New Items 5-04

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<font color=blue>Did the Tag Fairy see POTC2?</fon
Jun 4, 2006
New Items for 5-04


Dead Man's Chest Pin

Pirate Hat with Parrot (Guy's Only)
There is the pirate bandana and the Dead mas chest pin.I will post picture later.
For girls it is a bandana you guys are lucky!

Oh no! I retract my earlier post.

I now know a certain birdmom who is going to be one very angry pirate! How could they make this boy only? I would not want to be Yavn and crew in an hour!
One one hand... So much for Baby having the only pirate hat with bird. On the other hand... How dare they?! I want that hat! On the other hand... I do like the girls' pirate outfit. :goodvibes

My theory is that in pirate movies I have seen girls do not wear hats like the hat with parrot and no matter what VMK does there will be people not happy. They made sure both boys and girls got something new. By the way you can win the old hat with no bird from the gold treasure chests I did this morning.

WOW! Thanks VMK! :)

Although I do feel a bit sorry for Baby.
Looks like I shall be playing Pirates too! pirate:
While I do love the new boys hat. I would also like to be able to wear the bandana. There's nothing girly about that that could be indecent to anyone. Just as there's certainly nothing wrong with the pirate hat for girls (not only can girls in VMK wear the same hat sans bird but the Elizabeth Swan character in the movies wears a similar tri-corner hat).

Yay to VMK for their nifty new items. Boo on VMK for their gender separations!
The guys hat is so cool, However I look like a Gypsy in my bandana.. LOL Might just have to make a boy character so I can wear the bird hat rofl.
Yay to VMK for their nifty new items. Boo on VMK for their gender separations!
I dont agree with your Boo on VMK for their gender separations, some boys only items are good to be boys only (like the king crown) but in this case, they should not have done that hat a boys only :sad2:
Updated OP to include pictures.

As for the Bandana Hat, I'll have to rely on the chiquitas. Sorry about the Parrot: I do think that it should have been unisex.
Aww. A female friend of mine has wanted that hat for ages because she has pet birds and her favorite color is green. She's going to be disappointed.
Boo on vmk for not making the hats for all..just not right! The hat would look good for all and the bandana would look good on guys too and pirates wear them too! I understand they made new items and thank them for that! True you can't make everyone happy but this time they it should have been for both!! But in the movie as Goofy said she does wear a tri corner hat..just not right!

Also i don't like the new pin Dead Mans Chest....But love the Jacks Sarrow host pin!
News just in... VMK are falsely labelling products!
I decided to click on the new pirate hat and guess what it said on the sidebar... Yep it's Unisex. :p

I dont agree with your Boo on VMK for their gender separations, some boys only items are good to be boys only (like the king crown) but in this case, they should not have done that hat a boys only :sad2:
Sure there are some separations that I can understand why VMK has to make. I get why a Disney company needs to draw the line that girls wear dresses and boys wear pants. There are some things they "need" to do. While I don't agree with it, I'm hip to that social barrier. But drawing the line between a pirate bandana/hat. Pointless. Only makes people unhappy. Many many many girl players will want a parrot hat. And I love the bandana. Even Jack Sparrow wears one. With earrings, beads and other chochkeys! Why can't I?

As for the Kings crown? Queens wear crowns too.

...Sorry about the Parrot: I do think that it should have been unisex.
I've always hated the term unisex. It's supposed to mean something is suitable for both sexes. But uni- means one, as in unicycle or unicorn (one wheel, one horn). Silly non-intuitive word! I prefer the term omnisex or even omnigender. The prefix omni- meaning all, as in omnipotence or omniscient (all powerful, all knowing). Heh. No offense meant to you PE, I'm now just griping about the English language. I'm on a ranting roll, what's next? Gas prices? Tea in China? Tom Cruise? :rotfl:

(I have nothing really to rant about Tea or Tom Cruise... just being... uh goofy.)
Can it be traded to a girl?!? Anyone tried?

I tried it cant be

Sure there are some separations that I can understand why VMK has to make. I get why a Disney company needs to draw the line that girls wear dresses and boys wear pants. There are something things they "need" to do. I'm hip to that social barrier. But drawing the line between a pirate bandana/hat. Pointless. Only makes people unhappy. Many many many girl players will want a parrot hat. And I love the bandana. Even Jack Sparrow wears one. With earrings, beads and other chochkeys! Why can't I?

As for the Kings crown? Queens wear crowns too.

It looked like you were doing a generality ..

For the crown, it is written in VMK ~King Crown .. A King is a male sovereign. I dont go further. it was just an example to show that in some case the separation is ok in VMK ..

It is a great thing that they decided to release the pirate hat with parrot so Baby is not the only one with that hat anymore. ^_^

But girls have the magic called Pirate costume, so why VMK make the pirate hat with parrot boys on, it makes no sense.
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