New Dining Plan Brochure?

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GoofyforDisney3 said:
:rotfl: That should be a very interesting call! :lmao: But, I think part of what started so many of these type of threads is because someone was told the credits were seperate. ( :confused3 Well, any way good luck with your call and let us know what they say. :thumbsup2

I think it's also the addition to the new (June 2006) brochure about children's meal entitlements not to be used to pay for an adult meal. It never occured to me that so many people were doing this, that Disney would bother changing it. I know Dis people know about it-what don't they know? :) However, I thought the average family going down would just use kids credits for kids meals, adult credits for adult meals.
even if your child is not ordering from the adult menu, it is not a problem. You just use his credit to pay for the meal. People who use the plan as intended do not have a hassle with the plan. If I want to order an appetizer, entree and dessert from the highest priced items, fine....if I just want an appetizer and dessert, fine...they just use my adult credit to pay. It is a very flexible plan, but I worry that it will become less so due to the abuse of the plan.

I just do not understand why someone with a child thinks they should be able to eat at a signature restaurant using their childs TS credits!! :confused3 IMHO if you quit trying to work the plan, you could just relax and enjoy yourself on your trip, instead of worrying whether you will have to pay out a lot of money OOP when you get there because you tried to use the plan inappropriately. It is not my place to judge someone else, but I know I would not be comfortable bending the rules to suit my wants and setting that kind of example for my children or newbies to this board.

I am sure WDW would have no problem with an adult ordering off the child's menu, as long as they use their Adult TS credit to pay for it.
PureTcrazy said:
even if your child is not ordering from the adult menu, it is not a problem. You just use his credit to pay for the meal. People who use the plan as intended do not have a hassle with the plan. If I want to order an appetizer, entree and dessert from the highest priced items, fine....if I just want an appetizer and dessert, fine...they just use my adult credit to pay. It is a very flexible plan, but I worry that it will become less so due to the abuse of the plan.

I just do not understand why someone with a child thinks they should be able to eat at a signature restaurant using their childs TS credits!! :confused3 IMHO if you quit trying to work the plan, you could just relax and enjoy yourself on your trip, instead of worrying whether you will have to pay out a lot of money OOP when you get there because you tried to use the plan inappropriately. It is not my place to judge someone else, but I know I would not be comfortable bending the rules to suit my wants and setting that kind of example for my children or newbies to this board.

I am sure WDW would have no problem with an adult ordering off the child's menu, as long as they use their Adult TS credit to pay for it.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Is it really about the waste? your childs small appetite? or is it about using their Childs TS credits so that you can have more TS dinners? If that is the case be honest about it. (I know I will get :furious: , but oh well, it's about time for the truth on this board) Just post that something like,

"I think I am special and deserve to abuse the plan so that I can have what I want without paying for it. I don't care that I may jeopardize the plan for those who use it as intended, as long as I get what I want. I do not need your approval, I just like to post about it because I might be able to convince someone else to be dishonest with me and it will make me feel better about myself."

As a newbie here myself, that is the feeling I get reading alot of these posts about how to get over on "the mouse". I would just prefer that one would keep their personal abuses to themselves. I cannnot imagine boasting about how I broke the rules or distorted them so that they seemed to imply my improper actions were ok. I guess it is about the difference between the "letter of the law and the intent of the law."

But, to each his own I guess.
PureTcrazy said:
Is it really about the waste? your childs small appetite? or is it about using their Childs TS credits so that you can have more TS dinners? If that is the case be honest about it. (I know I will get :furious: , but oh well, it's about time for the truth on this board) Just post that something like,

"I think I am special and deserve to abuse the plan so that I can have what I want without paying for it. I don't care that I may jeopardize the plan for those who use it as intended, as long as I get what I want. I do not need your approval, I just like to post about it because I might be able to convince someone else to be dishonest with me and it will make me feel better about myself."
Exactly! People are abusing the system. Some claim that it's ok because Disney is big enough and make money on it anyway. Guess what ... the one's paying for it are US! Prices go up all the time because of YOU selfish abusers! Even when the DDP is free, they "want to get their money's worth". You people need to grow up. Flame me if you want, but you are still a criminal in my book.
I have a question about our impending trip and the dining plan- My DSIS is traveling with us. We purchased the dining plan (DH, Myself, DD10 and DS8). My DSIS booked a room only and purchased her ticket separately. She did not do the dining plan because she was sure she wouldn't eat all that food. My question is this- we have ADRs for 2 meals and my sister is joining us--1 at Kona's and the other at LeCellier. Can DSIS use my DD10's adult credit and pay for DD's meal OOP. It is still an adult credit, used by an adult, but I know DD10 will not eat a full adult meal and would probably like the kid's menu. The rest of our meals will just be our family of 4 and we plan on using the credits as assigned. Sorry so long and please, if this is wrong let me know (maybe without the flames, though). Thanks for any input. :wave2:
PureTcrazy said:
Is it really about the waste? your childs small appetite? or is it about using their Childs TS credits so that you can have more TS dinners? If that is the case be honest about it. (I know I will get :furious: , but oh well, it's about time for the truth on this board) Just post that something like,

"I think I am special and deserve to abuse the plan so that I can have what I want without paying for it. I don't care that I may jeopardize the plan for those who use it as intended, as long as I get what I want. I do not need your approval, I just like to post about it because I might be able to convince someone else to be dishonest with me and it will make me feel better about myself."

As a newbie here myself, that is the feeling I get reading alot of these posts about how to get over on "the mouse". I would just prefer that one would keep their personal abuses to themselves. I cannnot imagine boasting about how I broke the rules or distorted them so that they seemed to imply my improper actions were ok. I guess it is about the difference between the "letter of the law and the intent of the law."

But, to each his own I guess.

NO ... in reading this particular thread I do not think that is the line of disscussion at all. If WDW seperates out the A & C credits and keeps track of them for me in the computer system for me then I am fine with that.

The debates I have been reading about on this thread is if you can use an A credit an order an A meal for a child or use a C credit and order a C meal for an adult. OR If you have an older child you paid full A price for that wants a kids meal can you pay OOP for that child to have a kids meal and save the BONAFIDE ADULT credit for later.

I really do not think it was neccessary to turn this thread into a negative one and dredge up dirt from other threads on the C vs A debate.

Let's address and debate the questions at hand.

I do have a 10 year old who I paid full price for and a 7 year old I paid child price for. If my 10 year old wants a kids meal because my 7 year old is getting one I refuse to use his Adult credit on a 5.99 meal or force him to order an A meal that he cannot finish or does not want. I do not think that is unreasonable or getting over on the Mouse.

If the wording on the menus is "for our guests age 3-9" and they adhere to that for 10 or 11 year olds paying OOP for a meal than for once in my life I am ashamed at the Mouse . Industry standard is ages 12 and under, 10 & 11 year olds are still very much children and often WANT the kids meal. As a consumer I have to be careful that the Mouse is not getting over on me as well.

wdwobsessed said:
What is the wording on the CS and TS non-buffet places where kids meals are concerned?

Would a "normal" family with a 10 year old child not on the DDP be able to order off the kids meal at a non-buffet place? I think THAT is the question.

Are they marked "For our guests 9 & under"?

I also know of adults who order kids meals if they are not that hungry. I think if you are paying for it you should be allowed, it is a smaller portion hence why it is less money.

I know paying OOP, and adult can order off the child's menu and pay the child's price. It's probably up to the restaurant, and may not be OK all the time - but it has worked in the past.
wdwobsessed said:
If the wording on the menus is "for our guests age 3-9" and they adhere to that for 10 or 11 year olds paying OOP for a meal than for once in my life I am ashamed at the Mouse . Industry standard is ages 12 and under, 10 & 11 year olds are still very much children and often WANT the kids meal. As a consumer I have to be careful that the Mouse is not getting over on me as well.

I've never seen an 'adult' turned down when they wanted to order a child's meal ... at a child's price. Some posts indicate otherwise, but there are more saying they have done so with no problem.

My DMom is one that would normally order smaller portions ... if the child's menu actually had real/healthy food. That is the biggest issue I have with the child's menus. In this time of morbid obesity, most children's menus (and not just Disney) are horrid!
BlindTyldak said:
I'm going to call tomorrow and get some clarification. should be an interesting call . . . maybe I'll have fun and call back a couple of times and get a few different CM's. :)

I'm disappointed but understanding, because a few times now we've done various incarnations of the dining plan (paid) and were always able to save/split points as we saw fit. I knew it was too good to last! :rotfl:

Even so, now we have ADR's based on the old set-up . . . we'd been planning on paying OOP for some of my child's meals and saving her TS points for HDHMR. Now I'm thinking about continuing to pay OOP for her meals, and using the child points to order child's meals for myself at some venues instead so I can save some of my TS credits for the special meals.

That sounds to me like the same old argument! I am not trying to be argumentative, but I think the point I am trying to make is that one does not have to purchase the DDP if it is not a good fit for their particular family's eating pattern. Why worry about working the credits, if your child is not a big eater don't buy the DDP - pay OOP for your meals and save yourself the hassle.

I have said before that I would not have been able to use the plan when my son was young because he always ate what we ate at mealtime, so he thought he should do the same thing when we went out. With the DP and him as a child I would have had to pay a fortune OOP to keep him full.

On the other hand, even now my DM can eat half a bowl of soup and be completely stuffed, so we do not purchase the DDP. We will use it when we go in Sep/Oct because it is free. I know we will have some food waste, but she will definitely enjoy being able to order an appetizer, an entree and a dessert without feeling like she is wasting her money. I am sure my DS, DH or DB will try to eat what she doesn't! :)
Maybe I missed it somewhere in these posts but did anyone find the 5th page? I tried to go to that link but got a blank page as well.
heaven2dc said:
Maybe I missed it somewhere in these posts but did anyone find the 5th page? I tried to go to that link but got a blank page as well.

The 5th page is posted on page 2 of this thread.
PureTcrazy said:
That sounds to me like the same old argument! I am not trying to be argumentative, but I think the point I am trying to make is that one does not have to purchase the DDP if it is not a good fit for their particular family's eating pattern. Why worry about working the credits, if your child is not a big eater don't buy the DDP - pay OOP for your meals and save yourself the hassle.

I have said before that I would not have been able to use the plan when my son was young because he always ate what we ate at mealtime, so he thought he should do the same thing when we went out. With the DP and him as a child I would have had to pay a fortune OOP to keep him full.

On the other hand, even now my DM can eat half a bowl of soup and be completely stuffed, so we do not purchase the DDP. We will use it when we go in Sep/Oct because it is free. I know we will have some food waste, but she will definitely enjoy being able to order an appetizer, an entree and a dessert without feeling like she is wasting her money. I am sure my DS, DH or DB will try to eat what she doesn't! :)

Actually the DP is an excellent fit for our eating patterns. Back when credits were yours to split - and I'll just point out that is was Disney employees who pointed this out to us LONG before I started coming here - it was of course a much better deal. But now, it's still a good fit, especially if you book more ADR's than you have points. It allows people, with a little more research (not like we don't all research things to death here anyway!), to still get an excellent bargain by paying OOP for less expensive TS meals and using the TS credits for places that are a bit more on the pricy side. Or, if it is allowed, it's a fit for people who are just fine sharing a single adult entree or eating a child sized serving at the child size effective price with a credit.

I don't see any of it as "ripping off Disney". Disney is the ones who made the rules, and if you are playing by the rules that they established and told you to follow then how is it ripping them off?
PureTcrazy said:
Is it really about the waste? your childs small appetite? or is it about using their Childs TS credits so that you can have more TS dinners? If that is the case be honest about it. (I know I will get :furious: , but oh well, it's about time for the truth on this board) Just post that something like,

"I think I am special and deserve to abuse the plan so that I can have what I want without paying for it. I don't care that I may jeopardize the plan for those who use it as intended, as long as I get what I want. I do not need your approval, I just like to post about it because I might be able to convince someone else to be dishonest with me and it will make me feel better about myself."

As a newbie here myself, that is the feeling I get reading alot of these posts about how to get over on "the mouse". I would just prefer that one would keep their personal abuses to themselves. I cannnot imagine boasting about how I broke the rules or distorted them so that they seemed to imply my improper actions were ok. I guess it is about the difference between the "letter of the law and the intent of the law."

But, to each his own I guess.

:lmao: :thumbsup2 I think in many situations, based on different threads and posts, this is exactly the case. That is not to say there are not honest questions asked of those who are not trying to "cheat the system", i.e. meal sharing; but, a lot of times the OOP ideas and posts suggest and hint at a not so ethical way of thinking. Many times in today's society it is more and more common for people to have the all about me mentality and who cares wether it is really the "right" thing to do or way to act. Nor do a lot of people care that their actions are why things like the DDP plan are changed and stricter rules are enforced along with a non-bending attitude from servers and managers. As the saying goes, it only takes one dishonest person to hurt a good thing for everyone else.

(and just in case someone is wondering, I am not trying to point fingers at any one person and I am not trying to say that someone is being dishonest or be a member of the moral police. I am just making a comment based on PureTcrazy's post, which IMHO has some good and valid points.)
As soon as anyone returns who has used the DDP after the change to the brochure, I hope they will let us know if indeed they have changed the way of keeping track of credits. Before you ask, yes, I intend to use the plan to best minimize our costs for food. If you think I'm cheating the mouse, then you should see my credit card bill where I paid for this trip. :rotfl: I'll be surprised if they ever recover from the financial downturn. :rotfl2: Oh, by the way, I never go 60 mph in a 55 mph zone or lie to my kids for any reason whatsoever, either. Yeah, right!
BlindTyldak said:
Or, if it is allowed, it's a fit for people who are just fine sharing a single adult entree or eating a child sized serving at the child size effective price with a credit.

I don't see any of it as "ripping off Disney". Disney is the ones who made the rules, and if you are playing by the rules that they established and told you to follow then how is it ripping them off?
It isn't about sharing a meal. Disney has (almost) always allowed people to share a meal - even on the DDP. It isn't about using a child's credit to buy a child's meal. It's all about the ones that pay OOP for the child's meals and then use the saved up child's credits for the adults to splurge. A child's credit should NEVER have been use-able by an adult. They were by the one's wanting to 'get their money's worth' by getting over on the mouse ... and now the Mouse is tightening up on them. The few (or not so few) bad apples are making things worse for everyone.
pperfectmom said:
Before you ask, yes, I intend to use the plan to best minimize our costs for food. If you think I'm cheating the mouse, then you should see my credit card bill where I paid for this trip. :rotfl:
There is a difference in maximizing the effectiveness of the DDP and using a child's credit to buy an adult meal. One is common sense - the other is effectively stealing. One doesn't affect others - the other causes prices to rise for everyone. That credit card bill might have been smaller if others hadn't 'gotten over on the mouse' in the past ... think about it.
I have said before "the brochure doesn't say anything to distinguish child credits from adults other than a child must order a child's meal if a child's menu is available." This FAQ addition to the brochure has changed that. They have distinguished it and so I wouldn't consider using a child's credit for an adult meal. My only issue with this is with CS meals. My DD8 is going to want a burger or chicken strips and they don't offer those for children, sometimes chicken nuggets but not strips. So either I'll have to order from the kids menu's myself at CS or share with my DS12 and use some CS credits for breakfasts?? :confused3 . I guess we'll see when we get there how that works out. Last time I did eat some kid meals for CS, but it got old quick. I don't mind some grilled cheese but chopped and formed nuggets :crazy2:
meshmar said:
It isn't about sharing a meal. Disney has (almost) always allowed people to share a meal - even on the DDP. It isn't about using a child's credit to buy a child's meal. It's all about the ones that pay OOP for the child's meals and then use the saved up child's credits for the adults to splurge. A child's credit should NEVER have been use-able by an adult. They were by the one's wanting to 'get their money's worth' by getting over on the mouse ... and now the Mouse is tightening up on them. The few (or not so few) bad apples are making things worse for everyone.

:lmao: I'm sorry, but bad apples my tail. The child credits were usable for years in various incarnations of the dining plan (Magical Wishes, etc.) and people were, I will stress again, told by their waiters, CM's making ADR's, the host at the front desk, you name it, that their credits were not separated, they were pooled, and they were up to the guest to spend as they wished. In 2004 some of the waiters actually opened the payment conversation with "will you be paying out of pocket for the child's meal?" on our trip. People were not ripping off Disney, they were using the meal plan in a completely Disney sanctioned - and suggested - fashion.

Now Disney has figured out that it wasn't such a good idea, which is 100% their right. But prior to that, no one "ripped off" the Mouse, or stretched or broke any rules. That is how the meal plans were implemented and that is how they were used.
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