New Walker's Sharing Ideas

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Bryan, Bryan, Bryan:rotfl: The Momma in me is coming out. I agree with what everyone else has said. You would be able to do the miles, but you would run a good risk of injuring yourself. Please consider doing as suggested and increasing your mileage 10% a week. I think you will be happy you did in the long run. I really appreciate your enthusiam and your wonderful motivation so I would hate to see you get sidetracked by an injury.
WOW! The respnses that were given were more than what I expected. They said what I thought I was going to here. I think what happened was that it was late last night and my head was brainstorming ideas for today's training instead of thinking them clearly. I woke up realizing that I wouldn't go for the half today. Both because of lack of enough training and enough time to be able to spend out at the track. 3 hours is a long time to devote to anything. I guess I was just trying to psych myself out so I would go a little pass the 5 mile marker. I have been staying in that range for the last month and knew it is time for me to take that next increase.

Thanks again for all of the responses. I am going to be heading to the gym in a little bit and then off to the track as it gets a little cooler in the day. I will post again tonight to let you know how it goes and how I did.

Hi, walking gang! Wow, you folks are doing so well :worship: -- I almost don't feel qualified to post here anymore. But in keeping with the welcoming WISH team spirit, I'll report on my piddley little 5K today. Man, is it sweltering or what?!?!?!? No telling what my pace was -- but no PR, that's for sure. The happy news for me is I have now done 4 days in a row of at least 2 miles. :banana: That may not sound like much, but it's the most consistent I've been since January's Goofy. I hope to keep my streak going, but I may just stick to the treadmill. Yeow! It is HOT! :faint:

Dave -- Weight training and walking 13-minute miles -- You are the man!

Bryan -- Sorry about the bug. Glad you got lots of good advice on the half. You have the heart of a lion -- we all want to see you make it to Disney. I can't believe what a great job you're doing on your training.

Robert -- Man I miss reading your upbeat posts. I can't imagine how tough it must be to keep your head on straight with all your PT and recovery. I can hardly wait to see you and Linda at Disneyland.

Hey Tracy and SamSam! :wave2:

Better scoot for now!
Hi Wendy. :wave2: ... I think you are doing great!! You did a GOOfY and I didn't so see there. 4 days in a row is awesome, as Panda Dave says, as long as you don't get run over or bitten its a good walk (Of course on a treadmill that probably won't happen) At times I think I need a treadmill, but I don't have the room for one. It was warm this morning for my 3miles 86deg feels like 91 and 55% humidity.
I will see you at the DL 1/2 this year too!!!
It turned out that it didn't matter what I posted last night as I wasn't physically able to do a long walk today anyway. As I was getting ready to head out to the gym, I stubbed my little toe and it has been throbbing ever since. I did go out for a measily 2 mile walk at an 18 mpm pace. But that was all I could do. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

Thanks for all of the wonderful advice and encouragement. Now if I could stop hurting myself, I will be doing real good.

Bryan, you are so funny.......i think it was probably your guardian angel who intervened and protected you from working out too hard and ending up injuring yourself! :angel:
Hello Fellow Walkers....
I did my 7mile Long Walk today. I didn't have any dog or bug issues :) . This is part of my training for the DL 1/2. I did it in 1hr43min39.19sec, that's an average pace of 14:48. This is the longest walk since the Minnie, pace isn't so great but been having some twinges behind my left knee. This happens at the point of contact when the heel strikes the ground and the leg goes under the body. Been really good about stretching my hamstrings, calves and shins. I will keep at it and I have plenty of time before the DL 1/2 to make it better. I am figuring that if it is as hot as it was last year, pace will go out the window anyway and it will just be a survival game. It was a bit warm when I went out and when I got home I took off my shoes and sock and went in the pool. Well, water isn't as cool as it used to be but did my post walk stretching in the pool. Then shower and an ice bath. So feeling pretty good now and just resting and watching the Nascar race.

Take care all.
Byran and anyone else that might be interested. Here is what my workout was today. For a treadmill workout it's pretty normal:

1 quater mile, 3 mph which is 20 min per mile

1 quarter mile, 3.5 mph which is 17 min per mile

1 half mile, 4.0 mph which is 15 min per mile

1 mile, 4.5 mph which is 13:20 min per mile

1 mile, 5.0 mph which is 12 min per mile

1 half mile, 5.5 mph which is 10:54 min per mile

1 half mile, 3.0 mph to cool down

As you can see I start easy to warm up, then steadily increase till it becomes challanging, then a slow cool down. When I race I warm up good then I go our at sub 11 min and just try to maintain pace and concentrate on not slowing down. About one a week I'll do more speed work.

Then a good calistetics and stretching routine with some of AmyBeth's pilates mixed in, my side bends and squats are with light weights. Total workout is 2 hours.

When I go outside I usually go 4 to 5 miles at a brisk pace which usually turns out to average around 12 min per mile.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury,

I am afraid that I have broken the rules just a wee bit tonight. I know that the increase is suppose to be in 10% increments. As everyone knows, my previous best distance was 5 miles. Well, tonight I finally had the time so I did 7 miles. I know some of you will probably yell at me for doing it like that but honestly, I feel pretty good. I also wasn't going for speed but for distance. I kept an average of 15 minutes per mile throughout. I had a few spurts of decent speed but I was just trying to see if I could do it.

Dave, your workout is impressive. Tell me if you feel like the treadmill is harder than doing trails, tracks or on the side of the road. I have done a 13:20 mile pace on the road but when I did a mile on the track last night, I almost felt like I was going to do. My shins hurt. My knee hurt and my foot hurt. I would love to be able to get on there to be able to judge and increase speed but it just isn't comfortable. Any other ideas or do I need to do something different on the treadmill? Any advice and opinion is always welcomed!!!

Thanks everyone! I love coming on here and reading what you are all doing. It makes me want to do a lot more walking.

Learning Bubba
Dave, :worship: You walk those speeds! Wow, anything over 5 mph and I have to jog. Seriously, sounds like a great workout.

Bryan, Even though you went over the 10% increase suggestion, it sounds as if you were sensible in your pacing, AND I know how hard that was for you. :rotfl:

I have finally found my groove again, after a couple of weeks of extremely 'heavy' legs and having trouble getting under 15 mph, the last few days I'm back to walking a 13.3 pace and feeling good. I had 3 days that I couldn't work out and that seemed to be all it took.
Bryan, Even though you went over the 10% increase suggestion, it sounds as if you were sensible in your pacing, AND I know how hard that was for you. :rotfl:

I have finally found my groove again, after a couple of weeks of extremely 'heavy' legs and having trouble getting under 15 mph, the last few days I'm back to walking a 13.3 pace and feeling good. I had 3 days that I couldn't work out and that seemed to be all it took.

So glad to hear you are feeling the love again. Sometimes your body will just let you know it's time for a break. 13.3 ain't to shabby either.

Bryan, I agree going from 5 to 7 miles is ok, we were concerned about you going rom 5 to 13 miles. Big difference in the two.

I get different things out of the different types of workouts. The treadmill is boring even with the TV's on, it would be better if there were not so many commercials between the music videos. But the treadmill gives you excellent speed control. I want my cruise pace to be around 12 min a mile so I do most of my treadmill miles a that pace. I can do speed work and have total control of what speed I'm doing.

On a track, I like to do a mile of brisk walking to warm up and then do fast quarters. (a lap around the track is a quarter mile). I go as fast as I can for a lap then do a slow lap to recover. I haven't done any of that this year yet. Last year I was walking 2:20 for a quarter. I'm curious to see what I can do this year but not ready to start that kind of speed work yet.

On the road unless I'm racing or trying for a PR on a training route I just warm up then get into a cruising pace that I can hold for as long as I want to. This builds endurance. I'll usually finish strong to help develop a kick when my legs are tired.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Bubba, are such a bad boy! (We need to get you together with Bill, our other bad boy!) I admit I sometimes stretch the 10% rule, like going from 12 miles to 14 to 16 , etc., but what you did was increase it by 40%! Too much, too soon and you will end up with injuries. There is plenty of time to train for the January events. You might be better served if you increase the distance gradually but try to work on increasing or maintaining speed. That's just my opinion, anyhow. If Dave approves, well, you gotta go with what he thinks, cuz he be da man! (by the way, pretty princesses have a way of punishing bad boys!)
Bubba, are such a bad boy! (We need to get you together with Bill, our other bad boy!) I admit I sometimes stretch the 10% rule, like going from 12 miles to 14 to 16 , etc., but what you did was increase it by 40%! Too much, too soon and you will end up with injuries. There is plenty of time to train for the January events. You might be better served if you increase the distance gradually but try to work on increasing or maintaining speed. That's just my opinion, anyhow. If Dave approves, well, you gotta go with what he thinks, cuz he be da man! (by the way, pretty princesses have a way of punishing bad boys!)

Yep, pettty princesses are to be adored but never taken for granted. They can stomp on your ego big time.:worship:

I actually started my LSD training today myself. I have been doing 4 to 5 miles at a time and uped it to 8 miles for today. Thisd will be a regular part of my weekly training now. Total time was 141:46, for a pace in the high 12s.

Jeanne, I thought Bryan would be fine at 7 miles for the same reason that I could jump from 5 to 8 miles. He has been doing a lot of bike so he is used to exercising for that long. I do about 2 to 3 hours a day of training so I'm well within that standard. However, I won't increase my LSD for a few weeks then only by a mile at a time for a while after that.

Walking Panda:hippie:
OK I have another stupid question but remember, I am new still to all of the jargon. What is LSD training? The only definition I know for LSD is that it is a drug and therefore I may need to call the cops.:lmao:

Yesterday, during my walk, when I was about half way done, I took a Cytosport gel for recovery purposes to make sure that my sugar didn't get too low. Also, I guess I need to mention (like Dave said) I have been doing extensive amounts of training: weights, bike and elliptical for years now. I haven't been hitting the pavement this much in a couple of years because of my knees but I am dying to prove to my Chiro that I can do a race and it not kill me. But going out and training for 1 hour or even 4 hours really isn't anything to me. That is what I am used too. I will say that I may start doing a lot less bike riding on the days that I walk for recovery issues. And I promise to make sure that I do not injure myself. If I start feeling any discomfort, I will stop so I can train yet another day.

Thanks everyone!

PS Bad boy walkers, bike riders, etc.. need pretty princesses to keep us in line. :thumbsup2
I've been racking my brain for about 10 minutes now. What is LSD training??? Everyone is talking in tongues. :rotfl2:
I was wondering about the LSD also and wondering if I was alone thinking people on this thread were taking stuff they shouldn't.:rotfl2:
So I guess I did a LSD long walk today 7 miles. Felt pretty good, but just tried to keep a steady pace. It was 82degrees but felt much hotter at times and I just kept saying "this is probably the way it will feel in CA."
Hey SuperDebbie how are you??
Where is Duckie(Jen)?? I hope her computer stuff is working.
Hey everyone! I have a question that is proably dumb and retorical but I will ask it anyway.

We have had a lot of rain here lately so I haven't been able to get out to the track to do my walking in several days. I don't feel very steady on the treadmill so yesterday I did 41 minutes on the elliptical at the gym. Now, I know the major difference in the two are the fact that there is no impact on your knee joints when doing the elliptical but can this be a "solid" substitution for the track or doing treadmill work? On the elliptical, I was able to do 5 miles in 41 minutes and this was after doing 20 miles on the bike. (I just wish I could have that kind of pace on the track and not die the next day.:rotfl2: ) I would still rather do my track or even road walking but I was just seeing if this would be suitable.

Thanks everyone and Happy Father's Day!

Training Bubba (Sorry Dave. I like this.)
Hey Bubba, don't know if elliptical is a good tradeoff for walking, but if you need to get in something because of the weather, than I guess its better than nothing.

I was just sent a form to see if I want to register for another RRCA Florida State Championship Racewalk 3000m/1500m. I found out that 1500meters is like .83333 of a mile and the 3000m is 1 3/4 miles. Hmmmmm, not sure about this one. I guess in racewalking terms that would be for sprinters. It is July20th. So, I have to really think about this in the middle of training for the DL 1/2. I don't really consider myself a sprinter and I am sure there will be faster racewalkers there than me. Then I would have to decide between the 1500m or the 3000meters. My best pace for a 5k was 12:5?-ish.
So Dave, what do you think?:confused3

My DL traning is coming along nicely except that Sunday on my LW (7miles) I ended up irritating the side of one of the toenails that are growing back from Jan. I saw the Podiatrist today and he said it was just irritated and he trimmed it back more and said to soak it twice a day for the next few days to keep it clean and help the swelling. I use a gel cap thing on my other toe on my other foot because at the tip it tends to curl and it rubs on the end of the toe. So he said for me to get a cap for this toe now. I can't believe all the "extras" it takes to get the job done.
Bubba: Just a note for you, things like this start to crop up when you do longer distances. Just like certain socks I won't wear past a certain distance, certain shorts and certain shoes, etc. Not sure if this is the same for everyone.
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