Nick & Nancy's DFTW - July 11,2012 *6/5 -Featured on Carly's Blog!*

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Aug 10, 2010
PJ Index:

Our Story (look below)

Our Amazing wedding party!

Planning Session
-Day 1
-Day 2
-Day 3
-Initial BEO

Invitations and mailouts
-Save the Dates
-Information brochures
-Invitation Preview 1
-Invitations, RSVP, accommodations preview 2
-Invitations (Final product!)

Ceremony Stuff
-My dress
-Necklace and earrings
-My garter
-My shoes (pre-paint)
-Nick's suit
-Bridesmaids dresses
-Bridesmaids earrings
-Bridesmaids bracelets
-Personal Floral -Purchased personal floral
-Sand Ceremony Vases
-Ring Bearer Pillow
-Tears of joy packets
-Program Basket
-Memorial Candle

Reception Stuff
-Guest book
-Favours for our guests
-Favour Cards
-Cake topper
-Escort Cards

Wedding Shower
-Door prizes for my guests
-Shower centrepieces
-Shower invitation

Other awesomeness :)
-Engagement Pictures
-Personalized Hanger
-Cutout letters
-Logos by Dolly
-Flower girl gift
-Car door magnets
-Totes for bridesmaids

Welcome Bags
-Bags and folders
-The "other" folders
-DIY Door hangers
-Welcome letter and Itinerary
-Bag Tags

Hey everyone! So I have been a lurker of PJ's for a verrrry long time and have always told myself that I would start my own one day....well It's officially 442 days until the wedding and I am dying to put my planning experience out there and get some input. So here goes...

Our Story:

We're Nick and Nancy. I (Nancy) am 24 years old and am a supply teacher for the local French school board. Nick is 27 and he is a tool and die maker. We were both born and raised in Windsor (across the border from Detroit) and I don't think we will ever leave. We've known "of" eachother for a while because Nick has been good friends with my cousin Rob since they were in grade school. So Nick and I have seen each other around every once in a while. Christmas 2005 rolls around. Nick and I are at the same Christmas Party at a mutual friend of the family's house. I got there a little late and when I was desprately searching for parking I finally found a spot behind a little red Ford Ranger and somehow managed to bump into it when parking and sandwiched it in between my car and another car. Nick had left the Christmas party that night when he came back in the house sayng ”some a**hole parked behind me and now I’m stuck”. That’s how we ”officialy” met.

When I was looking for a date for a wedding back in April 2006, I was sitting at my aunt's (Rob’s mom) kitchen table and talking to Melanie (Rob’s sister) about it. Nick happened to be there signing some stuff for an investment he got into with my uncle and I said to Mel…”I should ask Nick”. Mel told me to leave him alone and that I would find someone eventually….I didn’t.

During this time frame of Christmas to April, Rob and his fiancé Stacey got pregnant and they decided to have a co-ed baby shower during the long weekend in May. Since Stacey’s family is from out of town, a big group of people went out the night before the shower to celebrate. Long story short I let Nick drive me home that night and we said "goodnight";) and Nick was on his way! The shower went great the next day and Nick and I got to talking some more. We officially started dating sometime in June 2006 but consider our anniversary to be May 19, 2006.


Our proposal story:

I was getting ready to go to my cousin Melanie’s wedding shower on Sunday May 16th, 2010. Nick’s mom came over and asked Nick if he wanted some breakfast. Never being one to turn down free food he said yes and left the house as I kept getting ready. I was just putting on the finishing touches when I opened my jewelery box to look for some bling to wear. There it was….a bright and shiny engagement ring that barely fit my pinky. Not knowing what it meant (I figured Nick would have been more official), I put it in my pocket and thought maybe someone at the shower would know. I got to the shower and asked Stacey, my mom (who didn’t think the ring was real) and everyone else what they thought it meant. The genereal concensus ws that I should call Nick and see what’s up. As I opened my phone to call him, I noticed I had a text message from Nick saying “It took you 28 days to find it”. I called Nick and all I could say was “Are you serious?”. Nick said “if you don’t have a ring on your finger, don’t come home”. I took that as a proposal and said yes and returned to the shower with happy tears.

You may be asking yourself…why 28 days? Well, apparently, Nick had the ring in his pocket since mid-April. He took the ring box and drew a huge happy face on it. He then hid the ring box in places around the house that he knew I would find it (the kitchen cupboards, on top of mirrors, on book shelves). He figured, once I find it I’ll ask him about it and he would propose. Well, needless to say, after 28days I was still clueless. Nick then decided enough is enough and put the ring in my jewelery box and knew I would find it there. What he didn’t expect was for me to find it when he wasn’t home Typical Nick….so sneaky. Typical me….so clueless when it matters.


So that's that! We have been together for about 5 years and now live together in an amazing home with our 2 cats Lupin and Wicket!

This is Lupin

This is Wicket...the new baby lol

We are planning a DFTW on Wednesday July 11, 2012 at SBP and our reception will be at LSS. I cannot wait!!

Why Disney? Well, to tell you the truth...I have only been to WDW once when I was 21 and I fell in love! Nick has never been! I was in the middle of planning our wedding at home and Nick saw how stressed I was. He said...why not go away to get married? I said ummmmm ok? He said somewhere like Disney World...I'm sure they do something like that! He then proceeded to mock me and the way I bug him about going to Disney all the time lol ...something like "Nick! You gotta go to Disney! You're just gonna love it!". He says..."Trust me Nancy! You will LOOOOVE Disney!" lol. So I did some research and found out that to do a Wedding at Disney would cost just as much as it would at home. SOLD! So...all in was Nick's idea! Who'd a thought!
So originally, our wedding was supposed to be July 14th, 2011. In November...we decided that it was too much money too soon (we had to cancel Christmas!!! :eek:) So we pushed it back a year. It makes wedding planning that much more fun!! But because of that...I already had a lot of stuff planned out. I already have my dress...and am already set on what I want for pretty much everything.

We already did our website...check it out!

Here's my dress (not on me...the pictures my mom took didn't turn out nice)

Mine doesn't have blue detailing on it though.

Our colours are lime green and pool blue.

Here is the cake we are thinking of....any ideas for a cake topper?

I'm pretty sure I want to do my hair like this:

There is this lady in my city who personalizes shoes...I want her to do my shoes and the bridal party shoes as well....not sure what style I want yet but I can't wait to see what she comes up with
Here's an example of her work:

Other than that there is still a lot that needs to be finalized but hey...we have 442 days!!
Welcome and Congrats!! You guys are adorable!!! I used to have a kitty that looked just like Wicket!
I love your dress!!! I like the colors you've chosen and that cake is awesome! Can't wait to hear more!! :goodvibes
So we decided to get our invites done by Moya Lara...since we are only inviting family we figured we could splurge for some extra nice invites. I gave her our deposit and she said the mock up would be ready in 2-3 weeks....that was a month ago :S I sent her an email today to check in on the progress.. I know we have a while before the wedding but I just want to see them!! lol

For our favours, we decided to introduce people to pin trading. I bought about 150 Disney pins on ebay (LOVE ebay!) and we are going to design a lanyard later on with a badge that has their name (can you say placecard?!! lol) and details on what pin trading is and why we wanted to share it with them (I LOVE pin trading! It's so fun to see what is out there) Here's the big bag of pins! I am addicted lol I can't stop buying them!


Also, I have been buying lots of stuff for the welcome bags/boxes (not sure what to put everything in yet. We're expecting about 70 guests so we'll be making about 40 of them (one for each family). Here's what we decided to put in them:

-mini portable fans (bought)
-Welcome letter
-Park maps (anyone know where I can get these without having to go to Disney?
-Important phone numbers
-Mini hand sanitizer
-Rain ponchos
-Door hanger to say that they are here for our wedding
-Customized water bottles
-Aloe vera
-We'll be making an autograph book for each of the 12 kids in attendance
-Sharpies for autographs
-Disney colouring books (bought)
-beach ball
-Custom candy (perhaps m&m's)
-Tissue packet
-Microwave popcorn with customized label
-A Disney plush bean bag toy for each of the kids
-Celebrating buttons (again...anyone know where I can get these?)

It's a lot but I really want our guests to have an awesome experience!

Ooh and I also bought our ringbearer pillow today...I wanted to do something non-traditional but ended up falling in love with this pillow:

Can't wait to get it!
So we had originally sent out a newsletter to everyone with all the details of our 2011 wedding but once that was changed we decided to not make another one and just send save the dates instead...with a link to our website where pertinent info could be found. Here's what they look like....


I love Vistaprint! It is so inexpensive and their designs are pretty cute! We even got matching envelopes! I am such a dork lol

So we decided to send those out at around the 1 year mark. Hopefully those pre-RSVP's come in...I hate not knowing how many people to expect. We are inviting around 150 and hoping for 60-70. (fingers crossed) I love our family but we CANNOT afford a DFTW for 150 ppl!
Hello and welcome! I love all your ideas so far!!! The kitties are too cute and you gave me a lot of ideas for my own welcome bags.

I had guest list issues as well. We wanted to invite 40-50 people, but our immediate family and close friends totaled 80 and we did our pre-RSVP and GUESS WHAT, turns out everyone wants to come to a Disney wedding. :eek: We had to book a ballroom for 80 people!
I had guest list issues as well. We wanted to invite 40-50 people, but our immediate family and close friends totaled 80 and we did our pre-RSVP and GUESS WHAT, turns out everyone wants to come to a Disney wedding. :eek: We had to book a ballroom for 80 people!

Gah! Don't say that!!! lol knock on wood! I am pretty confident that a lot of people won't come...there's some family that I haven't seen in over 10 years on my dad's side but he insists we invite them anyways. I think max 70 people will come. We also have a lot of people in different parts of the world who wouldn't be able to make the trip. Also, we told everybody that we will be having a party when we get back so I hope that people see that as an alternative. lol
Hi Nancy and glad to see you have started a PJ!!!
Everything looks brilliant so far and your kitties (particularly the baby of course) are just adorable!!!! Can't wait to hear more!!!
Hi Nancy, welcome! :goodvibes
Love your story and the fact that you are counting down to the day because it makes me feel so much better! I have a widget application counting down for me on my phone. :rolleyes1 I really like everything you have come up with so far, your colors are gorgeous and the cake is beautiful. Sorry I can't offer any ideas for a topper, I am having the same issue! I really like the ring pillow too... it goes perfect. & Your shoes are to die for. I LOVE the idea of customizing them, does the lady ship out?! :rotfl2:
Hi Nancy, welcome! :goodvibes
Love your story and the fact that you are counting down to the day because it makes me feel so much better! I have a widget application counting down for me on my phone. :rolleyes1 I really like everything you have come up with so far, your colors are gorgeous and the cake is beautiful. Sorry I can't offer any ideas for a topper, I am having the same issue! I really like the ring pillow too... it goes perfect. & Your shoes are to die for. I LOVE the idea of customizing them, does the lady ship out?! :rotfl2:

I'm pretty sure she does. Here's her website:

She's a little pricey but it's a memento to keep for the rest of your life!
I'm pretty sure she does. Here's her website:

She's a little pricey but it's a memento to keep for the rest of your life!

Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!!
I jusr sent a request for pricing, I'm not sure how pricey is pricey, but if my budget allows I will let you know, she offers 10% off your shoes when you recommend someone. :)
Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!!
I jusr sent a request for pricing, I'm not sure how pricey is pricey, but if my budget allows I will let you know, she offers 10% off your shoes when you recommend someone. :)

Awesome!! Thanks for that!
So I got an email back from Larisa at Moya Lara today and she said the finishing touches are being put on my invite design and I should have a preview by next week! I am so excited to see them! I will keep you all posted.

Also...does anyone know how I go about adding an update to my thread title on the main «planning our happily ever after» page? So say today my thread title would be «Nick & Nancy's DFTW - July 11, 2012 - 04/27 invite update»? I feel so out of the loop with this thing sometimes lol. If anyone could help me that would be great!
Also...does anyone know how I go about adding an update to my thread title on the main «planning our happily ever after» page? So say today my thread title would be «Nick & Nancy's DFTW - July 11, 2012 - 04/27 invite update»? I feel so out of the loop with this thing sometimes lol. If anyone could help me that would be great!

You have to edit your first post .... after you click "edit" it will give you the option to "go advanced" (or something along those lines). From there you can edit your thread title. :thumbsup2
So we've decided we're going to go with Rev. Tim Herring to be an officiant at our wedding. I've watched a few videos of him and he seems great! Plus I love his voice! I just sent him an email to see if he is still available. *fingers crossed* Has anyone used him or are using him for their wedding. What are your reviews so far? Thanks!

Also....if anyone is interested...the Cricut is 50% off at Joann's this weekend I believe. I am so getting one!
So we've decided we're going to go with Rev. Tim Herring to be an officiant at our wedding. I've watched a few videos of him and he seems great! Plus I love his voice! I just sent him an email to see if he is still available. *fingers crossed* Has anyone used him or are using him for their wedding. What are your reviews so far? Thanks!

Also....if anyone is interested...the Cricut is 50% off at Joann's this weekend I believe. I am so getting one!

We are using him for our wedding in December! We met with him back in January and really liked him... he's very easy-going and has a good sense of humor. He can be a little "short" with his emails, but I think that has more to do with his age then his personality.
As I've said often, I'm always happy to give my opinion! ;)

I love both gerbera daisies and roses, and both of those sets are really pretty, but comparing the two, I personally like the roses a bit better. They look more wedding-ish to me. :)

And since I have a latex allergy and that type of allergy is becoming more and more prevalent, I'd make sure no one who'd be wearing/carrying any of the RealTouch floral is sensitive to latex (I'm 99% sure I read that's what the RealTouch stuff is made of).


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