best for her.


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