"New" vs "Old" sofa beds -- BWV & AKV


DIS Veteran
Jun 10, 2008
I've been searching and reading for hours, and want to make sure that I have this correct before we book and spend the big bucks -- ha!

I am coming to Disney with three friends, all of us twenty-something adults. We are looking to stay in a value studio at either AKV or BWV. Space is not an issue; we vacation for a week together every year and are comfortable sharing beds and being in small spaces. What IS a concern is the setup in the villas with the bed and the sofabed, primarily, the comfort of the sofa bed. We're not fussy, but BFF & I just had an awful experience with a sofabed in a hotel (the entire center was sunken in!) so we're a bit gunshy.

In my reading, I'm understanding that *all* of the BWVs have the newer, comfortable sofabeds. (The ones that are all one piece and the cushions fold underneath.) I thought the same was true about AKV, but then I was reading mixed reviews about whether it has the old or new beds.

Which are the memory foam-topped beds?

Am I correct in understanding this? And are they *really* comfortable?!

TIA for any help and opinions! :goodvibes
We were at BWV last month and while yes, the couch was the new type where you didn't have to take the cushions off - they folded underneath automatically - the bed was NOT comfortable. Our 3 year old slept on it, so it wasn't a problem, but both DH and I laid on it a bit and...ugh. :sad2: It did not have a memory foam on it, that would have helped TREMENDOUSLY!

We have stayed at AKV as well, my SIL slept on the pull-out and didn't complain at all - I cannot give a personal review of it though.
I often sleep on the pullouts at BWV. I find them comfortable to sleep. My only complaint is that it is clumsy to get up off the sofabed. The attached cushions that fold under stick out on the side when the bed is open so you need to kind of push-off to get up and out. When closed the sofa is very firm. Many have commented that they are uncomfortable as sofas, but I like a firm sofa for sitting so they are fine for me open or closed.
I have not slept on AKV sofabeds, so can't comment.
You think they are not comfortable as a 20 something try it at a 50 something ouch
There are actually three types of sleeper sofas, the old ones with the bar underneath, the memory foam on a platform and the type where the cushions fold under the support the bed.

We found the ones with the cushions that flip under to be the most comfortable. We found the ones with the memory foam to be the least comfortable because the foam pad isn't very thick and you feel the platform underneath. The older ones fall in between.
I often sleep on the pullouts at BWV. I find them comfortable to sleep. My only complaint is that it is clumsy to get up off the sofabed. The attached cushions that fold under stick out on the side when the bed is open so you need to kind of push-off to get up and out. When closed the sofa is very firm. Many have commented that they are uncomfortable as sofas, but I like a firm sofa for sitting so they are fine for me open or closed.

Hi Jean! I trust you had a good flight home...I watched over you "Boardwalk" until I left Saturday. Oh what a sad day that was! LOL...

I agree totally about the sofa's. I've slept on the new one and find it fine!
Hi Jean! I trust you had a good flight home...I watched over you "Boardwalk" until I left Saturday. Oh what a sad day that was! LOL...

I agree totally about the sofa's. I've slept on the new one and find it fine!

I just visited your trip report to take in your last photos of BW. I like how you waited to post some shots so that the pleasure was extended beyond your visit. I have only had 2 days solo (before family joined me) and I also loved it, except I felt funny dining at TS spots alone. I think I could get over that, however. We haven't even been home a week and it feels like forever. But we will be back after Thanksgiving, so that is a consolation! Thanks for all the time you took to post your report. Welcome back to your other home! :wave2:
I just visited your trip report to take in your last photos of BW. I like how you waited to post some shots so that the pleasure was extended beyond your visit. I have only had 2 days solo (before family joined me) and I also loved it, except I felt funny dining at TS spots alone. I think I could get over that, however. We haven't even been home a week and it feels like forever. But we will be back after Thanksgiving, so that is a consolation! Thanks for all the time you took to post your report. Welcome back to your other home! :wave2:

Well actually I didn't know how to load the pictures onto the laptop! :rotfl2: Usually my husband does that for me so I had to wait until I got home! Oh Jean I envy you going back after Thanksgiving. :thumbsup2 I'm not sure yet if we'll get there in May or if next October will be the next trip. Oh well...at least I get to go back! :)
Well actually I didn't know how to load the pictures onto the laptop! :rotfl2: Usually my husband does that for me so I had to wait until I got home! Oh Jean I envy you going back after Thanksgiving. :thumbsup2 I'm not sure yet if we'll get there in May or if next October will be the next trip. Oh well...at least I get to go back! :)

We are planning on going at the beginning of May so maybe our paths will cross then.
When we stayed in May we had one where there cushions were attached. My mom and brother shared the pullout. My mom said it was just fine and would be happy to sleep on one again (then again she would sleep in the bathtub if it meant she were at Disneyworld). My brother also had no complaints - he had no problem sleeping in several mornings. Hopefully we'll get the same type of sofa in Dec.
Worse comes to worse.. you can ask housekeeping for the egg-crate mattress
topper things too!
There are actually three types of sleeper sofas, A)the old ones with the bar underneath, B)the memory foam on a platform and C)the type where the cushions fold under the support the bed.

We found the ones with the cushions that flip under to be the most comfortable. We found the ones with the memory foam to be the least comfortable because the foam pad isn't very thick and you feel the platform underneath. The older ones fall in between.

This is my understanding as well and agree with your opinion.

Anyone want to help me fill in this chart?

A) are there any left? OKW un-referbish rooms?

This is my understanding as well and agree with your opinion.

Anyone want to help me fill in this chart?

A) are there any left? OKW un-referbish rooms?


OKW is type B.
Memory Foam Style - SSR, AKV, OKW

Hidden Pillow Style - BCV, BWV,

Old Bar Style - ??? any left?


I haven't slept on either but have laid on them when my daughters were going to bed. I definitely prefer the Hidden Pillow type Sleeper.
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply -- I just wanted to say THANKS for the detailed info. That really helps! Stinks that AKV doesn't have the comfy beds, I think that was our first choice. I'll have to see if I can talk my group into BWV or else we may just end up at Pop... LOL!

(Hey, either way, we'll be at Disney, so no complaints!)


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