News Round Up 2019

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Very cool for us, but very odd especially since they haven't even announced a time/date for Rise for DLR, which supposedly was ahead of schedule.

IF they are going to announce a date for Rise... either for 8/29 or sometime in the fall, that could definitely boost bookings if they are that soft. I guess DLR showed them that people are avoiding the parks because of SWGEdue to:
1)The "fear" of the crazy crowds (that never came)
2)Waiting for a "finished" land.

i guess they are hoping the soft bookings and soft DLR opening is due to #2 and not #1.

But all of us here are of the #3 variety .. (we'd book no matter what! .. Heck I'd go if there were no rides in a Star Wars land open yet!)
Rise won’t be opening 8/29.
Worried about this comment that poster had in a follow-up tweet:

Oof. How can it be THAT bad? Wasn't Rocket rods just a bad version of Test Track (but people on a people mover track?) that broke down a lot?

RoR sounds a lot better (without seeing it) .. I mean .. at its core .. it's just a dark ride with a story element to it? But with animatronics and larger than life props (AT&Ts)

I don't expect it to be thrilling . you just sit in a vehicle and experience the story .. just that it is a STAR WARS story . .just like any other dark ride (pirates, haunted mansion, little Mermaid, etc.). But I do expect it to be cool! (as a Star Wars fan)
Oof. How can it be THAT bad? Wasn't Rocket rods just a bad version of Test Track (but people on a people mover track?) that broke down a lot?

RoR sounds a lot better (without seeing it) .. I mean .. at its core .. it's just a dark ride with a story element to it? But with animatronics and larger than life props (AT&Ts)

I don't expect it to be thrilling . you just sit in a vehicle and experience the story .. just that it is a STAR WARS story . .just like any other dark ride (pirates, haunted mansion, little Mermaid, etc.). But I do expect it to be cool! (as a Star Wars fan)

I assume just as far as the level of technical challenges and that they can't get it to work reliably

Hopefully not in the "we didn't bank the turns or reinforce the supports" kind of way
Oof. How can it be THAT bad? Wasn't Rocket rods just a bad version of Test Track (but people on a people mover track?) that broke down a lot?

RoR sounds a lot better (without seeing it) .. I mean .. at its core .. it's just a dark ride with a story element to it? But with animatronics and larger than life props (AT&Ts)

I don't expect it to be thrilling . you just sit in a vehicle and experience the story .. just that it is a STAR WARS story . .just like any other dark ride (pirates, haunted mansion, little Mermaid, etc.). But I do expect it to be cool! (as a Star Wars fan)
No Rocket Rods was different from Test Track. Rocket Rods also had foundation issues and was basically a complete mess.

RotR has plenty of issues too but is billed as one of the most advanced rides ever because it is. It’s more than a dark ride, and it does have a thrill aspect.
No Rocket Rods was different from Test Track. Rocket Rods also had foundation issues and was basically a complete mess.

RotR has plenty of issues too but is billed as one of the most advanced rides ever because it is. It’s more than a dark ride, and it does have a thrill aspect.
I guess (from what I've seen) Rocket Rods seemed like a combo of test track (in a car .. with fast acceleration in parts) and the people mover.

So . .sounds like RotR is having technical issues .. I guess that is good (that it is that advanced) and bad (that it may break down a lot). Hopefully it isn't another Yeti situation :(.
All the more reason I want to try and experience SWGE (and the rides) sooner than later -- in case things are not working, break down and never fixed (or things are cut down, etc.)
I guess (from what I've seen) Rocket Rods seemed like a combo of test track (in a car .. with fast acceleration in parts) and the people mover.

So . .sounds like RotR is having technical issues .. I guess that is good (that it is that advanced) and bad (that it may break down a lot). Hopefully it isn't another Yeti situation :(.
All the more reason I want to try and experience SWGE (and the rides) sooner than later -- in case things are not working, break down and never fixed (or things are cut down, etc.)
The peoplemover track wasn’t built for a rocket rods type attraction.

The Yeti is an AA and the ride can still run without it. RotR has issues with the vehicles themselves. You can’t have a ride without ride vehicles.
If you read down the tweet further someone mentions issues with the descent/return sequence.
I don't even want to begin to guess if it is mechanical and/or structural or completely off-base.

A total guess, but if they poured a foundation and have the structural supports in place, but the force/stress on a sequence is showing signs of fatigue in DL, then WDW may be in better position to reinforce. Pure conjecture on my part. No, I'm not going down the Yeti path.
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RotR has plenty of issues too but is billed as one of the most advanced rides ever because it is. It’s more than a dark ride, and it does have a thrill aspect.

Did we say trackless ride.... no no, it's actually an amazing walkthrough attraction with a fun slide at the end! That's what we were going for all along, really...

But I really do hope they work the kinks out, it does sound pretty cool.
It was fairly interesting. Six Flags wanted to dump it, and they did when they filed Chapter 11. Looks like the city will be paying for the demolition.

Now I’m curious how ACE will respond. Perhaps they’ll start pushing to save another ride or two. 4 of the park’s rides were moved after it was closed
IIRC, after the hurricane Six Flags started moving rides out and the city got an injection against them to prevent any more ride movement. The city was then seeking damages for their failure to reopen. Does the park have any classic coasters? Out side of classic coasters Knoebels is probably more likely than ACE to save something. Unfortantly most will likely be sold for scrap.
Can descriptions be added with the twitter links? On phones there’s no preview of the tweet. The only thing that shows is the link, so to find out what the post is about the link has to be opened. I kept wondering why people were posting a link with no info til I looked at DIS on my laptop and saw that there, twitter links come with a title and often a picture.
I'm the opposite, they work on my phone but not my laptop. I think it is because I have all tracking blocked on my laptop but not my phone.
If you read down the tweet further someone mentions issues with the descent/return sequence. I don't even want to begin to guess if it is mechanical and/or structural or completely off-base.

A total guess, but if they poured a foundation and have the structural supports in place, but the force/stress on the descent/drop sequence is showing signs of fatigue in DL, then WDW may be in better position to reinforce. Pure conjecture on my part. No, I'm not going down the Yeti path.

You just spoiled a component of this attraction for all of us that purposely have avoided reading about it prior to experiencing it.
Yeah, I don't really get it either. I guess they liked The Thing, but now It's Different AND Under New Management, so they just...yeah.

But also, y'know, it's the rise of that whole youtube radicalization thing, and Star Wars and stoking rage are both good ways to get views.

tbh, I thought TLJ had too much story. Or at least, it tried to go in too many different directions thematically, and it wound up feeling like a mid-season filler-ish episode for far too many of the scenes. ...I mean, I have many, many complaints. Pretty much the only thing I enjoyed in the movie was Luke (which...a lot of the haters are enraged about his treatment, but I kind of think it was perfect? That "feel the Force" scene? Amazing.) But it's not nearly enough to sour me on the whole franchise.

But to these guys, Star Wars has become a symbol of the SJW Culture War or whatever.

YouTube, reddit, blogs, and the internet in general have all driven this negativity. It's like people are incapable of forming their own opinions and just go with what some idiot with a camera and a live stream is saying. I also think its 'cool' to hate Disney.

These people that are angry about diversity in Disney Star Wars are so blind. Princess Leia was far more competent than Luke or Han in the Death Star scenes in ANH so I guess Kathleen Kennedy went back in time and started whispering in Lucas' ear right? Because it's all her haha. I just can't with these people.

It's like the original trilogy is behind safety glass and void of any criticism even though the original three films have plenty of their own issues. Honestly, imo, Return of the Jedi is one of the worst Star War films. The first act is a toy commercial and the rest of the movie can't figure out what tone it wants. Ewoks were thrown in, because kids, just like many of Lucas' choices during the prequels. I love every scene with Vader, Luke, and Palpatine but the rest of that movie is a mess. Say what you will about the PT but it's set design and world building cannot be topped by any of the other movies imo.

I love Star Wars. Disney, Lucas, Prequels, OT...etc. There are stronger films and weaker films but I love Star Wars for what it is. Its ups and its downs.

Interestingly enough, a lot of the criticism that TLJ gets is the same criticism that Empire gets. TLJ certainly has it's issues but its a beautiful film with some standout scenes. IMO the biggest faults of Rian Johnson were sticking so close to TFA and insisting on reshooting his version of Rey handing the saber to Luke. Luke NEVER would have just tossed it away like that. The humor was really jarring and out of place. Aside from that, I agree that the handling of Luke was great. I loved his arc and thought it fit him and the heroes journey archetype perfectly.
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