New Pin Trading Mystery Boards


Jul 12, 2021
There seem to be some new pin trading mystery boards popping up in the parks! From what I can see, they advertise the authenticity of the pins on the boards.

However, I am a bit skeptical.

As a result of my research, I know fake pins are rampant. I am curious to know how authentic these pins are from the mystery boards. Has anyone tried them? Also, do you think this will help to cut down on the fakes?

As a newbie, I plan on getting the pins I want, but since I'm going to the character warehouse, I might want to pick up a pin or two just to say I did some trading. Do you have any advice for me?

While I know generally how to spot fakes, I still need a lot of practice. Any small bit helps!
I’m going to move this thread to the collector’s board. I think you’ll get more responses there.
I wonder about this too. Although I'm not too worried about fakes. We won't be selling ours so as long as they seem of good quality and are cute, I will be content.

Does anyone know how the CM's get their pins? Since they are required to trade, I assume that Disney provides them.
I get it. Particularly you don't want to trade an authentic for a fake. But I guess that is what I'm telling myself so that I can be chill about it. Otherwise, knowing me, I'd demand to inspect any pin DD wanted as a trade. That would put a damper on things.

When really they will probably end up on her backpack for a few years until they fall off even with a locking pin.

Now if it were just me in the parks, I'd be watching all the how-to-spot fake videos and trying to turn myself into an expert and making that part of the experience.
I'm always a tad disappointed when trading scrappers on purpose comes up. During sales through ShopDisney, you can usually get a pin for something like $2-$5 each. Box Lunch is generally even cheaper and has sales all the time. Heck, if you use Lunch Money, your pins are free.

The truth is you really never know when you trade in the park. The CM's receive pins directly from Disney that are authentic (they used to come wrapped in plastic), and if you buy your pins directly from ShopDisney or BoxLunch, you're trading authentic pins back to the boards, but when you trade, you're relying on other guests having bought authentic direct or spending the time to vet sellers. Some don't and don't see an issue with knowingly trading scrappers.

I will say that this last visit to WDW, the pin boards did seem to have higher quality pins than I've seen in a while. It could be from any number of reasons, less people at the park or more direct review over incoming pins. I just try to keep in mind the person trading for my pin and buy accordingly.
When I pin traded, I got to look at the pin before i finished the trade - if it has pin trade on the back and has the mickey pattern embossed on the back, it’s legit.
If you happen to get a pin that’s fake, just trade it for a new pin at the next board :)
When I pin traded, I got to look at the pin before i finished the trade - if it has pin trade on the back and has the mickey pattern embossed on the back, it’s legit.
If you happen to get a pin that’s fake, just trade it for a new pin at the next board :)
In my experience, I only received fake pins through eBay, are you seeing them in the parks? I thought Disney did their best to remove them? I am heading down soon so I would like to keep my eyes open if I need to!
Has anyone tried the mystery boxes?

I have, the game is a nice change to just having a board. It does take longer than just scanning the board for what you like, but it can be a nice shake up when you're spending the day trading.

In my experience, I only received fake pins through eBay, are you seeing them in the parks? I thought Disney did their best to remove them? I am heading down soon so I would like to keep my eyes open if I need to!

I know some guests intentionally buy fakes off Ebay for their kids to trade so you'll probably see at least a few, but dependent on the park (DL usually has a higher volume of fakes than WDW) how many you see can vary.
Both the boards and the mystery boxes are full of scrappers. With Disney not having any new hidden Mickey pins to refresh with, it’s just guests ruining it with their cheap crap. If you’re lucky, you might find a good pin, but the vast majority is scrappers.
Both the boards and the mystery boxes are full of scrappers. With Disney not having any new hidden Mickey pins to refresh with, it’s just guests ruining it with their cheap crap. If you’re lucky, you might find a good pin, but the vast majority is scrappers.
Had a feeling this was the case...
Guess I will just focus on buying pins and hope for the best next time I go!
I know some guests intentionally buy fakes off Ebay for their kids to trade so you'll probably see at least a few, but dependent on the park (DL usually has a higher volume of fakes than WDW) how many you see can vary.
I saw lots of good pins for trade last time I was at DL (Oct 2021)… There were a few kinda questionable ones on the trade boards, but honestly, I saw quite a few fake/scrapper quality ones for sale right in the park— They had dull &/or pitted enamel, color from larger areas bleeding just a bit into adjacent areas, rough edges, and/or loose pin posts (& often more than one of the issues above).

I asked about it, and was told that it’s what they’re getting in nowadays (crappy quality control) … the CMs seemed kinda embarrassed on Disney’s behalf, but what are they gonna do? One CM @ a Pin Trader shop said if enough people point something out as having a problem— like loose posts on most of a specific Pooh Bear pin — they’ll pull those off inventory… but usually they end up right back out, restocked by the next shift. 😕

Funny story: I had a set of “special edition” ©️LucasArts Grogu (baby Yoda) pins displayed on my backpack… twice I was asked if I was willing to trade one or more of those to the board. They had the LA & Star Wars ©️ marks, but not the Mickey heads (I was super up-front with the CM about what they were).

As it happened, I did have extras of those— I had intended to give the dup’s away to kids in line who were behaving (or trying, but having a hard time… 🙃) or if a kid saw mine & really liked them. Since I had gotten a several sets for a really good deal, and it was a CM nearly *begging* me to use them as my trade, I did it. Normally, I wouldn’t have… but, the irony is, that both times the people behind me were practically clawing at them, wanting to trade for those pins specifically (the CM did say to them “these aren’t official Disney ‘pin trader’ pins... didn’t matter). At the second board, the CM asked my DH (who wasn’t trading) if he wanted to trade a couple of them too, because she could see the ppl drooling behind me, and jokingly said she was afraid of a riot. 😂

So, I was one of those ppl who traded non-©Disney Pin Trading pins to the board. 😱 Totally not something I would usually do— but when the CM is asking, whatcha gonna do?

Another cool thing they were doing at DL:

In the little ‘alcove’ between the queue area for Buzz and the ‘exit shop’, there was a table set up with a trading board and a CM who was playing a few games where you could win either a pin off the board (no trade necessary) or take the “mystery pin” she had in a little velvet pouch. She was doing a trivia game, a matching/memory card flip game & ‘name that tune’ … players choice. She really tried to make it as easy as possible, without blatantly giving it away…. If you were about to ‘lose’, she’d offer a ‘sudden death’-type option for one last chance. So most people won, lol 🙃. (And if you lost, you could get back in line for another go.) The “mystery pin” was one of the CM-exclusive Halloween pins. I saw at least two designs… although DH & I each got the same one.

I saw another table set up in DCA, but it was Boo Bash starting soon, and I decided I’d rather go on Incredicoaster & GotG (ToT) one more time 😜. I assume it was a similar set up, though.
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