New Fireworks Remix Game

I quite like this game as I am better at it then the previous version
Update from yours truly: Still can't stand the game and it still kills my eyes, but I wanted to add a note. There is DEFINITELY launch patterns in this game. The last 2 days especially, I feel like I've gotten sequences for entire rounds that were very close to each other, some almost identical. Intentional or not, it's not all random.
I assumed patterns would emerge before it's release. The game is surely more random then before but has patterns. I just haven't been able to follow the patterns yet. Still trying to decide which to click as flawless and which to let float away unclicked, causing me to miss plenty. LOL
What i DO like is seeing your rank and knowing what's coming up next. And the randomness gives a nice challenge

What i DON"T like
1 flawless bonus business If i understand it, everything is good as long as you get flawless...but hit just 1 good or oops and you have to build your score back up.
2 loss of credit rewards. Fireworks ( the old version) was my credit maker. Usually i would get 1000 + each game. So far the highest i got with the new game is 4th place and pitiful credits.
3 the speed. The fireworks near the later levels come up so fast, i can hardly not get oops or good. And explode all is useless to me so far.
4 There's more, but i forget right now

OFF TOPIC : can someone please tell me how to get more then 20 credits from JC? I'm obviously missing something because i get some pretty good shots and now matter what my points are i still only get 20 credits.
I quite like this game as I am better at it then the previous version

I've seen some posts from people who have said that they are doing better with Remix then the original. A few more green cars have been won by people who were not able to win it before. What is different for you with Remix? Most of the same skills are required, defnitely trying to get flawless. What is easier for you with Remix that was harder in the original?

I've seen some posts from people who have said that they are doing better with Remix then the original. A few more green cars have been won by people who were not able to win it before. What is different for you with Remix? Most of the same skills are required, defnitely trying to get flawless. What is easier for you with Remix that was harder in the original?


I feel like we are all on hidden camera interviews.
Even knowing all the hints on how to get a higher score my best score so far is 4500 and I'm not getting it that often. I'm just so frustrated with the game right now. Maybe with some time my thoughts will change because it's hard going from 1300 credits to 300-400 credits. On the other hand though, I will say the upside to it though is you will get some credits every time. Before I had to play for my daughter so I could buy her items because she never scored well enough to ever get points. Now she can get some points at least and collect some credits herself. So I see the good and the bad with the game.
Even though I dont play fireworks...I still dont like it. And I also think its not fair that you have to get flawless every single time, or you have to just miss it if you think your going to get an awesome or anything besides flawless....:eek:

I also know its very hard for my mom <--* AmberDaze * to deal with the new fireworks. She's very sad. Hugs mom. :hug: You know if you keep playing you will get better at it, just like when we first joined VMK. You had no clue how people were getting these high scores...and before you were 1 of the people who got high scores. So its just like you joined before...getting used to a new game. Keep playing and try your best. :)

:hug: :hug: :hug: I love you mom. :cutie:

~Your Monkey~​
I'm entering this conversation quite late, LOL.
Sorcerer, I saw that you tried turning down the contrast on your monitor. Just wondering if you've tried wearing sunglasses instead? Wondering if that might help.
I enjoy the new Fireworks game. Could never top 220,000 on old one (too many better players than me, kept getting knocked out, usually).
Just curious what you all think. Which is a bigger goal to accomplish:

Raising your score 30,000 points (from 250,000 to 280,000) in the old fireworks or raising your score 800 points (from 4,700 to 5,500) in the new fireworks?
My best score ever in the old game was right around 235,000. I have played and played and played to try to get a bronze pin over the last 3 days. The best I have acheived is 3,750. It seems to me that 240K is right around 3900.

3,900 is WAY too high for the lowest award pin.

Interesting side note: I have gotten in a few lower scoring games where I have won. I currently have 6 wins. It takes 10 to get a gold pin. I could very possibly get gold before I get bronze. Something's very odd about that....

1st Place (my 6th win)

2nd Place

3rd Place (My best score yet)

But still no pin. :(
Dreams, just wanted to let you know there is some discussion elsewhere that the ten wins to get a gold pin might have some extra scoring requirement caveat with it. A couple of people are having your exact problem (can't get the bronze or silver pins) but have well over 10 wins. And yet no gold pin. :confused:

On that note, please don't shoot the messenger. :rotfl2:

ETA: TikiKrissy, I have thought about trying that and will probably do so tomorrow. I played about 8 games today over the span of almost 3 hours and I wound up with a monstrous headache. I had to go to the store, and I almost fell out in the aisle. :( 2 Tylenols and a few hours later and I'm okay, but something has got to give. Either I quit altogether after I complete some trade requests for the gold pins or play maybe 2x every other day or so. I can't take these headaches anymore, though. It's not worth it to me.

Monkey, I'm miserable as well about the game. Fireworks was my favorite part of VMK and I loved it to no end. I was in tears that first night, and I still feel awful. So I can definitely see how sad your mom must feel.
ETA: TikiKrissy, I have thought about trying that and will probably do so tomorrow. I played about 8 games today over the span of almost 3 hours and I wound up with a monstrous headache. I had to go to the store, and I almost fell out in the aisle. :( 2 Tylenols and a few hours later and I'm okay, but something has got to give.

Oh, Sorcerer, I am so sad for you... -Sends Hugs- :hug:

(My eyesight is lousy--always has been-- currently can't see in the dark well enough to drive, don't have vision coverage in my health insurance, hoping to scrape up enough money to go get my eyes looked at/get new glasses!!)

My best friend is unfortunate enough to have a degenerative eye disease, so he's worse off than I am by a huge margin. He wears sunglasses most of the time and wears glasses with yellow lenses when he drives in the dark... not sure if that might help you but maybe you could try a cheap pair?

Additionally, I find that Excederin works better for my migraines than Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofin (Advil) because it's an acetaminophen/caffeine combo. Maybe give that a shot?

Please do keep me/us updated on what, if anything, works for you. I really hope you don't have to give up on fireworks.:sad2:

The fireworks room only loads extremely slowly and even when I come back, it even freezes sometimes. I think this is why I can't get any prizes from the game. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any solutions?
Well - the incredible frustration continues.....

Win 7


But a score the VMK does not feel deserves the LOWEST fireworks pin now available:


Remember, this is just a bronze fireworks pin - not magic, not a green car, not a gold tradeable pin. Just a little "yay me" pin. Maybe, just maybe the scores a bit too high?

I am not a great fireworks player, but I am not the worst out there either. And I cant even earn the BRONZE. :sad:

But I have 7 wins... ironic.
Arg, I'm mad tonight. I was playing my best game so far and at the end of the Tomorrowland stage the game freezes up and leaves me sitting there for about a minute before kicking me back to the lobby.:headache:

After that, I got all frustrated and thrown off and couldn't get a decent score to save my life, then it happened again! Here's hoping it was just a fluke.
I must always be playing at peek times. I have the silver, and bronze pins, but only one first place win. Every time I play I end up with at least one person scoring 2,000-3,000 higher than I can.

been gone for a while. started playing the remix a couple days now, and I have mixed feelings. honestly, although i did sandbag from time to time in the old version, i spent most of my time trying to best my high score, ending up winning most of the time anyway, gaining 625 credits along the way. I am finding that I am averaging around 60,000 points (600 credits), so that's not such a big hit to the credit earnings for me.

there is a slight pattern to the game, if you play long enough. the first round especially, i can consistently get 438(?) on the first level, and i know generally what to expect throughout the game. the question is, after a few weeks, is VMK going to mix it up again to keep people on their toes?

it's nice to have a new challenge, but i miss the old game. i miss trying to best the likes of SillyKid and NaviMap, breaking 280,000 and the like. i know there are new challenges now, but right now, it's not the same. perhaps once we get used to the remix, things will be better, but perhaps i'm just in mourning for the original....:sad1:
Well, one thing is for sure, the Green Car Magic is so much easier to get with the Remixed Game. For a comparable score to the 280K in the last version, one should need to get between 6,500 and 7,000. So much for the best magic in vmk being rare...


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